Heart Over Sword

Chapter 142 - Who.. Are You?

Evanna whipped her head back in the direction of a man's scream that was quickly followed by the screeching sounds of the faceless. She looked at Killian before jumping down to lower branches and observing the area. There before her was a bloodied battleground in the middle of the forest. There were numerous faceless creatures fighting and surrounding a large group of men. All humans. 

She searched the little campsite and smiled under her mask; at the far end behind the tents were some horses tied up. "Let's go," Killian grabbed her hand, but she shook her head.

"We need to help first," She replied, removing her hand from his grasp and reaching behind her back, unsheathing her swords. 

"Oh, come on, they are searching for you! If you get caught.."

"But I won't get caught.. I have you, Killian." Her eyes slanted from smiling beneath her mask.

"So, I can kill them, right?" He asked, hopeful.

"Did you not just listen to me? We are going to help, then we will make a run for it," Evanna responded quickly, then dived forwards, front flipping and landing on the faceless' head her swords slashed into the top of it. 

"What a woman," Killian smirked before running at incredible speed to two other faceless creatures approaching, pulling out his long sword and smiling at them.

Evanna yanked her swords out and tried balancing on the monster that started to collapse beneath her. Still, she backflipped off it, landing elegantly on the ground, dodging another faceless front leg's swiping towards her. She blocked its next attack, crossing her blades and pushing it back, but its tail swung towards her. Evanna tensed, expecting to be hit, but its tail dropped off after a large black sword sliced through it; she instantly  recognised that sword.

Evanna inhaled sharply as she saw the man wielding the sword, whose large broad back was to her, his dirty blonde hair pulled back in a bun. Her head swivelled back to the faceless creature that was yet to die. She rolled her eyes as its face morphed before her, screeching at its tail on the ground. Evanna used the distraction and leapt forwards and slashed through its neck, beheading it. The blood spurted out, and she took a step back, avoiding it.

"Who.. are you?" A low husky yet sinister voice asked. A shiver ran down her spine, and she knew it wasn't from her sixth sense.

She felt a sword poking into her back. Evanna chuckled, knowing well that it would annoy him, "*You raise your sword to someone helping you?*" She dropped her voice to sound more manly.

The sword dropped, "*My apologies-*"

"*If you have time to apologise, then it seems your men do not need my help anymore..*" She replied arrogantly, her back still facing him. She could almost hear him growl from annoyance, and with that, she fled.

"Hey!" He roared, and she could hear his heavy footsteps after her. Evanna jumped and slid under one of the creatures who had three men fighting it. She raised her sword as she did so, blocking her pursuer from following and helping the men who seemed to struggle. 

Evanna continued running, the faceless creature crumbling to the ground behind her. She saw Killian out of the corner of her eye, more like a blur taking down multiple faceless creatures. When she looked ahead again, there was another one that she quickly jumped over its tail that dropped towards her. She rolled out to the side then rolled back as the tail slammed down where she just lay. 

Narrowing her eyes, she jumped forwards, so she was just beneath the creature, giving her enough time to then stab its core. Black blood oozed out, and she sliced her sword across it, its guts falling out before its legs gave way beneath it. Evanna looked around again, her eyes landing on Prince Conrad, who was now fighting with his men, his black sword holding back the monster's pincer. The men helped defeat it, and as though he could feel her gaze, Conrad locked eyes with her, his own honey golden eyes rounding.

No… He can't recognise her from all the way over there.. her features were hidden except for her eyes..

"*Raven, they do not need our help now,*" Killian called her from somewhere above her in the trees. She nodded, sheathed her swords and sprinted in the direction of the horses, running under more creatures to hide from the prince's view. 

Evanna approached the tents and slowed down, calming her ragged breaths. She looked behind her feeling relieved when there was no brute of a prince following her. Looking back, she approached the horses cautiously. 

Evanna could tell from how they kept moving their hooves and heads that they were anxious and scared about the faceless. "Pick one already!" Killian whisper-shouted, suddenly appearing by her side. The horses seemed startled from his sudden appearance. 

"Stay back, I am looking for.. Ah.. there he is.." She grinned when she saw the most enormous black horse with a black and gold embroidered saddle atop it, its reins also golden. 

Approaching slowly from the front, she raised her hands and pulled her mask down after seeing Conrad's horse getting ready to kick her. No one could ride his horse; they were all thrown off and attacked. No one, except Evanna. "Shhh, hey now.. it's been a very long time," She calmly spoke, then gently brushed his neck when his head dropped down her back in recognition. She kissed his neck then pulled her mask back up. 

"Err.. Raven.." Killian called from behind the horses. She walked to his side, her brows furrowing as he looked down at something. 

Sitting against a tree with ropes binding them to it, their mouths gagged, and hands bound in front of them as well were Ronan and Cilv. She instantly ran to them; their eyes widened when they saw Evanna crouch in front of them. Ronan was trying to say something against the gag and pointing his eyes in Cilv's direction. 

"On't ugh er"

"Eh? I missed you too, Roach."

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