Heart Over Sword

Chapter 143 - Nothing More Than A Thief!

Evanna started cutting through Ronan's bounded hands, frowning when she saw Killian was not helping Cilv. Ronan continued to try and speak,

"On't ugh er!"

"Killian, what are you doing? You are wasting time. Help Cilv so we can head out," Evanna ordered, but when he didn't move, she paused and looked at him. He was glaring at Cilv, his face full of fury, his ruby eyes narrowing.??

"I think.. you should see what your friend has to say first," He said darkly, clenching his fists. Evanna glanced between Ronan and Cilv, but the sound of another faceless creature screeching reminded her of their urgency to escape. She cut through Ronan's ropes, and they fell away from his hands; he instantly pulled his gag down and wetted his lips.

"Don't trust her, Raven. She's nothing more than a thief!"??

Evanna looked at the petite red-haired shapeshifter before cutting through the ropes that kept their bodies stuck to the tree. Cilv instantly tried to move, but Killian suddenly appeared next to the shapeshifter, blocking her way and Evanna now in front of her. She pulled Cilv's gag down.

"Princess, how good it is to see you still alive. I never expected the Flori to be so.. accommodating towards a thief," She smirked while her eyes sought out a way to escape them. But with Killian there, it was pointless in even trying. Cilv looked at the vampire, and for the first time, there was fear in her features.

"What did you do?" Evanna asked her sternly, ignoring her comment.??

"She stole the gem," Ronan spat. Evanna stilled, her eyes widening at what he just spoke.

"Did my ears mishear what you just said, Roach? I swore you said my friend, Cilandra, who I was to pay handsomely for her services.. betrayed me," Evanna said icily, looking back at the woman before her.

Cilv chuckled darkly, "What do you expect? I thought you were dead; the gem is no good to a dead person!"

Evanna's face hardened. "Ronan, go to the horse next to the black one. This won't take long," She said quietly and without emotion. Ronan stared at her then looked at Killian questionably, but he went towards one of the tents instead.??

"Ohhh, scary voice, Evanna. But I know you well, you won't-"

Evanna's hand wrapped around her throat, and she pushed her against the tree, her other hand holding a knife against Cilv's cheek, her green eyes almost glowing from fury. She could feel her hand wanting to choke her for what she did. The anger, pain and betrayal creating chaos in her heart.??

She leaned towards Cilv, her eyes glinting with an emotion Cilv had never seen on the princess' face before. She looked dangerous. "You do not know me, Cilv." She moved to speak next to her ear. "If you did, then you'd know the one thing that would not stop me from driving a knife in that cold heart of yours and twisting it in enjoyment.. Is stealing the one thing that would heal my dying mother."

Evanna grinned beneath the mask when she saw Cilv visibly tremor, but when the princess pulled away from her, the shapeshifter's face was composed. "Killian, wrap the ropes back around my 'friend' here." She did not move from her position as the vampire tightened the ropes around the shapeshifter. Once he was finished, Evanna started to search Cilv's cloak.

"She sold it, Raven," Said Killian grimly.??

Evanna stilled as tremors of anger rippled through her. "You. Sold. It?" She spoke each word through gritted teeth. Her hands curled into fists at the loss of such a gem. It wasn't just any gem, but one she had done so much to get. One that would save her mother's life.

Cilv didn't meet her eyes; they weren't full of regret or shame. The shapeshifter just didn't want to deal with the consequences or listen to a wailing woman. But Evanna did not shed a tear. She was too angry to even cry. "Who did you sell it to?" She lowered her voice, and even though the forest was filled with the sounds of the faceless and men grunting and fighting, Cilv could hear her.

The shapeshifted sighed. "WHO!?" Evanna roared into her face and stabbed the side of the tree, cutting the tip of Cilv's ear.??

"The Lyvarians!" She hissed, scrunching up her nose at the small trickle of blood from her ear.

Evanna pulled the knife out and pressed the cold blade just below Cilv's eye. "Who?" The princess almost whispered, feeling her body begin to drain her energy. Unbeknownst to Evanna, she had used her gift once more; only Killian was aware because he was reading the shapeshifter's mind, who originally wanted to stall for time in the hopes they would get caught. But with Evanna's use of Malawai, she couldn't help but instantly reply truthfully.

Cilv looked to be in pain, but then she gasped, "The Lyvarian queen's right hand!"

Evanna stepped back, her eyes looking off into the woods at nothing in particular as she processed what the shapeshifter said. She chuckled darkly, "*You couldn't make it easy for me.*" She sighed and looked up at Killian, her mind already spinning on what to do now. The vampire stared back at her. But the sound of approaching footsteps alerted them to how long they'd stayed in the exact location as the people who were searching for her.??

Evanna didn't bother glancing in Cilv's direction as she started to briskly walk away, Killian by her side.??

"Ha! Exactly as I thought!" Evanna stopped at the sound of Cilv's voice. "Even now, you won't kill me!"

Evanna spun around and marched in Cilv's direction, she raised her hands as though she would strangle the shapeshifter, but instead, she pulled the cloth back into place, gagging her from speaking. Evanna pulled her mask down, both glaring at her and smirking, "Oh, I have the will to kill you, Cilandra. But I'd rather see you rot in a cell for the rest.of.your.life. And if you escape, you better stay hidden because I will come for you."??

She turned away, pulled her mask up once more, and locked her eyes with Killian's. That was the last she would see of that damned woman; Evanna was sure Conrad would assume she left her there for a reason. They rushed towards the horses once more, and she stopped a few horses away from Shardeigh, Conrad's horse. Reaching her hand out, she grabbed Killian's arm. "*Killian.. Did you mean what you said to me in the cave?*" She stared up at him, her brows furrowing at what seemed like her last bit of hope.??

"Of course," Killian replied without hesitation, "*I am yours to use, your highness.*" He bowed his head slightly; he could feel the nervousness radiating off from her at what she wanted to ask him. He knew what her question would be, and he found her cute for looking so guilty to ask him such a thing.??

Evanna bit the inside of her cheek, looking down guiltily before clenching her eyes shut and releasing her breath as she stared back into Killian's jewelled eyes. "I need a favour.."

"Anything, *my saviour.*"

"With the gem out of reach now, and my mother's health is worsening.." She hesitated but saw Killian's eyes soften as he continued to stare at her. "*Please, can you go to my mother and offer her your healing blood.*"

Killian smiled at her. "Of course, I will."

"Tell her I sent you and to.. *dream walk to me. I need to know if it worked.* And.." She released his arm. "This is the last I ask of you, Killian."


"Shh." She looked around, but nobody was near them. Still, time was of the essence. "If she heals, then we are even. Killian, I do not wish to hold you back; you have been imprisoned for so long."

Killian smirked, leaning towards her and inched closer to her ear. "Don't think you can get rid of me so easily, princess." He then hopped up onto the brown horse next to him. "I will find you again. Now get going! *The humans are nearly done!*"

"How will you find me?" She questioned as the horse started to trot away.??

"*We've shared blood, Raven.* I will find you," He called over his shoulder, "Now go!"

Evanna nodded and dashed towards Shardeigh, feeling a pang of sadness as she saw the woods gulp up the vampire within seconds, disappearing from her sight. The horse startled, but her hand touching his neck instantly calmed him down, and she hooked her foot in the stirrup and hoisted herself up.??

Where was Ronan???

Evanna glanced around, her heart now pounding loudly in her chest as panic began to claw up her throat. She couldn't leave without Ronan, but people were starting to notice someone on the Prince's horse. She kicked the side of Shardeigh's belly, putting him into a trot; going past the tents, her eyes roamed the area in panic.??

Ronan ran out of a tent, his bag and sword in tow as an armoured man chased after him. He started running away, and in the same direction, Killian left. "Hya!" Evanna kicked Shardeigh again, and they set off at a rapid speed only a skilful horse rider could handle. She quickly approached Ronan and the guard, and she steered the horse into the side of the guard, causing him to fall over.??

With her body hunched over, she reached her hand out towards Ronan, "Roach!"??

He turned his head at his nickname, his eyes widened at the giant horse coming towards him, but he grasped Evanna's hand and was pulled up. Ronan sheathed his sword and panicked briefly about putting his hands around the princess' waist, but that hesitation flew out of his mind when he nearly fell off the horse.

His arms swept over her waist, clinging onto her as they rode away from the campsite. Evanna twisted her head to look back and flinched as she saw prince Conrad watching her, his golden eyes almost glowing. He smirked and turned his back on the fleeing thieves who stole his horse, walking away as though it didn't concern him.. This made the princess frown and wonder if there was something she had forgotten about.??

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