Heart Over Sword

Chapter 147 - The Prince's Trophy

Evanna sat stiffly in the saddle upon Shardeigh's back with the Demon Prince seated comfortably and closely behind her. They rode at the front of their little group, and after a few hours of galloping through the trees, they finally slowed down to a walk. Not that Evanna found the change in pace any better, it meant Conrad could now speak to her more freely. The princess turned to look behind them, straining her neck to look over Conrad's large form and could see Ronan sharing another horse with one of the other three men she did not know the names of. 

Evanna's focus returned to the man behind her, and she shot daggers at him before facing forward. She felt like a trophy on show, the missing princess claimed by the Demon Prince. "*Are you really not that happy to see me?*" He whispered by her ear, making her sigh loudly in response. She no longer had her cloak hood up but kept her mask on for fear the prince would sneak another kiss, and this time she would not let it slide.

"*Would you like me to answer honestly?*" She hissed back to hear him chuckle, his chest rumbling behind her. Now she couldn't use the excuse that the wind blocked out the sound of his voice, but she could also use this time to ask him the questions on her mind. If he would answer them. Evanna moved her head, keeping her gaze on the ground as she asked, "What of my men? How are they faring?"

The leather of his gloved hands tightened by a fraction on the reins on her thighs, making a low noise between the two materials. "We are meeting them now, but the size of them has been halved since entering Direwood forest. This has mainly been due to the forest's natural unknown magic to confuse men, and then there have also been those monsters," He replied gravely. 

Evanna's hands curled into fists on the black saddle as she looked down and released a breath. Their deaths were on her shoulders. It was her fault they were in the forest in the first place. "It was your father's orders," Conrad said gently, as though he could tell what she was thinking without needing to read her face. 

"*The fault is still mine.*" Evanna whispered and raised her chin once more. Conrad did not respond, but the silence was filled after hearing the clinking sounds of armour and the trees parted to men wearing the Dunhurst armour setting up camp. On their arrival, the men stopped and looked in their direction, mainly at the masked woman riding the horse with the Demon Prince. Evanna focused on the trees behind them rather than their overly watchful gazes that would heat her cheeks. 

Evanna was now once again the second princess of Dunhurst and had to bear the weight of her title on her shoulders. Those shoulders that straightened and her gaze lowered to the approaching knight who was none other than her newly appointed knight before she left the palace. A slither of guilt passed over her, but she could see the genuine and relieved smile on Sir Baldwin's features. 

Even with a mask covering the lower portion of her face, her knight knew it was her. Either that or he presumed the woman with dark raven locks sitting on the crown prince's horse had to be Evanna as he too was searching for her. 

"Princess Evanna," Sir Baldwin bowed, then walked near Shardeigh to help her down, but the horse moved on its own accord, snorting at his approach. The knight paused and looked at the prince, almost seeking permission to come closer. But Conrad slid off Shardeigh easily and turned his back on the knight, raising his hands, ready to pick Evanna off the horse. 

She scoffed and swung her leg around, ready to hop off, but the prince's hands were on her waist before she could and helped her to the ground. With her feet planted, she tried not to show such insolence to another kingdom's prince in front of others. She now had to wear the mask of a royalty slipping onto her features. As she thought that, the princess pulled down the mask she had covering her face, letting the cool air brush over the rest of her skin. 

Evanna smiled at the knight. "Sir Baldwin, I apologise for abandoning you on your second day as my knight." She looked at him apologetically, meaning every word of which she said. 

The follow up to her escape, King Osian secretly put Sir Baldwin to work earlier than she anticipated. Evanna relied on Sir Baldwin to still be on vacation after managing his new lands in Dunhurst. But news of his sudden arrival was whispered among the servants, and she who had been walking through the servants' quarters, heard about it and made sure to avoid any appointments with him beforehand. 

Sir Baldwin smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes as he replied politely, "It is I who failed in my duty as your knight."

"As lovely as this encounter is, I would like to speak with her highness in private. Unless there is something else you need, Sir Baldwin?" Prince Conrad stepped forwards, almost covering her smaller frame with his, hiding her from not only the knight but the onlookers of the royal guard. 

Sir Baldwin glanced in Evanna's direction; he didn't answer to the prince but to her. Even if she denied him, Conrad would not listen and cause more of a fuss, and after her fight with him, she no longer had the energy to argue with the prince. Evanna nodded her head in confirmation, the knight's brows drew together, but he bowed his head, hand on his chest and moved to let them pass. 

Evanna fell in step by Conrad's side, and he led her to the largest tent, a square-like structure with a pointed top with the golden eagle of Hatherland flag flapping in the wind. The princess wanted to look back to Ronan to ensure he was okay, but she knew it was more from her own anxiousness. Instead, she kept facing forwards. 

Conrad pulled the flap to the tent back, and Evanna walked into it, halting in surprise at the opulent comforts of a royal's tent. It was much larger inside than it looked on the outside and had furniture fit for a regular chamber for the prince. The king-size bed was fitted in the middle over fur rugs, a wardrobe was situated to the right side, and two red and gold embroidered loveseats set in an 'L' shape before a coffee table and fireplace, and further to the left was a desk. 

"Ah, I forget Dunhurst does not allow such magic," Conrad spoke from behind, his heavy footsteps shaking the floor slightly at his approach. The prince walked past Evanna, a slither of amusement on his features as he gestured for her to sit down. Evanna looked down at her dusty attire, finding it more proper to remove her cloak in the hopes of not making his lavish seats dirty. She could feel his gaze on her the moment she folded her cloak and held it in her hands. 

This wasn't the first time he had seen her in men's clothing, but it was the first since growing some curves. Curves that were accentuated more in the black breeches and her black shirt tucked in, her Dracosbain armour the extra layer of protection underneath. She sat down across from the lit fireplace ignoring the prince who sat across from her, his eyes following the length of her body. "You look well, Evanna. If I am honest, I wasn't sure if I would find you.. alive," Conrad looked at her with uncertainty for the first time. 

"You should know better. What do you want, Conrad?" She looked at him, getting straight to the point. 

Conrad pulled out a letter from inside his cloak and handed it to her. Evanna felt her heart drop and her face pale at the insignia on the ink. This was from her father, it had not been opened, but she knew from the other opened letter the prince produced what the contents inside of it would say. Evanna raised her eyes to meet Conrad's, and she saw a burning desire behind those honeyed eyes, but she knew there was more to this than just an arranged marriage. 

She broke the seal to the letter and opened its contents. 


My dearest Evanna,

I am not writing to scold you for what you have done. I know that your heart is in the right place, and you mean well. You have always been far too bright and spirited to be kept behind these palace walls. But I fear I have not disciplined you enough or scolded your mother more for entertaining you with such stories of the far East. Magic and elven magic has been banned for a reason, Evanna.

I never sought such things out even for your mother for this exact reason. If there was a cure, Loraven, who is wiser than any I have ever encountered, would have mentioned it. Please, I implore you, come home with Prince Conrad. I promised your mother I'd always take care of you and protect you. This is what I am doing now.

As you made the rash decision to go on this adventure, I have made the decision to accept the prince's proposal. 


Evanna paused her reading and inhaled sharply. She already knew of the contents but secretly held onto the slither of hope that her father would not marry her off to the Demon Prince. She kept her eyes on the paper, aware of his watchful gaze, Conrad's curiosity piquing at her slightly stunned facial expression. Regaining her composure, she continued. 


I have made a deal with Prince Conrad. Your hand in marriage for returning you safely to the kingdom of Dunhurst, to your mother and I. 

I never imagined I would sign away your life to that maniac, but I fear for the worst. A parent should never outlive their child, and this is my way of saving you from yourself. 

But above all else, be careful.

Your protector, always,



Evanna stared blankly at the letter; she could almost feel a cage closing around her, trapping her again. But this time, the owner was of a large Northerner with a taste for war and blood. The princess could not speak as she re-read the letter again, pausing at the last words written once more. Evanna found it odd that her father always signed his name instead of the title king or father in their letters, even when she was younger. But that was of no importance right now; she was allegedly betrothed to Conrad. Again.

Evanna entertained her mind by folding the letter again and placing it in the envelope before her face would betray her thoughts. Conrad quietly handed her the scroll, and she read the deal between the two kingdoms. Her heart was starting to race again, and her palms became damp; her thoughts flickered to the elven prince who seemed so far away now even though they were in his forest. Closing the scroll, Evanna abruptly stood up, her eyes still avoiding Conrads.

"Evanna.." He warned, the tone in his voice implying he was ready to catch her if she ran. 

Run. That was exactly what Evanna wanted to do. It wasn't the idea of marriage that made her fear so, not even the fear of Conrad really, but the fear of her life not being her own. 

"*I will not run.* I just need some air," Evanna said quietly, her eyes finally meeting his, almost pleading with him to let her go. 

Conrad nodded, "Take Baldwin with you."

He wasn't that daft. 

Evanna rushed out of the tent, and the prince's eyes followed her until the flaps closed behind her. He closed his eyes and focused, finding his mind now filled with a new angle of Evanna through Shardeigh's eyes. She marched towards the edges of the camp after calling for the knight. Sir Baldwin scrambled after her, shocked that he was called upon.. It seemed her knight also knew of her temperament well. 

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