Heart Over Sword

Chapter 148 - Ten Years Ago: Part One

Ten Years Ago

Evanna ran down the halls of the palace, her little shoes padding across the marble floors until she stopped and found the perfect hiding spot. Flinging a long ceiling to floor length curtain aside, she hid behind it, pressing her small body against the wall, her height not quite reaching the window above her. She covered her mouth, looking down at her shoes as she listened to the frantic call of her name and quick footsteps following down the hall she was now hiding. 

"Princess! Princess Evanna!" Maggie called for her, the distress shown in her voice. "This is not funny! Please, this is not the day to be naughty!" 

Her nanny's scolding voice and words made the young princess bite the inside of her cheek in guilt. Evanna did not want to stress Maggie, but she didn't want to be anywhere near Isabel, especially after she ripped the skirt of her favourite dress the day before. The one she wore now was a last-minute replacement for the day. She was dressed in a navy gown, the middle part of her dress golden and the sleeves flaring out from the pinned golden ribbons.

Her long raven locks were pulled back tightly into an uncomfortable bun, braided both sides of her head. Important day or not, she wanted to have some fun before playing happy families. Evanna shifted her weight after holding her tense position for so long and peeked her head around the curtains after the silence of the hallway remained after Maggie's footsteps left earlier. She stepped out of her spot with a relieved sigh after seeing it was clear.

She skipped to the door that led to the servants' quarters below the castle with a small grin. Descending the stairs, she watched as the servants rushed around both in excitement and stress. Evanna was probably the only one who wasn't looking forward to the day, unlike her sister, who boasted about becoming good friends with the visiting crown prince.

"Your highness! What are you doing here?" A panicked maid rushed towards her, curtsying after her question.

"Is Ger here?" She inquired, looking up at the maid and making herself look as innocent and sweet as possible. 

As always, it worked, the maid sighed guiltily. "He is in the stables, princess." 

"Thank you!" Evanna skipped away, her hands behind her back as she whistled a tune. Usually, she was caught in minutes if she wasn't careful, what with her more luxurious clothing and well-known black hair and green eyes. But with the day's events, she was able to rush past everyone, only feeling the occasional double glance in her direction. 

She made it to the stables without being stopped though she was sneaking outside more where there were fewer servants. Walking down the aisle of wooden stalls with multiple horses, she found Ger attending to Midknight, brushing his mane. The boy stood on a stall, his frame barely taller than Evanna's, his brown trousers dirty and worn, patched from holes, his white shirt tucked in neatly though it was oversized, and his brown hair hidden under a cap. 

From the sound of her footsteps, Ger turned his head in her direction. His eyes lit up before his brows drew together as he looked down at her attire. Clearing his throat, he stepped down and bowed, "Your highness," He kept his head down, "What brings you to the stables? I see you are not dressed to ride."

Evanna pouted her lips. Ger was always jumping to and from acting her friend and servant. It seemed today was one of those days. "I came to see you, of course!" Ger looked up from the irritation in Evanna's voice, and she used that time to pinch his rounded cheeks.

"Hey!" Ger swatted her hands away and wiped his cheeks, "I'm older than you!"

"You're still the same height as me, though," Evanna grinned, leaning forwards into his face annoying him further. 

"What do you want?" He turned around, but Evanna took the brush from his hand and climbed onto the stool, kissing her horse and patting his side before brushing his mane. 

"I thought you might want to come out with me today. I hear there is a small parade for the visiting kingdom," Evanna spoke over her shoulder.

"Princess, please come down from there; it's my job-"

"And he is my horse," She glared at her friend, who should know better than to throw palace rules at her. He was implying that she was a princess and should never be doing a servant's job. Evanna rolled her eyes; if she was a princess, then she could do whatever she wanted, right? 

After some more petting, Evanna climbed down and grabbed Ger's hat, placing it atop her head. "Are you coming or not?" She turned around giggling, her dress swirling around her legs. She didn't wait for his answer and strode towards the stable door grabbing the clothes she always hid under Ger's jacket on the hook beside it. Ger stumbled after her, then gasped, turning around when he saw her go into one of the stalls and started to unbutton the back of her dress. 

"A-are you going by yourself?" Ger stumbled on his words as Evanna watched him twiddling his thumbs behind his back, staring ahead while she changed into servant's clothing all the way down to some boots. Though the shoes were of better quality because she couldn't ask her nanny for some servant's children boots. The clothes she wore now were Ger's old ones.

"If you're not coming, then I suppose I am," Evanna replied in a sing-song voice. The princess knew Ger would not let her go by herself; she was always dragging him into her mischief. They met up all the time but not so much when he was working. Throwing her dress on the stall door, Evanna walked out, smiling expectantly at Ger. "It'll be so much fun; you'll really miss out if you don't come! I'm only going to see the start of the parade."

Evanna now held his hands in her own, the excitement now radiating off both children as they smiled at each other, their thoughts running wild with what displays they might see. Ger then gulped and forced a serious expression upon his face. "Only for an hour.." He warned.

Evanna squealed and nodded her head before releasing his hands and skipping away. 

Ger shook his head. "I'm really going to regret this.."

The pair ran off to a secret spot in the palace's walls where Evanna had taken almost three months to dig out a hole in the ground. Ger kneeled on the grass and pulled the bush out of the hole, and Evanna crawled underneath. She pushed out the small wooden board covered with grass and watched the guards walk around the corner. With a sigh, she hopped out and helped Ger before placing the ground back in place. 

They walked across the bridge. Evanna kept her head down low the whole time. The guards recognised Ger and nodded at him as he walked by. "Off to see the parade, Ger?" A guard at the gate asked, and he nodded. "Who is your friend?" 

"We sure are! And this is.. a n-new starter, his name is.." Ger looked at her and back at the guard, "Ravian."

"Ravian seems a bit shy.. I hope you aren't too strict on him.. he looks no older than six.." The guard commented, stepping forwards examining Evanna's downcast face. 

But Ger stepped forwards, "He is shy and in my care. We need to go to the parade now, sir. Our break will run out soon!" 

The guard stepped back and gestured for them to go, grumbling about how young children were starting to work from now. Evanna grinned as she stared at the floor; even though more guards were set up with the royal guest's arrival, they paid them no heed. They started to run into the high street, checking out the marketplace and watching in wonder at the colourful flags and music playing. To make sure they didn't split up, Ger and Evanna held hands even though they argued at which stalls to go to. 

After a while, the pair stopped and watched as the performance started in the square, making Evanna watch in awe and clap her hands. But Ger insisted on them heading back halfway through after pointing out the king watching the entertainers.. Evanna gulped and agreed, pulling her hat down even more as she raced back to the palace.

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