Heart Over Sword

Chapter 161 - Hatherland: Part Two

Conrad showed all of the palaces, the courtyards and gardens, all of the splendour and lavishness that made Evanna's head spin. But on this grand tour, her interest started to subside, and she tired from the riches surrounding her. It really was something, and the prince guided her well around. The estate was large enough that it took more than four hours, and that was with Conrad's shortened version, only revealing the main parts of the palaces. 

Conrad quickly picked up on the princess's fatigue and led her back through the central garden behind the palace, following the vine-covered wall. As they walked back in comfortable silence, she noted how the guards gave them a wide berth and how she felt many piercing gazes on them, yet when she looked for the culprits, she could not find any. They were an odd pair put together and one that would gain a lot of attention when walking side by side. But Evanna was becoming well-versed in ignoring noble and servant alike staring or looking down at her. Like previous times, she ignored the overpowering jabs of their stares.

Evanna glanced at the prince, who started to suddenly walk faster; the princess looked around but found nothing that would warrant his behaviour. She stopped and stared at the darkening sky; it was not from the weather though the gradual drop of the sun. When she lowered her gaze again, she caught Conrad watching her from ahead, he glanced to her left warily, then composed his features, and the corners of his lips tugged up. "If you are too tired to move, then maybe I should give you a piggyback?" He joked, making the princess narrow her eyes.

"You wouldn't dare!" Evanna crossed her arms and stepped forwards, causing the prince to chuckle and turn his back to her. As soon as his head was turned, Evanna looked to her left to see an old, rusted gate covered in moss to what looked like an abandoned garden. She peeked through the gaps and instantly felt her curiosity pique again. 

The gate creaked under the pressure of her hands, and her eyes widened; her jaw went slack as she stepped into this forsaken and enchanting garden. Unlike the gardens she just visited, these had weeds growing out of the cracks in the courtyard, long grass growing high, and wildflowers scattered. But what took her breath away was the tall, imposing, moss and vine-covered tower. 

"Evanna!" Conrad grabbed her arm and pulled her away with almost inhuman strength. She stumbled backwards, almost falling, but she regained her balance and frowned at the prince. 

"Conrad, what is the meaning of this?!" Evanna stopped, digging the heels of her feet into the ground as the prince continued to drag her away. "Let go!" 

Conrad continued to ignore her. "I will scream," She threatened. This gained his attention, and he turned around, glaring at her. 

He stepped towards her released her arm. "Do not come back here," He warned.

"Conrad, you should know. If there is a place I shouldn't see or be, I will find it, and I will explore it. And you know what makes me more tenacious is when I am scolded and told not to do something." Evanna stepped back, holding her hands behind her and tilting her head to the side.

"You little brat," He growled and wiped his face with his hand.

"What is this place?" Evanna insisted, ignoring the annoyance growing on Conrad's face. 

The prince sighed and walked past her. "I suppose even Princess Evanna can act like a royal ass sometimes."

"What was that?" Evanna quickened her steps to keep up with Conrad's long strides. 

"Nothing. Look, Evanna.." Conrad stopped before the door to the tower. 

"This place was meant to be off bounds to guests. Only a handful of servants are allowed here.." He pushed the wooden door open, bringing the last of the day's light into the dark, dreary and cold room. 

Evanna peered inside, looking at the cobwebs, broken furniture and the ripped drapes covering up the few windows provided. The other window was boarded up. "Conrad.." She hesitated, whispering to him as she began to wonder if the place was haunted. 

Conrad looked back at her and smirked. "Scared?" Evanna shook her head and gulped before stepping across the threshold into the entryway. The prince chuckled and turned to the right to the stairs that followed the walls upwards. Every few steps he took, the lanterns on the walls lit automatically.

Evanna watched in awe at the magic. Unlike Dunhurst, Hatherland did not have restrictions on magic users and devices; they did have a ban on elven magic and speaking their tongue, but not many travellers from the elven lands travelled as far as north to sell items. Plus, many people used the sorcerer's magical items. 

Evanna followed behind Conrad, ascending the long spiral staircase, going past the doors that led to other floors. She was intrigued to see what was behind each door, but the prince was leading her to the very top for a reason. Whether that was to scare her with a story or something else entirely.

After her legs started to feel like jelly, Evanna sighed in relief when they arrived at the last door in the tower. "You.. Still.. Haven't.. Told… Me.." Wow, she was out of breath. Maybe she should exercise more; it seemed horse riding and archery was not at all helpful in this situation. She stared at Conrad, who was, of course, physically fit; he may still appear skinny with no meat or muscle on his bones, but she knew he had been training with a sword since he was five. 

Conrad pushed open the door, the flames in the lanterns and in the fireplace instantly lit, revealing a living room, office and bed-chamber. It was tidier than the first floor and still appeared luxurious but not as lavish as the surrounding palaces. 

"Welcome to my humble abode."

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