Heart Over Sword

Chapter 162 - The Tower

Evanna walked inside of Conrad's large circular bed-chamber, staring wide-eyed at everything. The stone-cold floors were decorated with furs, especially near the King size four-poster bed, the red and gold embroidered sofas, and just before the fireplace to keep the floors warm. Across from the fireplace stood three large arched windows, with steps before it along with furs placed on the ground and books left in the corner. The middle window was slightly ajar, causing the door to shake slightly from the howling wind outside. 

The princess looked at the books on the ground and smiled gently; if she lived in this tower, she would also use the windows as her little reading nook. 

"Why do you live here?" Evanna questioned as her hand slid across the surface of the cushioned sofa. It wasn't a question of 'do you live here?' because she could already see the top of the tower was lived in, unlike some of the palaces she saw around the estate that looked too perfect. But the question was why, even if Conrad had such rumours circulating about him and the family wanted to keep them at bay, there were plenty of palaces for him to stay in. 

Conrad's boots echoed across the floor as he unclasped the cape from his back and threw it on the sofa, collapsing comfortably on the seat and resting his head into the back of it. "Unlike what you might believe about my dear family, they are also scared of me. My mother dares not look at me, the twins stay clear of me, my father.. chooses when I am his son or not, and Arvid.. well, I don't need to explain about him," Conrad replied nonchalantly as though his commentary was not upsetting. 

Evanna stared at him, wondering exactly what this prince went through when she was not there. She knew from the servants' stares and whispers that they were scared of him, but whenever Conrad looked over, they scampered away. Whenever they exchanged letters, they were never filled with the details of each other's problems. 

"What of your sister?" Evanna inquired and clasped her hands over her mouth. The proper response would be not to delve further into an obviously uncomfortable subject.

Conrad chuckled and scratched his jaw, not at all looking uncomfortable by the subject. Maybe it was good for him to get it off his chest. "Marna is too young to understand. But for the time being, she likes my company.." He trailed off, looking at the fireplace.

"I'm sorry, Conrad," She sincerely replied, staring at the prince's side profile, there was no air of sadness around him, but more like emptiness and loneliness but as quick as her assessment was made, his composed features looked at her and it dissipated. "Truly, I am." The young princess added, then turned her face away, not wanting to sit down yet, although her calves were burning from the stairs. Instead, she continued towards the windows where the draft was welcomed to her still slightly heated face.

"There is no need to apologise. It is not your fault, and to be honest, I prefer the solitude here. Only a handful of people are allowed here or dare to come here. You should feel privileged to be one of a few," Conrad boasted, making Evanna roll her eyes with her back facing him. It was nothing to brag about, but that was just a part of the prince's personality; he really was arrogant. She was used to it now.

"Oh, I do feel honoured," She replied flatly before her eyes widened and sparkled at the magnificent view. She gasped and looked at the prince's back. "Conrad, this view is amazing!"

Conrad whipped his head around to look at her, but she'd turned back to the scenery. The tower was the highest point of the palace, and it overlooked the cliffside and the infinite blue hues. Evanna squinted, trying to gauge if there was land in the far distance or if it was her imagination, but alas, it was her imagination. 

"There isn't much to see," The prince replied in a bored tone. "But it is much better to look at the horizon than the overbearing walls of the palace." He now stood beside her, the wind blowing the stray hairs away from his face as he too stared out into the distance. 

Evanna stared intently, her eyes alight with curiosity and excitement. "My mother told me of faraway lands that have yet to be found across the oceans. It is said that there is much more of the world that we are yet to see and gain knowledge from," She said thoughtfully, her gaze looking distanced as though the idea of voyaging across the sea had crossed her mind.

"Then let those who seek adventure and are crazy enough to sail the northern sea," Conrad replied bluntly, causing the princess to look at him, her dazed expression gone and replaced with a questioning stare. The prince smirked as he pulled on the latch to the window after the wind blasted into the room and shook the glass. "If they are not killed by the weather and raging seas, then it would be the monsters within it."

"Monsters?" Evanna asked in bewilderment. Listening to Conrad speak of monsters and adventures made her want to sit down and listen to such stories.

Conrad leaned his arm against the window and grinned as he stared off at sea. "Just like there is magic above land, there is magic and all sorts of sea creatures and monsters beneath the dark depths of the waters.." He trailed off, his gaze returning back to Evanna, who continued to look at the sea longingly, not meeting his eyes. "Have you heard of the tale of Sebastian and the monstrous eel of the northern sea?"

"No…" Evanna peeked up at the prince and felt her lips curve into a smile, his own infectious as he gestured for her to take a seat. Evanna sat down comfortably, resting her back against the cool wall, and hugged her legs, her skirts slightly ruffled. Conrad also sat down, extending his legs down the steps casually, leaning his arm against his bent knee as his golden eyes lit up in enthusiasm. 

The hours flew by as the prince, and princess exchanged stories, ignoring the rumbling of their stomachs and enjoying the secluded freedom the tower provided them. Though, when night fell, they were interrupted in their merry chatter by the sudden appearance of Harrison, Conrad's silver-haired attendant. He was the only one of Conrad's servants with whom Evanna felt comfortable. 

Harrison also seemed to be the one closest to the prince, much like how Maggie was her closest handmaiden. She knew Conrad had put some trust in him and spoke casually too, unlike the others she'd seen him order about almost obnoxiously. When Harrison arrived, he appeared surprised by her presence but was quickly replaced with a delighted smile, and he informed them that the servants had been searching for the princess for hours.

Evanna swiftly left after that, instantly being reprimanded by Maggie and her mother before she bathed and changed into an evening gown for dinner and the night's entertainment with the Hart family. After spending her time in the tower with the prince and learning more about his family, she could now see through their masks of the happy and perfect family. Of course, she knew no family was perfect, but now she could read their expressions better towards Conrad. Their smiles were forced, though the Crown Prince did no such thing, openly showing his annoyance, although he was supposedly an angel.

Although the atmosphere between the Hart family with Conrad was an odd one, Evanna preferred staying at Hatherland. The days were always filled with new places to see and learn; if she wasn't with the prince, then her mother accompanied her, keeping her entertained. Though like usual, even on another's land, the princess was still mischievous, walking along high walls and scaring the servants, climbing trees, getting lost among one of the unused palaces and secretly watching Conrad train his powers.

On one particular day, nearing the end of her trip in the north, Evanna coaxed Conrad to dress up and walk among the commoners with her, more specifically by the docks. She had never seen a ship before or been on one until she stayed at the Hart's palace. The pair sneaked out, which was much easier than she thought it would be; the whole endeavour was quite amusing. 

Conrad looked uncomfortable among the commoners and sailors, jumping out of the way of large men marching by and carrying sacks or weaponry. Unlike Evanna, Conrad's disguise did not work so well; his golden eyes betrayed him. He kept his hair hidden beneath a hood, but if any stared at him for too long, his smooth skin and golden eyes made people flinch and back away. By the time they made it to the ship, she had given up on pretending to be a peasant. 

However, that did not hold her back from racing across the deck, climbing the mast and beak, causing the men to panic and call for her to get down lest she hurt herself. Even Conrad shouted after her in blind rage until she rolled her eyes and climbed back down. Once her feet were safely back on the deck, she couldn't help but smile sweetly at the scary-looking, large men, and their panicked and angry faces melted.

"You are quite the little adventurer, aren't you, my lady?" The captain asked with a broad smile with his hands on hips. He then looked at the prince. "You might have to keep an eye on this lass; she has a flair for trouble! But you will never be bored!"

"Oh, I plan to liven up his days while I am here. I absolutely love Hatherland!" Evanna exclaimed as she clutched the fur cloak around her chest more from the icy breeze.

"I cannot deny my days are filled with.." Conrad paused his dry commentary and looked at the princess. "Trouble and.. fun." 

The captain burst into laughter before lowering his voice, most likely to keep Evanna from hearing, but her hearing was still much better than most. "You may not see it now, your highness, but the troublesome kind teaches great lessons. "

Conrad frowned at his comment but did not respond. After that, the prince practically dragged Evanna away from the ship. "I don't know what they see in you, honestly." He shook his head in annoyance. 

"I'm a cute princess. Who can deny me?" Evanna grinned innocently before skipping ahead of him and chatting away with a fishmonger. She could feel the prince looking at her bizarrely, but she did it on purpose to show him how important his people were to the kingdom.. Conrad was too cooped up in that tower and palace, listening to the nobles and his father about the kingdom's matters.

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