Heart Over Sword

Chapter 76 - As Cunning As A...

"There would be no point in poisoning you." Evanna stilled the cup, letting the warm contents flow down her throat. "Where would be the fun in that? Now, how did a lady such as yourself start to sword fight? Was there a motivation behind this?"

Evanna lowered her cup and let her eyes look at the liquid as she pondered. "My mother knew how to fight, so it was only right that I knew. Plus.." She trailed off and scanned the pergola, taking in its beauty and not the beauty of the elf who had not taken his eyes off her. "I was always.. too free-spirited. I prefer the outdoors, and such a hobby let me be."

Arawn chuckled, "Are there not other hobbies you could partake in that warranted you to be outside?"

"There is only so much horse riding a girl can do," Evanna smiled as she remembered Axel's concern the first day she escaped from the palace and the breaks they took for her.

"You said your mother knew how to fight," He spoke softly, "how did she know? If she is a Lady?"

His questions made her still; whenever her thoughts turned to her mother, it was a reminder of where she should be right now and not playing along with the prince's questioning. Sighing, she looked back at Arawn, who scrutinised her face intensely. "My mother was allowed to fight. In her household, it was deemed fine for a Lady to fight."

Evanna scoffed lightly after, realising how easily her mother must have had it before their time in the palace, where her daughter was constantly under surveillance. Arawn's brow raised by her small action; his eyes were like a hawks, no matter how small she shifted in her seat, scoffed or even breathed slightly differently, he saw it. 

"Your father was not pleased with this?"

Evanna shook her head, "It took some getting used to, but he never stopped me from learning. I think he was happy to know that if ever something happened to me, I had a fighting chance. Unfortunately, it is more than most girls know," She smiled gently, wondering how her father was, before taking a sip from her tea with a slight grimace. Were there men still searching for her?

"So, your mother and father accepted your hobby.. What was the issue?" Arawn probed before sipping his own drink. She could see the wheels turning behind his sharp, startlingly blue eyes.

Evanna sighed and rolled her eyes, "The issue was at the palace. The nobles are…" She caught herself from saying any more, stilling, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the overly nonchalant elf sitting by her. His eyes were slightly narrowed on her face. Evanna's gaze flickered back to the archway across from them.

"The palace…" Arawn drawled; his voice was low and deep, and even without looking at him, she could hear the arrogance behind it. He had started his line of questioning once more, but she did not know what he wanted to find out. Would he question again about the gem?

Evanna backtracked, "Yes. The palace. Nobles.." She sighed, using that brief dramatic moment to figure out what she was going to say to cover herself for her palace comment. "Society does not allow a woman to fight. It is deemed.. well unladylike. That is what the men are for.."

Finally, she looked at the prince, bringing her cup up to her lips and holding his unwavering gaze.

"Hmm, very well. Our society is different here. Our noblewomen have more choices. They are allowed to fight if they so wish to and are not looked down upon for choosing that path," he muttered before asking yet another question, "you said you are nearly eighteen. Why are you not married?"

Evanna choked on the tea she sipped on, and her eyes became slightly teary as she held her hand to her chest and her other over her mouth as she looked at the amused prince. His hand was rubbing at her back gently as though it would help her stop choking. If he patted at her back, it made more sense, but he wasn't, and the action was very distracting and made her shuddering back worse. 

Taking a deep breath in, Evanna exhaled and calmed her beating heart as she took a tentative sip from her tea. Clearing her throat gently, she replied, "Thank you." Though she internally rolled her eyes, it was his fault in the first place with his questioning.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a handkerchief raised; she turned her head and saw the prince holding it for her. Evanna narrowed her eyes slightly before receiving it and dabbing at her mouth, "Thank you," she repeated.

"So? I have not seen a ring on your finger.." Arawn continued.

Evanna's face heated from the question, "My father has not been in a rush to marry me off.."

"Is he not worried you would become a spinster?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I am barely eighteen! I am no spinster!" She retorted, feeling the tips of her ears heat up also.

"Hmmm, do you have older sisters?" He asked. Then his eyes widened and became even sharper with amusement, "Oh, please do tell me they have been married off?"

Evanna huffed in her seat, "My sister has been courting but has not found the right man-"

"Your sister should hasten to the aisle! Otherwise, there will be two spinsters in the family! From what I have learnt of humans, it is very rare for beautiful women such as yourself to go past their 17th birthday without so much as a proposal.. has your family name been tarnished in some way? Is this why you ran away from home and became a thief? Where is your hometown? Maybe I would have heard your stories or the gossip surrounding such a name," Arawn rambled on with a sneer.

His questions aggravated Evanna; if she was seated with a gentleman, he would not ask such rude questions. Her face was flushed with both embarrassment and anger, and with that anger, she exploded and gritted out her answers without thinking.

"We are faaaaar from being spinsters, Mr! I'll have you know I have had several proposals, and so has my sister, but we are fortunate enough to be a little pickier than most women." Evanna threw the handkerchief on the coffee table with her eyes blazing on the prince sitting next to her, "Our family name has not been tarnished, and I did not 'run away from home'! I chose to leave to help my mother, and if you ever did visit the Kingdom of Dunhurst, there would be no such gossip."

Evanna's chest was heaving by the time she finished, and as she caught her breath, her body suddenly went cold with dread. She inhaled sharply after realising she slipped up. Arawn's sly smile told her so, and the arrogance radiating off him was almost smothering.

This sly fox knows exactly how to get under my skin!

Arawn parted his lips to speak, but their attention was taken when Garrett's prodigious frame rushed through the archway, one hand holding onto the hilt of his sword. He looked at Evanna with disdain before bowing his head at the prince, "* Your highness. There is word of a small group of men near the south-western border of Direwood Forest. Our men have surrounded them and await your orders.*"

Evanna stilled after hearing the news and watched as the prince immediately stood up and clapped his hands once, "* What marvellous news!*" He spun on his heel and smiled at the princess, a smile that broadened even more after seeing her paled features, "We shall pick this conversation up when I am back."

Evanna stood. "Is everything okay?" She asked hesitantly. Though she was playing the ignorant human, she felt as cold as ice from the news.

He smirked as amusement twinkled behind his eyes, "Yes, some urgent business has come up. But do not fret. I will have Cedric accompany you until I return."

With that, the prince left in haste. As soon as Arawn was out of sight and a few moments had passed, Evanna scrambled down the path, through the archway, immediately turning right. There was another path down the side of the private garden they were in, and she wondered where it led. But, even if she wasn't thinking too clearly, it was a risk she was willing to take. This was a moment of freedom away from the prince and any guards.

But as she hastened her steps and turned the corner, she almost bumped into another elf's armour. Stepping back, her lips parted to apologise, but she stopped as shock filled her features. The elf standing before her was none other than the one she nearly killed on the night of the heist. His green eyes were locked with hers and narrowed after assessing her features.

"His highness would not be pleased after hearing that you wandered the palace alone, my lady."

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