Heart Over Sword

Chapter 77 - The Scheming Prince

Arawn walked quickly next to Garrett; their pace did not halter even when servants or nobles were in their way. Those in their path moved as soon as they saw the prince and his right hand marching towards them. After going through the double doors back inside the palace, they walked through the twists and turns until they made it to one of the prince's many chambers. Garrett closed the door behind them, and the prince smiled broadly as he sat down in front of the ginormous white stone table with a map of the kingdoms on top of it.

This room was one of a few where it had a ceiling and glass windows. They liked to keep their architecture and designs open and free, but when it came to planning and scheming, a closed room provided more privacy and nobody attempting to listen. Arawn looked at his pearly white chamber; it was one of his favourites, with a fine finish of gold plated vines of leaves twirling up some of the tree trunks.

A painting hung on the wall, an art piece his mother painted of two horses in a meadow, a small boy by his mother's side stroking them. Then his gaze went to the far right, where there was the room size fireplace, and above it a white bow and golden arrow atop their white tree emblem on a brown plaque, with the cursive writing: 

"* Our strength lies within the roots *" 

Of course, he also had a bookcase and many scrolls among his desk to the side. A place indeed where he could find peace and quiet, other than the library, but he preferred to be alone and away from unwanted attention.

He crossed his ankle over his knee and leant his elbow atop his leg to lean his chin onto. His fingers drummed his chin, his smile still plastered on his face. A chuckle escaped his lips as he kept repeating the look on Evanna's face when she realised how easily he manipulated her into telling him about herself.

"* Prince Arawn, how will this help exactly?*" Garrett asked, interrupting him from his reverie as he placed his fingers atop the map, his stern face looking at the cunning prince. His face once again became stoic except for a smirk that he couldn't seem to remove from his lips.

"* Lady Evanna cherishes her comrades, from what I observed before our duel, *" The prince did not explain further, but he knew Garrett would figure the rest out.

"* Lady Evanna?*" Garrett queried; he raised his brow at Arawn.

"* She is not a thief *" He did not delve deeper into his explanation for his friend.

Garrett sighed at the lack of information, "*If she is not a thief, then why is she a prisoner and the gem that is so precious to you missing? * "

Arawn's smile dropped, and he glared at his friend, "* The gem may be gone, but not for long. Evanna has yet to explain to me the significance of it to her and her party.*" He looked down at the map on the table, his anger diminishing

"*And what will you do once she has told you, Sire?*" Garrett searched the prince's face for any clues. But as per usual, he could not tell what schemes were swirling around in that sharp head of his. He may have known the prince since they were young, but Garrett still had trouble sometimes reading the prince's expressionless face or sly smiles that made its appearance known with the odd chuckle.

Arawn looked at his fingernails, a smile forming on his handsome features, "*I will use it to my advantage, of course. *" When there was no reply, the prince knew Garrett wanted him to explain further, but he was in no mood to discuss more on this. Instead, he diverted the conversation, "* Sit, Garrett. We still have much to discuss. *"

Garrett took one of the many seats at the table and watched as the prince stood back up and opened one of the cupboards on the side, pulling out a bottle and two crystal glass tumblers. He poured the alcohol into the tumblers and slid one of them to his friend, who shook his head, but after seeing the prince's sharp stare, he took hold of the glass. Arawn leaned back into his chair and crossed his ankle once more.

"* You should relax more. Have a drink with me,*" Arawn raised his glass, waiting for Garrett to do the same. When he did, they both took a sip and sighed at the delicious warm taste.

"* Now, have they found that little group who escaped? *" He asked as he twirled his drink slightly before his eyes locked onto Garrett.

"* We lost them a few days ago, *" Garrett lowered his eyes, not meeting the prince's piercing stare. He did not look at him for fear of seeing his temper, but if Garrett did look at his friend, he would only see a look of disappointment flicker across his eyes.

The prince looked back at his glass and took another sip.

"*Very well. *"

Garrett raised his head and looked at the prince, "*You are not mad?*"

Arawn chuckled, "*I did not think I lost my temper that much? Only when things are out of my control. Which they are not,*" He smiled with a glint of mischievousness behind his eyes.

"* I did say they have not been found yet, Arawn? *" Garrett said in disbelief.

"* Yes, I heard you the first time. Keep that group of guards searching. I was serious when I said they will not return until those men are found. *" The prince leaned forward and looked at the map. "* Evanna said she is from the Kingdom of Dunhurst.*" 

He paused and couldn't help but smile at how she blurted everything out. The girl was smart, that was sure, because if she wasn't, then he would not be searching for his beloved gem right now. But no one can outsmart him.

The prince knew that Evanna would have been raised as a Lady, trained to think and act like one at all times. So, it was easy to bring up small matters such as a tarnished family name, among other questions, to manipulate truthful answers from her.

His gaze went back to Garrett after feeling his gaze on him; he raised his own brow, and his friend glanced back to his drink and took a gulp from it, hissing as he put the glass down on the table. Arawn chuckled before continuing with his plan.

"*I want them to start with searching the roads from Direwood and checking Kuramji. IF they are not found there, then the men can return, and we can reconvene on what to do.*"

Garrett placed his hand on his chin, rubbing slightly, looking deep in thought. He was the only man the prince trusted with his plans. The king was a close second, but this matter was too personal, and his father did not wish to know anymore, only wanting to see the result of the gem back with his son.

"* Kuramji is quite risky, no? We know of the streets and how to stay out of sight. They do not, *" Garrett replied pensively.

"* Kuramji is full of corruption. No laws are upheld there. If they see elves, the most that will happen is a fight. And we both know who will leave alive, *" Arawn replied with a smirk and leaned back into his chair, downing the last of his drink.

Garrett stood up abruptly, "* I will send word to our men then.*"

Arawn nodded his head and gestured for him to go, the door swung open under his command, and Garrett bowed before leaving. "*Make sure to stick to my chambers. We do not want our guest to see you now!*" Arawn raised his voice after him and chuckled.

He stood up and began walking through the many chambers that were his, different rooms meant to host an array of guests. But, finally, he made it through the last one and opened the patio doors to a balcony that joined to his own bed-chamber balcony. This one, however, was hidden from view, with the use of a tall tree next to it. The green leaves were the perfect tool to keep cover from any guests or servants on the grounds below.

As soon as he sat down at the small table and chairs, his eyes searched the grounds for his little friend. His eyes widened when he finally found her. Evanna was sword fighting with Cedric! And there was a small crowd!

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