Heart Over Sword

Chapter 91 - Gifts: Part One

Evanna halted her steps as she and the prince stared at each other. The princess tried to read his facial expression, body language, anything to tell her if he saw what happened. But as per usual, he was like a statue, unreadable. Until he nodded his head for her to come to him.

As she tentatively walked towards him, her clasped hands tightened together while she started to think more about the root that sprouted from the ground. When Evanna first saw it, she believed it might have been her doing; her flying emotions and reasoning to cause such a thing made sense. Maybe she had some unknown powers. She did, after all, have this sixth sense that nobody else had.

Plus, there was the time that the vine unwrapped itself and saved her from near death. But now, as Evanna approached the prince, she wondered if it was him. He did have the gift of ice, and she had a feeling, no, her senses were telling her that he had other powers not yet used in front of her.

Could he work all of the elements? It made sense, he was also there when she fell from the balcony, and now it appeared he had been watching the she-elves interact with her, where they suddenly tripped on an uplifted root.

Once she was near him, he reached his hand out and grabbed her by the wrist, gently pulling her towards his chest; she blinked as her head banged into his solid form and widened her eyes when she felt his lips on the top of her head.

Arawn tenderly kissed the top of Evanna's head. His gaze was in the direction of the two lady's now gawking at his public display of affection. A smirk formed on his lips as he watched them recoil from his glare and the sudden dark mist that erupted from the ground and around them, cocooning them from his vision. He was lost in the feeling of what his dark power could do, but the sudden touch of Evanna pushing against his chest snapped him out of his daze.

The mist dispersed, and the she-elves were left on the ground cowering, their hands out, grovelling on their knees to the prince as they gasped, catching their breaths. All the nobles in the palace knew not to get on his bad side. They had seen him use his sword, but if he used his abilities, then people suddenly disappeared from view as he allows the darkness to flow out of him when his rage was beyond repair. He became relentless, unforgiving like the power surging through the deathly mist that caused its prey to suffocate to death.

But Evanna's presence both stirred him to continue with his punishment, for it was her who was near to tears by their vulgar words or to let them go so he could make sure she was okay. The latter won. He snapped his fingers to the women on the ground, and guards nearby rushed towards them and took them from their sight. Although Evanna was still hidden in his chest, she was unaware of what was happening. 

Once they were gone, he pulled away from her but as soon as Evanna looked up at him, her scowl formed into worry filling her doe-like eyes as she searched his expressionless features. Though, he watched her glance at their surroundings as she tried to pull further back from his grasp.

Arawn released her wrist as he muttered, "*You will always be their prisoner if you care what they think about you.*" He sighed and tilted his head slightly when he saw her look at him and nod her head slightly with a frown in response to his words. This little action was unnoticeable to Garrett, who still stood guard by them, but the prince noticed everything about her.

He narrowed his eyes subtly, without her noticing as she pursed her lips and muttered back, "Your highness, please stop touching me inappropriately in public. I am still a Lady and you a Prince, both unmarried. Although I am not from here, I would prefer not being called a bed warmer.."

Arawn's jaw began to tick, and Evanna felt the iciness seeping into her skin once more. No one was allowed to speak ill of her, and he would make sure of that. If anyone was allowed to tease her, it would be him with such crude things to say. But a bed warmer.. She was so much more than that. But he pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind, he could see her begin to shiver, and he knew it was his fault. He couldn't help it sometimes.

As he relaxed his demeanour, he decided to lighten the situation. A smirk curled his lips, "So, in private, it is okay to touch you inappropriately? You know you should never say such things."

Evanna's face visibly paled and retorted, "I never suggested such things!?"

"Oh?" He tilted his head to the side, "You should really watch your wording, lady Evanna. A man may get the wrong idea."

Evanna's mouth fell open, and she was at a loss for words.

Arawn chuckled in response. "It is a joke." He then barely muttered, "mainly." Which Evanna caught and narrowed her eyes at him. But he raised his voice once more, "You should lighten up, Evanna." He couldn't help the smile sounding in his voice.

Evanna crossed her arms against her chest, "I would if I knew when it is a joke or not. It was not long ago that we.." She cut herself off after glancing at Garrett, whose gaze was scanning their surroundings, acting as though he was not listening. But Evanna knew better than that, and so she bit her lip.

Arawn chuckled again and gestured her for them to continue with their stroll. Occasionally Evanna twisted her head to the side and saw Garrett following them at a distance. It seemed a little odd that the crown prince only had one guard after an assassination attack; in fact, why was the prince still outside where it could still be dangerous?

Evanna glanced at the prince, who was standing proud, his gaze uncaring to the nobles who made a path to him and Evanna the closer they made it back to the palace. She parted her lips to ask the question lingering on her tongue, but she shook her head, he did not answer her questions earlier, and he wouldn't now. Evanna was his prisoner as he kept reminding her, and so she had no expectations to gain answers from him about his kingdom. He also had a guard and a sword hanging on his hip.

With the comfortable silence between them, they were now inside the palace. The pair began to walk down the halls that were still unfamiliar due to Arawn taking her through different paths each time they returned to the palace. Evanna understood he was doing this tactically. 

He must know that she was still looking for an escape. The princess believed she had been subtle about it, or Arawn most likely already knew she was mapping the place. With a sigh, she found herself staring up at him. Thoughts from earlier sprung up in her mind again about the gift or gifts the prince may have.

"If you have a question, lady Evanna, I suggest you ask it. If not, then you can always stare at me in my private chambers," His voice startled her from her thoughts. He was still staring ahead, acting as though he never uttered such words nor see her staring at him. Until he smirked at her reaction from her rising blush on her cheeks. Evanna looked down at her hands as she opened and closed her mouth, wondering where to begin.

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