Heart Over Sword

Chapter 92 - Gifts: Part Two

Evanna wrung her hands together in front of her. She had to ask him this without causing an insult nor providing any attention to herself more if it may have been her who caused the root to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Raising her chin again, she straightened her shoulders and asked what was on her mind.

"Your highness, I know I have asked before, but I am curious about something.." Evanna began and glanced up at him.

"Hmm," He mumbled and steered her elbow in a different direction, leading her up more marble stairs. She was distracted momentarily as the familiar sight began to fold before her. They were going to the prince's quarters. Here there was a lot more privacy, with not many servants. Evanna looked back again and watched as Garrett stopped and turned the opposite way.

It was then she whipped her head back around and found herself in the prince's room. Evanna gulped down her trepidation and wrung her hands once more.

"You are not to leave here until Garrett informs us it is safe to return to your room," Arawn said, gaining her attention. "There may still be a threat, and I cannot take any chances-"

"Did you forget the part where I could fight, Arawn?" She interrupted as she stayed near the double doors, slipping out of the prince's hand.

Arawn smirked, "No, I did not. But you do not have any weapons, and I doubt you would last long with an Eleppo assassin without one." He then walked away from her with his long arrogant strides.

Evanna parted her lips and closed them again. She was sure she could take them, yet her lips pouted slightly as her confidence dwindled at the prince's words. Of course, he was right, but she was not going to give him the satisfaction of indicating it was so.

But the princess wanted nothing more than to rest in her room right now, not spend more time with the prince who was intent on making her blush as much as possible. Evanna sighed after glancing at Arawn, who still had a smirk on his features. She took a few steps further into the room, looking more intently at her surroundings and not the prince. Evanna was also checking for a safe spot for her to keep a distance from Arawn.

Who knew what games he might want to play, the glint in his eyes made her very wary of him, and she kept looking away from his gaze. Her eyes lingered on the bed and then the patio. Arawn watched her the whole time while he removed his jacket and was left wearing his shirt underneath.

"Can we at least go to the patio?" Evanna asked, already knowing the answer from his raised brow and look of boredom.

Sighing, she wandered in further but kept glancing at Arawn and his positioning in the large room.

"You wanted to ask me something. Why don't you sit?" He suggested and gestured with his hand to a royal blue loveseat with gold edging that contrasted against the light walls and brightness of the room. Evanna hesitated, but after the prince clicked his tongue in annoyance, she half stumbled to the seat with her head lowered.

As Evanna sat down, she eyed the prince who strode towards her so elegantly, she couldn't help but stare. It was then she noticed the top three buttons undone on his shirt, revealing the muscles beneath, but her eyes flickered away quickly. She was already in his room, and she did not feel comfortable, especially after what lady Nienna and Lia said to her. Arawn seemed to sense her uneasiness, and he slowed his gait as he observed her carefully before sitting down on the seat with as much space as possible between them.

The action warmed her heart, and she felt a little more confident with what she wanted to ask him. So, she blurted it out while she still had her bravado. "What powers do you have?" She asked, staring directly into his blue hues.

Arawn's marble features seemed to crack slightly, a scowl formed on his forehead as his eyes became cold once more. "That is not something I like to discuss," He warned as the blue fire burned brightly behind his eyes, unblinking as he stared at her. Evanna bit the inside of her cheek from his gaze, but she stared back at him, unwavering and unflinching. Even though she felt the iciness crawling up her fingers and towards her shoulders.

"My apologies," Evanna replied through gritted teeth as she felt as though there was snow kissing the skin on her face. "I did not mean to offend. I am just curious," She shrugged it off nonchalantly, but the prince was an observant man. His eyes were already calculative. "I have wondered, though.. the elves have these gifts, but do they have control over, say.. the weather or the growth of plants.."

Evanna pursed her lips as she waited for his response. She forced herself not to fidget under his gaze as he assessed her for the next three minutes. Her body was tense, but she made it look relaxed, even with the tingling sensation of ice flourished across her skin from where his gaze lingered. She didn't know if it was his doing or her body's reaction to him staring at her for so long. Three minutes felt like three hours.

"The gifts of the elves differ to each elf," Arawn finally replied. Evanna released her breath, not realising she was holding it in the first place. But he still didn't answer her question; it was very vague. She resisted rolling her eyes and let out a sigh; she didn't mind showing him she was not happy with his response.

"Okay, so.." Evanna wrung her hands in her lap, her eyes lowered to them. When she looked back up to the prince, she nearly stilled and halted her speech altogether, but she lifted her chin and relaxed her shoulders. "I don't know if you saw, but lady Nienna and lady Lia tripped over something on the ground.." The prince tilted his head and waited. "They said there was a root that magically grew out of the ground, but when I checked, there was nothing there. I just wondered if someone with magical powers did it.." She trailed off.

Evanna's eyes flickered between his, trying to read his thought process and the calculations obviously swirling behind his eyes. Arawn's brows suddenly knitted together as he crossed his ankle over his knee and raised his arm to rest on the back of the seat.

"There has not been an elf with those powers for years.." He said pensively and watched her reaction.

Evanna paled and made a small 'o' with her lips.

"From what I can remember of who was at the gardens, there is nobody there with those gifts.." His eyes narrowed slightly before looking to each side of her head. Evanna subconsciously raised her hand to her head, patting at the side and the back of her bun. Her brows then drew together as she lowered her hand and rested it in her lap.

That meant the power came from her. But she didn't know how to use it or control it. Did her mother know that she would have these powers?

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