Heart Over Sword

Chapter 98 - Pleasant Conversation

Arawn chuckled, "Is that so.. *Please eat. Your food will be getting cold.*"

Evanna started eating; she was still reeling on how the prince was so logical. He really was something else. She couldn't help but be impressed, though she would never let him know that.

They continued eating in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Occasionally, Evanna looked at their surroundings. The balcony was set up beautifully with the candles, and she had not taken much notice of a rose floating in some water in a small glass meant for decoration. It was on the table between them. She lost herself looking at it, mesmerised that it still glowed even though it was not rooted to the ground.

"*Tell me more*" The prince interrupted her reverie.

"Why so you can come to another wild conclusion about my life?" She snapped back and closed her eyes briefly, "I am sorry," She whispered and opened her eyes to look at Arawn. He did not seem cold or angry; his face was impassive, hard to read. She sighed and took another bite from her dinner.

"I understand. *You are a long way from home. Have you always lived in Reigh?*" He asked.

Evanna narrowed her eyes. She still couldn't believe she nearly gave away that her father was the king. She will need to be extra vigilant. Even if she was still tired. "*I have always lived in Reigh,*" She sighed, giving up on pretending she was from anywhere else. After dinner, she was sure to fall asleep.

Arawn tilted his head subtly and asked another question, "*And your parents.. they grew up Reigh?*"

Evanna finished chewing on some vegetables before looking up and replying, "*My father yes, my mother no. She told me she was from somewhere cold but never said the name. Maybe when I return I will ask her..*" Evanna frowned and spoke quietly, "*If I return..*"

She met Arawn's gaze and couldn't understand the emotion behind his eyes. But as quickly as it came, it went, and she was left staring at a dazzling elf who was good at keeping his emotions off his strong features. "Somewhere cold is not very specific," He chuckled, and Evanna joined in.

"No, my mother can be quite mysterious.." She smiled and glanced at the scenery, becoming lost in thought.

"So that is where you must get it from.." Arawn muttered with a smile in his voice."*How can your mother be a mystery to you?*"

Evanna looked back at him with a smile, "*Oh, she wasn't just a mystery to me, but also to my father.*" She shook her head, smiling, "But I suppose that is why she is his-" She stopped herself from saying any more.

"Wife?" He peered at her through the strands of her hair that she let fall in place like a curtain.

Without looking at him, she muttered, "Yes." Though the word was full of so much raw emotion that the prince stood up and rounded the corner, so he kneeled on one leg by her side. His hand brushed her hair away from her face and let his hand cup her cheek as they stared at each other. It was at that moment, Arawn could see the trouble behind her bewitching eyes and the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"What is wrong, *my rose*?" He asked quietly. His voice was deep and calming, his cold hand on her skin surprisingly made her feel better, and she wanted to unleash everything that was on her mind. Instead, Evanna decided to give him at least one truth; maybe expressing herself instead of keeping it locked away would help.

Evanna was already emotional from being a prisoner and not racing home to her mother. With a sigh, she placed her hand atop his and removed it gently; their eyes were still locked as their fingers intertwined. "I never said it aloud before.." She whispered, "*about how much it actually hurts..*"

Arawn kissed her knuckle and waited for her to continue. He was over the moon by how his plan worked, but seeing this side of her, made him drop everything. So, what if she spoke Muranthian and wasn't aware she was doing it. His rose, his girl, looked so troubled, and she was barely eighteen.

"*My mother is my father's mistress.. I am his illegitimate child,*" She sighed and looked at their hands and the way his thumb stroked her, "You must think it's silly.. but it hurts to know that he couldn't marry my mother. And I have to deal with his wife and my sister Isabel, who hate me. I understand their hatred.. Who would want their husband and father to have this other family and see them every other day?"

Arawn's brows were slightly arched now, he was trying to keep a straight face, but something was trying to click at the back of his mind. Instead, he asked something he found ridiculous, "You live together?"

Evanna nodded her head, then blinked and looked away as he saw realisation dawn on her features. "Yes," She muttered. He waited for her to say more, but he could see how drained she looked. The questions, constantly staying on guard, were taking their toll on her. 

"Evanna.." He drawled. She looked back at him, and he saw her mask of composure slipped back into place. "We don't need to keep doing this." His words made her eyes light up. "*Please* just tell me what I need to know, *and I will let you go.*"

Evanna stared at him and saw no deceit or lies in his words. "*I can't. I need the gem, Arawn.*" She abruptly stood up, making Arawn straighten and step back with widened eyes as she rounded him and dashed through his patio doors. But he was quick on her heel, and as she made it to the double doors to exit, he pushed the door back in place.

"*What do you mean you need it? You're a lady! What could you possibly need it for? Do you not have beautiful jewellery there?*" Arawn asked angrily. His tone was low and deadly, and the room became suddenly colder, but he did not care. He was upset. Evanna was stubborn. He just told her he would let her go. Was this her pride? Or was this something more? He better get answers; he was losing his patience.

Evanna spun around angrily then leaned against the door after seeing how close they were. Her body began to shake, both from the cold and from all of the emotions boiling up inside. 

"*It is not about jewellery!*" She blurted out, "*I do not care for such things!*"

Arawn chuckled darkly, "*Yet you wear a Lyvarian gemstone around your neck, worth more than your manor.*"

Evanna's lips parted and closed in shock. "*Wh- what?*" She brought her hand up to her necklace, again feeling the power beneath the smooth surface. "*This was given to me by my mother as a birthday present before I left,*" She whispered, lowering her eyes from his icy gaze. Her chest was heaving, and she felt like her heart would burst. She glanced back to the prince; already, she had said too much. She needed to get back to her room and away from him.

"I am tired, Arawn. Please let me leave," She pleaded tiredly.

"You should stay here tonight. There is still the possibility of an assassin," Arawn replied, his gaze stone cold.

Evanna rolled her eyes, "If you were so concerned about another assassination attempt, we would not have dined out on the balcony," Evanna said through gritted teeth and held the prince's burning gaze. His lips thinned, and she started to see her breath come out in clouds in front of her.


"This is not finished." He muttered as his gaze lowered to her lips, and he caressed her face gently with his other hand. Evanna stilled at his touch, and his gaze snapped back to hers, his eyes hardening the longer she looked into the frosty depths of blue.

Arawn scrutinised her then dropped his hand away from the door, releasing her. Evanna instantly spun on the spot and scrambled for the door, flying out, almost bumping into another figure on the other side of the door.

"Evanna, wait.." Arawn chased after her but stopped next to Evanna at the guest.

She couldn't help but gawk at the stunning she-elf standing in front of her, who batted her eyelashes the moment the prince arrived. It wasn't just her gawking, though, but some of the guards also glanced her way, lustfully but straightened after seeing the prince. She stood there twirling her chestnut curly hair and moving her hips slightly as she giggled. "My apologies, my lady. I was here to see his highness,"

Her green-blue eyes flickered to the prince. This she-elf had radiant caramel skin, and her curvaceous body was every woman's dream. No wonder she was barely wearing a string to cover her. If Evanna had a body like hers, she too would probably walk around half-naked. No, no, she wouldn't. Evanna looked away from the sheer gown and her nipples that showed through.

"Evanna, this is-"

"Amaruil, the prince's mistress," Amaruil spoke sharply to Evanna as she looked her up and down and smirked before turning a sultry gaze to Arawn and placing her hand against his chest, "I missed you. *Your bed must be cold without me,*" She purred. Arawn snatched her hand and dropped it to the side.

Evanna didn't bother to stay and listen to the rest as she swiftly went to her room. As soon as she touched the door, another hand slammed into it. She didn't need to turn around to see who it was.

"She doesn't mean anything. It was over before you arrived.."

Evanna looked up at the prince. "Why would it matter to me? I'm just your prisoner," She smiled, but it didn't reach her saddened eyes as she felt angry at herself for liking this prince.

"*Has that whore taken the room you promised me!?*" A screech came from behind them. Evanna clenched her teeth, and she saw her door suddenly become icy. She did not care though, her emotions were thrown all over the place. With that in mind, she spun around and punched the stunning she-elf in the face.

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