Heart Over Sword

Chapter 99 - A Lightweight?


Evanna punched Amaruil square in the face, and she flew backwards onto the ground. A smirk formed on the princess' face, and she tilted her head to the side. "You are lucky I haven't got my blades."

Amaruil held her left eye, and Evanna watched as the tears welled in her eyes. A boisterous laugh from behind Evanna made her look back at the prince with her forehead creasing. The guards who came rushing forwards also stopped and stared at the prince like he had gone mad. They didn't seem to know what to do.

"Arawn! *How can you stand there laughing!? Throw her in the dungeon!*" Amaruil screeched, causing a scene.

"Guards," Arawn said in a bored voice as he looked at his nails. His men came forwards and grabbed Evanna by the arms; she lowered her head but regretted nothing. She was a prisoner getting far too comfortable in their presence. Her punching the prince's mistress was evidence of that fact.

The prince sighed irritably. "Not lady Evanna!" He spoke icily and glared at the guards who had started to pull Evanna away. "*Take Amaruil away.*" He tsked and dropped his hand as he watched with disinterest as his mistress was being taken away. The woman kept yelling at the top of her lungs, trying to escape the soldier's grip on her arms.

Evanna watched in stunned silence as the she-elf cursed her, and it 'wasn't the last she would be seeing her'. She looked back at the prince with widened eyes, not bothering to hide her shock.

"I was not expecting you to hit her, but that was very entertaining," The prince smirked, and Evanna couldn't refrain from smiling.

"I can't stand poor manners," She muttered before walking around him and going to her double doors.

"Evanna.." Arawn reached out for her wrist, stilling her again.

"Is this room meant for your mistresses, your highness?" Evanna interrupted whatever the prince was about to rattle off his tongue. She glanced at him coolly and assessed his features, but they were stoic and unreadable as per usual.

"No. This room is only meant for my future wife. Who can do as she pleases with it," He replied as his eyes flickered between hers.

"Then you should not tell your mistresses it is theirs, nor lend it to a lowly prisoner like me," Evanna replied and pulled her hand away from his. "Is there somewhere else more suitable for me?"

The prince narrowed his sharp blue eyes, and Evanna felt the iciness of his gaze and his powers seep through her clothes and causing her to shiver. "No.. There is not," He snapped and leaned closer to her, "As you ARE my prisoner, you should watch your tone. And next time, pay more attention when drinking wine with your enemy. You never know what secrets you might spill.."

Evanna's brows furrowed at his words. "What did you do to the wine?" She asked in concern and held her hand against her chest. Arawn smirked, "*If you speak Muranthian, it makes me wonder what else you may be hiding, princess.*"

Her mouth dropped open, and the prince's smirk somehow deepened before he spun on his heel and walked briskly away, speaking over his shoulder, "Do not try anything, Evanna. I am only next door."

The princess was still standing outside her door, looking at the spot the prince disappeared from to enter his room. Servants followed in, and she watched as they worked quickly in removing their plates, cutlery and glasses. A guard cleared his throat, snapping Evanna from her daze with her mouth still parted and unladylike. She glanced at the guards near her door, waiting expectantly for her to return to her room.

Evanna yanked on the door handle and slammed the door behind her, leaning against the door as though it was her lifeline. She couldn't believe him! He used the dirty tactic of using wine to gain information out of her. She shook her head. Of course, he did. She didn't know why she found it so absurd. But if he drugged the wine, she would have spilt all her secrets.. But she did not.

Perhaps she was just a lightweight? She never drank the wine in her kingdom, yet here she had taken to it like it would help. Of course, she always liked experiencing new things. Which was why she tried that awful stuff at The Snakepitt Inn. 

Evanna pushed off from the doors and groaned into her hands. The prince knew she spoke Muranthian. She wiped her hands down her face and marched towards her balcony doors. She may be tired, but the cool night air was still needed. She felt frustrated at herself.

She couldn't believe Arawn now knew she understood Muranthian. Yet, he hadn't done anything with that knowledge. She sat down on the balcony ledge again, much like last time, leaning against the trellis and staring at the view, lost in thought.

Evanna reminded herself that speaking Muranthian wasn't a crime. It was only a crime in the human kingdoms, so that was why the prince did not seem bothered. But she could tell from the way he looked at her that she was hiding more than just her understanding of the elven language. Evanna sighed and tried to go through everything they spoke of. He really was brilliant, jumping between languages while she had been intoxicated and emotional.

Shaking her head, she stopped after feeling slightly dizzy and covered her eyes, letting her hair fall in front of her. Once she felt settled again, she opened her eyes and saw the rose from her hair in her lap. Picking it up, she brought it to her nose and smelled it with a slight smile on her face until her eyes widened.

His rose.

He called her his rose. Now, she felt even more confused. He had been sweet, comforting her, but then he asked her about the gem.


She felt so frustrated and leaned her head against the trellis.

"Lady Evanna! What are you doing?!"

Evanna sighed. "Catching my breath," She muttered without looking at her handmaiden and looked at the view instead.

"Please, my lady. It is not safe sitting on the ledge like that," Rina almost shrieked at her.

Evanna chuckled dryly. "Rina, you have no idea who I am, do you?" She looked at the servant and watched her panic-stricken eyes glance between the balcony ledge and Evanna.

"My lady, if something were to happen to you.. his highness would not be happy. Were you.. you weren't going to jump?" Rina struggled with her words, and Evanna suddenly felt terrible.

Sighing, Evanna hopped down while still holding her rose. "I would never jump, Rina. I have far too much to do before I die," She muttered as she passed the handmaiden.

"I would miss you if you did."

Rina's words made Evanna look back over her shoulder, and she was surprised to see the genuine expression on her features. Her eyes filled with tears, and she turned her head away. She really was a cry baby tonight. 

"I like your company too, Rina," The princess replied, facing away from her.

Once they were back in her room, the servant helped her get changed into a golden silk nighty. The material was perfect for how feverish she felt. But as soon as she was changed, Evanna didn't waste any time climbing into her bed. Her heart felt heavy from everything that had happened, but it didn't stop her from completely blacking out from exhaustion.

However, when she lost consciousness, the veil of darkness slowly disintegrated, and Evanna was fully aware of being pulled into a dream. She blinked and almost wept at the figure standing in front of her.

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