Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 2 Chapter 33: : Fengyun meets!

On Ji Mingyao’s white face, the tears on the corners of her eyebrows were very obvious. She smiled coldly at Mu Tianyin’s sight. Is this the first spiritual root of the Middle Earth? Or a talented runeman?

Today, she wants to have insights and insights, and she just hopes that she won't be vain!

Ji Chengfeng looked disdainful, and stood behind Ji Mingyao with his hands in his arms, and said in a special way, "I think it's just that."

In front of their Ji family, few people dared to call it a rune master, who was indeed good, and hoped to have self-knowledge, but why did the third sister have to care about her, a monk of Middle-earth.

No matter what, there is nothing to do anyway.

Besides, they only came to participate in Xianyuan's Dao Slashing Conference, it was to give Xianyuan face, they should feel honored!

Mu Tianyin's red lips hooked, is the Ji family monk? The female is still a rune master, I don't know which line it is. If it is from the line of Ji Ming's clan elders, you can just get some internal information about the Ji family, if it is from the line of Ji Xuan!

Just looking at this situation, it doesn't seem to be a good idiom.

"Ji family." Gu Fenghua's eyes trembled slightly. Although she still looked at that cold face, she was still a little excited at this time. As a rune master, it can be said that no one does not yearn for Ji family in the north.

The rune avenue of the inheritor Huang Fuxi has been immortal for thousands of years, and it is also the only rune master clan!

Ji Mingyao hummed faintly and looked away.

I don't know who revealed the news, and the crowd rioted in twos and threes, knowing that the two monks sitting in the front were monks from the Ji family in the desert of North Desert, and the woman was a rune master.

"That woman is going to participate in the Dao Slashing Conference. The name of Ji Mingyao from the Northern Wilderness Ji's family seems to be Ji Mingyao. I heard that she is only eighteen years old and has reached the end of the Dao Slashing stage." A disciple, he received more accurate news.

There was a loud noise next to him, and someone excitedly said, "So, isn't she almost the same as Mu Tianyin? And she is also a rune master, or a rune master from the Ji family. I am afraid that she is even more powerful than Mu Tianyin. Ji family!"


"The North Desert Desert is really well-deserved, just come here and it's so powerful!"

Many monks whispered, it is no wonder that they are full of arrogance, they do have arrogant capital, and they can't help but yearn for the oasis of the northern desert. I really don't know what the situation is over there.

Ji Mingyao sat down with her clothes, her eyes falling on the beheading stage in the central square, her chin lifted lightly, her eyes were not squinted, and she did not pay attention to the fiery eyes of the people around her, her posture was completely superficial.

Gu Fenghua stared at Ji Mingyao, frowning.

At this moment, the crowd rioted again.

The front one broke apart, and two figures walked out from front to back. The man behind was as strong as a bear, with his exposed arms strong and powerful, his muscles bulging out, and his face straightened out.

And the one who walked in the front was slender and tall, with a dark red cloak wrapped around his shoulders, and the floor was winding like lava blood. The cloak covered most of his face under the shadow, adding a touch of mystery to him.

When this person comes out, everything is silent!

"Look at it, this is the man who appeared in Broken Soul Ridge." The disciple of the Six Great Sects who had been to Broken Soul Ridge recognized this figure at a glance. He was shocked for a while, but he was still there. Xianyuan.

"Duanhunling took Mu Tianyin and burned down that man You Qingyu?"

"It's definitely him, can't be wrong!"

Some people even vowed, "Yes, that's right, good guy, people are tired as a dog to climb two thousand steps, and he went up! That was what I saw with my own eyes, and my soul was almost scared away. He was turned into ashes. All know each other!"


Hua Zhongjin sat down in the first place below, and it was unlucky to be facing Ji Mingyao and Ji Chengfeng, and they immediately attracted their attention, especially Ji Mingyao, those eyes flashed thickly. Curiosity.

this person……

Mu Tianyin and the two masters looked at each other, Mo Xingyi smiled silently, and then she moved away from her eyes silently, and she met Hua Zhongjin below, and a smile drifted in their eyes tacitly.

"Isn't Chongjin retreating? Has he recovered?" Mu Tianyin murmured inaudibly, somewhat surprised.

Hua Zhongjin's thin lips raised lightly, and waves gradually rose in the pair of blue pupils, and they brushed with Mu Tianyin's eyes like water, and then moved his eyes to look at the nearly a thousand Dao Slashing Platforms in the square.

Ji Mingyao frowned as he looked at the two silently interacting.


"There are still people from the Meng family!"


"Yes, that seems to be the Meng family's heavy bird emblem!"

Several other voices suddenly sounded, attracting everyone’s eyes to one place. Everyone could not help but wonder that the Dao Slashing Conference in Xianyuan was really lively. Now the Northern Wilderness cultivators in Middle-earth came here one after another. These people.

"Ming Yao——"

When Ji Mingyao heard this voice, the expression was obviously a little surprised. She was stunned, and then turned her head sloppily. After seeing the person, her eyes were suddenly bright and she couldn't believe it, "Brother Yi."

A crowd broke open, and a white-clothed young man walked out, with a high turban and a folding fan in his hand. His face was elegant and handsome, and it gave people a warm feeling. He looked at Ji Mingyao and walked slowly.

Everyone looked at the white-clothed men who came slowly, and the young man in white nodded secretly. Although they couldn't see anything concrete from the surface, they also gave people an unfathomable feeling, worthy of being a monk from the Great Northern Wilderness.

Ji Mingyao stood up and tidied up his clothes secretly, from the charming and bright high-cold school, immediately turned into a graceful deputy little daughter, "Brother Yi, it really is you!"

Meng Chengyi smiled lightly, and the folding fan in his hand opened, "I heard Minglan said that you are also in Middle Earth. Today I visited Xianyuan and participated in the Slash Dao Conference. I was just about to join in the fun, so I came to try my luck. I didn't expect you to pay. It's really here."

"Brother Yi, why have you come to Middle-earth." Ji Chengfeng was very excited.

Meng Chengyi just smiled without answering.

Mo Xingyi frowned and murmured, "Meng family?"

Without receiving news from the Meng family in advance, the Meng family is also one of the seven great cultivation families in the Northern Wilderness. Although it has no emperor line, its strength should not be underestimated. Even if it is a bit worse than the Ji family, it is not an immortal. Yuan, Magic Sword Sect and the others are comparable to such immortal gates.

Mu Tianyin made a fist and gave a low dry cough, scratching his eyebrows with his fingertips.

"What's the matter with Tianyin?" Xiao Ruofeng next to him noticed and said with concern.

Mu Tianyin twitched his mouth and smiled, blinking solemnly, "What? Nothing."

Fatty Shi and Li Jing looked at each other, their eyes twitched fiercely. When they first heard the people of the Meng family, they all trembled. Last time they were in the dense forest outside Broken Soul Ridge, they did not forget. What is the surname of Meng Lei who was burned to ashes by Mu Tianyin?

Ji Ming’s rumor ordered the disciples of Xianyuan to add a place to his side, and he ranked ahead of the other six sects, and Xianyuan’s way of entertaining disciples to be courteous to guests from afar, hinted in Mo Xingyi’s eyes Next, the convenience did so.

It was Meng Chengyi's hand pointing upwards and he said with a smile, "It's Chengyi's fault to visit Xianyuan without informing Mozun in advance. I hope Mozun doesn't mind."

"I'm serious, the gate of Xianyuan is always open today, and all visitors are guests." Mo Xingyi smiled softly, and Xianyuan's Taoist robe flicked, showing everyone's demeanor, and raised his hand to him, "Mengzi, please sit down. "

"Thank you." Meng Chengyi swept past Mu Tianyin, stunned for a moment, and then slowly turned back. The light in those gentle eyes sparkled. She should have been talking about it from the middle-earth monk these days. The most people, Mu Tianyin.

Mu Tianyin curled her lips and nodded a little.

Meng Chengyi also smiled and nodded at her.

"Brother Yi, sit down, are you alone? Why didn't you tell me!" Ji Mingyao asked Meng Chengyi to sit down next to him, and several questions were thrown down, attracting his attention.

The color in her eyes is also obviously uncomfortable. Why are you polite with these people? They can come just to give Xianyuan a face!

Meng Chengyi glanced at Ji Mingyao and sighed secretly.

"It's really lively." Mu Tianyin laughed.

Gu Fenghua looked down and said coldly beside him, "Mu Tianyin, it seems that your situation is very bad. I think what Ji Ming's rumors are, it is not worse than your qualifications. , You have to be good, don't make any mistakes."

Mu Tianyin just smiled, without any interface.

"Shaojun." Wu Yi walked to Hua Zhongjin's side and whispered a few words in his ear, dark and solemn.

Hua Zhongjin gradually frowned upon hearing her brows, and finally nodded softly.

About the time for a stick of incense passed, all the big sects, many casual cultivators, and those uninvited guests all sat down one after another, the drums all around, startled the cloud and mist mountain peaks and the cranes to go around.

Mo Xingyi lifted his hands to stop the drum sound, "Dear fellow daoists——"

After a sound, he went quiet all around, and in the eyes of everyone, Mo Xingyi continued with a smile, "A hundred years later, this Middle-earth monk's Dao Slashing Conference can be held here again, and it is a great honor for Xianyuan."

This conference is of great significance. In addition to the two Venerables who were in retreat, the other five Venerables also came to the formation and sat behind Mo Xingyi in the viewing position in the center of the high platform.

"You can get the help of the five immortal gates, the cultivators from the Middle-earth world come enthusiastically, and you have the support of a few Beihuang Taoists. The disciples and teachers of Moxianyuan thank you for coming." Mo Xingyi stood at the front of the high platform. He is dressed in Xianyuan Taoist robe, looks like a fairy style.

The people below did not dare to respond, and said seriously.

Only Ji Mingyao still held his jaw high, his beautiful eyes lifted up and looked away. If it weren't for a sage Bai Mufeng, Xianyuan really didn't have much face to make her look at it more, not because she was degrading, but the fact.

Ji Chengfeng smiled, he obviously thought so too.

And Meng Chengyi, since he took his seat, his eyes have been observing the opposite side, the man in the scarlet cloak quietly shook the folding fan in his hand, his eyes flashing with unclear light.

Mo Xingyi said in a loud voice, "Since they are all here for the Dao Slashing Conference, the deity will not be too verbose, so let's go directly to the topic. Now, please prepare for the Dao friends participating in the Dao Slashing Conference."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums rang, raining in a hurry, and the sound was intense, like thunder.

There were 30 or 40 disciples in the Fairy Sects such as Magic Sword Sect, Luoxia Pavilion, etc. The Guangming Sect had a little less, only about 20 people, and the rest were some casual cultivators, and there were more than a hundred people in bits and pieces.

Thirty-nine disciples of Xianyuan came out. In the eyes of everyone, Mu Tianyin slowly walked down from the high platform, causing a group of people around him to stare and exclaim. He didn't expect this little ancestor to really want to join this. lively.

"Mu Tianyin."

Mu Tianyin was stopped by her when she passed Ji Mingyao.

"Something?" Mu Tianyin turned around.

Ji Mingyao stepped forward, but he was straight to the point, and said in a charming voice: "Ming people don’t talk secretly. I participate in this slashing meeting. It’s for you. I want to see it. What everyone says is made in heaven. What a genius."

"Then you just stare at it." Mu Tianyin said lightly, not talking nonsense with her, looking forward.

"Be less arrogant in front of me! I heard that you are still a runemaster?" Ji Mingyao raised his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him, as if he didn't even bother to mention it.

Ji Mingyao and Ji Chengfeng left Ji's house and came to China to experience, but every time they walked to a dangerous place where monks gathered together, or a deep hill in an ancient tomb, they would hear comments about Mu Tianyin.

The strong rise of geniuses is even more self-defeating! ?

At first, she just laughed in confusion and disdain to compare with the Middle-earth monk, but in the end she heard that Mu Tianyin was still a genius runeman! She herself didn't dare to call a genius, how dare Mu Tianyin?

Rune is the root of their Ji family, not, nor can it be compared by anyone!

As a result, the string in Ji Mingyao's heart that had been slapped around, broke immediately with a bang, and his unconvinced energy gushed out, and he was about to compete with Mu Tianyin.

She was going to go back to Zhandao after this experience. After hearing about the Xianyuan Zhandao Conference, she did not hesitate to come. The Ji family, the head of the seven great ancient surname cultivation families, no matter what, she didn’t Will lose to a Middle-earth monk!

Without waiting for Mu Tianyin’s answer, Ji Ming’s rumors continued, “Do you dare to call yourself a rune genius, rune without the eyes of my Ji family? This girl doesn’t mind letting you know what the real rune is. Road!"

"Humph!" This cold snort was made by Gu Fenghua.

She lifted her purple robe, walked slowly to the edge of the stand, and cast her eyes down on Ji Ming’s rumors, “Don’t look at what you are first. If the Ji family is half-filled like you, I think it’s also But so."

Gu Xing'er clapped her hands and realized that her third sister was not that annoying.

Ji Ming's rumor was furious, "You--"

Mu Tianyin finally turned sideways, "Ji family?"

"Why, I'm scared?" Ji Ming said that he was too busy to talk about the ancient style, and turned to look at Mu Tianyin in front of him, smiling charmingly with her lips curled, and the sunshine dotted her enchanting face even more brilliantly.

Mu Tianyin let out a cold voice, brushing past Ji Mingyao, her expression was calm from beginning to end, and at the end she left a word, "Don't worry, I will go to Ji's house sooner or later."

She will also bring back the things that should be brought back for Grandpa!

Ji Ming’s rumors didn’t understand Mu Tianyin’s meaning, but it was definitely not because she was afraid of the Ji family. Her face sank, and she walked a few steps to catch up with Mu Tianyin to find her theory, but was stopped by Meng Chengyi behind. "Obviously, don't cause trouble."

He warned her with a solemn face.

Although Ji Mingyao has always been stubborn and self-willed, he still listens to Meng Chengyi's words a little bit. Although his face is still very stinky, but with a muffled anger, it also means that he will not make trouble at will.

"Brother Cheng Yi, it's just a fairy garden. What's so terrible." Ji Chengfeng wondered, "Don't talk about getting into trouble, it's just to make trouble here, he Xianyuan dare not do anything with us."

Meng Chengyi glanced at the other side, but said, "You don't understand."

Ji Chengfeng hummed twice, still not paying attention.

Besides the Ji family, they don't know that the righteous Patriarch can still stand here now!

However, in half a quarter of an hour, all parties were ready. In the center of the square in the fairy garden surrounded by the ancient cranes and fire flags, nearly a thousand feet high stone pillars supported the slashing lotus platform that can only accommodate one person at the top, and there are more than 300 below. The monks are free to choose.


High above the empty square, there was a long shout from the old man.

The clothes fluttered, and many monks flew up.

Mu Tianyin jumped out on his toe, and flew across several lotus platforms. Standing on the lotus platform on the right side, she turned to look at the high platform. A piece of fairy robe and clothes swayed in the wind, as if a branch swayed in the sky of Tianhe. Qinglian among them.

She sat down cross-legged, and the whole sky seemed to be short by her.

Unwilling to fall behind, Ji Ming followed closely, squeezing out the monk who had fallen on Mu Tianyin's side of the Dao Dao Stage, and sat cross-legged on him, squinting his eyes to the person next to him, and humming slightly.

Wu Yi also looked at Mu Tianyin, must be careful and careful, cutting the way is very important, he found that his hand was shaking, he quickly covered it, and his left hand covered his right hand, not knowing what he was nervous about.

Mu Tianyin lowered his eyes, facing Hua Zhongjin's raised eyes.

The many monks onlookers also took their breaths, the pride of the great clan of the Northern Wilderness, the fierce beasts and ghosts of the Xianyuan, the top disciples of various martial arts, and many strangers... This slashing conference will definitely be exciting!

------Off-topic ------

Ow, I took time off yesterday, and the girl kindly gave me the ticket, which moved my baby to death. Today’s exam was turned off, I was so dead, tears shed my tears~

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