Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 2 Chapter 34: : All show their magical powers!

The corner of Hua Chongjin's mouth curled up with an elegant curve, and the waves swayed in the green pupils, giving Mu Tianyin sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform of Zhandao a light smile and silent encouragement.

Mu Tianyin pursed her lips and smiled, her eyelashes drooped and her breathing was gentle.

After half a month of meditation practice on the stone of the sky, Mu Tianyin's mood was very peaceful at this time. She didn't know what the result was, and it was not what she should be thinking about now. Just take out her best state.

"Mu Tianyin, dare you compare yourself with me, and see who of us can succeed in cutting the Dao first, and who can make a higher Dao Pagoda?" Ji Mingyao stood on the Dao Dao platform next to him, condescendingly. Staring at Mu Tianyin.

She raised her chin in a beautiful arc, and seeing Mu Tianyin not paying attention to herself, she smiled confidently on her face, "Why, is it afraid of not speaking?"

After chuckling a few times, she looked away and said with a stern attitude, "I heard that this is not the case. You are not brave enough to take any challenge."


This Mu Tianyin simply doesn't deserve to be compared with her!

Even the monk cuts the way, she will definitely not be worse than Mu Tianyin!

Moreover, she is almost ready now. Before she left, the extremely clan elder had already judged that if she were in the best state, she would most likely cut out the Seventh Purple East, let alone after such a long period of stability!

It is said that the younger generation of Middle-earth monks was lucky enough to cut out the seven-layered Dao Foundation from a congenital sacred bone in the Ziyihou Mansion. She really admired Xiao Xingsuo, so he could be called a genius, but she didn’t believe it. This Mutianyin works too.

Mu Tianyin gave Ji Mingyao a boring look, then silently turned her head back.

Ji Mingyao suddenly became angry, she didn't like being ignored, and immediately attacked, "Mu Tianyin, what do you mean, this girl is talking to you, are you deaf, or dumb!"

Mu Tianyin's eyes were still looking straight ahead, only thinking that this woman had a problem with her brain, she did not know each other, so she targeted her as soon as she met, is she sure it is not delusional, or a mental problem?

Now, she has no time to comfort a patient.

Ji Mingyao slammed a punch on the cotton, no matter why, she was there for a long time, but people didn't pay attention to her. It felt like eating a dead mouse, unable to swallow it, and vomiting. If he didn't come out, he was extremely embarrassed in such a situation.

The corners of Meng Chengyi's mouth curled into a straight line. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't help but rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, and couldn't help worrying about Ji Ming's rumors.

With such impetuosity, how will the cut go smoothly?

Ji Chengfeng didn't care, and smiled even more happily, "Brother Chengyi, don't you see that Mu Tianyin is like that? I don't understand why everyone has such a high opinion of her, she dare not even take the words of the third sister. , I think it must be afraid of shame in front of everyone."

"Chengfeng!" Meng Chengyi frowned in a low voice.

Ji Chengfeng narrowed his mouth and shut up, "If you don't say it, don't say it."

Gu Xing'er was right by, glanced at Ji Chengfeng, and muttered there, "Laugh, laugh a shit, don't you think you smile so beautifully, like an idiot!"

Ji Chengfeng didn't hear it, but was still laughing.

Hua Zhongjin's slender eyebrows slowly closed, and a cold light flashed in the Bi pupil.

"Mu Tianyin, if you don't agree, I will treat it as your acquiescence!" Ji Mingyao finally came up with such a rude, unilaterally reached an agreement, and finally turned away with a light hum.

Mu Tianyin looked forward and finally screamed, but it was a sincere reminder, "You have this time to take care of me, so it's better to think about how to cut the way."

"You don't need to say, does this girl know?" Ji Mingyao didn't appreciate it.

"Friends, please!"

On the high platform, there is no easy way to raise their hands and shout, many monks and disciples sit down one after another, and more than 300 disciples and monks are scattered on nearly a thousand lotus platforms.

After seeing everyone sitting down, Mo Xingyi waved his raised hand, "Go!"

A wave of air blasted from the center of Zhandao Square, centered on many disciples, and dissipated in circles. The aura in the square in the entire fairy garden swirled around, and the surrounding ancient cranes and fire flags waved and fluttered like colorful clouds. .

"Both are top geniuses. Guess who can be better this time?" Swords were drawn on the cutting stage, and the crowd of monks watching around continued to make fine noises.

"I think it's almost!"

"At least they are all six layers. If anyone is lucky, they can rush to the seventh layer!" As for the results of the two, there are constant speculations and different opinions.

Although Ji Mingyao was frivolous by nature, she quickly entered the state after sitting down. After Mo Xingyi gave an order, she quickly entered the realm of Ding and Dao within a few breaths.

Meng Chengyi nodded, seeing that Ji Ming's rumor was so, he put aside a little bit, his stubborn temper was not defeated, he couldn't change it for a while, but fortunately he still knew how to measure.

"Don't worry too much, I see Tianyin's state is very stable." Nine Venerable Yu Canglan looked at Mo Xingyi in front of him and said.

Mo Xingyi turned his head and walked slowly to sit down beside the Nine Venerables, "Worrying doesn't count."

If he sighed like nothing, "I'm just afraid that Tianyin will reluctantly participate in the Dao Slashing Conference in Xianyuan, which will delay her, but depending on the current state, I should think too much."

The two venerables looked at each other, nodded silently, and then looked at the beheading platform they were facing.

If Tianyin is performing normally, Xianyuan will not lose her lustre to the other five martial arts in this Dao Slashing Conference. As for this result, he naturally hopes that it will be another Xiao Xingsuo.

Mu Tianyin sat cross-legged, eyes tightly closed.

Hold yin in your left hand and yang in your right hand.

Her eyebrows lighted and dimmed in the fairy house of the spiritual platform, and two auras of black and white continued to overflow from the outline of the two Taoist pagodas, flooding the fairy house of the spiritual platform, making her five senses clear.

While the third elder of the Magic Sword Sect was paying attention to his own sect disciples, he did not forget to care about the state of Mu Tianyin and Ji Mingyao. Among the hundreds of Dao Slashing disciples, no matter from which aspect, Mu Tianyin was indeed a classmate. Pull the pawn.

And this Ji Ming’s rumors, although they don’t know anything else, it’s not inferior to Mu Tianyin at only eighteen years old to reach the end of the road. Beihuang is really a gifted wizard, even a big family like the Ji family. Unfathomable.

Although this little girl is a bit arrogant, she has to admit that she is indeed confident.

Meng Chengyi has been paying attention to Mu Tianyin, frowning fiercely, and the more he looks, the more he feels something is wrong. Isn't Mu Tianyin a cultivator? But how could she have a monk...

"What's going on." Meng Chengyi said to himself.

Ji Chengfeng was puzzled, and followed his eyes to look at Mu Tianyin, "What's the matter?"

Meng Chengyi didn't pay attention to Ji Chengfeng, realizing this horrific discovery, he didn't have the time to pay attention to it at this time, his eyes were tightly locked on the blue shadow on the lotus platform, and his spiritual sense also leaned towards her a little bit.


There was an explosion in his mind, and his spiritual sense was wrapped around Mu Tianyin's body by a restraining force, and it bounced back suddenly, causing a sting in his head and blindness in both eyes for a moment.

"Yeah." Meng Chengyi snorted.

Ji Chengfeng noticed that the people around him were suddenly strange, "Brother Chengyi, what's wrong with you?"

Meng Chengyi shook his head with a fine cold sweat on his forehead, "It's okay."

"Oh." Ji Chengfeng was suspicious.

After Meng Chengyi slowed down, slowly raised his eyes and looked at the opposite side.

The person on the opposite side also happened to look back. Because of the wide scarlet cloak, only a section of the man's lower jaw could be seen, but Meng Chengyi clearly felt the warning look in his eyes.

Sharp and compelling, cold into the soul.

It's this man!

Hua Zhongjin only glanced at Meng Chengyi, then moved away from her eyes, and fell back to Mu Tianyin.

Wu Yi looked at the opposite side blankly: What do you want to do? what!

His warning eyes were even more obvious. He stared at Meng Chengyi naked, looking fierce and vicious, as if Meng Chengyi would immediately rush out if he made one move.

There was a drop of cold sweat in the corner of Meng Chengyi's temple. Who are these two people?

When he turned his eyes to look at Mu Tianyin, he found that there was no lingering yin force, and Meng Chengyi blinked vigorously.

What's going on, is it just his illusion?

It shouldn't be!

Just letting his mind guess what he thought, Meng Chengyi couldn't be sure right now, and there was no chance to be sure. His spiritual sense couldn't be close to Mu Tianyin's side at all, and the man had guarded her too tightly.

It just so happened that Mu Tianyin was surrounded by a cultivator, and that sway of yin power quickly attracted Meng Chengyi's eyes, which really made him suspect that it was just his own illusion.

Mu Tianyin's eyelashes trembled like a butterfly's wings with the spirit wind around him, and the whole person was settled in an extremely mysterious realm.

Mind united, look inside Lingtai Xianfu.

The outlines of two Taoist towers, one white and one black, stood opposite each other, surrounded by spiritual energy. After Mu Tianyin's body shuddered, the two giant monument-like Taoist towers collapsed suddenly, and the two air waves suddenly resembled dragons returning to the sea. Pentium roars in the fairy house!

Outside Mu Tianyin's body was surrounded by gusts of wind, and the blue silk vibrated, dancing wildly behind her.

"Mu Tianyin has begun to cut the way!" The more experienced monk immediately judged Mu Tianyin's current situation from a clue, and for a while everyone looked sideways.

Mo Xingyi clasped the hands of the chair and closed it, his old face tense, he was more nervous than anyone else.

Mu Tianyin's brow furrowed, faintly shiny.

The two forces within the Lingtai Immortal Mansion roared and rushed, and finally separated suddenly, returning to their original roots, like a black hole vortex, circling there continuously!

Mu Tianyin's breath tightened in vain, hands folded on top of his feet, holding three bodhi leaves, and constantly wrapped with his will and mind to control the two erratic forces.

Xiao Ruofeng watched Mu Tianyin's every move, while concentrating on it.

After Xiao Ruofeng entered the Immortal Garden, under the careful guidance of the Nine Venerables, he also made rapid progress. He is now in the early stage of cutting the Dao. Today, he mainly wants to observe many monks cutting the Dao so that his future path will be smooth.

"Ji Mingyao has also begun."

On the lotus platform a yard away from Mu Tianyin, Ji Mingyao's lingering aura was all restrained, and finally gathered at the center of his forehead, releasing a bright white light.

At this time, most of the disciples took actions one after another. For a while, the spiritual energy released around them receded like a tide, and returned to the many monks' fairy houses. The spiritual energy of the entire Yunwu Mountain surged towards this place.

The power of cutting the Dao, the casting of the Dao Pagoda, does not break or stand, break and then stand!

Destroying the Dao Pagoda high stele in the original Lingtai Immortal Mansion, if the monk does not use his own will control, the spiritual energy will spontaneously form the Dao Pagoda, but the result will definitely be very miserable.

If you use your will as your guide, the high platform of the casting road tower is more than just the will!

Hundreds of Dao Slashing Stages are surging and moving constantly, constantly attracting everyone's attention, especially the many Xianyuan disciples, who basically have their eyes fixed on Mu Tianyin.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Mu Tianyin still maintained that movement, her brows twitching.


A crisp sound whirled within the Lingtai Immortal Mansion, forged with a heavy foundation!

The black road foundation of the cultivator, a heavy road pagoda, is firmly located on the right side of Xianfu, and a crisp sound is heard on the left side, the white road foundation of the cultivator, a heavy road pagoda, are cast at the same time!

Lingtai Immortal Mansion, a black-and-white world, aura circulates frantically, looking for its foundation, and under the guidance of Mu Tianyin's will control, it constantly rushes towards the location of the two road foundations.

Hua Zhongjin sat not far away, lazy and peaceful.

Meng Chengyi withdrew his gaze from Mu Tianyin on the Dao Slashing Platform again, and silently glanced at the opposite side. After such a long time, he didn't notice any strangeness in Mu Tianyin. He finally convinced himself that he was wrong before.

But also, how can it be possible to cultivate the yin and yang aura of heaven and earth at the same time?



Thinking of this, Meng Chengyi's eyes fell back to Mu Tianyin.

However, that kind of physique has been rare since ancient times, and after the Five Emperors period, it has become extinct in the ancient land, even if it falls on the middle-earth land, it is impossible to grow.

What's more, I heard that Mu Tianyin was only a casual cultivator for a small remote tribe half a year ago, and it was even more impossible. With a quick punch in his head, Meng Chengyi nodded affirmatively.

"Keng, Keng!"

In Ji Mingyao's fairy house, there were two crisp noises in succession, and the spiritual energy solidified into substance. In one rush, she cast two towers in succession. From the corner of her slightly raised mouth, you can see that her condition is very good.

In this urgent atmosphere, unconsciously, another half hour passed.

"You said, can Junior Sister Tianyin suppress that Ji Ming's rumors?" Mu Tianyin sat there thoughtlessly, but these disciples were sweating for her, "It's really anxious."

The people around shook their heads, "I don't know."

"Sure!" Gu Xing'er was the one who spoke.

Her cheeks swelled angrily, raised her head to stare at Ji Mingyao, and snorted, "The monks of the Northern Wilderness are great, I think their cheeks are always uplifting for a long time."

"Yes, what happened to our monks in Middle-Earth?" Several voices echoed angrily.

"Yes, what to pull!"

Although Ji Mingyao had amazing talents, he was still a child of the Ji family of the Northern Wilderness tribe, and his rich background was beyond their imagination, but the miracles that Mu Tianyin had created before also gave many disciples in Xianyuan a lot of confidence.

So drag? Who gets slapped in the face?

Now it’s not just Xianyuan. Illusory Sword Sect’s many sects' disputes are also related to the face of the entire Middle-Earth. If Ji Mingyao is allowed to shine in Xianyuan’s Dao-Slashing Conference, then the Middle-earth monks will I can't lift my head even more.


When everyone was discussing happily, there was a sudden bang on the Dao Slashing Platform, and a faint green light came out, which immediately attracted the attention of many monks.

"There is a green light, the four-layer road tower!"


Mo Xingyi saw that he was a disciple of the Magic Sword Sect, and his heart was unavoidable.

The third elder of Magic Sword Sect stroked his beard and nodded to express his satisfaction.

Gu Fenghua is so talented that he can cast five layers. It is conceivable that there are still very few disciples who can cast four layers. Three to four layers are a watershed existence. One to three belong to the lower level. Going to a high level, of course, six or seven is another matter. It is the distinction between genius and ordinary monk.

The disciple flew off the Dao-Zhandao stage, his eyebrows were bright and he was very happy.

Many disciples around looked at him enviously. After all, among the ten monks, at least five layers can only cast one or two Taoist towers, and the four-layer is indeed a very good result.



Immediately afterwards, there were a few muffled noises on the lotus platform, but they were all red and orange lights. It was a pity that they were all one or two layers of Taoism towers, a few casual cultivators, and a disciple of Luoxia Pavilion.


There was a lament around, and there were a few cheers, and several cultivators were extremely disappointed and floated down the Dao Dao Platform, all of them downcast, and some could not accept the result.

The scorching sun is shining, the mountains and the mountains are scorching, and many monks show their magical powers.

Ji Chengfeng also seemed a little nervous at this time, squeezing his hands tightly, and his feet on the ground couldn't help but tremble slightly. He kept staring at the position of Ji Mingyao, "At this time, the third sister should be almost ready Up."


With a crisp sound, inside look at Ji Mingyao's immortal mansion, there is already a six-layered Taoist pagoda standing high!

------Off-topic ------

Today is really unlucky. First, the flight was cancelled, then the laptop crashed, and the hotel pick-up was cancelled again. I pitifully squatted in the Internet cafe with these thousands of words. I was also drunk and a miserable life. There is no best, only more. ...

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