Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 7: : Kill a flower monk halfway!

"You can't run away!"

Lian Qingchen shouted into anger from anger and shame. Mu Tianyin was unmoved, but his speed didn't stop at the slightest. He stepped out of the wind and ran away without looking back.

"Chasing!" Ji Nanfeng looked gloomy.

I tried my best, and finally had to let Lian Qingchen sell his personal affection. If Mu Jin was allowed to get rid of the thing, his old face would not be put aside!

The wild wolf tribe and the others responded one after another, but those who were still alive were all the real Zi Yan who were powerful. Seeing the crowd flew up, they chased after Mu Tianyin flew away.

Xue Changfeng was furious, "What a Mu Jin who knows nothing about life and death!"

It doesn't matter if you are uneasy and put him in your eyes. Now that he even dared to **** things from Your Excellency Xuannv, it was simply unforgivable. He just took the opportunity to catch this guy and was able to show his face in front of Your Excellency Xuannv.

Xue Changfeng's eyes were bright, and he flew out quickly.

The green shadow that leaped in front became a target of public criticism!

"Stop them!"

At this time, Long Li suddenly uttered such a sentence.

After everyone in the Falcon tribe was shocked for a while, after the patriarch gave an order to stop them, they flew high in the sky to intercept the wild wolf tribe and others who were chasing Mu Tianyin.

The Qishi Giant Bird Tribe and others were not far behind and helped Mu Tianyin and the Falcon Tribe.

They have been blessed by Mu Tianyin a lot along the way, and they need to know the reward of grace. Although these people know that they are weak and cannot fight against the Yao Gongji family, they must not do nothing at the critical moment to stop the Falcon Tribe. Waiting for people to still be able to do it, so when Long left his mouth, he actively responded to his call to help.

"Long Yi, Xiang Kaiyang, what do you mean!" Xue Hong was annoyed.

Although the wild wolf tribe is the largest tribe in 72 Continents, at this time they lost their troops and lost their generals, and they were faced with 20 tribes headed by the Falcon tribe, which was not much behind them, and the strong Qiu had no harm.

It was almost a collision, and it was stopped immediately.

Without changing his face, Long Yi snorted, "That's what you mean!"

"it is good"

Xue Hong was frustrated, and the two tribes completely turned their faces.

The Wild Wolf Tribe and others were intercepted. Mu Tianyin was able to breathe a sigh of relief, but she still faced a bomb-like dangerous person, chasing her behind her back.

Even Qingchen's speed was so fast that no one dared to stop, and couldn't stop it.


Lian Qingchen's eyes were cold.

Mu Tianyin took the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus into the Immortal Mansion and ran away in front of her.

The pace was also extremely mysterious. After only a few breaths, he escaped for several miles, but Lian Qingchen could teleport, and the speed was only faster or slower than Mu Tianyin, and the distance between the two was getting closer.

"This guy should be in Dao Jiji, why is the speed so fast?" Even Qingchen's beautiful eyes flickered, and while he was chasing after him, his heart was also very strange.

She used teleportation, with a footwork of the Yao Palace, which can be reduced to an inch. Adding up like this, it should be normal to catch a monk in the Daoji stage.

It's just that now I have chased more than a dozen miles away, but I still can't help it!

What did this guy eat?

Mu Tianyin's footsteps riding in the wind, the speed is extremely fast, leaving a series of phantoms above the yellow sandy desert, the speed is not inferior to Lian Qingchen who used teleport.

But Mu Tianyin didn't eat anything, she used the exercise technique that Bai Mufeng gave her even shadow step!

After apprenticeship in Xianyuan, Bai Mufeng once gave Mu Tianyin an iron box, which contained several exercises and secrets, all of which were extremely precious mysterious techniques.

Lianying Step is one of the exercises, which is called escape step by Mu Tianyin.

After entering the realm of Heavenly Realm Zi Yan, Mu Tianyin began to practice, and combining with Emperor Kongsang's Wordless Scriptures was even more effective. The two months from Middle Earth to Northern Wilderness were enough for her to learn.

You chase me with the two rays of light in the front, and the Falcon Tribe and the Wolf Tribe in the back are fighting together. On this vast expanse of yellow sand, the wind is even worse and the sky is faint.


At this moment, there were a few loud laughs in the air, and Mu Tianyin was still somewhat familiar with that voice.

"It seems that the monk is a little late."

A ray of light and shadow fell from the sky, just between Mu Tianyin and Lian Qingchen.

Lian Qingchen Yi Jue fluttered, flying to stop and look at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Mu Tianyin's movements were slightly stunned, blinked, and stopped.

Flower clothes, beautiful monks.

The monk's bright forehead was reflected by the golden sand, showing a somewhat graceful and auspicious outline, but the laughter on that face instantly destroyed the harmony, "This baby has been hollowed out."

He touched his bald head, his eyes flying between the two.

Mu Tianyin recognized the person at a glance, her face was calm and motionless, but suddenly she trembled slightly.

Damn it, you can bump into this monk everywhere!

"Well, isn't this the Profound Girl of the Yao Palace? I haven't seen it for a while, but it's still so beautiful and beautiful, right? It seems to be more beautiful than before." Ren Tianxing looked at Lian Qingchen and squinted.

Several black lines were drawn on Mu Tianyin's forehead. He was still a monk!

But Ren Tianxing obviously did not recognize Mu Tianyin.

In the ancient forest of Yunhuang, Mu Tianyin wore a mask and was stunned by Mu Tianyin in the Dayan dynasty Kyoto. This time Mu Tianyin's menswear dress was a little easier, and there was another such eye-catching Lian Qingchen. Now, Ren Tianxing didn't notice her much.

"Presumptuous!" Lian Qingchen didn't seem to know Ren Tianxing, his beautiful brows frowned slightly, and he was even more dissatisfied with his somewhat teasing tone, "Where is the flower monk, so rude."

Yao Gong Xuannv, Bing Qing Yujie, how could Lian Qingchen allow someone to say this in front of her.

Ren Tianxing let out a hey, robes swung forward, and bowed his hands together. "Your Excellency Xuan Nu is really a noble person who forgets things. If you don't change your name, you can sit and your surname, so is Ren Tianxing."

"Ren Tianxing."

Lian Qingchen had heard of it, but his reputation was not so good.

"If Lord Buddha has nothing to do, don't block the way of the palace. If there is something, I will talk about it later. There is something important to deal with in this palace, and you let it go." Lian Qingchen's beautiful face was expressionless, and his white dress was fluttering. , Like a fairy.

"Monk" at this time, Mu Tianyin yelled, eloquently, "The treasure you want is on that woman, there are six or seven lotus seeds of the 9th-grade golden lotus!"

For this flower monk, Mu Tianyin knows what he likes!

And definitely more attractive than beautiful women!

Sure enough, as soon as Mu Tianyin finished this sentence, Ren Tianxing's laughing face suddenly sank, his eyes showed golden light, and his sharp eyes scanned Lian Qingchen as if he was about to strip her off.

Ninth Grade Golden Lotus Seed!

After Mu Tianyin dropped such a sentence, he disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

Lian Qingchen took a look, "Teleport Symbol!"

She cursed in her heart and rushed forward.

Mu Tianyin used the teleportation talisman that had just been dug out of the ancient tomb. A ream was comparable to teleportation, and a breath of tens of miles of time, but she only had a few reams in her hand, so she must use it at the critical moment.

And now is the critical moment!


Just as Mu Tianyin had expected, Lian Qingchen had just stepped out to chase him, but he was intercepted by Ren Tianxing's grinning horizontal knife.

Lian Qingchen's face sank like water, and his eyes looked at the person in front of him like a torch, "Monk, what do you want to do? My palace warns you, if you don't step away immediately, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Mu Tianyin slipped away with a teleportation talisman. If she didn't chase it out immediately and let her escape, it would be a needle in a haystack from now on. How could Lian Qingchen not be in a hurry, but there was a big Buddha in front of her, making her unable to start.

"Xuannv's words are serious." Ren Tianxing started blocking with both hands, hehe said, "Father, I don't have any bad intentions, I just want to see the golden lotus seeds in your hand and watch them."

As for whether this viewing can be returned to its original owner, it is a different matter.


Lian Qingchen didn't talk with him, his white clothes fluttered, and a palm blasted out.


There was a loud noise, and the blow she blasted was resolved by Ren Tianxing, and the two flew back into the sky, each drifting several feet away.

In just a short time, even Qingchen realized that the monk in front of him was not as easy to deal with as he imagined. In a short period of time, he would not be able to tell the winner.

Lian Qingchen's eyes flashed, and she couldn't allow her to think about hiding so at this time, and then said, "Monk, I will lose big because you block me. I have golden lotus seeds on my body. It's true, but the 9th grade lotus platform is On that Mu Jin!"

She also spoke and turned to Mu Tianyin.

"I rely on" Ren Tianxing burst into swear words on the spot, "You said it earlier!"

The golden lotus seeds are precious, but the 9th-rank golden lotus platform is the true essence of heaven and earth, especially for Ren Tianxing, who is dedicated to practicing Buddhist scriptures.

Whether it is the ancient Buddha burning the lamp or the Nanhai Liansheng Dashi, they are all the powers of the Buddhist school. In the immortal way of seeking the devil to prove the way, they have a close relationship with the heaven and earth lotus, which can be said to be Buddhist. Sacred.

Lian Qingchen suppressed the anger in his heart and snorted, "Don't let go, otherwise it will be gone."

"It's gone!" Ren Tianxing yelled at Lian Qingchen, touched his bald head, and felt mad, "Everyone is gone, you just said it now, and you said a fart!"

Lian Qingchen's face was jet-black, "Nen Tianxing."

No one has ever treated her with such an attitude, even Qingchen's brows frowned, and his cold tone could hear the voice of teeth grinding, "Monk, I have no obligation to tell you anything, don't challenge my patience. "

Ren Tianxing turned his eyes and looked at Lian Qingchen, his face was not flushed and breathless, "Since that kid has run away, then your Excellency Xuannv will take out the golden lotus seed in your hand and take a look. If you like, give it to I don’t mind two Buddhas either."

That said, there is no shame.

Ren Tianxing is an old fried dough stick, Mu Tianyin is gone, and the hope of catching is very small, but the person in front of him is still there. If Lian Qingchen slips away because of chasing the person in front of him, then it is not worth the loss.

"What a crazy tone!" Lian Qingchen sneered, "Are you sure you want to be an enemy of Yao Palace?"

Ren Tianxing waved his hand quickly and said, "Your Excellency Xuannv, don't scare me, how can it be so serious."

He changed his tone and continued, "Besides, there are no treasures in your Yao Palace, quite a few golden lotus seeds, but they are of great use to Buddha and I. Why don't you give up your love and make friends."

He is smiling and has discussions.

This is also an inexplicable feeling that a bandit meets a bandit.

For other treasures, due to the Yao Palace, Ren Tianxing may not be able to fight with such a strong means, but the 9th-rank golden lotus seed has a vital role in his enlightenment, and it is hard to find.

"It's ridiculous." Lian Qingchen's face became even more black, and he bluntly said, "What qualifications do you have to let this palace cut love!"

Ren Tianxing raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face. He raised his hand in the air, and drew the five beautiful fingers in the sun, "My Excellency, don't blame Lord Buddha for destroying the flowers."

Even Qingchen was enraged, "Then you have to have that life!"

A long training sleeve, break the wind and carry the waves!

Ren Tianxing clawed his hands into claws, his eyes shone sharply, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, rushing towards Lian Qingchen.


Thunder in the sky, the battle is anxious.

The two of them were fighting fiercely here, but Mu Tianyin smeared the soles of her feet and slipped away. Taking advantage of the gap just now, a few teleportation charms were exhausted, and even the shadow step, she ran away for dozens of miles before long. .

After making sure that no one was coming after him, Mu Tianyin stopped, breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself, "The flower monk came in time, but it did me a great favor."

If Ren Tianxing hadn't appeared, even with these teleportation charms and even the shadow step given by the old man, she would not be sure whether she could escape Lian Qingchen's pursuit.

Lu Zhuo, the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth Furnace, and the Sacred Treasure of All Dharma Swallowing Armatures, these things, she can't use them when she is not a last resort!

The Jiutian Xiyang Furnace is a little better, especially Luzhuo, which is too easy to be recognized.

Not to mention the two sky-swallowing sleeves of water and fire, they are things from Ji Minghua. Once taken out, Ji Nanfeng will definitely see through his identity at a glance, which is even more troublesome.

The oasis here is full of greenery.

At sunset and dusk in the distance, the long river below is winding, calm like a lake, like a jade belt unfolding, surrounded by herds of cattle and sheep, green grass, and there should be large tribes around.

Mu Tianyin looked at the mountain with the densest vegetation, and plunged in with his head covered.

In the collision with Lian Qingchen just now, she suffered a bit of injury. Although it is not serious, it is better to take care of the injury in this situation. It would be great if the 9th-Rank Golden Lotus Platform was refined.

There are rugged rocks in this mountain, but there are many natural stone caves. Mu Tianyin found a relatively hidden place, sealed the entrance of the cave, turned around and found a stone and sat down, exhaling a heavy breath of turbid air, and his heart slowed down. Slowly calm down.

"Yao Palace Profound Girl." Mu Tianyin's eyes flashed lightly.

You can see that this person’s unfathomableness can only be seen within a moment of fighting, not only in terms of strength, but the foundation of the Northern Wilderness Immortal Gate has stretched for tens of thousands of years. Now, when I look at it, objectively speaking , It is indeed not comparable to the earth and the earth.

Mu Tianyin only thought about the moments, and then moved to happily.

With a raised wrist, the golden lotus emerged.

The dazzling colors, dazzling luster, gleaming, and golden, coated the entire cave with a layer of golden light, dazzling, auspicious, and with a slight buzzing sound, as if an immortal Buddha appeared in the world.

Mu Tianyin's eyes were all reflected in gold, staring at it and nodding thoughtfully, "Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Terrace, really mysterious, it's not in vain that I risk losing my life."

After Mu Tianyin uprooted the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus, the rhizomes below fell off. Now there is only one exquisite pure golden lotus platform with nine petals in full bloom, shaking gently, about the size of two people.

The golden lotus heart is flat and can sit alone.

Mu Tianyin pursed her red lips, then sat down cross-legged, the two Taoist towers in the Immortal Palace trembled, and two streams of black and white spiritual energy gushed out, flowing and wrapping towards the golden lotus platform, connecting with it with will and mind.

The Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace is naturally raised and is a treasure and a holy thing.

It faintly has its own intelligence, if you want to unlock its protector's defense power, you must refine it for your own use.


When Jin Lian absorbed the first aura, he buzzed and Jin Mang surged.

Mu Tianyin sat cross-legged, holding Yin with his left hand and Yang with his right.

Under the impact of the intertwined aura, the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus slowly revolved and rose slowly, floating in mid-air, as if it was in full bloom in the sky.

Exquisite and magnificent.

Overgrown with weeds, the cave is quiet and peaceful.

About an hour later, the spinning golden lotus stopped, looming in the same place, the time was vacant and real, and after a sudden hum, it quickly converged and shrank.

At this moment, Mu Tianyin really opened his eyes and raised his hand to vainly support.

The Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus turned into the size of a palm, and flew onto Mu Tianyin's palm, slowly rotating, the golden glow no longer dazzled, and her soft luster made her features proud and handsome, and her heroic spirit was compelling.

The smile at the corner of Mu Tianyin's mouth gradually dissipated, "Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace!"

The Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace is a king-level defensive treasure. Although she has not been able to fully unearth its defensive power, there is this thing, not to mention the real person Zi Yan, a sage-level monk, it may not necessarily hurt her!

Even Qingchen is no exception.

Secondly, sitting on the lotus platform is no less than under the bodhi tree, so it will become the most respected sacred object of enlightenment by many Buddhist disciples. It can calm people's mind and remove distracting thoughts.

What's more, things that are so naturally raised are already open to heaven and earth.

Mu Tianyin's mouth bends, her crystal clear star eyes narrowed slightly, "With this thing, you can feel more confident even if you go deep into the Northern Wilderness, unless you run into some old monster level."

She lifted her palm lightly, and the Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace enlarged.

Mu Tianyin flew up, sat down cross-legs, and instantly felt that his whole body was immersed in a small world with ample aura, the whole body was comfortable, and every pore seemed to be stretched and transparent, suddenly enlightened.

"The Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace also has the effect of gathering spirits." Mu Tianyin's eyes were surprised, her red lips twitched lightly, "Great."

For her, this is simply sending charcoal in the snow.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mu Tianyin closed his eyes and quickly settled into meditation practice.

She trek all the way to the Northern Wilderness and has not stopped. She just took this opportunity to retreat and practice for a while. She can also wait for even Qingchen and Ren Tianxing to leave the 72 Continents. Although she is relying on it now, she can avoid trouble if she can. open.

I got two Tianlei Crimson Crystals from Ji Shu before, but they are still not enough for Mu Tianyin to consume. Anyway, they still have a little foundation. Now that there is a Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace, although it still can’t be solved fundamentally, it can be delayed for a while. The demand is also good.

Dao body demon body is like a bottomless pit. If Mu Tianyin wants to break through from the current nine-fold Dao base period to the enlightening period, in addition to understanding the secrets of heaven, understanding teleport and other powers, at least a dozen or even nearly two are needed. Ten Heavenly Tears Chi Jing.

That is, hundreds of millions of spiritual stones!

This number of headaches will make them feel distressed even if some Northern Wilderness tribes are brought out, because the consumption of only one individual can almost all disciples break through the spiritual opening period.

However, on the other hand, if there are really talented Dao Body Demon Wizards, these big clans will also be willing to spend their money to cultivate.

Once completed, it is by no means comparable to any other physique!

There is no time in the mountains, the sky is upset outside, and this small world is still quiet.

Yellow sand desert, large oasis.

It has been half a month since Mu Tianyin came out of retreat. She broke the seal of the cave and flew over this mountain range. When she was about to continue going north, she saw a familiar figure below and galloped on her horse.

Not far away, there is a series of circular wooden houses that stand out from the center of the mountains, surrounded by a circle of large flags embroidered with heroic falcons, waving in the wind and stretching for miles along the mountains.

Obviously, this is a large tribal settlement.

Mu Tianyin thought for a while, and flew down.

Long Li walked by the horse without squinting his eyes, his wheat-colored skin watched more and more sunshine in the daylight, and his majestic hair was followed by several equally heroic and chic women behind him.

"Big Brother Long."

A light call came out of thin air, completely attracted Long Li's mind, Yu Ma had a meal, and looked around.

Mu Tianyin descended from the sky and landed in front of Long Li.

Long Lijun's eyes brightened, he flew from the back of the black steed, and fell to Mu Tianyin in a flash. He was almost dancing with joy, "Mu Jin, I'm not mistaken, it's you."

"It's me." Mu Tianyin smiled slightly.

Long Li yelled, patted Mu Tianyin on the shoulder, and looked up and down whether she was hurting, while still chattering there, "I didn't see a figure for half a month, I thought you were leaving, and didn't talk to me. Say!"

In that tone, there is still a bit wronged.

After the grievance was over, he was worried about whether he was injured under Lian Qingchen's pursuit.

A few tribal beauties who followed Long Lima's **** all the way looked at each other, watching Long Li's affectionate enthusiasm that could not wait to stick to Mu Tianyin's body, and a complex and weird emotion emerged in the eyes of the few people.

The young master doesn't like to pay attention to them, but he is so affectionate to a teenager, it would not be...

Several beauties took a breath, right?

------Off-topic ------

Hey, it’s the end of the month, my dear brothers just covered their wallets. If you look through it, you have a monthly pass. Let it rain. You can’t leave it here~

ps: Eight hundred votes were changed, only one lost!

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