Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 8: : Ziyang Danzong, Shicheng!

Also, this young man is the runeman who helped them falcon tribe and obtained countless treasures?

It's as handsome as they say it!

Long Li also found that he seemed to be too excited, so he clenched his fist and leaned against his lips and coughed, before turning around and sinking his face, solemnly said to the people behind, "Are you nothing else to do? What are you doing with me?"

"Young Master, I think..."

"Okay, okay." Long Li interrupted, waving his hand a little irritably, "Go back to the tribe, don't follow me."

Several beauties wearing animal skins, linen and silk pouted, looked at each other, and exchanged unwilling glances, but Long Li had a firm attitude this time. They didn't dare to resist, so they could only turn around and leave.

Mu Tianyin glanced at the few people who left, and curled up a teasing smile, "Big Brother Long Yanfu is not shallow."

"Don't mention it, it's not my father." Long Li wanted to cry without tears, and waved his hand, "Don't talk about me." He stared at the boy in front of him curiously, "Speaking of which, Brother Mu, how did you get rid of Lian Qing? Dusty?"

If he remembered correctly, Mu Tianyin should be just a real Zi Yan in the Dao Ji period.

Mu Tianyin touched the tip of his nose, just said, "Luck is better."

Long Li looked at her suspiciously, obviously not convinced.

"By the way, Big Brother Long, the people in Yao Palace and Ji's family didn't bother you, right." Mu Tianyin turned the subject without a trace. If the people of the Falcon tribe were affected by this, she would really be troubled.

Long Li was a little funny, "What can they do for us."

Although they were helping Mu Jin, they were only openly antagonizing the members of the Wild Wolf tribe. Moreover, even though the Yao Palace and the Ji family were immortal gates of the big clan, they could never deal with them for no reason.

"That's good." Mu Tianyin relaxed.

Long Li's expression suddenly became excited, and he squeezed a fist and knocked Mu Tianyin's shoulder, "But you are really courageous enough to pull out the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus under the eyelids of Ji Nanfeng and Lian Qingchen, okay. Kid!"

To the young man in front of him, Long Li admired him with admiration.

Mu Tianyin coughed, "Wealth and wealth are in danger."

"You're too exciting, I'm almost scared to death by you." Long Li shook his head dumbly. He looked at Lian Qingchen's angry look, really afraid that Mu Jin would turn to ashes in the next second. I didn't expect this kid to be so capable.

Mu Tianyin remembered something, "Have Ji Nanfeng left the 72 Continents? Is there still news of Lian Qingchen these days?"

"Lian Qingchen" Long Li suddenly remembered something, but he opened his mouth with a pop, then coughed again and again, talking too quickly, and accidentally choked on his own saliva.

Mu Tianyin looked inexplicable, "What's wrong?"

It took a long time for Long to relax, but he couldn't help but laugh, and laughed as he said, "Ji Nanfeng has left early. As for Lian Qingchen, Mu Jin, don't you know... Hahahaha."

Before he finished speaking, Long Li burst into laughter.

Mutianyin's face was dark.

What happened to this, so happy?

Long Li eased his anger and cleared his throat to hold back his smile, "Mu Jin, don't you know that even Qingchen has never been so embarrassed in her life. She doesn't know what bad luck she has gotten to provoke a monk. "

"Monk..." Mu Tianyin remained silent and continued to listen.

"Yeah!" Long Li nodded, gloating, "The monk is awkward, as if he was trying to win the gold lotus seed. After chasing Lian Qingchen all the way, he just didn't get it, and finally he took off Lian Qingchen's shirt, everywhere. Swagger, the seventy-two continents are known to everyone."

"What?" Mu Tianyin glared, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, "Ren Tianxing stripped Lian Qingchen?"

So violent!

"Yeah, I really kneel." Long Li Chaotian sincerely worshipped, "I don't know how the monk did it. He danced that thing, swaggering across the seventy-two continents, threatening who wants this. Things can be exchanged for golden lotus seeds."

Mu Tianyin was choked by her own saliva, "So you all know?"

"That loud roar, it's hard for us to know it or not." Long Li said with a grin, "We have one in Falcon's hand, but we don't want to be chased by the people of Yao Palace."

Mu Tianyin could imagine that the Bing Qing Yu Jie Xuan Girl of the Yao Palace was stripped of clothes by a monk.

This picture is so beautiful...

"I guess that Lord Xuan Nv is afraid that she wants to die."

In the end, Long Li couldn't hold it back, and he laughed, "So this is completely reversed afterwards, and even Qingchen ran after the flower monk, chasing him all the way. At this moment, I don’t know where to go, I’m afraid. She has left 72 continents early, so she has no time to take care of us now."

Long Li puffed, the more he thought about it, the more funny he was.

The most important thing is that before even Qingchen chased and killed Mu Jin, you had to take out something I wanted you to make him unhappy, but he didn't expect to be shaped like this by a monk.

It's too miserable.

I’m afraid it’s really shameful to beat my mother!

Mu Tianyin chuckled and chuckled, his mouth trembling, "He changed his name to let me do it, but he can't figure it out!"

Although it sounded as if it had nothing to do with her, if she remembered correctly, Ren Tianxing's fire seemed to be...she gave Dian Qingchen to him.

So, is she the mastermind or an accomplice?

Long Li suddenly realized that something was wrong, stopped smiling and looked at the boy in front of him, wondering, "Mu Jin, how do you know that monk is called Ren Tianxing? Haven't you heard about it yet?"

"Eh..." Mu Tianyin's eyes slowly moved to Long Li.

She thought for a moment, then slowly nodded, and uttered a few words without changing her face, "I heard it slightly."

The answer was obviously far-fetched, but he looked calm and relaxed.

General Long Li stared suspiciously at the young man in front of him, always feeling something weird. After looking at it twice, he waved his hand, "Leave those alone, what are your plans, Mu Jin?"

"I have something to do and I want to go to Ji's house." Mu Tianyin replied.

Long Li nodded, then remembered something, and took out a small slap-sized box from his arms, "Mu Jin, I think you seemed to be injured when you dealt with Qingchen before. This is a heart protection pill, you Take it."

He couldn't find this guy before, so he could only do it in a hurry.

"Heart Protecting Pill?" Mu Tianyin's eyes lighted up, and she took it, but she was purely curious about the pill in Long Li's hand, just like a rune. For the monk, the pill was also quite valuable. .

Even above the middle earth, among the great immortal gates, there are fewer alchemists than rune masters.

The only alchemist she had ever met was the white eyebrow demon Dao of Fengxi Mountain, but he was a child's aura, as an introduction to alchemy, not an orthodox alchemy, but a side-by-side approach.

The iron box was opened, and a pill was lying on the red silk in the center.

The beads are round and jade, shining brightly.

The fragrance is overflowing, it is a very natural fragrance, just like the smell of the surrounding grass, mixed with the fragrance of the soil, just smelling it makes the whole body comfortable.

Long Li nodded with a smile, and explained, "It's definitely a top-grade pill. This is the last time I helped a Ziyang Zong Pill Master. He gave it to me, but I haven't been willing to use it."

Ziyang Sect is also one of the four sects. It is famous in the entire northern desert desert for its Danyan Avenue. Its status is only inferior to the Tianji Sect who owns the emperor, but if it is better than the Ji family, it will never lose.

The root of its ancestor is that at the end of the ancient sages, the strongest power in the heavenly palace, a monarch-level power who evolved the alchemy avenue to the extreme, called the Supreme Daojun, inherited his alchemy avenue!

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, has not fallen for hundreds of millions of years.

As he said, he repeatedly urged the boy in front of him, "You hurry up and eat, if there is an injury, it will get better."

Long Li stared at Mu Tianyin unblinkingly. She couldn't see her current state from the surface. It was only estimated from the moment she was injured by Lian Qingchen that she would not be able to recover in a few months.

"No need for Big Brother Long." Mu Tianyin's heart was very moved, things are undoubtedly good, but she shook her head, "You can keep this thing for yourself, my injury is completely healed."

Seeing that Long Li didn't seem to believe it very much, Mu Tianyin smiled and said, "You forgot, I still have chalcedony gel."

"I forgot about it." Long Li scratched the back of his head.

Seeing Mu Tianyin’s resolute attitude, he had to take it back and haha ​​jokingly said, "You are giving us a good harvest for the Falcon Tribe this time. I can't even send this thing out. My father will have to approve it again if he knows it. I."

Moreover, during this operation, the Falcon Tribe harvested not only rich treasures, but also an excellent opportunity.

The wolf tribe has gained a lot, but it is not enough to make up for their damage.

Among the tombs of nearly twenty Ziyan’s deaths, they failed to cling to the Ji family and offended the larger tribes of the entire 72 continents. All of these tribes are dominated by Falcon tribes. the meaning of.

In this short period of half a month, the Falcon Tribe and the Wild Wolf Tribe also engaged in a fierce battle. As a result, the Falcon Tribe became the largest and most powerful tribe in the 72 Continent.

This is undoubtedly a turning point in the rise of the Falcon Tribe!

Mu Tianyin glanced at him, chuckled and shook his head, "I didn't do anything."

"Then you are leaving now?" Long Li breathed a little bit sad.

Mu Tianyin nodded, and said, "Hurry over there, but I still have to find a way to find something like Tianlei Chijing, Brother Long, do you know where there is it? I want to change it."

While exploring the ancient tomb this time, there were a lot of spirit stone treasures, but none of the Tianlei Chi Jing was found, and she needed more than one or two to pass.

Mu Tianyin rubbed his eyebrows, thinking about it all with a headache.

I really don’t know if I should laugh at my luck, or cry at bad luck. Who can afford to burn such a physique?

"Tian Lei Chi Jing..." Long Li was stunned, chitted twice, suddenly his eyes lit up, his right fist struck his left palm hard, "By the way, Mu Jin, you are a rune master, you can go to Shicheng to try test."

"Shicheng?" Mu Tianyin blinked.

Long Li nodded his head heavily, his handsome face was solemn and calm, and he turned to point to the north, "You go straight here, about four or five thousand miles away. There is a spark field, there is a stone city there, and there are a variety of ore gems. A seller, very famous in the entire Northern Wilderness."

After a short pause, he added, "For example, like the Tianji Sect, the Qingcheng Sect, and the Ziyang Sect in particular, these big clans often have elder disciples there to search for strange stone treasures."

Mu Tianyin squinted his eyes thoughtfully, "Shicheng."

Long Li turned his head and looked at the boy next to him, "I went there once a few years ago. There is nothing you can't find. I'm afraid you can't afford that price. If you want something like Tianlei Chijing, go there. That's right."

"Good." Mu Tianyin nodded slightly.

"But Mu Jin, you have to be careful." Long Li had to remind. "The place in Shicheng is very eye-catching. The monks passing by this area will almost always go there. Don't bump into Lian Qingchen and Ji Nanfeng. "

Mu Tianyin was a little funny, "I see."

Although Yuanjia has a narrow road, it is not so coincidental.

"Big Brother Long, then I'll leave." Mu Tianyin stared at the man who had known each other for a while, but looked like a confidant, and said solemnly, "If you don't want to go and say goodbye to Uncle Long and others, please say hello for me. ."

Long Li nodded, "Okay."

Mu Tianyin smiled at Longli, the green robe flew into the wind, slowly flying up, and finally turned into a long rainbow through the sky, heading towards the sky, and immersed in the distant white clouds.

Green hills do not change, green water flows long.

Looking at the direction where Mu Tianyin was disappearing, Long Li stopped for a long time.

Life will travel many roads and know many people. Although some people are passers-by, they can still leave indelible traces, and some people, even though they go through the whole process, are finally wiped away with ease.

Mu Jin is to Long Li, and Long Li to Mu Jin is the former.

Located in the southern part of the Great Northern Desert, Xinghuo Region is an oasis covering thousands of miles, in which there are thousands of small tribes, and of course there are many immortal gates.

But the most famous is an independent city, the famous stone city.

Stone City can be said to be a collection of strange stone treasures in the entire Northern Wilderness. It is also a mixture of dragons and snakes. Mortal monks, whether they want to buy or sell, gather here to form a huge trading place.

Mu Tianyin rode a dragon beast and left the seventy-two continents, and it took several days to reach Shicheng.

From a distance, the Spark Field is faintly visible.

A piece of green is like a ribbon running across the yellow sand desert. Viewed from the sky, there are five steps and a lake, ten steps and a pond, the fairy spring is linlind, nourishing the earth and mountains, and the scenery is beautiful.

Changhong pierced through the sky from time to time, and monks passed by frequently.

However, Shicheng is somewhat different from the imagination. It is not the magnificent atmosphere in the imagination, but a fresh and graceful style.

In my eyes, thousands and thousands of single-family small buildings are connected together, no more than three or four stories high, and they are staggered in height, row upon row, messy but regularly interspersed among the green trees and flowers.

Connected in rows to form a piece.

At a glance, there is no end.

Among them, there are crowds of people, streets and alleys, everywhere you can see randomly placed stones, as big as a dragon and crouching tiger, as small as a fist egg, but the most eye-catching one is the boulder standing in the front of the city.

"Stone City..."

Mu Tianyin looked up at the two scarlet characters on the huge boulder, nodded and muttered.

Walking in, she was dazzled by all kinds of strange mineral gems, and the small buildings on both sides of the street were mostly strange stone trading venues.

Auction clubs, shop sales, purchases of merchants, gambling stone tea houses...

There are countless, everything.

"No wonder it's called Shicheng." Mu Tianyin couldn't help but sigh.

Mu Tianyin looked around, and finally stepped into the nearest red mansion shop. It was carved with beams and jade buildings. Inside, it was spacious and bright, with all kinds of strange stones displayed in colorful flowers.

She took a casual look, and soon a young man walked up to greet her warmly.

"Hello, this young man, do you need something?" The young man asked, bending slightly.

Mu Tianyin asked smoothly, "Are there any tears in the sky?"

The little servant was a little embarrassed and said, "What a coincidence, we have received one of the tears in the past few months, but it was just bought by a customer. Would you like to look at something else? "

Mu Tianyin nodded, glanced around, "I'll look at it again."

It seems that Tianlei Chijing is there, but not much.

"This..." Mu Tianyin stopped in front of a spar that was as red as dove blood, picked it up, and looked around with interest. "There is fire in this thing, no impurities, transparent and bright. A good flint."

She had seen it in a book that introduced alchemy before, and there were many records of this thing, which, as a color, so that the big piece of fist can burn day and night for at least one month!

The little boy next to him laughed and said, "The little boy has a good vision, this is the heart of the earth."

Flint, as the name suggests, is a burning stone.

Something conceived from heaven and earth, such as the one in front of you, can be dug at least in a flint mine that is 1,000 meters deep underground.

Under the organic conditions, it was formed by a mixture of different worlds and fires. This one is more precious.

Generally speaking, Flint is used by alchemists a lot. In the process of alchemy, a steady stream of flames is required. The temperature of ordinary fire can only produce ordinary pills.

The better the flint is, the better the impurities in the pill can be tempered.

Mu Tianyin also has a flint in his hand, the Golden Crow Blood Crystal, which is the most special kind of flint. In addition to the Golden Crow's true blood that can be inscribed, it also seals the Golden Crow's natural fire.

But after it was detonated, few people dared to use it for alchemy.

"Little son, are you an alchemist?" Seeing that Mu Tianyin seemed to be very interested in this thing, the young man naturally misunderstood, and his eyes brightened as he spoke.

Mu Tianyin shook his head, "No."

The young man was obviously disappointed, but his smile remained unchanged.

"It's not the alchemist, what do you look at!" Mu Tianyin was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by a word inserted next to her. The next moment, the flint at the center of the earth she held in her hand was also snatched away.

Mu Tianyin curled her empty fingers slightly, rubbed her fingertips, turned her eyes to her side, and laughed softly, "This fellow Daoist, is your behavior a bit improper?"

In front of him was a white-robed young man, tall and thin, with good facial features and a human appearance, but the contemptuous expression on his face destroyed the harmony.

The young man was also a little embarrassed, "Master Wan, the young man in the center of the earth is still looking at the flint, or you can take a look at the others first, there are other flints in our store."

"Is there something better than this one?" Wan Feng shook his body while pinching the flint at the center of the earth.

The little boy was embarrassed, "That's not there yet."

"Then you mean, this young master has to wait here for this kid to enjoy it before you can take it? Or do you want this young master to pick up this kid?" Wan Feng let out a long sigh.

The young man sweated on his forehead and waved quickly, "Master Wan, I didn't mean that."

"How many spirit stones are these flints?" Wan Feng asked immediately.

The young man wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Ten, one hundred thousand."

"One hundred thousand spirit stones, this young master wants it." Wan Feng said arrogantly, his eyes triumphant and arrogant, and he looked at Mu Tianyin provocatively, "Little Bai Lian'er, it's for you. Can you afford it?" "

Without waiting for Mu Tianyin's answer, he snorted himself, speaking even more ugly and direct, and continued, "You are not an alchemist, so don't occupy the pit and don't shit. This thing can only be used in the hands of this young master. effect."

In other words, he is an alchemist!

Wan Feng is a child of the Wan family in the Spark Region, and belongs to a third-rate force in the entire Northern Wilderness, but in this large region, it is one of the best cultivation families.

Wan Feng has a talent for cultivation, and he is also an alchemist, and he is loved by thousands of people in the clan. He has developed such a domineering temperament. As long as he fancy things, he will get it immediately.

And he often wanders around in Shicheng, this shop is even more familiar, and the young man naturally recognizes him.

"It's not that there are people who occupy the pit and can't pull out the shit." Mu Tianyin spoke unhurriedly, with a leisurely voice and a smile, as if she was saying something elegant.

Wan Feng looked ugly for an instant, "You!"

Mu Tianyin glanced at him with cold eyes, his tone turned again, the corners of his mouth were crooked, and his smile was full, "However, since this fellow Daoist likes it so much, the young man will cut his love and give you this thing."

Wan Feng was taken aback, frowning and looking at the person in front of him, somewhat strange that his attitude suddenly changed.

But think about it again, it should be the same!

------Off-topic ------

Hey, hey, hey~ Yang Tian sighed three times~ It's the National Day holiday soon~

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