Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 9: : Mysterious man, alchemy treasure mine!

Wan Feng nodded triumphantly, and sighed a little, "You guys are acquainted."

Mu Tianyin curled her lips lightly, but said nothing.

"Put this bill on my account, and later this young master will let someone send the spirit stone over." Wan Feng satisfactorily weighed the geocentric flint in his hand, "this time, this young master must perform well."

"Okay." Although the young fellow was helpless, but there was nothing wrong.

After the young man agreed, he smiled and added another sentence, wanting to resolve Mu Tianyin's embarrassment, "Master Wan is so anxious for this geocentric flint, it must be an urgent need."

He said that he smiled at Mu Tianyin, and that meant: It's urgency, the beauty of adults.

"It's an urgent need." Wan Feng was in a good mood right now. He smiled happily, then turned to look at Mu Tianyin next to his eyes, with some ostentatious meaning, "The young master is specially invited by Ziyang Danzong and will go next month Participate in the Dandao Conference."

He emphasized the two words specially, for fear that no one would know the general.

The young fellow hugged his hands and smiled openly, "It turns out to be like this, that's really gratifying."

"Of course, this is not something everyone has a chance." Wan Feng pointed out, he laughed, and then his chin was raised high, and he continued in a rather chic posture, "The young master will have to retreat when he comes out to find a few flints. , You have to prepare well. When the time comes, you might be chosen by the master of Ziyang Danzong as the disciple of the sect."

In the last sentence, he murmured to himself, looking forward to it.

This is also the reason why Wan Feng is so eager to compete for the flint at the center of the earth. The alchemy meeting of Ziyang Danzong invited the talents of the Sifang alchemy masters to participate, the most important being the younger generation of alchemists.

If the performance is outstanding, it is very likely to log in Ziyang Danzong in one step!

That is the holy land that alchemists all yearn for!

"That is." Xiao Si echoed.

Wan Feng waved his hand and said, "My young master will leave. If there are any good flints during this period, they will be delivered directly to Wanjia, and the price will be set." He glanced at Mu Tianyin and didn't forget to run. I was ruined by some laymen who didn't know anything."

After speaking, he took the center of the earth flint and walked outside the store.

Mu Tianyin raised his eyebrows lightly and stepped forward slowly.

"Little son, calm down, this Young Master Wan is this virtue." Xiao Si hurriedly apologized to Mu Tianyin.

Mu Tianyin opened his mouth with a weird smile, "I'm not angry."

In the stunned eyes of the little girl, Mu Tianyin's hand turned slightly, and a cluster of small elves jumped up between her slender five fingers.

Finally, with a flick of his fingertips, the igniting seedling flew out, and the unbiased point fell on the flint in Wanfeng's hand.


The fire in the stone of the five-color glazed fan was fierce, and with only a bang, the flint in the center of the earth was ignited, and a raging fire burst out violently.


Wan Feng let out a scream, like holding a soldering iron, suddenly throwing away the burning earth flint in his hand!


But it was too late. It was less than a breathing time. Wan Feng's clothes were all set ablaze. After losing the flint, he threw down reflexively, rolling all over the floor, screaming in pain.


Several of Wanfeng's followers were in a mess, but no one dared to approach them.

The fire in the stone is fierce, and the flint in the center of the earth is not inferior. After being ignited, it is already uncontrollable, and the small space is distorted by the burning!

The little boy in the stone shop next to Mu Tianyin was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the beautiful and harmless young man on his side, and then at Wanfeng, who was rolling all over the floor, his scalp numb.

Although he didn't see it clearly, he definitely couldn't get rid of this young man.

It can't be Wanfeng's own fire, right?

Wan Feng was just a cultivator in the late stage of Slashing Dao, and he couldn't stand the burning of the flint in the heart of the earth, but he was an alchemist after all, with a certain fire control ability, so he controlled it only after the initial panic.

Soon, the flame on his body was extinguished by him.

The flint in the center of the earth rolled away not far away, like a small sun. In just a dozen breaths, a black scorched crater was burned out on the surrounding ground, which was still burning.

"Damn it, who is it!"

Wan Feng roared, but spit out a smoke ring from his mouth.


People in Shicheng came and passed, and the pedestrians around saw it and laughed.

Several entourages hurried up to help, "Master, are you okay."

"It must be the ghost of that brat!" Wan Feng's face was so dark that he was smearing chimney ashes, his robe hung on him like a rag, and he spits straight out, really short of breath.

But when he turned his head to look for someone, there was no trace of Mu Tianyin in that strange stone shop?

The little boy was innocent, he didn't see anything.


Wan Feng was frantic. It was an angry person who didn't spread it anywhere. He grinned like a monkey and jumped on the spot, but at the same time he felt a little guilty.

I almost turned into a pile of ashes!

Mu Tianyin walked slowly among the crowd, hearing the ferocious roar coming from behind, only a slight sneer.

"Master, isn't that the little boy we met outside the wolf tribe of 72 Continents." After Wan Feng limped away, two figures walked out of Qishipu, and the one who spoke was the medicine boy behind.

"Yeah." The figure in front was lightly.

It was a beautiful man like jade, with a soft side face and a hazy back. His long blue hair fell to his ankles, pure as the color of the sky.

People can't help but feel peace of mind just by looking at it.

"What is Master looking at?" The Yaotong behind him was puzzled, and then glanced at the black pit not far away, with a little regret in his eyes, where the flames flew, and the flint in the center of the earth was burning.

The blue-haired man put his hands behind him and chuckled in a daze, "I see that the little guy has a good fire control ability."

Yaotong blinked, his voice was crisp and sweet, "He is also an alchemist?"

The blue-haired man shook his head, smiled softly, and said nothing.

The most common stone shop in Shicheng is the Qishi Shop. It's just that Mu Tianyin didn't find Tianlei Chijing even after looking for a few stores. Either it happened to be sold, or it was ordered long ago, or it would be out of stock for a long time.

After wandering around for a long time, Mu Tianyin bought a lot of bloodstones with inscription patterns and spent hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

Earlier, he went down to the tomb with the Falcon Tribe and others to hunt for treasures. Although Mu Tianyin didn't get a lot of them, he got more than one million.

So as long as it is not sky-high, she can still afford it.

But now there is a problem. A Tiantear Chi Crystal costs almost 10 million spirit stones. Mu Tianyin doesn't have that many in her hands, so she wants to exchange things for things.

However, there seems to be no chance to change.

The overall style of Shicheng is simple and simple. The big trees and vines on both sides of the street are like dragons and roots, and they are connected to the pavilions. No one specially tailors them. It is wonderful to integrate the natural avenue.

Mu Tianyin came all the way, looked at a relatively large strange stone shop, and stepped in.

"Boss, is there a day of tears Chijing?" She just walked in and said her intentions.

"Yo" the beauty clerk ran all the way, looked at Mu Tianyin, and smiled for a moment, "Little son, do you want Tiantiao Chijing? Oh, this is really a coincidence, a small shop's Tiantiao Chi Jing was just bought."

"I was bought by someone again?" Mu Tianyin was puzzled, her eyebrows frowned.

Is anyone looking for Tianlei Chijing, and is always one step faster than himself.

The beauty clerk smiled embarrassedly, "Yes, do you want to see something else?" She recommended, "We also have mica chijing here, which is also very good."

"No need." Mu Tianyin shook his head thoughtfully.

The beauty clerk smiled apologetically. Seeing Mu Tianyin stepping out, she had complete etiquette and said, "Then you go slowly."

Mu Tianyin stepped away, and then turned back after a few strokes. In the inquiring eyes of the clerk, he walked up to her and asked, "By the way, do you collect the precious stones here?"

If you can't find Tianlei Chijing, you can only change some spirit stones to deal with it.

The beauty clerk was stunned, "Close it." She nodded, then looked at Mu Tianyin again, "Excuse me, young man, what do you want to sell? As long as the goods are good, we can discuss the price."

"Excuse me, your boss, please come out. I think I need to discuss the price with him in person." Mu Tianyin walked inside with the clerk, and sat down at random to find a place on the side.

The beauty shop clerk was slightly startled, his eyes darkly glancing at the young man in front of him, and his smile remained unchanged, "The little boy has anything to do with me. I am such a shopkeeper and can be the master."

"Don't worry, our shop is one of the best shops in Shicheng, and the prices are absolutely fair." The beauty clerk continued to explain, her mouth is mild, but she can hear the casual handling.

"What's the sale of the little boy, why not take it out first?"

Although this beautiful clerk was only a mortal, she was born in Shicheng and was used to seeing all kinds of immortal cultivators. Monsters and ghosts were not uncommon. She had a pair of venomous eyes. At first glance at Mu Tianyin's young and immature appearance, the secret path should be just a low-level ordinary monk.

The temperament looks good, but the dress is simple, and there is nothing to recognize him as a son of a big family.

Therefore, the beauty clerk was skeptical about the value of the things in his hands.

Mu Tianyin nodded, but did not insist.

"Here are some. Take a look first and estimate a price for me." By the way, Mu Tianyin gave the beauty clerk a sack.

Seeing that the sack was torn, the beauty clerk was a little embarrassed when she went to pick it up. He just opened it and was almost blinded by the overflowing light.

"This" she looked up at the boy in front of her in disbelief.

Mu Tianyin met her eyes, "What?"

"It's nothing." The beauty clerk came back to his senses and quickly poured out the ore in the sacks and put them on the stone inspection platform. There was a bag full of about twenty or thirty pieces.

Colorful and mottled.

They are all excellent treasure mines!

"Cold water iron, colorful glazed copper, Tianchi Mithril..." A few heads stretched out nearby, and there are no shortage of knowledgeable people strolling here, and a pair of eyes stared at those things to shine.

The beauty clerk stroked the treasure mines like a treasure, sighing again and again.

During the search for the tombs of 72 Continents, the harvest was quite fruitful. The Falcon Tribe could almost rely on the shocking wealth that it obtained, and became the number one tribe on 72 Continents. It's like a watershed.

Although Mu Tianyin only gave himself a small part, but it was also quite a lot.

These gemstone mines are part of it, but what she lacks most now is things like Tianlei Chijing. Without enough spirit stones, she can only use these to exchange for.

"You estimate."

Mu Tianyin sat aside, his expression flat.

The beauty clerk hesitated, and glanced over the things on the stone inspection platform, "These treasures are really valuable, and I really can't estimate them for a while."

After that, the beauty clerk seemed to be afraid that Mu Tianyin would take things to another store, and stepped forward and said quickly, "Little son, wait a minute, I'll call the boss over right away!"

The attitude of this beautiful clerk just now is a perfunctory coping, and now it is a new enthusiasm.

Mu Tianyin raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"Wait a moment, I'll go back!" Before Mu Tianyin agreed, the beauty clerk grabbed a small servant next to him to watch tea, and then rushed to the back hall by himself.

"I think this kid looks like a casual cultivator. Where can I gather so many treasures? These things are rare." Several people onlookers objected, and the look in Mu Tianyin's eyes was a little strange.

Someone agreed, "I see, at best, it is an open mansion monk."

"Isn't it stolen?" Someone even made such a questioning voice.

Someone immediately denied, "Which is so easy to steal. If people don't hide such things, they are stealing. That's also a skill!"


The expressions and eyes of the people around him are rich and strange.

Mu Tianyin sat calmly without squinting.

Sure enough, a middle-aged man with a big belly was escorted from the back hall, accompanied by a beautiful salesperson.

He held his stomach and smiled all the way, like a shrewd businessman.

The fat boss walked to the small pile of treasure mines, touched it, sighed comfortably, and then looked at Mu Tianyin with clear eyes, "Little son, I don't know how many things like this do you have?"

Mu Tianyin put down the tea cup and stood up, "Ten bags."

There was a buzzing in the ears of the people around, almost directly scared and belched, the beautiful shop assistant also stared openly, her heart bumping, she almost perfunctory the little **** of wealth.

Ten bags! Right!

The fat boss looked at Mu Tianyin's eyes instantly, he slipped his feet and leaned over, poured her a cup of tea and handed it over, "This little boy, then what level do you think the price is that you can accept?"

"Boss, please make an offer first to listen." Mu Tianyin took the cup and pushed it back without a trace.

The fat boss glanced back and forth at the pile of precious mines, his eyes grumbled slightly, and then he drew seven fingers, "Since the little boy came to our strange stone shop, it is fate. Let's just buy it. This number, you see how is it?"

What he meant, seven million spirit stones.

Mu Tianyin looked at the fat boss for a while without speaking.

The fat boss smiled, heaping meat on his face.

Mu Tianyin suddenly smiled, as if he was about to collect the pile of ore, he said leisurely, "It seems that boss, you are not sincere. If this is the case, then I have to find another place."

"Eh" The fat boss hurriedly reached out to stop him, "Little boy, wait a minute."

Mu Tianyin stopped her hand and turned to look at him.

"One million more." The fat boss increased the price.

Mu Tianyin kept silent and received things.

The fat boss quickly held down the pile of goods on the stone inspection platform, hesitated for a while, and then smiled and said, "How much do you have in the hands of the young man, ready to sell, and show me all, we will discuss the price soon ."

Mu Tianyin glanced at him, then swept his sleeves.

The exact same brown sack, big and small, looks like a single one, appeared on the stone inspection platform.

The beauty clerk has Feixia's cheeks and hurries to open it.

With the sound of grunting, bags of ore poured out, colorfully filled with the stone inspection platform, and piles like small hills, the soft light reflected the whole room of the shop, making it difficult to move your eyes.


The eyes of those who didn't know the goods around were widened, the color was too intoxicating.

All the finest concentrates!

Compared to the first bag, the quality is only as good as that.

The fat boss was drooling, pretending to be calm, but he still couldn't control his excitement, "Can you ask me, my son, where did you get so many treasures?"


The eyes around him also fixed on Mu Tianyin.

Mu Tianyin chuckled, just saying, "Good luck, I found it some time ago."


The people around looked at each other, wishing to pick up some sacks.

"Boss, I am a Lingshi now, so I will exchange these things, but you shouldn't fool me as a three-year-old kid." Mu Tianyin's tone was clear and his words were light.

She turned her eyes and looked at the person whose eyes were about to smile into a gap, "If you are happy, then we can all talk easily, if you are not sincere, then we don't have to waste time."

The fat boss and the beautiful shop assistant looked at each other, their expressions gradually becoming serious.

After a long while, he said, "Since the little friend has said so, it doesn’t make much sense to play officialdom again. I think the little friend is also a person who knows goods. You must know how much things are worth here. ."

Mu Tianyin looked at him without comment.

The fat boss brushed his hand over the pile of precious mines, took a deep breath and nodded, then picked up the transparent mirror hanging around his neck and checked them one by one. The abacus on the other hand was crackling.

Customers around who were choosing things in the shop also gathered around to see how much the pile of things was worth.

After a while, the fat boss found out.

He pondered for a while and raised his head, "This little friend, you have seven low-grade coarse ore, 80 medium-grade concentrate, 103 high-grade concentrate, and ten top-grade gems."

Mu Tianyin nodded, "What is your price?"

The fat boss said, "It's still a price, 90 million spirit stones."

"Nine million!"

The people around took a breath.

The price is equivalent to the price of a dozen Heavenly Tears Chi Jing. This little boy is really out of fashion. The merchants in Shicheng are really hidden. If the fairy gate is smaller, I am afraid that I will not be able to produce so many spirit stones. Right.

Mu Tianyin thought about it, and said, "Okay."

The fat boss was a little surprised and was taken aback.

"I said, as long as the boss is happy and the price is sincere, I won't compete with you." Mu Tianyin walked over slowly, raising his eyes and glancing at him, "If it's a little bit less, you should make friends. "

The fat boss laughed, "Okay!"

The so-called no treacherous no business, business people are inherently treacherous, but the shrewd, savvy young man in front of him is really hard for people to think about not having a good impression.

"Nine million spirit stones, sold." Mu Tianyin's red lips lightly opened, and he slowly uttered this sentence.

The fat boss nodded, "Little friend, wait a minute, I'll go down and get ready." He said jokingly, "I still need a little bit. The spirit stones in the inventory are not enough to buy little friends."

"Little son, please sit down." The beauty clerk asked Mu Tianyin back to her seat.

After a while, the fat boss came back with his stomach upright, and handed Mu Tianyin a fist-sized space nashi, which contained nine thousand spirit stones, which was packed full and heavy.

"My little friend, please count." He smiled.

Mu Tianyin glanced and nodded.

The fat boss looked at the exquisite young man in front of him, and jokingly said, "My little friend, you have received this batch of things. Our store does not need to restock for half a year, and I can't afford it."

"It's enough for you to earn half a year, isn't it?" Mu Tianyin replied.

The fat boss laughed and did not deny it.

"What's the background of this young man? There are so many strange stone mines that he shot?" The people around whispered, and they became more and more curious about Mu Tianyin's identity.

"It seems that it is a child of a big family."

"She said she picked it up, do you believe it? Who believes it! Why can't I pick it up."

"Ninety million spiritual stones!"


Mu Tianyin naturally heard the sounds of admiration and envy around him, but smiled bitterly in his heart.

Is 90 million a lot?

If she had said this, she would have been sprayed, but this seemingly huge number was indeed small for her, and it was just a matter of effort, and it was estimated that it would only be enough to break through the spiritual opening period.

Thinking of this, Mu Tianyin rubbed his eyebrows again with a headache.

"I heard that little friend needs Tianlei Chijing?" When Mu Tianyin was about to leave, the fat boss suddenly said.

Mu Tianyin took a step back, "Yes."

The fat boss twisted his eyebrows and pondered for a while, and then said, "During this time, Qingcheng sent someone to Shicheng, and they were also looking for Heavenly Tears Chijing. The only one in our store was bought by their people."

"Qingcheng faction?" Mu Tianyin frowned.

It's no wonder she either said that she was gone, or was bought away, and someone really took her a step ahead.

The Great Northern Desert Fairy Gate, Seven Ancients, Four Sects, Three Sects, One Palace, Qingcheng Sect is the head of the three fairy Sects, and their people are also looking for heavenly tears and Chijing everywhere? Who needs to break through?

The fat boss nodded and said with a smile, "I think the people who come to buy things are amazing people, so you shouldn't find Tiantiao Chijing in Shicheng for a while."

"I see, thanks a lot." Mu Tianyin nodded at him.

The fat boss glanced up and down Mu Tianyin, and touched his eight-character Hu, "But if you really need it, I can tell you where to find it, maybe I can find it."

Mu Tianyin looked at him, "Where?"

------Off-topic ------

Ah, I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it! The monthly ticket list was madly dumped for 80,000 miles on the last day~

Crisis public relations, fellow daoists, ask for help!

Don’t keep the girl with the monthly pass anymore. On the last day of the day, I will clear it immediately. It’s awesome! Shake it quickly~

By the way, there are two more updates today~

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