Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 14: : The first son, Ji Wuyou!

"what happened!"

The sudden change caused chaos on the scene. www.しwxs. com

"This kid is also a rune master?"

"No, I was so stupid that I really thought he was lucky." Everyone also heard Ji Nanfeng's words clearly, and they were stunned. Many people also showed a dazed expression, "This kid is actually a hidden master. "

Ji Nanfeng secretly tried hard, using the runemaster's force.

When reaching the heavenly master, the original power of the rune master also has a strong attack power. Although it is not stronger than the spiritual power of the monk, it has a characteristic that non-rune masters cannot detect it!

With all eyes in full view, Ji Nanfeng was naturally able to lose everyone's demeanor.

He was so angry that he wanted to use the force to hurt people and kill Mu Tianyin without knowing it, but he didn't expect that Mu Tianyin was also a rune master, and he was spotted as soon as he shot.

What surprised him most was that the other party's Force was stronger than his own.

So he was horrified, horrified that the other party was a runeman!

He is still stronger than himself, and at this age, what a genius!

"How is this possible!" Ji Nanfeng's eyes widened, instinctively not wanting to believe it, but as soon as he spoke, a sharp pain came in his chest.

I don't know if it was really hurt, or Mu Tianyin was stunned.

Mu Tianyin's long-sleeved green robe flicked, his posture was indifferent like the wind, his cold sharp eyes flew towards the opposite side like a sharp blade, "Why, Elder Ji is inferior to humans, ready to kill?"

If it were the battle between monks, Ji Nanfeng could absolutely suppress it with his two-level strength, the real person Zi Yan, Mu Tianyin Daoji at high altitude.

However, he and Mu Tianyin are both looking for death when he and Mu Tianyin are both masters of the Heaven Realm.

"Elder Ji just wanted to kill this kid?"



Even if you can no longer feel the original power of the runemaster, anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see the big battle between the two.

Ji Nanfeng's sneak attack on the other party failed, but instead caused a fishy body and was seriously injured.

Moreover, they also determined the most important information.

This Qingpao boy is a rune master even more domineering than Ji Nanfeng! How old is he? Although I can't see the appearance, judging from the voice and body, it is obvious that he is a fifteen or sixteen boy!

"But before you do it next time, you have to be more careful not to be discovered by anyone." Mu Tianyin shook her palms, put away the colorful sacred stone, and looked at the judges faintly, "I think, this There is no need to continue the competition, right."

Ji Nanfeng has already acted as a killer, is there still a need to go down?

Several judges looked embarrassed, because Ji Nanfeng was not easy to speak, but such obvious fouls could not be ignored.

"This is obvious..."

Someone who is not afraid of death followed with a whisper.

In the first two games, Ji Nanfeng accumulated 19 million spiritual stones, and in the second game, he was suspected of robbing others of strange stones, and the opponent steadily accumulated more than 70 million spiritual stones. The winning trend can be said to be no suspense.

Ji Nanfeng jumped the wall eagerly, trying to kill the little boy, commonly known as killing.

If they didn't see it again, it would be really unreasonable.

But after a stalemate, a courageous old man opened his mouth to express the opinions of the six people. He thought about the words and slowly said, "This game, we unanimously decided, this little friend is slightly better."

"Nonsense!" Ji Nanfeng went crazy.

The crowd shut up one after another, but the attitude couldn't be more obvious.

"It's all you, I blame you!" Ji Nanfeng's eyes were scarlet, and he turned his head and stared at Mu Tianyin. From 72 Continents to Shicheng, he repeatedly made ugliness in public and lost a face that was more important than his life.

Mu Tianyin was fearless in his eyes, and said in a slightly ironic tone, "What does Elder Ji want to blame on me? Didn't you think that you are the elder of Ji's family, let you make it?"

It is said that this Ji Nanfeng is Ji Xuan's beloved general? It really is all the way!

"You kid deliberately used tricks to deceive me!" Ji Nanfeng shouted, his eyes suddenly glowing fiercely.


"Go hiding--"

Several monks around shouted, their eyes widened with horror.

But Ji Nanfeng is a real Zi Yan who is in the stage of transforming gods. In a state of almost madness, how fast his speed is. Everyone can only watch him flash before Mu Tianyin and raise his hand to him. Grab the slender neck.


With a loud noise, the entire Canghai Yizhufang shook violently, and the aura light wave shook the mountains and rocks flying around.

It's just that the person who fell to the ground is Ji Nanfeng!

Mu Tianyin was also taken aback, what happened?

She has the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Platform in her hands, she is indeed not afraid of Ji Nanfeng, but she has not had time to make a move...

"Ji Nanfeng, you are embarrassed and thrown to Shicheng, but you really have a long face for Ji Xuan." The words of no importance, like a breeze flowing in, lightly brushed everyone's ears, elegant and clear, with a wave of Ling Human chill.

Everyone should go to the prestige, dressed in the moon-white ink-haired young man, followed by a small servant, walking slowly toward this side, shrinking to an inch, and appearing in front of everyone within a few steps.

Mu Tianyin recognized this person as him.

It was the man standing next to the strange blue stone that day when she chose the stone for the first time.

Ji Nanfeng was discarded on the ground like a rag bag. He raised his head and saw the person coming. His eyes were sharply convex, and the expression in his eyes was thick and unwilling, but he was more jealous, "Worry Ji, you dare to do something to the old man !"

Ji Nanfeng gritted his teeth fiercely, with blue veins violent on his forehead.

"Ji Wuyou?"

"He is Ji Wuyou——"


The people around him went crazy, whether they were men or women, they all stared at the man who suddenly appeared.

Yuebai robe, the son is allure.

It was a man who was as clean as water, and his eyebrows were drawn out like an ink brush. The posture of heaven and man was like a misty rain, looking at a painting splashed with ink.

The first son of the North Desert Desert, Ji Wuyou!

That was the same famous figure as the emperor of Tianjizong and the Nine Heavens Profound Daughter of the Yao Palace. Although the Ji family is slightly behind the Yao Palace, the reputation of the first son of Ji Wuyou has even been concealed. Lian Qingchen!

Peerless Taoist, a master of the rune world!

People outside the Ji family don't know what's going on in the Ji family, but they know that Ji Wuyou's status in the Ji family is by no means lost to the Patriarch Ji Xuan, and he has the tendency to resist courtesy.

Mu Tianyin's eyes lit up, "Ji Wuyou?"

If the rumors she heard were correct, Ji Wuyou should be Grandpa, a disciple in the same line as Elder Ji Ming, who is now in the Ji family, which is equivalent to the existence of the next Patriarch.

As for what caused Ji Xuanrong to accept his existence, she didn't know. The Ji family's current situation is really complicated. She doesn't understand it very well, and can only guess by hearing it.

But if it is based on seniority, she should call Ji Wuyou a senior, no doubt.

"The young man shot at you, that is to clear the door!" The entourage behind him said angrily, following the white-clothed young man in front of him slowly.

Ji Wuyou's face was dyed with frost, her snow-white boot tips fell in front of Ji Nanfeng, and the sound was like rain hitting celadon, "Ji Nanfeng, my son is not going to interfere in this matter today, but as Ji's family, he is still an elder. , If you lose, you should be responsible. Since you have a bad idea on the way and you give birth to a younger generation, don’t blame this son’s family rules!"

"Ji Wuyou, dare you? You are not the Patriarch, you are not qualified to deal with this elder!" Ji Nanfeng shouted vigorously, "If you dare to move me, the Patriarch will definitely get back on others, even with the benefits! "

If he returns to the clan and is protected by the Patriarch, what can Ji Wuyou do?

What's more, Ji Heng is still in their hands!

Ji Wuyou's eyebrows were drawn, and he didn't know what he thought of, and his thick and ink-like eyes sank slightly.


The disciple behind Ji Wuyou gritted his teeth.


Ji Nanfeng smiled quite triumphantly, but he had suffered a serious injury before, and now his whole body was covered with blood, so the triumphant appearance really seemed a bit hideous.

"Ji Nanfeng, he can't do it, what about me?" When Ji Nanfeng was full of pride, Mu Tianyin's smiling but not smiling voice blew past like a cool breeze.

Is it too early to be happy?

Ji Wuyou swept his eyes toward the young man in Qingpao who was wearing a mask, and Mo pupil moved slightly.

I don't know if it was the eye or the reason. At first sight of this young man, he was very fond of him. Then he discovered that this kid was also a rune master, and he was not lost to Ji Nanfeng, so he became more interested.

Just seeing Ji Nanfeng want to kill a killer, he almost didn't even think about it, and when he reacted, he had already stopped him.

Ji Nanfeng smiled, "Are you the old man's opponent?"

Had it not been for Ji Wuyou, he would have pinched this stinky boy to death!

Mu Tianyin walked slowly towards Ji Nanfeng and smiled and said, "I said that you are always a noble person and forget things." She nodded her chin with her fingertips, and made a look of contemplation, "Who said that in the beginning, If you lose, you will cut yourself off?"

Ji Nanfeng was stunned and stunned.

Ji Wuyou Mo Tong must be certain, and then shook his head and smiled like a snow-capped mountain flower blooming.


"I forgot about it."

Everyone recovered from the appearance of Ji Wuyou, remembering the initial bet between the two.

"It wasn't me who lost." Mu Tianyin reminded.

Ji Nanfeng trembled, his teeth trembled, "Smelly boy, don't deceive people too much."

How dare he really want him to sever himself in public, who has the courage!

"I'm deceiving people too much?" Mu Tianyin was a little funny, and said coldly, "It seems that Elder Ji, you really have a bad memory, or you have dementia. Let me remind you. The loser will cut his arm. I didn't bring it up."

If she is the loser, will Ji Nanfeng give up?

I'm afraid that she won't have enough arms!

She doesn't have a Virgin Heart!

"Elder Ji, I would like to lose the bet. You can't blame us for interfering, right?" Ji Wuyou's entourage sneered. He lost the test with others, so he can't rely on him.

Mu Tianyin urged, "What are the elders waiting for?"

"If Elder Ji is inconvenient, my son is willing to do it for you." Ji Wuyou said, and sang a harmony with the teenagers around him. The cooperation was perfect. If everyone could see that the two did not know each other, they would suspect that they had negotiated in advance. .

Ji Nanfeng's old age is colorful and extremely ugly.

Ji Wuyou does it, can he still live?

"it is good--"

Ji Nanfeng gritted his teeth reluctantly.

Mu Tianyin hugged both hands, stood there calmly and prepared to watch, without intending to leave.

"It's really picking up a rock and hitting my own foot." Pointing around.

"Ask yourself."

Everyone can naturally see that the relationship between Ji Wuyou and Ji Nanfeng does not seem to be as harmonious as those in the same sect, so with him here, everyone is less jealous of Ji Nanfeng.

"Smelly boy, you wait for me!" Ji Nanfeng's poisoned eyes kept locked on Mu Tianyin, at this time he was really forced to desperate.

He got up from the ground with difficulty and sat cross-legged.

Hold both hands, exercise energy and adjust the interest rate.

After making preparations for a while, he took a few deep breaths, then shouted, his left hand directly tore off his right hand, it was covered with flesh, blood flowing!

"Huh—" Some people around couldn't help but look away.

Mu Tianyin's eyes stared slightly, and then he spit out the words lukewarm, "This performance is far worse than removing the head."

In Dayan Palace, she had seen people cut their heads.

What Mu Tianyin said was an ordinary truth, but it was just a narrative, but it was so angry that Ji Nanfeng's pale face was already pale, adding another layer of dead ashes, wishing to throw the severed hand over.


Ji Nanfeng, who was already badly injured, broke his arm again. At this time, it was really painful and the pain was unbearable.

"However, I still have to say that Elder Ji is so bold." Mu Tianyin's sentence undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and made people around him snicker. This kid really wants to make people angry. .

It's not that there is no sympathy. If you have sympathy, you should see who you give it, and whether it is worth giving.

Ji Nan's body trembled with anger. He couldn't hold his hand firmly, and the **** paws purred out all of a sudden, his pale fingers were still twitching and shaking, causing the people around him to avoid it.

Mu Tianyin glanced at his severed arm and said, "Since Elder Ji is so disgusted, then I will take care of it."

As soon as she finished her words, she waved away.

Ji Nanfeng's old eyes suddenly widened, "You--"

It's just that he was badly injured and couldn't move, so he cut his hand and drew a parabola of blood shot in the air, flew out with a whistling sound, and landed on a pile of rocks ten feet away with a hit. .

Mu Tianyin spread her hands together, she was just helping.

The cultivator's head was broken, and if he could pick it up within a short time before his aura had dissipated, let alone her hands, she was not playing with Ji Nanfeng.

Let him go through the situation and then take it back. How about singing?

Ji Nanfeng's eyes were wide open, and he roared, "I want to kill you!"

How could Ji Nanfeng really endure not having a hand?

He naturally had a later move, because there was a kind of intermittent holy water in his hand that made him break his arm so confidently. He originally wanted to take a few breaths, and after slowing down, he immediately took the broken arm back.

But he didn't expect to be seen through directly, and the other party ruthlessly broke his back.

"Let's talk about it when you have strength." Mu Tianyin's emotions were calm from beginning to end.

Ji Wuyou's dark pupils lightly locked the young man beside him, thoughtfully.


At this moment, the change happened again.

A few dog barks came out from nowhere, becoming clearer and clearer, and then a few big yellow dogs rushed out, spreading their four feet, rushing towards the broken arm.

However, after a few seconds of fierce snatching, the most majestic dog in the lead ran wildly with Ji Nanfeng's arm in his mouth, ran all the way out of the Canghai Pearl Square, and disappeared in front of everyone.


A cool breeze blew, everything was silent.

Mu Tianyin was also dumbfounded, she didn't arrange this.

Everyone didn't look at the dogs or Ji Nanfeng. A pair of eyes fell on Mu Tianyin's body, shivering together, and many people swallowed silently.

Grandma, don't mess with this kid in the future!

The corner of Mu Tianyin's eyes shook fiercely, and she did not expect this to happen.

It really has nothing to do with her!

Some guests in Canghai Pearl Square are doing everything for treasure hunting. It is not uncommon to bring dogs to choose with their keen sense of smell, but it was a coincidence today.

However, judging from Mu Tianyin's previous performances of not paying for his life, this scapegoat was naturally carried by her.


From Ji Nanfeng's side there came a *sorrowful cry, "My hand! My hand!"

He wanted to chase him out because he had more than enough energy but he didn't have enough energy. He just staggered up and fell back after not taking a few steps. That state can only be described by crying for the sky, completely desperate.

That looks like a miserable one.

He was seriously injured, and now he broke his arm again. Fortunately, Ji Nanfeng's strength is not empty. At this time, his mental head is still good, and his thoughts suddenly flashed. The bloodshot eyes stared at Ji Wuyou who had been watching with his hands. I see, that's how it is!"

Mu Tianyin couldn't help but sneered looking at Ji Nanfeng, who said he was self-confident.

"It must be you, it's Ji Wuyou's ghost, and you deliberately joined others to cheat the old man." Ji Nanfeng's expression was a heartbreaking expression, "It was a waste of old man's fame, but he did your way!"

"What nonsense are you talking about." The entourage was exasperated.

Ji Wuyou's eyes were cold, only staring quietly at Ji Nanfeng who was in madness.

"I've been seen through by the old man now?" Ji Nanfeng laughed grimly, covering his **** broken wall, talking nonsense there, "The old man will definitely report to the Patriarch, see if you have anything else to say. "

"Ji Nanfeng."

Ji Wuyou spoke coldly, saying every word.

At this moment, Ji Wuyou's arm was tossed lightly by a hand, with a slight strength, he was slightly stunned, and when he turned his head, he met the young boy's clear eyes.

Mu Tianyin shook his head at him, then staggered his body and walked towards the crazy Ji Nanfeng step by step. Finally, he squatted down in front of him and stretched out his hand to uncover the mask on his face, "Elder Ji, 72 Continent, I didn’t expect we could meet again. Do you think this is fate?"

The male and female voices are indistinct and clear, and the delicate and perfect face is beautiful.

The red lips lightly opened, and said each word, "Don't be safe."

Ji Nanfeng suddenly stiffened, and raised his head shamelessly, almost overturning himself with too much force, "Mu Jin!"

"It seems sane is still sober." Mu Tianyin threw off the mask and stood up.

Ji Nanfeng whispered, "Yes, it turned out to be you!"

His hand that was holding Biaoxue's broken arm slipped, and then changed to cover his chest. He was really going to suffer from a heart attack. With only one hand left, he was really too busy.

It was the Mu Jin who was fighting against each other in Seventy-two Continents!

Yes, he should have recognized it long ago!

"What a delicate boy."


Everyone noticed that Mu Tianyin's face had disappeared. He was such a beautiful and compelling young boy, and with this extraordinary temperament, he did not lose to Ji Wuyou beside him.

Everyone nodded again and again, but also understood another point.

This little son and Ji Wuyou do not know each other, and Ji Nanfeng is nothing but new hatred and old hatred, but looking at this appearance, Ji Nanfeng estimated that he was in the hands of this young man last time, and he was very miserable.

But you said Ji Nanfeng had some bad luck, or he owed it to others in his previous life. When this young man didn't come, his luck was so smooth, how should he drive it!

But as soon as this boy appeared, he changed his style completely?

Everyone looked at the broken arm, clutching his chest, breathing out, like Ji Nanfeng who would die at any time.

Shaking his head, couldn't bear to look directly.

"I thought you had a bad memory, elder. It's a great honor to remember me." Mu Tianyin curled his mouth and gave Ji Nanfeng a faint smile.

"It's you, it's you again!"

Ji Nanfeng's chest was violently ups and downs, and his heart attacked with anger. He didn't swallow this breath and became the last grass that crushed the camel. He was so shocked that he finally turned his eyes and fell to the ground and fainted.

With a touch, he fell to the ground.

Everyone's eyebrows jumped straight, and no one expected that Ji Nanfeng, who had held the Force Competition, suffered a heavy blow from Ji Wuyou, and endured the pain of the broken wall, was finally forced to faint and pass out.

Mu Jin!

What a god.

The disciple behind Ji Wuyou looked at Mu Tianyin and couldn't help but chuckle. Whose son is this, who actually abused Ji Nanfeng into such an appearance, which is really a relief.

Let him usually rely on the old thief Ji Xuan to support him, and dominate the clan!

Unexpectedly, he was tortured like this by a young man when he came out, which really made him laugh.

Mu Tianyin stared at Ji Nanfeng, who had passed out, with a calm expression.

"This little friend, I don't know if you can ask, where is your Fu Dao inheritance?" At this moment, Ji Wuyou's voice was indifferent like water, and it was like the breeze and gentle breeze on the lake in March.

Mu Tianyin turned around and raised his eyes to meet the searching ink pupils.

"This is the same from the Ji family, why is it completely different?"


"But this first son is really well-deserved!"


There were whispered comments from the surrounding crowd.

Although Ji Nanfeng is the elder of Ji’s family, not to mention his identity in the family, but in the entire Northern Wilderness, Ji Wuyou recognized the identity of the first son, it is enough to throw away Ji Nanfeng more than a dozen streets, but you see Look at this demeanor.

Ji Wuyou looked at the green-robed boy in front of him, her eyes flickering.

The brows and eyes outlined in ink are calm, and there is no strange emotion.

"Actually..." Mu Tianyin pursed her lower lip lightly, staring at the man in front of him, and wanted to call a senior, but the two words kept spinning on the tip of his tongue, and he didn't say it for a long time.

------Off-topic ------

First go out on National Day, no money, no friends, how to break...

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