Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 15: : Qingcheng Saintess, Ye Chaoge!

Mu Tianyin paused for a while, only hesitated for a while, and said naturally, "Actually, I only got advice from a famous teacher by chance. I was lucky, and I didn't really worship the teacher."

She smiled slightly, half-truth.

In fact, what Mu Tianyin had previously thought was that maybe she could hand over the two treasures of Fuxi Baojian and Fuling Tianxia to Ji Wuyou, but after careful consideration, she felt a little wrong.

Not long after I arrived in the northern desert desert, for this place, for the Ji family, they were still at the level of various rumors, and didn't understand, including Ji Wuyou, so she couldn't act rashly.

Most importantly, Grandpa is now in Ji Xuan's hands!

Although Ji Xuan didn't dare to do anything to Grandpa in a short time, from what Ji Nanfeng just said, she should be able to determine that Grandpa's condition would not be very good, and she had to act carefully.

Moreover, it can also be seen that Senior Brother Ji seems to have been restrained by Ji Xuan and others. He is now a completely inconspicuous monk in the North Desert. No trouble.

So, let's look at the situation again.

After a quick thought in his mind, Mu Tianyin made up his mind.

And what a transparent person Ji Wuyou is. He only listened to Mu Tianyin's words and knew that the young man in front of him didn't want to mention the source of his runes, so he chuckled, "Your original power is amazing."

He changed the subject without a trace, just said that.

"Really." Mu Tianyin touched the tip of his nose and smiled.

Ji Wuyou's jet-black hair poured down like ink-spattered mountain water.

He looked at the young man in front of him, lowering his head, his slightly restrained speech, inexplicably like reaching out to touch his little black head, this thought made Ji Wuyou a little scared and a little funny.

Ji Wuyou shook his head, staring at Mu Tianyin with deep pupils, and said seriously, "I'm not talking perfunctory. Even in Ji's house, I can't find a few who can compete with you. Disciple."

This was only what he observed, and he couldn't really estimate the extent of this kid's foundation for the time being.

"so smart?"

The cognition of Mu Tianyin of the people watching the excitement around him has once again risen to another level.


Talking to the man in front of him, Mu Tianyin felt a sense of comfort involuntarily.

A man like Ji Wuyou is as clean and flawless as water, just like a stream of clear spring, he can only stand so faintly in front of you, he can become the most beautiful scenery.

"Why don't it be like this, son!" The entourage disciple beside Ji Wuyou's eyes shone brightly.

Ji Wuyou looked back, and the disciple raised his hand and patted his eyes with wolves. He excitedly proposed, "This young man has outstanding talismanic attainments. Why don't we invite him to worship Ji's house?"

That guy named Mu Tianyin, I don't know if he can compare to the boy in front of me!

In fact, Ji Wuyou left Ji's house this time and came out in person, just to intercept the news from Ji Xuan, Fuxi Baojian and Fu Ling Tianxia are most likely in the hands of a Middle-earth monk named Mu Tianyin.

"This..." Ji Wuyou hesitated slightly.

He didn't hesitate about anything else. He wanted to include a disciple for the Ji family, the most core inner disciple. It was all very simple things, but he had never made a hasty decision in such a short period of time.

But such a prodigy, lost again.

And although he had little contact with the little guy in front of him, he unconsciously developed a sense of trust in him, and inexplicably disliked him. This was also unprecedented.

Therefore, he does not reject this proposal.

Then there is the most important point. From the previous point of view, this little guy should be very independent. Others may be honored to join the Ji family, but he is not necessarily.

Thinking of this, Ji Wuyou's eyes slowly fell on Mu Tianyin's body, asking questions in his eyes.

Mu Tianyin blinked, she did not expect this to happen.

"Your name is Mu Jin, isn't it?" Ji Wuyou's voice was clear and beautiful, with a sincere attitude, and also very tactfully. "If you want, you can consider my suggestion. The door of Ji's house is always open to you."

There seemed to be waves of light in Mu Tianyin's eyes, the flashing light was fleeting, and then he smiled and nodded, "Mu Jin is deeply honored to have this son." Her tone is also sincere, "It's just that I have something. I am afraid of inconvenience."

Regardless of whether it is to grandpa or senior brother, her current state of being a mermaid is not suitable for appearing in Ji's family. If she fails to achieve her goal, it will become a burden. This is not what she wants to see.

"Huh?" The accompanying disciple was obviously lost.

It is really a pity that such a Fu Dao wizard did not fall into the Ji family.

Ji Wuyou's expression was also a bit regretful, and he nodded thoughtfully, "So."

"Ouch, this kid!"

The people around him wanted to vomit blood, but they could only be anxious.

Someone in this world will turn away such an opportunity? That was the first ancient family in the Northern Wilderness, the Ji family inherited by His Majesty, the head of the seven families, and the son of Worry-Free!

Mu Tianyin stepped forward slowly, walked to the opposite side of Ji Wuyou, smiled slightly, "But can you take the liberty of it."

"Please speak." Ji Wuyou raised his hand in a gesture of asking, elegant and precious.

A light flashed in Mu Tianyin's eyes, "I don't know if Mu Jin can ask for a word from the son, I can visit the Ji's house in the future, if there is a chance, Mu Jin really hopes to call you brother."

Mu Tianyin bit out the last two words clearly, with a slight tone.

The young boy's male and female voice was crisp, sweet, and heart-warming. Ling Ji Wuyou's heart suddenly moved. After a moment of daze, he lifted his lips and chuckled, nodding, "Of course."

"Thank you." Mu Tianyin smiled back.

Ji Wuyou stared at the person in front of him, then looked down at the jade pendant hanging around his waist, and stretched out his hand to remove it, "You hold this thing, if one day you want to find me in the Ji family, bring this thing, no one Dare to stop."

He handed the cold jade to Mu Tianyin.

"The son?" The disciple behind Ji Wuyou was shocked.

Mu Tianyin only looked at the disciple's expression and knew that this jade pendant was of extraordinary significance. She was stunned for a while, seeing Ji Wuyou's eyes clean, clear and calm, and finally reached out to take it.

"What does this mean--"


Everyone didn't understand it, but they all knew that it was definitely not a simple jade pendant.

Mu Tianyin collected the jade pendant, raised his eyes to Ji Wuyou's slightly probing eyes, smiled, and suddenly said, "Although I didn't worship Ji's house, I'm sorry, but can I call you brother now? "

Ji Wuyou stunned for a moment, and then chuckled, "Of course."

The entourage was really stupid this time, blinking and staring at his son who had promised him. Today, the sun has fallen into the pit, right? When did their son speak so well?

"Ahhhhh, I want to be called Senior Brother too!"

There was a sound next to him, but the next moment he was slapped up by the people around him. Whether it was a mortal monk or some half-pot rune master who knew the runes, they could only watch them eagerly.

envy, jealousy, hate!

But can anyone bark?

That was the pillar of the younger generation of the Ji family, the first son of the entire North Desert Wilderness in Fengyun, but he didn't expect that Ji Wuyou would be so tolerant of a young boy who had first met.

It's okay that this kid has real abilities, but what luck is he out of him!

"Senior Brother Ji." Mu Tianyin smiled brilliantly, hugged both hands, and said in a clear voice, "Mu Jin has something to do, so let's say goodbye. I believe we will meet again, and it won't be too long."

"Good." Ji Wuyou nodded, he was also looking forward to it.

Mu Tianyin turned his head and glanced at Ji Nanfeng who was dizzy on the ground, his eyes sinking slightly, and after a few ups and downs, he turned his head and nodded to Ji Wuyou before he started to leave.

The supervisor of Canghai Yizhu stretched out his sleeves and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "My mother, this kid is finally gone!"

He stared at the green and white slender figure like bamboo, and sighed.

"But don't look back." The supervisor was frightened, until Mu Tianyin completely disappeared in the dark corridor. He guessed at the end with this breath, for fear that he would return to the carriage and continue cutting the stone.

In just a short time, Mu Tianyin has searched away sixty to seven million spiritual stones. Can you feel distressed?

How many blank strange stones have to be sold to get it back!

"What a good Fu Dao wizard." The entourage disciple beside Ji Wuyou still sighed.

Ji Wuyou was silent, her eyes faint.

"The son..." The disciple leaned to Ji Wuyou's side, looked up at his elegant side face, and asked again in a low voice tentatively, "Are we going to Zhongtu to find Mu Tianyin?" "

According to the information received, she seems to be the Taoist wizard of Xianyuan Jiuzhong Daoji, or a rune master with outstanding qualifications!

If Mu Tianyin can really be found, their line must be even more powerful!

But Mu Tianyin is only a real Zi Yan in the foundation period, and is not strong enough. If she takes her back to Ji's house and exposes her to the eyelids of the old thief Ji Xuan, even with the protection of the son, she can't be by her side all the time ?

It must be a dire situation, but this is a big problem.

"But it's useless to say anything. The biggest problem right now is to find someone, don't be killed by the old thief Ji Xuan!" The follower disciple grabbed his head severely with a headache and muttered to himself.

Ji Wuyou took a step forward, the alluring face was as indifferently as water, "Mu Tianyin."

If Mu Tianyin is really the successor of the Patriarch decided by Elder Ji Heng, he must go to Middle-earth... But it's a coincidence that she and Mu Jin have the same surname, and she seems to be about the same age.

If you look at it by seniority, you should call him brother.

Fuxi Baojian and Fu Ling Tianxia must not fall into Ji Xuan's hands again, and Elder Ji Heng will also be rescued unscathed, so no matter what the reason is, he must find Mu Tianyin as soon as possible to protect her.

"But it has been two months since the last time the news came back. The Qingshan tribe she left did not return to Xianyuan. There was no news. We can only take a breather now." The disciple tried to persuade.

Ji Wuyou was silent, and waves gradually rose in Mo Tong.

As everyone knows, the person they are looking for has just passed by themselves.

The twilight is four, the stars are broken into the sky.

There is no doubt about the prosperity of the stone city. Looking down from the sky, the towers next to each other are densely lit, like countless stars, scattered on the earth by the hands of fairies.

Mu Tianyin walked on the criss-cross streets, thinking deeply all the way.

It seemed that Ji's current situation was more complicated than she had imagined.

It is speculated from the situation just now that Ji Nanfeng is Ji Xuan's beloved general. This news should be true, and Ji Wuyou and Ji Nanfeng are obviously opposed, and they should be the disciples who support Grandpa and his line.

Mu Tianyin took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and the shredded stars fell into the dark black eyes.

She said this senior brother, hoping that there was no wrong call.

You can't go wrong!

Mu Tianyin has always believed in her instincts, but this matter is related to the great inheritance of the Ji family for thousands of years, and the life of Grandpa Ji Heng, she has to be more cautious.

"Are you Mu Jin?"

Mu Tianyin walked, immersed in his thoughts, and was interrupted by a sudden question.

Bad comer!

She paused and raised her head. The three people in front of her stood in a straight line to stop her. The young man with dark eyebrows and yellow robes in the middle spoke again, "Are you Mu Jin?"

Mu Tianyin raised his eyebrows lightly, "What's the matter?"

"We just heard that you have a Heavenly Tear Chi Crystal in your hand. Our lady is in urgent need of this thing. Please cut your love and make a price." The young man said straight to the point.

Mu Tianyin stared at the few people in front of her, curled her lips and smiled, "Qingcheng sent?"

She searched the entire Stone City, but couldn't find a Heavenly Tear Crimson Crystal. It should have been a good deed by the few people in front of her, but what is the purpose of this young lady in his family?

The yellow-clothed man frowned, stared at the opposite boy for a while, and then replied, "Yes."

Mu Tianyin nodded, but she said, "I'm sorry, I also need this Heavenly Tears Chijing urgently, so I don't plan to sell it temporarily." After she finished speaking, she added with a smile, "If you have a lot, You can sell me a few."

The yellow-clothed man wanted to persuade him, but before he could say it, he was blocked by Mu Tianyin's words.

Another disciple didn't give up, "We can buy one thousand and five hundred spirit stones to buy the one in your hand. You have to think clearly, there will be no store after you pass this village. Anyway, you keep it and sell it in the end."

"You idiot!" The yellow-clothed man stepped on the disciple's foot, and clenched his teeth in his ear, "Who makes you pay such a high price at once, and you have to increase it slowly, will you bargain?"

"He--" The disciple jumped with his feet.

The remaining disciple scratched his head, and whispered in the ear of the leading man, "But your saint has said that you must get enough tears in the sky, otherwise we don't go back."

"But we only have 10 million spirit stones in our hands. I'll grab the remaining 5 million?" The yellow man burst into flames.

Faced with the sudden change in style, the corners of Mu Tianyin's mouth twitched.

These are some of the best products from which courtyard?

Determined to be the leader of the three great cultivation sects in the Northern Wilderness, a disciple of the Qingcheng School?

"Stop!" Mu Tianyin raised his hand to stop.

The leading yellow-clothed man clenched his fist and coughed, restored his calm appearance, and said in another way, "Since this fellow Taoist knows about our Qingcheng faction, it's better to give a face and we can go back for business."

What was not said: You also know the temper of my aunt's grandmother. If they can't get things back, they can't make a difference, they really can't get through the future.

The man in yellow had a calm expression, and he cried thousands of times in his heart.

Mu Tianyin raised his eyebrows lightly, and naturally he could not help but feel a little helpless in hearing what they had just exchanged.

How long has she only been in the Northern Wilderness? She provokes most of the big shots?

The person who needs a lot of Heavenly Tears Chi Jing should be the girl of the Qingcheng School, Ye Chaoge!

When I was still in Middle-earth, I heard that among the peerless arrogance of the young generation in the Northern Wilderness, there are two women, Taoxiuyao Palace Profound Girl Lian Qingchen, Moxiu Qingcheng Saint Girl Ye Chaoge.

The latter has a more frightening reputation than the former!

Just because that Ye Chaoge acted extremely rampantly, was even more rebellious and had a weird temper, even the elders in the Qingcheng faction had to treat her with care like a little ancestor.

Therefore, in everyone's mind, I would rather provoke even Qingchen like a goddess fairy than provoke the female demon of the Qingcheng faction.

"It's not that I refuse to give up love, it's because I really need it urgently. I really want to buy it from you." Mu Tianyin emphasized in a deep voice, expressing sympathy in her heart, but she is not very good at self-sacrifice.

Although the spirit stone can also be transformed into spiritual energy to absorb, its effect is really no better than the sky tears red crystal. The sky tears red crystal contains the power of the heaven and earth, which cannot be replaced by the spirit stone.

That's why she searched so hard.

Mu Tianyin said again, "You have cleaned up the Tianlei Chi Jing in the entire Stone City. It took me a lot of effort to get one from the Canghai Bead. You still have to **** it. There is no reason?"


In this way, the three disciples of the Qingcheng faction opposite are also a bit embarrassed.

"Twenty million spirit stones!" Just when a few people were about to give up, a cold female voice struck. It was a terrifying overbearing, accompanied by a crimson voice falling from the sky.

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