Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 43: : Win the first prize again!

This is clearly the power of the transformation stage!

Bei Zun's mind was a little dizzy, and he blinked fiercely.

When he discerned it carefully, Mu Tianyin had already condensed his aura, and was slowly controlling the flame to go out, and the process of gathering pill had been completed.

"It's another green pill!"

"The strength of this class of alchemist is really not weak."


There was a blasting sound everywhere, and many alchemists started out one by one.

Everyone's eyes were scattered, and Mu Tianyin was in an unobtrusive central position, not many people noticed her situation.

The sunset was on the west mountain, and the sky was shining brightly. It had reached the final moment. Almost all alchemists had already opened the furnace, while Ouyang Xuan, Mu Tianyin and other five or six people were extinguishing the fire and entered the final stage.


An old man opened the stove, muffled.

The old man took a few steps and took out the fragrant pill from the pill furnace.

"It's the blue pill."

Those who have seen have already seen it, the extremely rare blue pill.

Although the quality is not as good as expected, but it is a grade problem compared to the green product. If the old man's test paper also has a score of 850, then ten of them* can be rated as Qingpao Dan. division.

"Get up!" Ouyang Xuan hurriedly opened the tripod cover.

A scent of fragrance came out, refreshing, so that many people's eyes fell to her.

Ouyang Xuan extinguished the fire stone, raised his hand to summon the elixir in the furnace, and was delighted after seeing it, "Cyan product!"

A few days ago, only the green product was refined, but I did not expect to exert effort at the critical moment of the assessment to refine the green product pill. Although it only belongs to the lower level, it is already very lucky.

"Well, not bad." Bei Zun was also very satisfied with Ouyang Xuan's performance.

Ouyang Xuan looked at the medicinal medicine in her hand as if it were in her hands, carefully placed it on the brocade tray that was presented, and handed it to the dozen or so master alchemists present for evaluation. Only then did she have the time to visit Mu Tianyin. situation.

"I don't believe you can really shake the sky!" Ouyang Xuan's eyes were dark.

Even if it is exaggerated, give her a pornographic estimate.

At this time, Mu Tianyin extinguished the fire, and then uncovered the spirit sealing technique on the black flame furnace, and a graceful and pleasant pill fragrance floated out, but the smell made many monks relaxed and happy.

"What kind of medicine?" Everyone was a little curious, craned their necks to look around.

Mu Tianyin flicked her sleeves and turned around to catch her, the hot temperature of her palms made her eyes light up.

"Qingpin, soul-raising pill!" Beizun quickly recognized the thing.

Soul-nourishing pill, a high-quality exquisite pill, is also one of the most difficult to refining pill among the blue-grade pill. It is extremely cough for all aspects of the alchemist's requirements. They are some experienced blue-robed pill. In ten times of refining, it may not be possible to make one. For many thematic alchemists, one success is also a big challenge.

This kid dares to use this kind of pill in the assessment, he is really courageous!

"There are six more!"

The sharp-eyed main alchemist saw the pill presented by Mu Tianyin and was shocked.

Ouyang Xuan naturally noticed it too, and couldn't help but stagger back, and ran into the hot pill furnace again, which made her scream, but her body was far less than the torture in her heart.

Before she had time to be happy, she fell into a deeper abyss.

"Impossible." Ouyang Xuan muttered blankly.

She has worked hard for more than 30 years of practicing the pill. Today, Mou was full of energy and barely refined the green pill. What did Mu Jin do?

It was completed in a few months, and it did better.

This is simply ironic!

"Ah—" Ouyang Xuan yelled, and Feishen rushed towards Mu Tianyin.

She doesn't believe it!

She wants to see if this kid is the stuffing of the leather bag, and she must have used some means to achieve this result.

"Ouyang Xuan!" Bei Zun is the one who values ​​rules the most. He didn't expect that Ouyang Xuan would ignore the discipline so much and immediately shouted.

Ouyang Xuan's fingertips hadn't even touched Mu Tianyin's pill, like a heavy rock falling into the lake.

It hurts just by looking at it.

Mu Tianyin looked down and raised her eyebrows lightly, "Why, Senior Sister Ouyang wants to **** pill."

"Mu Jin." Ouyang Xuan's teeth were stained red with bloodshot eyes, still unconvinced, struggling to shout, "You have deceived everyone, you can't deceive me, I won't believe it, you must have used something! "

Deceive yourself, that's it.

"Ouyang Xuan, you are presumptuous!" Before Mu Tianyin could reply, another big drink from Beizun came from above.

Ouyang Xuan shuddered, and then she realized what stupid things she had done.

Bei Zun's beard trembled with anger, "Ouyang Xuan, you are the core disciple of my sect. Many masters have high hopes, but you are so ignorant of the importance. It really disappoints the deity."

"Bei Zun forgive me, I just, just..." She wanted to explain, but she didn't know where to start.

Ouyang Xuan just wanted to destroy Mu Tianyin's pill, and so many eyes around saw it, it was really like what Mu Tianyin said, just want to taste it, it would be more ironic.

Bei Zun didn't want to listen to her explanation, got up and took a few steps forward, and said in a deep voice, "Ouyang Xuan, in the second assessment, hindering others from making alchemy, openly ignoring the disciplinary rules and canceling this assessment opportunity!

Regardless of whether it is within the sect or outside the sect, the participants are treated equally.

"No!" Ouyang Xuan stared.

She just wanted to see the authenticity of Mu Jin's pill, but she was so impatient that she lost her sense of measure, but how could Bei Zun refuse to give her any affection and directly cancel her qualification for the test.

Anyway, her performance this time can surpass that of Qingpao Alchemist!

"Bring it to the deity." Beizun looked serious, waved his sleeves, "Finally confinement for half a year, when can this reckless temperament be changed, and when will he come out again."

Ouyang Xuan, who had been shocked by Bei Zun, fainted after turning his eyes.

The two disciples stepped forward and dragged her down neatly.

Mu Tianyin glanced, it was quiet for half a year.

"What kind of pill Mu Jin made, how did Ouyang Xuan react?" The cultivators who were looking around couldn't help but wonder.

The pill that Mu Tianyin refined was sealed with a special lid by the medicine boy Hou beside him, carefully carried away, labeled at will, and sent directly to the place where a dozen or so alchemists were judged.

"Continue." Bei Zun returned.

All of the more than one hundred participants presented medicinal pills, and a dozen of them were evaluated on the spot.

Many participating alchemists were waiting in place. You could see that a dozen people inspected the tasting in turn, whispering a few words from time to time, shaking their heads, or nodding, and then wrote down the final rating.

The efficiency was very high, but within two quarters of an hour, the final results were counted and presented to the two heavenly masters sitting on top.

Bei Zun got it, took a look around, and then announced, "The second practical elixir pill of the promotion assessment is over. Forty-two alchemists who have refined the red elixir are..." He read the pill. The teacher's name continued, "Thirty-eight orange elixir, which are..."

Not to mention the number of people, Bei Zun read them in turn.

There were 22 people and 11 people in Huangpin and Lvpin pills afterwards.

When reading the Qingpin Pill, someone found that she was missing without Mu Jin's name.

"Oh my God, what Mu Jin refines is not a green pill, is it?"

The cultivators in the surrounding area changed their expressions. Isn't this too exaggerated?

After Bei Zun finished reading the green product, he glanced down, specifically glanced at the position of Mu Tianyin, before shaking the beard and continuing, "This time there are seven alchemists who refine the green product. They They are Yan Ke, Xiang Yitian, Bai Qi... Mu Jin."

When the last name came out, the surroundings boiled directly!

"This kid, a really refined green pill."

"No wonder Ouyang Xuan's reaction just now was shocked!"


Not only those who watched the game, but also the alchemists in the stadium, all looked at Mu Tianyin with extremely frightening eyes.

According to this, isn't this kid jumping one level a month?

But Beizun’s words have not yet been finished, "The quality of the blue pill is from top to bottom. According to the name of the deity just said, the reverse order is that Mu Jin’s soul-raising pill is a high-quality product, and there are six in a pot. So many, eighteen leading reviewers unanimously approved, ranking first."

Bei Zun tried his best to calm himself, but where no one could see, his fingers were trembling thinly.

This little monster!


Everyone was silent, and they could only use speechlessness to express their surprise in their hearts.

This world is crazy!

In fact, Mu Tianyin was also a bit surprised. He didn't expect that he would win the top spot smoothly, but he could only be fortunate that there was no blue robe alchemist to participate this time.

But from Qingpao to Lanpao, that is a gap like a chasm!

Even looking at the entire northern desert, there are not many blue-robed alchemists. Ten* are already in the Ziyang sect. Elder Ge must have the level of blue-robed alchemy, and among the hundreds of master alchemists, There are also about two or three layers of blue-robed alchemists, so it is normal for those who participate in the promotion of the main alchemist to not have blue-robed alchemists.

"Brother Bei, how do these three master alchemists take?" Nanfang Tianzun suddenly said.

This question really asked Bei Zun.

Mu Tianyin's performance has long exceeded the requirements of the core disciples.

In the promotion assessment this time, three main alchemists, eight Qingpao elder alchemists, ten core disciples, fifty disciples of the inner sect, and 100 disciples of the outer sect, were drawn out based on the two assessment indicators.

The number is only small!

As for the main alchemist, compared with previous sessions, the score of the first item must be above 870.

The second item is to make at least a green pill.

Then combine two items and advance to third place from top to bottom.

The rules have been the same over the years and there is no problem, but the problem now is that after Mo Liuxian, within the original rules, there has been an accident, and this time the situation is even more exaggerated.

The age limit for the admission of disciples is within a hundred years, and there is no explicit stipulation above the elders.

But who could have imagined that a 17-year-old baby, after half a year, was judged as the main alchemist?

The most important point is that this person is still unclear about his position. He doesn't want to be a disciple of the Ziyang Sect at all, nor is it to judge your main alchemy master, but to fulfill the previous agreement and participate in the promotion review.

So now the biggest question is: Is this one of the three main alchemists in Jin, given to him? Still not giving it!

No, this is definitely not justified.

Yes, it's not so rare and it's another problem.

"This..." Nan Tianzun asked, completely stumping Beizun.

The two old men stared wide-eyed there, hesitantly.

At the same time, the two old men turned their heads and looked at Mu Tianyin. They didn't know what they thought of. The two old eyes shone with wolves, and sparks crackled.

Mu Tianyin's eyes narrowed, what kind of expression is this?

Bei Zun coughed and looked at the people, "Now that the two achievements are clear, how to divide the choice? Let the deity make a decision after discussing with you elders. It will be announced in three days. Please wait patiently."

He handed the score list to the boys around him, and continued, "Now everyone can leave."


All parties responded.

Everyone walked out of the alchemy field one after another. Some were as excited as they were playing chicken blood and played well, and some were downcast, either by making mistakes or by failing to show their own strength except for things.

"I don't know how it will be taken this time." Someone discussed this matter.

Someone made fun of suffering and said, "Just take care of him, anyway, my outer disciple is fine. Originally, alchemy is to participate in the fun. As long as you enter the Ziyang School, you can talk about it.

"The old man really thinks, this master alchemist, hey." An old man was particularly sad.

Because he probably estimated that the appearance of himself in the fourth place should not be rated as the main alchemist, but he came from Nanhai Daozhou to seek alchemy.

It's just a bad move!

Someone who knew him smiled and said, "Old Hua, based on my experience, it is not hopeless. Ziyang Sect will definitely deal with an outlier like Mu Jin."

"Yes, yes, he can't be regarded as a human being, let Master Mo Liuxian take it back quickly." The bald guy next to him grinned.

"..." Mu Tianyin passed by, just hearing this sentence, and his face was suddenly covered with black lines.

Why is she not a human being?

The old man smiled and made up for it, "Mu Jin just passed by you."

The bald guy bounced three feet high like his **** on fire, his back numb, and when he looked back, the blue shirt boy had already walked away.

In order to prevent disturbances, Mu Tianyin hid in the 33rd Heaven.

The Ziyangzong promotion review is now over. It can be said that several families are happy and sad, and the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the young man who won the top spot in the two evaluations.

With his own strength, he broke the doubts of the outside world against him!

In the entire Ziyang sect, whether it is Tianzun Pavilion or his disciple Yaotong, from the very beginning, he was jealous that he was fortunate to be a disciple of the Holy Venerable. Now, I am proud that my sect can have such a talented arrogant.

These are two completely different attitudes. The former is mostly malicious, while the latter is sincerely convinced and proud of him.

It also confirmed that sentence, no matter who you are, a thousand words are not as good as strength!

You will be truly recognized by everyone if you have the ability.

At this time, in the 33rd Heaven of Ziyang Sect, a situation similar to that of five months ago appeared.

But the difference is that five months ago, Mu Tianyin was'invited' to the elders of Tianzun Pavilion, interrogated Fan with the Trial of Three Divisions, and made a gentleman's agreement with the mysterious fire order. .

And now the Sifang Tianzun, Qifang Pavilion, and a dozen blue robe master alchemists, after specifically asking for Mo Liuxian's ban, went to the 33rd Heaven to find Mu Tianyin in person.

I can only sigh, the feng shui turns in this ten years.

Mu Tianyin looked at the battle that suddenly appeared in front of her, her eyebrows trembled, then put down the scroll in her hand, laughed and teased, "Everyone is coming in a hurry, are you here to ask me for a profound fire order?"

Bei Zun was stuck in a chicken neck, and was stunned.

Which pot does not open and which pot.

"Or do you want to throw me out while Master is away?" Mu Tianyin said again.

"You kid, you still hold grudges." Feng Xiaobai glared at her feigningly.

Mu Tianyin smiled, "Please come to your seat."

The other party didn’t cook her. Mu Tianyin still respected her as much as possible to the elders and teachers, even if it was the Bei Zun who had made trouble for her before. After all, they were just a little stubborn in their thinking and abiding by the rules. In fact, No harm to her.

Mu Tianyin is sometimes stubborn and stubborn, but he doesn't want to care about such problems.

For this, Feng Xiaobai really understood Mu Tianyin.

Bei Zun was a little surprised. After a hum, he nodded thoughtfully.

In this way, it is his villainous heart.

Everyone was seated. As for why only seven elders came, Ouyang Xuan, his lover, was disqualified from running for election, and his foot was restrained. Whether it was out of anger or shame, or not wanting to see someone, Bai Qiutian would not show up. It is reasonable.

The four Tianzun looked at Mu Tianyin for a while, then looked at each other again, and stopped talking.

Mu Tianyin couldn't help but smiled, "Several venerables, if you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

The deity glanced at Mu Tianyin, and finally he spoke, and he muttered for a while and then said, "This Mu Jin, I waited like that before, it's just because the Profound Fire Order has a lot to do with it, and it is indeed at odds with the rules. Will eagerly take it back."

And the impact came too fast, too big, they couldn't accept it for a while.

"I know." Mu Tianyin understood, "Venerables are also for the sake of the entire Ziyang School. I believe that Master will also understand the painstaking worry of the Venerables, and there will be no grievances."

and then?

Bei Zun was stunned again, blinking again and again.

This kid is reasonable, he really doesn't know what to say.

"That's good." Bei Zun could only nod his head.

As for the next words, he still said with a little embarrassed face, and had to wink at Feng Xiaobai next to him.

After receiving it, Feng Xiaobai cleared his throat pretendingly, and stroked his beard with a smile. He tentatively asked, "Mu Jin, what do you think of the position of the master alchemist?"

"Not bad." Mu Tianyin gave an ambiguous answer.

Feng Xiao whited his forehead and asked directly, "Then do you want to be promoted to the master alchemist?"

Mu Tianyin frowned, "Elder Feng, I participated in this promotion assessment only in accordance with the agreement of a few Heavenly Venerables, and the main alchemist has a heavy responsibility. How can I be worthy of this experience? Let me give it to you. A qualified alchemist."

In fact, Mu Tianyin is also right. The main alchemy master is the lord of the first peak, and he is in charge of the 72nd Hall. The number of his disciples Yaotong is less than 1,000 but 900. She can learn well by herself, but she may not be able to teach with that ability it is good.

To put it bluntly, it's still a chore...

But Mu Tianyin's answer was tantamount to refusing to formally worship Ziyang Sect.

Feng Xiaobai sighed in his heart, turned a corner and said, "Then what do you think."

Who knows that Mu Tianyin just doesn't open up at this moment, and replied, "I didn't think much." After that, she said again, "If you have to withdraw the Profound Fire Order, you only need to speak up, and I will give it to you. You are."

She even bluntly said, "I think it's a hot potato."


It is depressing, venerables.

Now the point is not Xuanhuoling, okay?

The point is, how do you let this kid get an official status in Ziyang Danzong!

It seems that it is still a good thing to have a profound fire order on him, and he can't drive away, and other sects dare not accept this kid.

"That's not the idea." Feng Xiaobai was also anxious, winking a hint, "Just that, that."

The corners of Mu Tianyin's eyes trembled, "Which one? Mr. Feng, please be honest."

Feng Xiaobai yelled anxiously and broke the words, "I have discussed with all the venerables. You were a priest who only worshiped before. See when you have time to participate in this disciple-giving conference."

This has been said so clearly.

Many cultivating sects must go through the real robes-giving ceremony and worship the ancestors of the mountain before they can be recorded in their genealogy and be truly included in the sect. Before Mu Tianyin was in Xianyuan, it was the same.

Now in everyone's eyes, given time to cultivate, Mu Tianyin is completely the second stranger.

No, Mu Tianyin's aptitude is much stronger than Mo Liuxian!

And according to this momentum, what time will it take? Even if it is put out like this, it is comparable to the other five peerless arrogances. The problems they have been worried about for decades have also been solved!

If such a genius is not brought into the door early, it will be the same as the immortal stone treasure mine on the ground, and there is no need to worry about no one.

Mu Tianyin raised her eyebrows, she understood.

It's just that she has been silent all the time, and the hearts of all the sages have also become anxious.

"Masters, sorry."

When Mu Tianyin said these words, Bei Zun's heart was cold, this kid really still bears grudges.

"But it's not because of other things." Mu Tianyin didn't explain much, but said in a serious tone, "It's just because of some personal reasons that I can't worship Ziyang Sect. Please forgive me."

She was worried that the Ji family's affairs would involve Ziyang Danzong in it, and it is the same now.

She also did not forget the promise she promised to Venerable Xianyuan before she left.

The venerables looked at each other and were silent.

The other party didn't say it clearly, and it was inconvenient for them to ask questions, but it was a pity for them.

Feng Xiaobai’s old eyes lit up slightly, and a gleam of light flashed, and he said with a smile, "Mu Jin, since you are a disciple of the Sovereign Master, you are inseparable from our Ziyang Sect. You are not officially worshipping. It is actually just a ceremony. Dispensable, rules are dead, and people live."

Bye bye, who knows?

After that, he secretly winked at several heavenly elders, whether to continue to abide by the old rules and lose such a wizard, or to adapt at will, everyone is happy, you can figure it out.

Mu Tianyin looked at Feng Xiaobai, what he said was really good.

Bei Zun knew immediately. He lived for thousands of years, and he became intelligent. He nodded solemnly, "Moreover, since it is a disciple recognized by the Holy Venerable, or a closed disciple, this one should be me. The chief disciple of the Ziyang Sect, this is something everyone knows well, whether I have officially joined the Ziyang Sect is just an argument."

"Well, it is true."

"Not bad."

All the Venerable Ge Lao nodded repeatedly and agreed with this view.

Mu Tianyin couldn't laugh or cry. Are these old men going to make a name for themselves?

"Mu Jin, what do you think?" Feng Xiaobai asked.

"?" What else can Mu Tianyin say?

If she refuses or something, she is really stubborn.

As a result, despite the enthusiasm, the identity of the chief disciple was forced on Mu Tianyin's head.

Although it is just an identity, there is still a difference. Before, Mu Tianyin was only a direct disciple of Mo Liuxian, in fact it was only related to him, but after changing the description, the chief disciple was aimed at the entire sect. .

Regardless of whether she officially worshiped, in the eyes of other schools, Mu Tianyin was a member of Ziyang Sect!

As for whether it is true or not, only they old guys know it.

Mu Tianyin had no choice but to nod, "Okay."

As for the Ji family, let's talk about it later.

"That's it."

Everyone laughed, and the hall was full of joy.

Moreover, when Bei Zun and others have changed their views on Mu Tianyin, it is actually not entirely because of the strange talent he showed, and her unfavorable, relaxed personality, deviant, stubborn and stubborn, but also rare. The respect of the teacher.

These are the reasons why they really accept it from the bottom of their hearts.

"Then it's settled."

"Well, let's go, we are a group of old men noisy, don't disturb them."

"Well, that's right, it's in the middle of the night."


The venerable elders laughed and said to each other, as if they were afraid of Mu Tianyin's repentance, they hurriedly pushed people aside.

Mu Tianyin also hailed twice, but there was an inexplicable feeling of being forced to Liangshan.

A line of twenty or thirty old men with white eyebrows and white beards talked and laughed, so they withdrew, with a contented look, as if this matter had nothing to do with Mu Tianyin.

Mu Tianyin looked at their backs and shook his head speechlessly.

"Half a year has passed. I don't know what the Ji family's condition is." Mu Tianyin walked out of the hall slowly, raising her eyes to look at the star-filled Mo Kong outside, which reminded her.

Mu Tianyin summoned the jade pendant from Ji Wuyou from the fairy mansion, hung it on his index finger and shook it. Leng Yu wandered under the starlight, reflecting the shining waves.

It's also time to visit Ji's house.

------Off-topic ------

Recommend friends staring at the new article, great old saying, Chuyu is also chasing after ~

Title: Rebirth Hou Men's Concubine Poisonous

Opening her eyes again, she became Hou Men's daughter. It is also the evil star among the Beiqi population. He was born with a mother, a three-year-old brother, and a widow who died at the age of sixteen.

The stepmother suspected that she had insulted her family, and her father drove her out of the house to fend for herself. Three years later, a marriage decree called her back to the capital.

Her road of revenge began here.

Ye Qingge smiled softly and sullenly.

From then on, I was the only one who would take the world, and no one was allowed to take me.

Two places, one double for life, the male protagonist is clean physically and mentally, super favorite + black belly~

Poke poke of interest!

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