Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 44: : Vampire old bat king!


Boundless deserts and countless oasis areas. Lewen Novel

Three days later, the final results of the Ziyang Danzong promotion assessment were announced. Three main alchemists, eight Qingpao elder alchemists, ten core disciples, fifty inner disciples, and 100 outer disciples were also promoted and selected. .

Only won the top two rankings, Mu Jin, did not comment on the main alchemist, but was listed as the chief disciple of Ziyang Sect!

This result is unexpected to many people, but it is reasonable.

To put it simply, his status is comparable to the emperor of Tianjizong, the Nine Heavens Profound Daughter of Yao Palace, although his current strength is slightly inferior to the others, but according to the importance of Ziyangzong, sooner or later he will be equal to the other five peerless Tianjiao.

Judging from the talent and aptitude, Mu Jin will never lose to those five!

The Huangbei Region is very large, comparable to a piece of middle-earth land.

Fortunately, Ji's family and Ziyang Sect are not far apart, but after four or five days of journey, Mu Tianyin retreats in Ziyang Sect for ten days. After greeting Feng Xiaobai, he leaves Ziyang Sect and rides the dragon beast. Go southwest.

When passing a lush deep mountain forest, I suddenly saw sand and dust rolling up ahead.

After Mu Tianyin flew over, she looked down in the sky, and the forest was dusty and waves. A group of tarantulas crossed the mountain. There were large black tarantulas, densely packed and black, and the number was tens of thousands. hemp.

After listening carefully, I heard the collision of swords again.

Mu Tianyin fixed his eyes and found that the most dense place of tarantulas was surrounded by several people, male and female, forming a strange formation, fighting the surrounding dragon spiders.

"Senior Sister, let's withdraw!" One of the white-robed men slammed his eyes, his clothes no longer see the original color, his body was covered with disgusting tarantula serous, and a lot of color was hung.

"No." There were a few blood marks on the woman in the yellow shirt, and she pierced a tarantula with a single sword. "Today, we must find the demon pill of the Spider King and take it back, otherwise the master will die."

"But if this continues, we will die." The youngest boy looked only ten*.

The woman in the yellow shirt struggled, "Withdraw first, wait a while and find a chance!"

"It's useless, we can't get out now!" The white-robed man drank annoyed.

Even though their formation was stable, the black and infiltrating tarantulas left with the momentum of overwhelming the sky, and kept spinning at them, trapping them firmly.

Whether they were hunting monsters or being hunted by monsters, Mu Tianyin was not surprised by such things.

She didn't think about it, she just glanced.

Mu Tianyin had something to do, and she didn't plan to take care of it, but when she was about to leave the beast, she caught a glimpse of one of the men whose robes were inscribed with the emblem of the Ji family!

Look carefully again, the formation they used is also the Tiangang Talisman Formation in the world of Fu Ling.

It's Ji family disciple!

Mu Tianyin frowned fiercely, and the situation was pressing. She didn't have time to think about it. As soon as she raised her wrist, a silver-white thunder and lightning drew out, flickering and crackling in her palm, and finally descended in an upturned manner.


That kind of abnormal noise, like the explosion of water and fire.

When the few people trapped in the tarantula group were trying to fight to the death, an electric light fell from the sky, and the explosion spread out, and instantly gathered a silver-white ocean, the electric light shuttled, and thunder could not cover their ears. Tens of thousands of tarantulas looked like they were going crazy with a sheep, their legs turned upside down, twitching and spitting out white silk into white foam, and at last they smoked and burned into black soil.

Countless green smoke curled up around it, and a burnt breath filled the mountains and forests.

The blood-stained man in the white robe fell with a long sword in his hands. He was tired and shocked. His face was covered with spider silk and he could only see two eyes blinking outside.

Who helped them, wouldn't it be a more terrifying monster?

The woman in the yellow shirt was still more calm, but she was stunned for a while. After recovering, she folded her hands together and raised her voice to the sky, "I don't know which fellow Taoist helped me. Ji Yaohua is grateful, I don't know how No show up."

Mu Tianyin flew down and fell calmly.

The blue-clothed boy who had just landed on his **** turned over in shock, "What?"

This kid looked younger than him, how could he have such terror!

"Under Ji Yaohua, I just thanked this fellow Taoist for helping me, but I don't know the name of my friend. If I can tell, Ji Yaohua will definitely come to thank you." While Ji Yaohua said, she was also looking at the Qingpao boy in front of her. .

No, it's a monster after the catastrophe...

Mu Tianyin did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Are you disciples of the Ji family? I have always had some friendship with several Ji families, but I don't know which line you are in?"

The atmosphere became slightly tense.

Ji Yaohua was stunned for a moment, and looked at Mu Tianyin more cautiously.

In the eyes of outsiders, the division of the Ji family's internal forces is complicated, and the internal fighting has reached a state of almost anxiety. This is something that all the great immortals know well, and for the disciples, this is also a more sensitive issue.

After Ji Yao hesitated for a few seconds, she still said, "I'm the big disciple of the Ji Ming clan."

Among the many immortals, Ji Yaohua is also a little famous, this can't deceive people.

"Old Ji Ming?" Mu Tianyin confirmed.

Grandpa mentioned the two elders of the Ji family in their line, Ji Ming is one of them, and the Ji Qi family elder.

"Yes." Ji Yaohua could obviously feel that the young man's indifferent aura was less, and her eyes became a little warmer. She unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and asked in passing, "Do you know the Ji Ming clan elder?"

Mu Tianyin laughed, "The Ji Ming clan has high morals, I have naturally heard of it."

The blue-robed boy who narrated also felt Mu Tianyin’s kindness, and then came forward, “My name is Long Xiaotian, I’m a disciple of the Ji family.” It’s just that he was a little excited, dancing around there, “What did you just do? , It's crackling, it's too powerful!"

"It's just a little tricky trick." Mu Tianyin could only explain like this.

Otherwise, tell them she swallowed a demon pill of the magic holy electric eel?

Ji Yuan, covered in scars, also walked over and said with a smile, "You are all small tricks, then we don't live."

"By the way, I don't know the name of this fellow Taoist?" Ji Yaohua remembered.

Mu Tianyin pursed her lower lip and said, "Mu Jin."

The three were stunned at the same time, and then looked at each other.

This name is not unfamiliar, but I don't know if Mu Jin from Ziyang Sect is the one in front of me.

Without waiting for them to ask any more, Mu Tianyin smiled and said, "I am your friend of Mr. Wuyou, and I happen to be going to Ji's house to find him. It is my luck to meet you. I wonder if it is convenient for you to lead the way."

"Fang..." Ji Yuan nodded, "Of course it's convenient."


Long Xiaotian suddenly yelled.

Ji Yaohua was startled thinking, "Xiaotian, what are you doing so surprised."

Long Xiaotian jumped up, "Demon Pill!"

"It's over!" Ji Yaohua's heart chuckled.

"What's the matter?" Mu Tianyin looked at the people who were anxiously getting angry.

Ji Yaohua patrolled around, anxious, and hurriedly said, "We need the demon pill of the Millennium Tarantula King. Master has suffered a poisonous vitality loss. If you can't bring this thing back, Master will be dead."

There are scorched corpses of tarantulas everywhere, and all demon pills have lost their spiritual power!

"Poisoning?" Mu Tianyin was also surprised.

The Ji Ming clan elder is at least the strength of the later stage of Dao Jie, how could he be poisoned for no reason? Must have nothing to do with Ji Xuan old thief!

"Don't panic first." Mu Tianyin comforted, "Can Qingxin Pills be solved?"

"It's the Thousand Year Tarantula Poison, Qingxin Pills can of course be cured." Ji Yaohua replied unconsciously. After speaking, she was taken aback, and turned her head to look at Mu Tianyin in surprise, "What do you mean..."

They wanted to take the Demon Pill of the Thousand-Year Tarantula King, that is, they wanted to fight the poison with poison, first suppress the poison of Master.

Think of a way to Ziyang Sect to seek pill!

Qingxinwan belongs to the blue product pill. Because of some special reasons, it is basically impossible to save the pill. Even if the Danzongge is willing to sell Ji's face, she understands that it will take at least one or two months to refine it.

"I have." Mu Tianyin laughed.

"you have!"

The three said in unison.

Mu Tianyin nodded and confirmed, "Yes."

When she was leaving, she came from Feng Lao.

Mu Tianyin was about to go out, Ziyang Sect wanted twelve bodyguards in front and 18 guards in the back. For fear that she might accidentally make a mistake, Mu Tianyin just asked for a few detoxification pills, and Feng Xiaobai was slaughtered. , But it is more comfortable.

"Great!" Ji Yao opened her mouth, surprised and delighted.

However, it is said that the formula of Qingxin Pills is the top secret of Ziyang Sect. Even if there is a pill, it is almost only in the hands of the four Tianzuns and the older seniors.

What does Mu Jin have?

correct! He just said who he is...

"You are Mu Jin." The three said again neatly.

The chief disciple of Ziyang Sect, Mu Jin!

Mu Tianyin naturally knew what they meant, so he nodded.

Ji Yaohua suppressed the excitement in her heart, and said with a solemn expression to Mu Tianyin, "If you want, I want to use three Tiantear Chi Crystals in exchange for a Qingxin Pill in your hand." After speaking, she seemed afraid. Generally rejected, he hurriedly said, "If you have any other requirements, just mention it."

As long as you can save Master, you can change her life!

"It's a confession. If it's the Ji Ming clan elder's business, Mu Jin has no excuse." Mu Tianyin said this.

A few people were a little surprised and secretly looked at each other.

In fact, the Ji family didn't have much friendship with Ziyang Sect. To put it bluntly, there was a faint feeling of rivalry between these immortal sects. To be clear, the water of the well does not interfere with the river.

They had never expected Mu Tianyin to be so generous.

Mu Tianyin saw a few people with confused expressions, but chuckled lightly, "It shouldn't be too late, let's not delay time here."

"Oh, good." Ji Yaohua also knew that it was not the time to think deeply about this.

Long Xiaotian also continued, "Then let's go back quickly."

"A few little babies, where are they going." Just when they were about to leave, they didn't know where they came from, and suddenly there was a smirk, just listening to it made people's back chill.

When Ji Yao heard this, her whole body was agitated, "No!"

"Hahahaha." The laughter was a little weird, "What a few tender babies."

"Who!" Mu Tianyin's eyebrows cold.

What is bad, the most important thing is that she can't perceive the strength of this person!

Long Xiaotian's entire face turned bluish-white, "Isn't it."

Don't be what he thinks...

"It's not a human!" Ji Yaohua responded directly like this.

It must be that old monster!

There were black shadows flickering around, so fast that people felt like a ghost, and then the voice in the dark screamed and smiled, "This little baby has good eyesight."

Mu Tianyin frowned, her eyes narrowed slightly.

not human? That is a monster!

Those who can speak, must be the existence that has passed the thunder tribulation and has been sanctified. It seems that today is a little troublesome.

"Old Bat, I haven't been out for a long time for a stroll. I didn't expect that when I came out, I would meet so many tender babies." At the moment when these words were concluded, I don't know when, a figure wrapped in a black robe, Swish flashed in front of a few people.

Long Xiaotian jumped back several steps, "Bat King!"

How could they be so unlucky that they actually met this old monster, this guy drank blood!

This old monster was transformed by a vampire bat.

It has a mysterious origin. A few years ago, it appeared in the generation of the Imperial Northern Territory. Many sect disciples were broken in his hands, and finally turned into corpses, including the fairy sects of Tianjizong, Yaogong, and Ji family.

But it came and went without a trace, and even the great power in Yao Palace had no choice but to chase down several times.

In this world, monsters, like humans, also have ethnic groups.

These wild beasts scattered around are like the casual cultivators of the human race, and some powerful monsters will also unite to survive in a group. If the monks of the human race move the monsters of the monster group, they will also be chased and killed by thousands of miles. They are all living beings, and they are not the one to be absolutely slaughtered. Human races will hunt monsters, and monsters will also kill human races.

The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog. It does not mean that people slaughter monsters for granted. Monsters devouring human race are sinful. No one knows the master of this world.

The coexistence between the human race and the monster beast, as long as it is controlled by an appropriate measure, within a measure, is tolerated by this world.

For example, Heiyan, the unlimited massacre of mortals, is not tolerated by heaven.

And some human races, if they slaughter monsters and mountain beasts unlimitedly, they will also receive a counterattack from the monster race, which is even incompatible with similar human races.

But this is not the nine thousand demon realm, not the demonic race, where the demons gather, human monks occupy an absolute dominant position, and all the initiative is naturally in the hands of human monks.

It's just that now, facing such a terrifying monster, the few people who are weak have no advantage at all.

"You, what do you want to do." Ji Yuan's hand shaking the sword unconsciously.

"Old bat, what do I want to do? Isn't this obvious?" The dark figure laughed slyly.

Ji Yaohua stood by Mu Tianyin's side, her heart trembling with the laughter, she winked at the people around her, and gritted her teeth in a low voice, "Mu Jin, go, let's deal with this boss."

Mu Tianyin looked solemn, her face sinking like water.

"Today, no one wants to leave." The Bat King's black robe slowly swung open, revealing a thin and yellow face. The eyes flashed brightly in those old eyes. When the line of sight swept over Mu Tianyin, that The expression almost stopped flowing.

He slowly stuck out his tongue and licked two sharp fangs.

Especially this kid, he is full of aura!

"Old bat, this is the Imperial Northern Territory, you dare to be our Ji family disciples, and our Ji family will never stop!" After Ji Yaohua thought of something, she hurriedly said again, "Mu Jin is Ziyang Zongmo Liuxian. Disciple, if you dare to move him, Master Mo Liuxian will definitely not spare you!"

The action of the Bat King licking the corner of his mouth was stunned, "Mo Liuxian's disciple?"

He squinted his old eyes to look at Mu Tianyin, and paused.


Tianjizong, Ziyangzong, Yaogong... Which immortal door hasn't moved? He is afraid of that trouble! It was just the first time he met those disciples. No wonder it was so different and fresh.


The Bat King Jiejie laughed, "This is just right!"

How many little deer can turn the sky upside down?

When it came to the fat in his old bat's mouth, there was no reason to vomit it out.

Ji Yaohua instantly turned pale, her teeth biting and bleeding.

She knew that it was useless to threaten this boss, anyone here would still guilty, and it was not a pity that she died, but she couldn't even bring Mu Jin who had just helped them.

There is also Master waiting for her to go back and save!

"Then, let's start with you!" The Bat King looked at Mu Tianyin shamelessly, his gloomy eyes like arrows shot out of a cold lake for thousands of years.


Several screams sounded.

The figure of the Bat King in the same place instantly became a phantom, like sand dust, disappearing with the wind, appearing beside Mu Tianyin while breathing, opening his mouth revealing two sharp teeth, dark and infiltrating, tender and tender towards her Away from his neck.

The moment he lunged over, Mu Tianyin's Lingtai Immortal Mansion became numb, and his whole body was choked instantly.

It's now!

Lingyong Danhai, his wrist flipped and slashed.

The remnant Lu Zhuo shot out, carrying a meteorite-like force from the sky, and violently knocked on that side to reveal a fang!


With a crisp sound, something broke.


The Bat King cried out in pain, and immediately covered his mouth and jumped.

"Hurry up!" Mu Tianyin grabbed the frightened Long Xiaotian, like Li Xuan's arrow, flashed and flew out, Ji Yaohua and Ji Yuan's heart beat violently, and the whole person was a little dazed. , But their reaction speed is not slow, almost instinctively to keep up.

"Oh oh oh!"

One of Bat King’s sharp teeth was directly broken, his mouth was full of blood, and his feet jumped in pain.

The old bat never expected that the "little deer" in his eyes still had room for resistance.

Its two blood-sucking teeth are the sharpest, but also the most fragile place on the whole body. Mu Tianyin can really find the right place to strike. At this moment, the Bat King is in pain and tears.


In minutes, the four stepped on the back of the dragon beast and walked away quickly.

She can only take advantage of it, hit with one blow, and then take the opportunity to drive away. If they stay for another second, they will definitely die!

At the southwest end of the emperor's northern region, there is a mysterious ancient ridge. The dense forest is vast and reckless. It stretches for hundreds of kilometers. The appearance looks plain and unremarkable, but it is full of ancient calm atmosphere.

Whether it is a monster with a high level of cultivation, or a powerful monk walking on this area, you will lose it if you are not careful.

And as long as it is a cultivator with some knowledge, they also know that this area cannot be broken into casually.

Otherwise, life and death depend on heaven!


Ji Yao sweats profusely, turning around and looking behind him.

"It's here, go down." Ji Yuan's hands were still shaking.

Mu Tianyin's expression was solemn, and the dragon beast stepped down into the air, landing in front of this ancient ridge.

"Smelly boy."

The cold voice of Bat King came from behind several people.

Ji Yaohua took out a token from her arms, raised her hand high, "Open!"

Under the light of the sky, the surrounding Canggu dense forest was bright and dark, and the space storm swirled and surging. A heavenly gate was like a giant scroll, opened tens of meters wide, and disappeared after a few people walked in.

The ancient mountain is as old as the old, and the dense forest is calm again, as if nothing happened.

Mu Tianyin felt that the objects in the foreground of his eyes were flashing and changing rapidly, and when his vision was clear, everything that was messy had been isolated.

Ji Yaohua softened and sat on the ground, after the previous fight with the tarantula group, and then the tiger's mouth on the line of life and death again, whether it was mentally or physically, he was exhausted to the extreme.

"Fortunately, it's not far from here." Long Xiaotian rejoiced, and swallowed, "Otherwise, it will really become a corpse today."

What kind of bad luck did they have?

Just off the belly of the tarantula, it almost fell into the mouth of the bat!

Moreover, this old bat hadn't appeared in the Imperial Northern Territory for a long time, and actually met them.

Ji Yuan put his hands on his knees, panting at Mu Tianyin, his face changed in colorful colors, this kid gave the old bat just covering his head without saying a word!

I'm afraid I can't take care of myself...

Three eyes light slowly fell on Mu Tianyin's body.

Mu Tianyin looked at them, her chest rising and falling slightly, but her face was as quiet as a okay person, she frowned and asked, "Is it safe here?"

Ji Yao swallowed, got up from the ground, took a deep breath, "Although the old bat is fierce, but no matter how arrogant, he still dare not find Ji's door directly."

"Arrived?" Mu Tianyin glanced around.

It turned out to be at the Ji's house. From this point of view, the ancient ridge outside was rumored to have consumed dozens of generations of runemen from the Ji family. Gravity created the Silent Hill. The outer layer is like a maze. Into.

It was too hurried just now, she didn't notice it.

Ji Yuan also let out a long sigh of relief and nodded, "Here."

Mu Tianyin took a few steps outside. They were now on a giant rune platform, tens of feet above the ground, looking around, all around, there should be many entrances like this.

There was a humming sound, and several figures appeared on the rune stage ten feet away from the narration.

The Ji family disciples just glanced here, then jumped off the rune platform, and leaped towards the building complex in front.

Mu Tianyin retracted his eyes and raised his eyes to look forward.

The ancient house is deep, revealing thousands of years of heritage.

The flat and broad mountains, countless large trees that dozens of people can't embrace, and dense old houses are located in them, dotted with dots, not like the magnificence of the dynasty palace, but a simple road that has been deposited for thousands of years.

Deep blue bricks, black cornices, majestic and intriguing.

Five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion, in which there are interspersed high stone towers, like beacon towers, pulled out of the ground.

Mu Tianyin's eyes narrowed slightly. It has been more than half a year. I don't know what the grandfather's situation is. Even if she knows that her life is safe, the old thief Ji Xuan will definitely find a way to ask questions if she doesn't get the Fuxi Baojian and Fu Ling Tianxia.

"Let's go, go down." Ji Yuan's breathing was not yet calm.

Long Xiaotian shook his head, but his shock was not over, "I finally got home."

Ji Yaohua walked to Mu Tianyin, made a gesture of please, and explained, "I forgot to tell you before. When we left, Brother Wuyou said that he would go to Ziyangzong to seek pill, and I don’t know if he is now At Ji's house."

Mu Tianyin nodded, "It's okay."

The existing Qingxin Pills are all with her, and Elder Feng Ge will tell him even if the brother went to Ziyang Sect.

"Let's go and see the old Ji Ming clan first." said.

Ji Yaohua was very grateful and didn't know what to say.

Only when he reached the outermost guard, Mu Tianyin encountered obstacles. After checking Ji Yaohua’s order to open the mountain, the disciple of the guard turned his head towards Mu Tianyin and sneered, "What are you still doing? , Your token!"

In fact, the cross-examination is normal, but his tone is extremely abnormal, which can be said to be bad words.

Ji Yaohua's face was ugly for an instant, her eyebrows sinking and angered, "Ji Shaoyang, don't go too far, do I need your permission to bring a guest back to Ji's house."

Ji Yuan and Long Xiaotian also stood up, their faces coldly facing the opposite person.

Ji Shaoyang uttered a weird tone, "Senior Sister Yaohua, I don’t give you face because it’s not a younger brother. It’s just a very special period. This must be treated very much. Master ordered. During this time, people who do not have a pass will not be allowed to enter or leave Ji. Family."

"You are clearly making things difficult on purpose!" Long Cautious and straightforward.

Usually they bring one or two visitors, as long as they don't enter the Ji's cabinet, they are completely allowed.

How to change their guards, the rules will change! ?

Mu Tianyin also noticed that it should be Ji Xuan's disciple, and he was really guarded.

The leader of the team, Ji Shaoyang, just snorted, glanced at Mu Tianyin up and down, and replied with disdain, "It's better to go back and forth wherever you go. The gate of our Ji family, it's not anyone who wants to enter, just--"

He didn't know what he saw, and suddenly choked in his throat.

Mu Tianyin shook the thing in his hand, and said calmly, "What about this one?"

Ji Yaohua followed and looked around. After seeing the thing, she was stunned. Then she raised her eyes shamelessly, staring at Mu Tianyin in surprise, "You."

------Off-topic ------

Oops, there were so many girls sending warmth on the first day, so what? →_→The truth is to pity me, do you love me?

At the beginning of another month, the sister papers with tickets were also easily scattered. The tickets at the beginning of the month are especially precious, one worth ten! </p>

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