Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 72: : Nine days invite the moon to hang!

</script> "In broad daylight, is it a hell!"

The monks scattered around the sky were dumbfounded. @乐@文@小说

"Is Mu Tianyin cultivating Taoism or magic cultivator?" Everyone was dizzy and couldn't tell the difference.

"This—" Ji Ming, Ji Qifeng, Xiaobai and other clan elders looked at each other, their eyes widened in amazement, "What is going on?"

Are they dim-eyed, or are they wrong?

But it's not right, you can't always get dim-eyed together!

"My son, look at it!" The old Yuheng clan exclaimed.

Mu Qianzang's folding fan knocking his hands stopped, his tone was a little faint, "I saw it."

"This guy." Ye Chaoge opened her red lips speechlessly, and she opened her eyes wide in surprise, who was always stern, hoping to see a little more clearly, but in the end she still had to admit that it was not her own illusion, she was surprised." Brother, what's the situation?"

Is Mu Tianyin also a demon monk?

As a demon monk, Ye Chaoge knows best!

Now that Mu Tianyin was overflowing and tumbling, it was extremely pure and violent Yin Li Aura!

"This may be..." Duan Chenfeng hesitated to say something, as if he had guessed something, but was not sure.

The eyes of the old Bat and Wu Yi slowly met in the middle, and finally moved to the man in front of them.

The people present, this one is relatively calm.

"No wonder it's steady," the old bat muttered.

But the trick left by the little lady is too scary!

"You--" Mu Tianyin slowly stood up in the shocked eyes of Qingchen.

The magic tower in her fairy mansion shook, and the yang spirits converged, and the yin force seemed to be rushing out of the fairy mansion from the river, swarming out from the major meridians in her body, and converging continuously like a coiled dragon surrounding the delicate body. Roar and roar.

"It's a Dao body demon!" An old monster in Yao Palace said loudly.

"Tao body demon body?" Exclaimed everywhere.

Duan Chenfeng looked back at Ye Chaoge and said in a deep voice at this time, "If I'm not mistaken, Mu Tianyin should be a physique that has disappeared after the Five Emperors, Dao body demon body."

"Dao Demon double body repair?" Ye Chaoge was stunned.

This guy has such a physique!

One of the strongest physiques of the ancient Dao Demon Shuangxiu body, after the Five Emperors period, has never appeared in the ancient land.

It can be said to have unlimited potential, domineering and powerful!

However, because it is rare and difficult to see, coupled with the extremely difficult cultivation, it has gradually faded out of the vision of the ancient monks. It is not known to the world, and almost people almost forget that there is such a special physique.

Unexpectedly, it appeared in their sight again!

Even Qingchen slowly recalled some rumors about this physique, and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

No wonder you can't die, no wonder the aura power is so terrifying...

Everything before is explained, that's why!

Dao body demon body is really extremely domineering and difficult to cultivate to this level. Although it has not yet overcome the catastrophe, the Dao body demon body of this level is basically half-performed. In layman's terms, it is a rough skin. , Like some monsters that are naturally invincible.

The momentum of Mu Tianyin's body is still soaring, like a broken bamboo!

"If this is the case, is this guy still a human?" Many monks were frightened and their eyelids trembled.

Dao body demon body is extremely difficult to cultivate. If it is not handled properly, it is almost a waste body, so this is the most terrifying thing: Mu Tianyin actually cultivated Dao body demon body to heaven in just a few years. Jingdao catastrophe!

Are they still human?

Is it a fierce beast against Park Rexiu?

"But how can there be such a beautiful fierce beast, if it is true, I would be happy to be eaten, I, the beast should be like an old bat." Someone grinned like this, shaking his head repeatedly.

"..." The old bat lay down the gun for no reason.

Such an exaggeration is really unbelievable, this is simply an existence against the sky.

In addition, it is a rune master and an alchemist.

What is one of the five peerless talents?

The first day of the Northern Wilderness cannot be overstated!

"This little bastard, really, really." Feng Xiaobai didn't know what to say about Mu Tianyin, and everyone in Ziyang Danzong felt that it wasn't that they had picked up a treasure, it was a scary monster.

The violent Yin force gushes out, and the momentum climbs straight to chase Lian Qingchen away!

"He--" The surrounding cultivators all took a breath.

It's almost the same!

Mu Tianyin now had the strength to protect herself, and the Dao Body Demon Body was exposed, and there was no major problem.

The most important thing is that if you use Yang Qi to fight again, the two sides will definitely be deadlocked, and Mu Tianyin will even be under pressure all the time, which is not a good thing for her.

What a stalemate is useless in such a situation!

Mu Tianyin raised her eyes, stretched out her hand, and wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth with her fingers.

During this period of time when she released her yin power, but after a few breaths, the surrounding monks and Lian Qingchen on the opposite side had already flew hundreds of times in shock.

"Hunyuan Palm!"

As soon as Mu Tianyin raised his eyes, Lian Qingchen's attack came on his face, and the technique was repeated.

If this is the case, you can't let Mu Tianyin live. If you miss today, you won't find another chance to kill her!

Mu Tianyin's thin lips curled out a bloodthirsty curve, and he flicked away.


In the time of lightning and flint, fists and palm prints collided!

The heavens and the earth explode, and the four wild beasts are panicked!

The force of this impact was earth-shattering, and it was raised a level higher than just now, and it was also stalemate in a short period of time. The energy ball kneaded together grew bigger and bigger and expanded.

But the difference is that this time Mu Tianyin was expressionless, while Lian Qingchen was sweating profusely.

Sweat washed away the black and gray on her face, washing away white marks.

Ghostly, like crying with makeup, inexplicably funny.

But even if someone sees it, they will never laugh at this dying moment.

Mu Tianyin snorted coldly, and the nine-layer magic tower shook suddenly.

"Boom!" The impact of the two sacred arts was detonated, shaking through the sky.

The energy light wave turned towards Lian Qingchen over the sky, like a mountain flood sluice, rushing down, directly shook her into the air, upside down for several miles, and the blood spit out half of the sky was dyed red with the wind.

"Qing Chen!" Yao Palace everyone said in amazement.

This time, even Qingchen was seriously injured.

With the same exercise method, the effects of different levels of strength are completely different.

This difference between Yin Li Moxiu and Yang Li Dao Xiu!

The wind was moving, and the weather was violently rolling.

"My god--" The surrounding monks had already retreated from the ten-mile position, and there were still some basic monks, many of them fled directly, not wanting to watch the excitement and put their lives in sight.

The scary thing is that Mu Tianyin is only using Yin power!

The elders of the Yao Palace almost rushed to stop, but after a few whispers, a disciple next to him stabilized.

Finally, Lian Qingchen crawled out of a pile of rubble.

The shirt hung on his body like a strip of rotten cloth, and his eyes were scarlet.

Mu Tianyin is just the beginning of the Dao Tribulation, is the Dao Demon Body really so terrifying? No matter how cultivators should have such terrifying power, apart from this, where is he?

This opponent, she actually lost, lost inexplicably!

She doesn't believe it, it's impossible!

Of course Lian Qingchen didn't know. One foundation is the Seven-fold Zidonglai, the other is the Nine-fold Immortal Buddha, the other is the Taoist Sutra of Our Lady, and the other is the strongest heavenly realm without words!

How can it be compared?

Moreover, it is only the power of a magic tower...

Everyone was puzzled, but the water on Mu Tianyin's body was too deep for anyone to make an accurate analysis.

Mu Tianyin also took a breath, this person is really **** resistant!

Lian Qingchen bit her silver teeth and bleeds. After a short pause, she turned into a long rainbow and soared into the sky. There was a violent shock all over her body. Auras gushed out without death, and the sound of phoenix sound burst out of the sky. "Nine Sky Flying Phoenix!"

She wanted to see what else this guy could do!

"Ang--" The ancient beast screamed loudly and broke through the air.

A colorful phoenix appears in the sky, and the phantom is real!

A huge, ferocious beast like a mountain, with its eagle eyes hooking its beak, or swooping down, or rising up, surrounded Mutianyin with a net from all directions.

"It's all magical sacred arts again, even more ruthless than just now!" Some monks were far from shocked, widening their horizons.

Everyone in Ziyang Sect was still worried when they saw Mu Tianyin who was heavily surrounded.

Mu Tianyin retreated a few miles on his toes, and evaded the Ling Li's offensive a little bit. The onlookers behind him were so horrified that they retreated a dozen miles, almost without scaring their heart directly. Sick.

My little ancestor, don't come here!

Mu Tianyin waved his arm, and a cold green round cut appeared from her wrist, fell off, and quickly whirled and buzzed under her palm. Suddenly, both arms snapped and pulled out a series of dozens of green cuts. .

"go with!"

Thousands of phantoms, flying all over the sky!

The light and green shadows really blinded everyone!

"Bump! Touch! Touch!"


That green Zhuo smashed a flying phoenix phantom, or suddenly put on the head, suddenly contracted to cut it off, and instantly turned into flying sand. Lian Qingchen watched the flying phoenix phantom being broken.

"My goodness."

"This is too cruel!"

Many monks subconsciously hugged their heads, their teeth rattled.

It seemed like they were knocked down, one by one, one smashing the mountain, one smashing the mountain, and the force of that mighty force is completely imaginable.

"Hua!" Mu Tianyin waved his arms in the air.

The flying green cuts transform into two, two magical four, four for ten thousand ways, each of them carries a mighty force.

"Go!" The spear turned straight, Qi Chao Lian Qingchen left.

The situation that made her scalp numb made her black eyes stare, and quickly called out a protective cover.

That is a shield that Yao Gong boss refined himself!

The big and small beads all fell on the jade plate, and the green cuts continued like a gust of wind and rain, slamming **** the circular light shield shield, and broke out in a few clicks. Cobweb cracks.

"What the hell!" Before even Qingchen's annoyance was finished, the shield burst open.

Green Zhuo poured in like a tide, giving Lian Qingchen a headache!

"Ah, **** it, stop--" The screams couldn't bear to listen to the old bat. He closed one eye and looked down. Their little lady really didn't know how to pity Yu Yu.

The flowers are heavy brocade, thin lips are lightly hooked, and the corners of the mouth are arcane.

The elders of the Yao Palace also endured the extreme, and if they continue like this, they will die!

"Ah--" Lian Qingchen snarled up to the sky, fierce like a beast, like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, the bitter wind swept through and spread, and the green fluttering around was scattered, which gave a little peace.

Mu Tianyin turned his wrist and retracted Lu Zhuo.

Flying away, avoiding the strong wind that hit her.

"Mu Tianyin!" Lian Qingchen is not just a piece of clothes here, a piece of clothes there, a piece of torn there, and a piece of bruise all over his body. It is estimated that there is not a good place, and the appearance of a swollen nose and a swollen face can hardly be seen in the color of flowers.

Mu Tianyin was also breathing and adjusting her state, and replied quietly, "Want to come again?"

"Damn you!" Lian Qingchen was completely mad.

The spiritual energy turned into thousands of arrows and spears, madly covering Mu Tianyin, it was a kind of hysterical fighting.

Mu Tianyin avoided its sharp edge and went around a circle. The green cut suddenly enlarged, and when the arrow light passed through the green cut, all of it turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Regardless of Lian Qingchen, he will come again.

Mu Tianyin turned defense into offense, always slightly in the upper hand.

The two of you come and go, the battle is fierce, the fight is dim, the high sky directly melts into a void enchantment.

Gang Feng Zheng, the cavalry protruding knives and guns!

The surrounding monks were dizzy and dazzled.

The first thing is all magic and holy arts, infinitely close to the power of the saints.

When the two real Zi Yan battled, they had such an anxious situation. One was Dao Tribulation Great Perfection, and that was fair. The other was only in the early stage of Dao Tribulation, and it was so terrifying that it was unimaginable.

Mu Qianzang kept watching from a distance, his eyes faint and shallow.

Ye Chaoge was full of enthusiasm, and there seemed to be countless flames jumping in his glamorous eyes. He couldn't wait to rush out immediately and throw Lian Qingchen away, and he and Mu Tianyin could learn from him.

"It's not good for Tianyin to consume it," Ji Ming said.

Feng Xiaobai also said, "After all, Tianyin's level is three lower, which is a bit difficult."

Another half hour passed, and the outcome is still difficult to distinguish!

"Bump!" A dragon chanted with thunder and lightning, and Lian Qingchen was knocked to the ground again.

Her nose and mouth are bleeding, and her ears hum!

The blue shadow in the sky turned into two or three in her eyes, blurred.

Mu Tianyin's condition was only slightly better, his clothes were messy, his hair flew upside down, and his injured arm was spilling blood.

The flesh is open, and the bone is visible!

"Did Lian Qingchen lose?" The cultivators tentatively stretched out their heads.

"Lose?" Lian Qingchen sneered in his heart when he heard this.

How can she lose?

How can I lose to Mu Tianyin!

"It seems to be okay, she is up." The monks who were just about to come here immediately retreated.

Lian Qingchen slowly got up, lowered his eyebrows, his lips were red, and his strange appearance seemed to rise up from a mountain on his shoulders, uplifting the mountains and the sea, and there was an extremely terrifying sense of permeation surrounding him.

Mu Tianyin flew back and frowned slightly.

The onlookers suddenly became nervous, and began to worry that they could not retreat far enough.

"Mu Tianyin, do you really think you are good at it?" Lian Qingchen giggled slyly, with a quiet voice, but it echoed clearly in the mountains and plains, "I will let you see today, what is the real skill!" "

Before she finished her words, she turned into a light and shadow, like a phoenix rising up into the sky.

Standing in the air, quickly squeeze out the method, holding the sky with both hands!

"Wind, cloud, move!" Lian Qingchen's black eyes almost turned blood red, and a strange spiritual force was continuously released into the air, like countless waves of air evaporating, causing the world to twist.


I don't know what I saw, almost all the monks sighed.

Damn, I can't guarantee it's okay if I go back a hundred miles!

"Wow, run and run!"

"What are you doing, do you want to die?"

Thousands of monks collectively exploded their hair, worrying that they would lose their lives.

Looking fixedly, I saw that on the top of Lian Qingchen's head held with both hands, the wind and cloud reversed, and the power continued to gather and rush, as if a huge planet was pulled down from the sky, slowly falling into a shape, shocked circulation.

"Nine days invite the moon to hang!"

This big drink, hysterical!

"Nine days invite the moon to be hung, the mystery of the emperor's purple spread, the method of the Yaogong town clan!" Some monks shouted in shock.

I really didn't expect that Lian Qingchen actually practiced the Purple Mansion Secret Art!

At this time, she was forcibly summoned, not to mention anything else. When she did this, she was either dead or injured. It seemed that she was really forced by Mu Tianyin. The dog jumped the wall in a hurry, did she want to die together?

"Young Master!" Wu Yi and the old bat shouted at the same time, looking at Hua Zhongjin.

They know they shouldn't interfere, but...

Hua Zhongjin Junxie's face was expressionless, but the hand that was trapped in the red cloak was unconsciously tightened into a fist.

He believes that this is reason, but he is still uneasy, this is instinct.

But Mu Tianyin said: Even if you die, you are not allowed to interfere!

"Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Terrace!" Ji Ming yelled hissing against the wind.

Only this thing hopefully can protect Tianyin, the others are mantis arm as a car!

"Nine--" But Ji Ming didn't know what he saw, his beard squirmed suddenly, those old eyeballs almost stared out of the frame, and the next few words suddenly got stuck in his throat.

When Lian Qingchen started, Mu Tianyin gathered all his strength at the same time.

At this moment, you can see that the spiritual power behind her is like a turbulent wave, like a raging wave on the sea. She acts as a cloud explorer from left to right. If Lian Qingchen is a star appearing and falling, then Mu Tianyin, these are two!

One left and one right, rising from the black hole of the bottomless abyss on the sea!

The forehead shattered and flew, covering Mu Tianyin's gloomy eyes in the shadows.

"Lao Tzu's mother!"

------Off-topic ------

What is Mutianyinshi’s exercises? Someone still remembers. Baa, the first girl who answered the paper has a prize.

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