Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 73: : Soul sacrifice!

Mu Tianyin stepped into the wind, bending his legs to get empty. =乐=文=Fiction (The best experience of reading novels is in [])

Support the day with one hand, and lift the month with the other!

The inky black demon rolls and writhes, the violent aura continues to soar, the blue shirt dances and flutters wildly, the eyes are cold and quiet, quenching the light of the sky, like a killing **** descending to the world.

"This power is definitely the secret technique of the Purple Mansion." Duan Chenfeng's elegant complexion was instantly serious.

Ye Chaoge's eyes were bright, staring at the area intently, and then nodding reflexively.

"This is--" An elder of the Yao Palace saw some clues, and his face was dusty.

It is said that Mo Liuxian accidentally obtained a very domineering secret technique in the Purple Mansion. Did he pass it to Mu Tianyin?

But this stinky girl is only in the early stage of Dao Jie's strength. If she doesn't pay attention, she will use all her skills. How dare she practice?

Also used it!

"My god, run, this is killing us!"

"Give me a way to survive?"

Those monks with less skill are crying and crying without tears.

Gods fight, mortals suffer!

In the battle between these two men, their weaker monks were almost as fragile as mortals, and even the saints in such a frantic battle might not be able to achieve this level.

"Retreat again." The two sages of Yuhengzong retreated quickly.

"Ah--" Lian Qingchen roared ferociously, trying hard to gather strength.

She was a little numb in her whole state, feeling the terrifying coercion of the other party, but the arrow was on the string and she had to send it. Finally, the arms raised high couldn't bear it, and she cut out, "Nine days invite the moon to hang, drop!"

That huge star impacted and swallowed all the space and time flows along the way.

"Mu Tianyin, go to death!"

Between the electric light and flint, Mu Tianyin went from gathering strength to erupting in one go, but within a few breaths, the two arms of the cloud explorer moved towards the center, pulling the sun and moon, two huge energy **** that resembled stars. Fell and flew away.

"The sun and the moon are one day!"

Wan Tao swarmed, as if carrying the power of devouring the sun and the moon, pushing the mountains and moving the sea, and attacked with unstoppable power.

"It's the secret technique of the Purple Mansion of the Eastern Demon Emperor!" Suddenly shouted ghosts.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the most legendary demon emperor, whether it is the Eastern Emperor Jing or the secret technique of the Purple Mansion, is the top existence among the ancient emperors of the same order, and even comparable to the immortal emperor. , It is the legendary work of his painstaking efforts.

No wonder this breath is so powerful and domineering!

But how could Mu Tianyin have the Eastern Demon Emperor's Sun and Moon Purple Mansion secret technique for one day?

Before everyone's thoughts had time to turn around, two powers in the distance touched each other.

"Boom!" At the moment when the two forces collided, the entire Huangbei Region giant plate seemed to shook severely, and the sky and the earth buzzed, but the two forces were still squatting in the center and had not exploded.

Some monks who had fled dozens of miles away were overturned by the terrifying air wave and fainted.

"Puff--" Lian Qingchen immediately vomited a mouthful of blood. The most terrifying thing was that her stretched out hand was injured by the rebounding force at that moment, and the skin was spattered, like a broken bamboo, separated from flesh and blood.

Mu Tianyin's body also trembled abruptly, and the blood in his throat rolled.

"Mu Tianyin!" Lian Qingchen's voice was like howling a ghost.

At this moment, Mu Tianyin's clear eyes suddenly sank, and the Demon Tower Nine Heavens in the Immortal Mansion swiftly rotated and pressed down, his face lifted up, the ink danced wildly, and a clear whistle was like the exit of a dragon's chant, angrily charged into the mountains.


The power of the Purple Mansion's secret technique was completely detonated, a mushroom cloud exploded, and the entire space collapsed!

"Fuck, this guy!" Ye Chaoge couldn't help but explode.

Duan Chenfeng's eyes trembled, "Chaoge, flash!"

He forcibly dragged Ye Chaoge to fly down and flashed into a depression.

The energy light wave is like a boulder thrown into the lake, and the halo spreads out in circles. The mountains and fields in a radius of 100 miles seem to be cut by a knife. Under the cutting of the energy light wave, they are completely razed to the ground. At this time, a black hole with a width of several tens of miles and a depth of hundreds of meters was directly exploded by the mushroom cloud of spiritual energy that carried the power to penetrate the sky!

After this power exploded, the world fell silent.

The horrible breath of silence is like turning out a group of tombs that have been silent for thousands of years.

Above the sky, not far or near, there are still a few people standing scattered, all slapping the dust on their bodies, they are basically sage-level existences, and they still feel a little unable to breathe. smooth.

"Where is Tianyin?" Ji Ming looked anxiously.

Feng Xiaobai couldn't stabilize either, "The little girl is not there, I didn't see her."

With such a terrifying energy explosion, he felt frightened at such a distance, not to mention being in the center, Tianyin girl wouldn't have an accident, right?

"Oh my god." The old bat wailed there.

Hua Zhongjin's scarlet cloak was waved away, and the dust shook off like mist, revealing Xin's long body.

Bi Tong swept across the surrounding space, scanning inch by inch.

Wu Yi's whole heart is hanging, there shouldn't be any major problems, right?

The smoke of gunpowder gradually dissipated, and heaven and earth slowly returned to clearness.

The monks crawled out of some mounds and mud pits one after another, unkempt, shaking off the mud and rocks on their bodies, each with a gray head, as if they had just experienced a life and death battle. Even now, their eyelids are still beating, their hearts Nor did it return to normal.

"It's over?"

"This time should really be over."

Do it again, they are really dead!

But what was the result?

It won't die together!

The veterans of the Yao Palace were also watching anxiously, and even the long sky also disappeared from Lian Qingchen.

"Cough—" A light cough came out from nowhere, and it instantly affected everyone's minds. The voice was a little hoarse and everyone didn't know who it was, but the corners of Hua Zhongjin's mouth slowly twitched.

For a time, the atmosphere of this sky seemed to relax a lot.

Wu Yi and the old bat exchanged glances secretly, and they were relieved when they noticed the change in Hua Chongjin's breath.

Not far from the center of the explosion, at the **** of the black hole, a pile of rubble moved and slid down the slope, and then scattered, stretching out a slender arm.

Afterwards, Bash separated, and a green shadow jumped out.

The girl was covered in gray, her hair was on her head like a chicken coop, she was desperately shaking her head and spitting out the lime, her arm dripping blood, her clothes turned into a brush , But fortunately the whole person is still alive and kicking.

"Damn!" The surrounding group of bulls' eyes widened.

That's all right!

Are you sure she is still human?

No matter how terrifying the Taoist body is, it is impossible to be so terrible, the fierce beast is not so rough and thick!

"This **** girl!"

Feng Xiao, Bai Jiming and other elders settled down.

Ye Chaoge chuckled, "Why is it so easy to turn off the fire."

Duan Chenfeng smiled and glanced at Ye Chaoge, very helpless.

"My son, this Mu Tianyin's potential is really terrifying." Yu Hengzhong crowded behind Mu Qianzang, looked at Mu Tianyin's direction, and then looked at the young man in Yuehua's white robe.

Mu Qianzang smiled lightly, "It's really unexpected."

"Damn it, look for Qingchen there, he must heal immediately!" Everyone in the Yao Palace was anxious, especially the elders of the ‘Four King Kong’ saints, regretting how they didn’t stop them just now.

Mu Tianyin stretched out his hand and combed his hair, brushing away the weeds and dirt on it.

After a quick tidying up, she turned and jumped into the air.

The figure was a little shaky, her aura was like a bull, rushing through the meridians all over her body, and couldn't get it back into the Pill Sea of ​​the Immortal Mansion. She was also dizzy at this time, and both of her were shocked. I can't see clearly when covered by hair.

It is impossible to say that there is no injury.

Breathing out, after a long time, she lowered her eyes to see the situation below.

Looking around, there is a map of plains around, the mountains and rivers crumbled into sand and dust, and razed to the ground. The central area is a black hole dozens of miles wide with scorched earth inside, and no life can be found.

"Is Lian Qingchen dead?"

"No bones?"

The monks from all sects around him looked at each other and did not dare to make a conclusion easily, but they knew everything in their hearts.

However, just as everyone relaxed, there was a rock on the side of the black hole.

"Look, it's moving there!" Someone quickly noticed with sharp eyes.

Everyone in the Yao Palace quickly rushed over, and this situation made many monks frowned. Some clan elders even shot directly to open the pile of huge rocks on the surface.

Suddenly, a blood man appeared!

All those who saw it took a breath.

The man's skin and flesh were broken, bone and blood separated, and he was paralyzed in a pile of rubble. At first glance, he looked like a pair of white bones with some **** meat on his face. His face was even more ruined, and I couldn't see the sunset. The proud face.

Breathing is light, with more air out and less air in.

"Then... Is it Lian Qingchen?"

"Yes, right." No one can be sure.

There is still a breath, it should only support Xianfu Taoist Tower not to fall, Danhai Yuanshen is immortal.

However, as a real Zi Yan, while emptying out his spiritual power, it was indeed a terrifying thing to be able to leave a small life in the burst of energy that ruined the world.

Of course, Mu Tianyin is a different story.

But looking at the current situation alone, although life and death is still uncertain, the outcome is already divided, right?

Mu Tianyin frowned, Lian Qingchen's well-known reputation.

"Qingchen, my goodness!" The Yao Gong clan yelled, and at the same time he immediately took out the Tianquan divine water and poured it on the blood man, like a hot water dripping, making a sound, and growing flesh and blood.

"Several clan elders, this battle seems to be over yet, right?" Mu Tianyin's tone was a little sarcastically.

An elder sighed immediately, "That deity is now declared over!"

Mu Tianyin stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, "That's not good."

It's ridiculous, is this a battle that the other party says can be ended when it is over?

If I remember correctly, she and Lian Qingchen had a life and death fight!

Never die!

"Then what do you want?" The Yao Palace clans were so angry, they still said in awe-inspiring manner, "You have hurt people like this. You have to be forgiven and forgive. Don't take it seriously."

Hua Zhongjin's eyes suddenly sank, these people really thought he was here for the show!

"Damn!" The old bat jumped. "These old immortals, really think we are dead!"

Mu Tianyin quickly glanced at the Huazhong Brocade and motioned them not to mess around.

"Get away." The blood man on the pile of burnt black gravel was weak, but at this moment he gritted his teeth and spit out two words. Although the injury was severe to the point of destruction, with the timely help of Tianquan Shenshui, Lian Qingchen recovered. Sane.

But she said to make everyone in Yao Palace get out.

"Qingchen!" When everyone in Yao Palace saw that even Qingchen was awake, they wanted to go up to protect them, but she stopped by her words, "Get away!"

She said again, her tone aggravated.

The people in Yao Palace were unwilling, but they could only disperse.

Lian Qingchen swayed for a long time before he got up from the ground. She was covered in blood, like a life-threatening ghost crawling out of hell. She was still completely unrecognizable, without her eyelids, but with two protruding eyes. Zi, was staring at Mu Tianyin motionlessly.

Mu Tianyin watched her get up, but did not move.

"Mu Tianyin." Lian Qingchen spoke with a weak tone, but as if accumulating a grievance for hundreds of millions of years, he gave out a weird low laugh, "Even if you die, I want you to be buried."

The moment she spoke, a fire burst out from the fairy mansion between her eyebrows.

"She is burning Shouyuan strength!" Ji Ming glanced out.

Ji Qi suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. Before Lian Qingchen used the Purple Mansion’s secret technique to overdraw all the spiritual energy, although it was dangerous, it was not a mortal situation. Now she actually burned the remaining thousand years of life. yuan.

It's purely frantic!

What does she want to do?

When Lian Qingchen spoke, Mu Tianyin made the most adequate defense, but after seeing the thing escaping from Lian Qingchen Immortal Mansion, the entire Dan Sea churned uncontrollably.

"I sacrifice my blood to the country..." Lian Qingchen's mouth was murmured.


A quaint scroll turned out, like a horse training opened, covering half of the sky!

In an instant, the world was dark!

"It's a map of Jiangshan Sheji!" Feng Xiaobai was shocked!

Wu Yi followed his eyes wide, "What?"

The most sage soldier of the Holy Mother Wa, the picture of Jiangshan Sheji!

It was made by the emperor Wa using the power of the sun, the moon and the stars to refine a riot of stars in the world. It can be described as a disgusting work, one of the most domineering soldiers of the Taoist gods.

Not to mention a cultivator with flesh and blood, even the entire emperor northern region can be instantly included in the picture and turned into blood!

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