Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 74: : Compatible with Yin and Yang!

Mu Tianyin's pupils trembled fiercely, and they were instantly covered by the shadow. Lewen Novel

This is the breath of the Supreme God Soldier!

Around, the wind is surging!

The scroll that suddenly unfolded was dark black all around, and the surface of the scroll was dark blue. The scroll looked like a nebula that was distorted, covering the sky, making this area suddenly gloomy.

The picture was engraved with mountains and ravines, molten blood pools, heavy purgatory... It was made by refining a cloud of mountains and rivers, and it was the purgatory where Emperor Wa imprisoned and refined some wicked people, and the ancient and mysterious aura spread over the sky.

"Tianyin, run, run!" Ji Ming roared with scarlet eyes.

Even in the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Terrace, it can't prevent being taken in by Jiangshan Sheji Tu!

Once included, even the king must die!

The blue veins of the hand in the Huazhong Brocade violently violently, the huge axis that suddenly unfolded, reflecting his blue eyes, bursting out a dangerous light, like a cold jade in the abyss of the endless Tianhe.

"My God!" The old bat jumped anxiously.

But the little lady had given a death order, no matter how dangerous they were, they were not allowed to interfere!

"It seems to be just a broken scroll, there is any way to break it." Wu Yi was also anxious to see.

Jiangshan Shejitu is such an important supreme soldier, actually will be in the hands of Lian Qingchen, even if Young Master resists not intervening, if this little girl is really taken in, he will definitely rush in with it!

Too dangerous!

It's just that Mu Tianyin couldn't even run.

"Go!" Lian Qingchen turned into a long rainbow and rose through the air, a little spark ignited a prairie fire, and a blaze burst out all over his body.

Flesh, soul, keep burning!

Lian Qingchen's spiritual aura was not enough to Kaifeng to call Jiangshan Sheji Tu. Under this situation, he could only choose to burn his life-saving soul to sacrifice, which was a devastating way of dying.

"Hahahaha." Even Qingchen laughed frantically, "Mu Tianyin, don't think about getting better if I die!"

The hoarse roar resounded throughout the world, like the screams of the ghosts of eighteen hells, "Come with me!"

The wind was violent, and the scroll broke through a star-like black hole, and the air was like a tornado. With the force of sweeping thousands of troops, it madly swallowed everything around!

Mu Tianyin's hair was upside down, and the whole person was taken to the Jiangshan Sheji Picture!

This is really troublesome--

How to do?

"Fuck! This mad woman!" Ye Chaoge danced wildly in scarlet clothes, and wanted to rush out with a grin, but was held by Duan Chenfeng and clasped in his arms, "Don't go there, you can't help in the past. ,Danger."

The giant scroll of ancient pictures that unfolded was like an ancient behemoth with a mouth wide open, devouring mountains and rivers.

Fortunately, Lian Qingchen opened the map of Jiangshan Sheji when his aura was completely exhausted!

She was maintained by burning an ethereal body and offering lifelong sacrifices.

"Ah—" Mu Tianyin screamed and chanted, trying his best to barely stabilize, but the whole body still seemed to be trapped in an abyss, being constantly squeezed and torn by the terrifying wind around him, it was difficult to resist.

A little bit leaning towards the huge picture scroll!

How to do?

What should we do now?

The more critical the crisis, Mu Tianyin calmed himself down, looked for flaws, and figured out a way. At any time, brute force is only the worst strategy, and a calm mind will always be the sharpest weapon.

Is there any way to influence the supreme soldiers of this kind of force?

Certainly also needs the power of the ancient emperor!


There was screaming around.

Mu Tianyin was stunned by the wind, and flew forward ten feet.

Just one foot away from the black hole in the picture scroll!

The old bat's face turned blue, and his breath suddenly stopped.

The cloak of Huazhong Brocade and the red cloak danced wildly, and the fine silver threads on the front of the forehead were flying away, and the whole body seemed to be exploded by flames, but the pair of blue pupils were as cold as black, staring at the figure of the struggling girl.

"Hahahaha." Looking at Mu Tianyin who was struggling desperately, Lian Qingchen felt unprecedented joy in his heart.

No matter how genius is, what is better than her?

Just die!

The sages in the Yao Palace had already retreated. At this time, they paid attention to their surroundings to prevent anyone from trying to save Mu Tianyin.

Your Excellency Xuan Nv paid such a price and must let her die!

"What is Tianyin doing?" Feng Xiaobai screamed.

Looking from a distance like this, I saw that Mu Tianyin's body was full of yin and yang spirits lingering out at the same time, like a dragon and color phoenix, wrapping her body and winding up, shaking her hair tightly into a straight steel shape.

Hold Yin in one hand and Yang in the other!

Gather violent yin in one hand, and violent yang in the other!

"Ah—" Mu Tianyin soared, rising up to the sky and howling.

The two towers of the Taoist demon in the fairy mansion rumbling like a tidal wave, the yin and yang qi in the eyes are intertwined, causing the surrounding gusts to rise, and the shocking power shocked everyone.

"What is Mu Tianyin doing?"

"what's the situation?"

"this is!"

The cultivators who were far away looked at each other without understanding what was going on.

Jiangshan Sheji Tu did not have explosive power. Now it was only aimed at Mu Tianyin, devouring the body of the mountains and rivers in that direction. Although many onlookers looked terrified, they didn't have to worry about their lives.

But looking at the situation at this time, they suddenly had a bad feeling.

When Mu Tianyin was fighting against Lian Qingchen before, she only released Yin power, but at this time, she released two powers at the same time, and the nine double towers of Dao Demon in Xianfu vibrated at the same time!

That power is extremely terrifying!

It seemed to move the sun and the moon for a day, but it didn't seem like it.

Even Qingchen burned her body, as if there was only a dead body left. She laughed wildly because of Mu Tianyin's action, but it was only a brief moment of stunner, and she smiled yinly, "Mu Tianyin, don't waste it. It’s useless, let’s go to **** with me!"


Why can't I fix this problem?

Although it is a fragmented scroll, how can the power of the Jiangshan Sheji map be resisted by a small real Zi Yan!

"Really?" Mu Tianyin was tumbling all over, her silver teeth biting out fishy sweetness, "how do you know if you don't try!"

In fact, she was in a state of being on the verge of collapse, resisting the force that wanted to swallow her in, while desperately gathering the power of yin and yang in her hands.

"Wow, get down!"


What is the situation, everyone is shocked, this power is even more terrifying than just now.

At this critical moment, everyone gave up even running and threw directly on the ground, which was more efficient and could save their lives.

The energy **** on Mu Tianyin's hands were getting bigger and bigger, like the sun, moon and star city, horrified, yin and yang spirit energy swarmed outside, shaking Mu Tianyin's hands with blood and red, and her hair danced like a steel wire cutting through the sky.

She doesn't believe it, it can't be broken!


Ji Qi's eyes suddenly widened, with a strange expression.

Mu Tianyin ran the sun-moon-work technique for a day, and the meridian spirit was reversed, supporting the sun with one hand and arching the moon with the other hand. At this time, his hands slowly moved closer, kneading the two forces together, and made a sound of chuckle.

Dangerous, abrupt.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"My God, what does she want to do!"


The cultivators who had found a place to avoid them came forward, and looked at this situation with horror.

The yin and yang forces cannot be blended together!

Why can a monk only cultivate one power? It is because between heaven and earth, yin, power, and yang cannot be completely integrated, except for the extremely special physique of the Dao Body Demon Body, once it is introduced into the body, it will immediately cause the monk to explode and die!

It's the same in the outside world!

Now Mu Tianyin actually brought the two forces together, did she want to commit suicide?

"What does this little girl want to do!" Ziyang Danzong, the Ji family and others are in a hurry, but they have reached this level, and they just want to stop Mu Tianyin, and it will not help.

"Ah—" Mu Tianyin slammed his hands, and the two giant energy **** of yin and yang suddenly merged together.

Like a cloud of thick ink, violently splashed into Ming Lake!

The sparks flying everywhere, the frantic trembling look, seemed to explode at any time!

"Then, let's try it!" Mu Tianyin's scarlet eyes suddenly sank, and his hand relaxed, that huge energy ball followed the swallowing power of the Jiangshan Sheji Tu, and that power seemed to be able to blast through the sky.


Lian Qingchen noticed this power, and the two eyeballs that were not covered by eyelids almost fell out of the frame!


The cultivators who came out suddenly shrank back like tortoises.

"Boom!" The giant ball mixed with yin and yang spirits seemed to be thrown directly into the mouth of the behemoth's blood basin. The moment when the power hit the entrance of the Jiangshan Sheji Tu, it was suddenly detonated.

Thunder rolling in the sky, exploding a sky!

The force of destruction and decay spread out, and the aftermath of shaking out the power seemed to drive the entire territory of the Northern Territory, thousands of miles of wilderness trembled, jungle mountain beasts ran away, countless monks looked up and looked at the sky.

"Impossible!" At this moment, Lian Qingchen felt that the sacrifice contact between himself and Jutu suddenly broke.

She was isolated from the back of the giant map, and she was not shocked too much.

"Huh—" The black hole kept consuming that power.

After Mu Tianyin was thrown away, he quickly hid in the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Platform, avoiding the terrifying light waves that swept out. Without the isolation of Jiangshan Sheji, this terrifying explosion would really affect the entire emperor. Northland!

After the surplus energy dissipated to a certain extent, the giant picture scroll that turned out to be bright and dark, and the power that absorbed the surrounding mountains and rivers disappeared.

Afterwards, they slowly closed!

"No—" Lian Qingchen Guili collapsed and shouted, but she was covered with fire, and she couldn't see the human form at all. With this walk, the skeleton broke away, and the upper body rushed over, but her legs could not keep up, and she melted into Blood water.

She is not reconciled!

Why did she do everything and still can't beat a little Mu Tianyin!

"I like it so much, just go in and have a look!" This cold voice came from Lian Qingchen, and Mu Tianyin didn't know when she had come behind her, her boots stretched out and kicked!


With a cry of Lian Qingchen, she was kicked directly into the picture of the country's community!

Many saints around saw this sturdy scene, and they all took a breath.

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