Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 77: : Meishin Kitaara!

The old monster in Yao Palace's chest was violently ups and downs.

Hua Chongjin's complexion also stinked instantly, but it only disappeared for a while, and the irritation flashed away, like a breeze blowing across the lake, and the ripples disappeared invisible, as if nothing had happened.

Qi Yeran's outstanding demeanor was hard to hide, but the bruise on that face was still obvious.

The corners of Feng Xiaobai's eyes crooked, and his old face was distorted.

He squinted at the one next to Mu Tianyin, his mouth twitched and his beard trembled. Just looking at Qi Yeran's appearance, you can imagine what happened that day.


"I said, you are..." Mu Tianyin cast a suspicious look at Qi Yeran.

Who beat this kid up, right?

What hate, what hate?

Not to mention it, Qi Yeran suddenly jumped in the air like someone stepped on his tail.

"What else?" He touched his face with no more "flowers and moon appearance", and when he looked at Mu Tianyin, he complained and grinned, "Someone is jealous that the young man is born handsomer than him!"

While talking, he stared darkly.

Don't slap your face if you have the ability!

"..." Mu Tianyin was speechless.

There is no cure for this narcissism problem, but who is he looking at?

Heavy brocade?

No, Chongjin has been with her all this time. These two people shouldn't meet each other, right?

Ji Wuyou's eyes quickly glanced between Hua Zhongjin and Qi Yeran, her eyes darkened slightly, and her eyebrows trembled slightly.

Give Qi Yeran a beating?

Do you even punch in the face?

This man is too naive.

Hua Chongjin's face was expressionless, and only a faintly pale glance at Qi Yeran.

Stinky boy, take another long punch!

"Childish!" Qi Yeran snorted coldly, gritted his teeth in a low voice, "I am obviously jealous of my little master, I am beautiful."

Damn it, it's still not complete yet!

He didn't dare to go to Tianyin for such a long time. Unluckily, he drank cold water and stuffed his teeth between his teeth. He moved Po Tian Yunling himself, so that the dead old man noticed the trace, and was caught and sent back to prison for a few months.

Blame this guy!

Now that Mu Tianyin is by her side, Hua Chongjin will naturally not be silent, as if it has nothing to do with her.

Qi Yeran is also a face-saving master. In front of so many people, especially in front of Mu Tianyin, he would not admit that he was beaten by Hua Zhongjin if he was beaten to death, so he could only insinuate there and then innuendo. .

It's better to ask for something cheaper after turning the corner than to suffocate your stomach.

"Little boy, aren't you naive?" The old bat yelled while defending his master.

Qi Yeran glared at him, and the corners of his mouth curled up handsomely, "Little master, I said my own, but I didn't say you, it's your shit!"

"Hey--" The old bat raised his tail and quivered.

Mu Tianyin stopped immediately, "Stop!"

Where is this singing again?

The old bat stopped, Qi Yeran squinted at the flower brocade and turned his head humming.

Just know to be serious in front of Tianyin!

From his point of view, this guy must have used some means to win Tianyin's favor. On the surface, he looked serious, but he was actually a violent man. He must find a way to reveal the true face of this guy so that Tianyin could change his mind.

Hua Chongjin glanced across Qi Yeran with cold eyes, don't get too far!

Qi Yeran darkly, wait!

Wu Yi glanced at his Young Master secretly, and rubbed his eyebrows with his hand, also a little speechless.

It's true, where is it not good to punch, have to punch the face?

It's not easy to recover, but you can tell at a glance!

"Qi Yeran, what are you doing here? This is not a place for you to play around." The old Yao Gong monster was annoyed when seeing the group of people across from him, and at the same time he held a glimmer of hope.

I was in a deep and fiery state now, and I didn't want the Tianji Sect to drip into this muddy water.

Qi Yeran was suffocating the fire, that was because he was sorrowful and there was nowhere to spread it. After hearing this, he turned his head and screamed at the Yao Palace boss, "Who is playing with you, the young master sees me that you look too ugly. You can’t look past it, do you want to fight, come on!"

"You--" Yao Gong old monster was furious.

At this moment, the situation of Yao Palace suddenly turned down, and there was really no chance of winning.

The cultivators of the Tianji Sect who were just watching from the periphery before saw Qi Yeran appear, and they flew out, and there were hundreds of them.

"Old ancestor, withdraw!" Everyone in Yao Palace couldn't hold on.

Hua Zhongjin narrowed her eyes and said in a cold voice, "Come as you want, leave as you want, how can it be so easy."

"Old Monster Autumn, how do you explain what the deity said, if you can't give a satisfactory answer, you don't want to get away today!" Mo Liuxian said.

"Don't you want to fight?" Ji Wuyou smiled.

Qi Yeran was about to rush out, "A lot of ugly people make trouble!"

Mu Tianyin's side was so vigorous, it was exactly like a country leaning to one side. The leader spoke almost at the same time, saying that Yao Gong boss was dizzy and panicked. Under the chaos, he couldn't answer a word. Turn around and fly away!

Don't leave at this time, but wait when.

No matter what he insisted on before, but at this time, Yao Palace has no chance of winning. Boss Yao Palace is an experienced character. In this case, he decisively chose to retreat, otherwise his old life will be explained here. .

"The ancestors--" everyone in Yao Palace was surprised.

They didn't expect Yao Gong boss to run so decisively, and they didn't even tell them.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

Several clan elders panicked and ordered to evacuate.

"Chasing!" Ji Wuyou ordered a chase.

The children of the Ji family shouted out, thunderously fighting.

The people of the Yao Palace fled after throwing away their helmets and armor.

A trace of annoyance flashed between Mo Liuxian's eyebrows and flew away to stop the Yao Palace boss.

"Want to run!" Qi Yeran also rushed out, "stop me!"

He hasn't started the fire yet, he is so ugly and dare to yell in front of him, today he must beat this old Yao monster into a pig's head! In short, it was worse than last time.

After being beaten by Hua Zhongjin, Qi Yeran tickles his teeth with hatred.

"Chasing!" Old Bat and Wu Yihe flew out together.

There are several old saints in the Yao Palace team, and it is difficult for others to resist.

Mu Tianyin flew out in a flash, but was caught quickly by a big hand, and pulled him into his arms.

"You are seriously injured now, don't run around and stay honestly." Hua Zhongjin frowned and guarded Mu Tianyin. He just almost let the Yao Gong boss succeed, he still has lingering fears.

Mu Tianyin's head covered and slammed into Hua Zhongjin's arms, her nose hurt, and she reached out and touched it in a slanderous manner.

She didn't want to do anything.

Ye Chaoge was also standing in the same place, shook his scarlet clothes. The one-sided situation in front of him didn't require her to help anymore. At this moment, he stood not far from Mu Tianyin's side and shook his head when he saw this situation.

She faintly stared at Hua Zhongjin, her eyes darkened slightly.

The origin of this man is not simple.

When Ye Chaoge wanted to take a closer look, Duan Chenfeng didn't know when, and moved to her eyes without a trace. The golden shirt was flying, and it was natural to block her sight.

It's definitely intentional.

Ye Chaoge had a bad temper, and immediately became a little angry.

But in this world, there is the so-called one thing and one thing. When facing the handsome face with a gentle smile, Ye Chaoge just got angry at his throat and swallowed silently.

"Chaoge, there should be nothing wrong here, let's leave first, or the saint aunt should talk about me again." Duan Chenfeng asked.

Duan Chenfeng was not easy either. Before Mu Tianyin was still'Mu Jin', he had to guard against lingering, now this is all'transition', and he seems to be robbing Ye Chaoge's attention with her.

Ye Chaoge glanced at him, "I just came out."

After speaking, she rushed out into a long sky, sank into the battle group where energy was intertwined with riots, and slammed dozens of Yao Gong people with one palm.

Duan Chenfeng screamed and flew after him.

Mu Tianyin was half embraced by Hua Zhongjin, seeing the situation of the two from a distance, and slightly raised his eyebrows.

It seems that Ye Chaoge is still a bit difficult to handle.

Why is it so easy to chase yourself?

Thinking of this, Mu Tianyin raised his eyes and glanced at Hua Zhongjin. From his water-like jaw, he kept looking into the pair of blue pupils, and was caught by Hua Zhongjin who was looking down.

"Huh?" he asked suspiciously.

Mu Tianyin shook his head and laughed dryly, "Nothing."

The pit is too deep, she just can't jump out anyway, struggling is better than enjoying.

Yes, it is like that.


The sky was thunderous and gunpowder was everywhere.

This was not a fight, but a unilateral besieged and torture. All the disciples in the Yao Palace had suddenly lost their backbone. The situation was a mess of sand, and they fled after the siege of several major sects.

"My son, we..." The elders of the Yuheng Clan clan stopped talking.

It stands to reason that they should still pull the Yao Palace, after all, they will meet in the future.

But Mu Qianzhen just chuckled, "Let's go."

Although the good show is not over, it has ended and there is nothing left to watch.

The war over there was anxious, and everyone in Yuhengzong took good care of themselves. The group of people retreated far away, and the flames of war did not burn them.

"This time Yao Palace really suffered a heavy loss."

"Even Qingchen died, thousands of people in Yao Palace were trapped, Yao Palace bosses could not protect themselves."

"Haha, yeah, there is also a picture of the town's treasure river and mountain shrine, which was also snatched by Mu Tianyin. It was purely a direct slap on his face. This is the real loss of madam and loss of soldiers."


The above was fierce, golden light was splashing, and the Yao Palace team fell from high above like dumplings. The monks who fled around were also chatting hot, or hiding in some solid and dark places to watch the fun.


The fragile sound of the collision of the magical instruments is like ten thousand jade pieces.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly! Withdraw all quickly!"

Several leaders shouted hoarsely. They still wanted to minimize casualties and recover a little loss. They commanded everyone in the Yao Palace to fight back and flew toward the Yaoshan Immortal Palace.

"Old Yaoguai, you still run!"

Qi Yeran's voice faintly spread, seeming to chase away.

Hua Chongjin's whole body was shocked, and the invisible mask that produced her cut off the flying wind around her, leaving a clear and bright place.

"Boss Yao Gong is very cunning, Master and Qi Yeran will be fine, right?" Mu Tianyin was a little worried.

Hua Zhongjin looked forward and faintly uttered two words, "It's okay."

He doesn't know the specific strength of Mo Liuxian, and he will never be lower than Daowang. And Ye Qingran has a few times. Through the last fight, he still knows it. He is just a Yaogong boss, and it's still like Qi Ye. Nothing.

The sky was surging, and the battle soon died down.

The team fought for hundreds of miles and chased beyond the Yaoshan barrier before the big immortal gates stopped.

This time it’s not going to attack the Yao Palace. It’s just because you can’t see the imposing manner of the Yao Palace boss just now, and the monks here are so indignant. Ji Wuyou and the others can’t help but rush before they have ordered them Going out to beat the people over there violently, compared with the defeat of the Yao Gong disciples with their tails clipped and fleeing, this side is simply imposing, and it is simply an unstoppable rhythm.

There were not many remaining soldiers in the Yao Palace, and they fled into the Yaoshan barrier in a panic.

"Receive!" Ji Wuyou said in a long voice.

All the disciples of the Ji family felt that they had not warmed up yet, but they quickly returned after getting orders, and the poor would not chase after them.

Feng Xiaobai also motioned to Ziyang Danzong to return to the team.

"Haha, let Old Monster Qiu be arrogant, this time I fell into the pit." Ji Ming laughed loudly.

He is not used to some behaviors of the Yao Palace boss for a long time, and there were some frictions and grievances with the Ji family before, and today he has a chance to vent his anger.

Mu Tianyin greeted him, "Where are the masters?"

Ji Wuyou flew down, "Should have entered the Yaoshan barrier."

"It's close to the Yao Palace, less than a thousand miles away. It's really convenient for these people to retreat." Feng Xiaobai said with a smile, with a hint of irony. !"

Fortunately, they also kept a hand, otherwise this time they would really suffer.

Wu Yi and the old bat returned to Huazhongjin and stood by their side. In the pursuit, they killed two Yaogong clan elders, both of whom were saints. For a fairy gate, one is rare. The wealth gained, even the loss of two, is like a broken arm.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl, disciple, clan elder, treasure of the town clan...

Of course, there are ancestors who don't know the situation now.

Yao Palace really suffered a heavy loss this time!

"You don't need to worry too much." Ye Chaoge walked over those slender legs, "The Lord and Qi Yeran should have a sense of measure."

She looked at Mu Tianyin, her eyes were cold, and she said unhurriedly, "This Yaoshan barrier is only the outer circle. If the Yao Palace boss cannot be taken down, they will enter the Yaoshan Immortal Palace at the end. Returned in time."

Old Monster Qiu is so cunning, it's impossible not to prepare himself to retreat.

The Yao Palace is full of mysteries, and it is also difficult to attack!

Mu Tianyin nodded thoughtfully, her eyebrows narrowed slightly.

"Thank you." She raised her head and smiled at Ye Chaoge.

Ye Chaoge waved her hand quickly, "Don't." She met Mu Tianyin's gaze and said quietly, "This girl is not for you. If you hang up, I will find someone to fight with you. Don't forget about this. ."

Feng Xiaobai's neck stiffened slightly, and he wanted to fight again?

This big stall has not been cleaned up yet!

Mu Tianyin laughed, "Okay!"

Her eyes darkened, "I don't think you can wait long."

"Let's talk until you catch up." Ye Chaoge laughed loudly, and when he was speaking, the person had disappeared and disappeared, leaving a crimson glow, leaving far away, and then another word floated out, " I'm just waiting."

The remnant sound curls up and goes down the wind.

Mu Tianyin lightly shook his head a little funny.

Under the cloak of red cloak, Hua Chongjin's face was full of food, he really felt that it was necessary to guard against the woman Ye Chaoge.

"Brother." Mu Tianyin saw Ji Wuyou coming over.

"How is the injury?" Ji Wuyou asked concerned.

Mu Tianyin shook his head, "It's nothing."

Mu Tianyin’s condition was indeed a bit dangerous and weak just now, but when she fell into her arms, Hua Chongjin began to heal her injuries. By now, her breath has recovered to a stable level, and if she goes further, she must repair herself. There are some shaky Taoist towers in the fairy palace.

"That's good." Ji Wuyou smiled and nodded slightly, "There should be nothing wrong here, and there should be nothing wrong with the Lord and Qi Yeran."

Mu Tianyin wanted to say thank you, but gave up after thinking about it.

The two smiled at each other, tacitly.

Ji Wuyou's pale eyes turned his head slightly to look at Mu Tianyin's side, her ink hair squirted lightly in the wind, her cherry lips were faintly open, but only Hua Chongjin heard the words: "This time, but Your mistake."

Almost let the Yao Palace boss sneak attack and hurt Tianyin.

Hua Zhongjin and Bitong suddenly sank, like Xuanbing in the land of Jiuyou.

"There will be no next time." He also silently responded, only Ji Wuyou could hear it.

Ji Wuyou's thin lips lightly licked, and he gave Hua Zhongjin a fixed look.

Hua Zhongjin's eyes were cold and expressionless.

The old bat's eyes grunted around between the two, choking his neck and coughing a few times, breaking the strange atmosphere.

Just when Mu Tianyin wanted to say something, Ji Wuyou smiled in a daze, as if nothing had happened, and looked back at her, "By the way, I don't know if Ming Lao they told you that Henggong returned to Zhongtu go with."

"Grandpa returned to Middle-earth?" Mu Tianyin was a little surprised.

"Yeah." Ji Wuyou smiled and nodded. "He said that he is used to the Qingshan tribe and missed the people there. I didn't want to do much to keep him, so I sent someone to **** him back to Middle Earth."

Mu Tianyin sighed, everyone has their own way.

But the wish is over. Grandpa's future life will be truly peaceful and happy.

"Then I'll leave first." Ji Wuyou stared at Mu Tianyin.

Mu Tianyin was surprised and nodded, "Okay."

After Ji Ming and others cared about Mu Tianyin for a few words, they also left with Ji Wuyou. Thousands of people in the Ji family retreated, and the sky became clear instantly, and people suddenly felt a sense of desolation after the prosperity was gone.

Mu Tianyin looked at the back of Ji Wuyou leaving, feeling a little inexplicably.

"I haven't seen enough." Hua Zhongjin's cool voice came from her ears.

Mu Tianyin looked back and glared at him.

Hua Zhongjin's mouth bends, helpless.

Except for the fact that Mo Liuxian and Yao Gong boss have not yet ended, this life-and-death duel has almost come to an end. With even Qingchen defeated, Yao Gong lost his wife and broke down. To the Dao Shenbing, it ended up damaging thousands of children of the tribe.

For the entire Yao Palace, it was a heavy blow!

The flames of war dissipated and the fight ended.

The monks who had been following onlookers also showed their heads from all directions, sighing and unwilling to leave for a long time.

"In this way, don't these five peerless arrogances of the Northern Wilderness need one more?"

"What more than one, I think Mu Tianyin can be ranked first!"

"That's not necessarily true, and it's not compared with the others."

"Compared? Better than we are dead."


In the surrounding discussions, this topic completely detonated the entire Northern Wilderness. With the Huangbei Region as the center, it quickly spread to the entire northern desert desert land, not only in the cultivation fairy gate, but even into the mortal world.

Slowly, to the middle earth.

Three Mountains and Five Departments, Luanfengcheng, Xianyuan...

The sages of Xianyuan did not expect that when Mu Tianyin left, their laughter became a reality in less than two years. They were in Middle Earth, but they heard Mutian again Tones of the news.

The name Mu Tianyin left Middle-earth, resounding above the northern wilderness!

In this battle, it used to stand in the eastern part of the emperor's northern region. The top of the dragon, which was as high as ten thousand feet, was not there. It was razed to the ground with a radius of nearly a hundred miles. The center was a scorched black pit that traverses east and west for dozens of miles.

The downpour fell, and time went back and forth, year after year.

After a long time, a lake has formed here, surrounded by green hills and green water, and all creatures are vying for it. Tribal mortals migrated here, and real monks passed by and saw the way.

It also has a very beautiful name, Sun Moon Lake.

By the Sun Moon Lake, like Mu Tianyin.

In the simple and simple mortal world, there is also a story about it.

Sometimes it can be seen that before the bonfire at night, the tribes are playing drums and singing, surrounded by children with relish. There are gray-haired old men telling the children: It was a long, long time ago, a battle between gods and gods...

Sometimes someone will ask if this is true?

So many things in the world, true or false, will anyone know.

------Off-topic ------

I said: If you want to beat me, you are not allowed to slap in the face...

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