Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 78: : Advance to the blue robe!

After the battle of Tianjiao, there are still many rumors.

It is said that Mu Tianyin broke through the middle stage of the Dao Tribulation after he was seriously injured and recovered.

It is said that Mo Liuxian fled to justice for his disciple, and fought against the Yao Gong boss for seven days and seven nights outside the holy mountain, but for some reason, he was beaten into a pig by the emperor of the Tianji Sect, and he had no face to see people.

It is said that after the heavy damage in Yao Palace, the gate of the mountain was closed tightly, and he would not participate in any immortal battles anymore.

It is also said that...

The sky and clear water, white clouds are long.

It has been a month since the battle, and the hot agenda of the outside world has not diminished. The rising and falling of Ziyang Danzong, the setting sun and the fire of the beacon, are peaceful and peaceful.

A sound as if a stone mill opened, and the patrol in the alchemy hall was filled with fragrance.

Mu Tianyin's eyes were bright, and a few faint blue rays flew out, reflecting a beautiful luster in her eyes.

"Success!" She quickly extinguished the flint under the Nine Heavens Breathing Furnace.

Hua Zhongjin walked over slowly, Yinsi Qingwu.

Mu Tianyin placed the three elixir in her palms, with the faint blue sheen like gems, lying on her white palms. She excitedly held them up in front of Hua Chongjin's eyes, her expression a little excited, "No. Refined a blue product pill at once!"

Lanpin Tianyuan Pill, a healing pill.

Hua Zhongjin smiled, and the mellow voice was as clear and charming as wine.

"It was almost a bad thing." Mu Tianyin smiled and showed a row of white teeth, "I'm still not skilled enough."

This time it can be said that only good luck can become a pill.

If you want to be truly rated as a qualified blue robe alchemist, you must have full assurance that you can make a blue pill.

"It's already pretty good, don't push yourself too tight." Hua Chongjin smiled at her, the silver hair on his forehead flying with Zhou Relang, reflecting the slight brilliance between his handsome eyebrows.

Mu Tianyin closed her hand and squeezed, "I know."

Refining the blue-pin pill means that Mu Tianyin has successfully promoted to a blue-robed alchemist!

Such a leap-forward promotion, from the time she really came into contact with the treasures of heaven and earth to start alchemy, and now she has broken through to the blue robe in only one year. It can be said that it is unprecedented. If the group of old men in Ziyang Sect knows about it, it is probably again There was a burst of joy.

"Come on, Chongjin, it's just for you." Mu Tianyin handed it to the people around him.

Hua heavy brocade brows lightly raised, and after deeply condensing the girl in front of her, she chuckled softly, "You keep it, no matter how good the elixir is, it is almost useless to me, just a waste."

Mu Tianyin frowned, "But I see your breath is disordered."

"It's okay." Hua Zhongjin shook her head, her thin lips turned red, "just adjust her breath for a while."

"Chongjin..." Mu Tianyin slowly retracted her hand. She looked at the man in front of her for a while, and finally couldn't help but speak, "Why are you different from other monks? There are sometimes no skills, sometimes strong and weak."

She was always curious, but didn't know why.

Sometimes Mu Tianyin also asked intentionally or unintentionally, but Hua Chongjin always gagped in a perfunctory manner.

This time too, Hua Zhongjin fell silent when he heard the sound, and the corners of his mouth curled into a lip line. After a short pause, he only said, "The number of methods I practice is different from ordinary monks."

"What's the difference?" Mu Tianyin made up his mind this time to catch up.

Hua Zhongjin smiled helplessly and sighed slightly, "Let’s put it this way, every time I ascend to a big stage, there will be a period of falling into the ordinary period, which means that at this stage, I am equivalent to a mortal. It’s about half a year."

Mu Tianyin opened his mouth, "A mortal?"

Is there such a strange exercise in the world?

No wonder that during the time in Middle Earth, Wu Yi stared at Zhongjin like a child, not allowing him to make any movements. When she met Zhongjin in Yunhuang Gulin Life and Death Stream, it was the worst time. Right.

"But..." Mu Tianyin was still puzzled.

Of course Hua Zhongjin knew what Mu Tianyin was wondering about.

He pursed his lips, his eyes swelled slightly, and he paused for a while before explaining slowly, "If I use a lot of spiritual power during this period, it will make this period of falling into the ordinary longer. If it is serious..."

"How?" Mu Tianyin immediately became nervous.

Hua Zhongjin said in a faint tone, "It may affect later cultivation to a certain extent."

Mu Tianyin's expression turned cold, "How is it possible!"

The monks know that sometimes overdrawing the spiritual energy, or in some cases forcibly mobilizing spiritual power, injury and recuperation for a year or a half, are only the slightest consequences, and at worst, the whole body will be destroyed, and even life will be injured.

One time, two times, three times...Which time did Zhongjin forcefully use spiritual power, not for himself?

The Degenerate Period should have only been half a year, but it has been delayed until now and it has not been completely passed.

How could it be that just a light and fluttering sentence might affect cultivation so simple?

This time it’s even more serious!

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. I have a sense of measure. It won't be so serious that it is irretrievable." Hua Zhongjin sighed as he looked at Mu Tianyin's face like an enemy.

He knew it would be like this...

"Blame me!" Mu Tianyin blamed herself.

How can he speak so easily.

Hua Zhongjinjian stretched out his arms, took the frowning girl in the blue shirt into her arms, and stroked her head with one hand. The slender fingers were like jade, releasing the moon-like color, and they moved along the dark blue silk. Down, as if caring for a fragile treasure, smoothly.

How could he be willing to hurt her?

"You have to listen to me from now on!" Mu Tianyin suddenly raised his head from his arms.

Hua Zhongjin stopped, trimming her eyebrows slightly.

Mu Tianyin stretched out his hand and grabbed the placket of his chest, tearing it like a little leopard, while baring his white and shiny teeth, he said viciously, "From now on, you are not allowed to use it again until you pass this dangerous period. A trace of spiritual power!"

The two of them looked exactly the same with deep eyebrows and cold eyes.

"This—" Hua Zhongjin wanted to resist.

Mu Tianyin's face was cold and sharp, and he immediately drank, "What is this!"

Hua Zhongjin was taken aback, looking at the girl's serious and pretty face, there was a burst of laughter in her heart, and she couldn't help but feel a full sense of fullness, as if there was something overflowing to satisfy her, she continued to say good.

"Do you dare to mess around again, I will make you look good." Mu Tianyin warned with bared teeth.

Hua Chongjin hugged her into her arms again, and the elegant fragrance of medicine on the girl floated into the tip of her nose, making him feel unprecedented peace.

"What are your plans next." Hua Zhongjin quickly changed the subject cleverly.

Mu Tianyin's eyebrows gradually closed, and she stretched out her hand to wrap around the man's strong waist, "I will find a way to go back as soon as possible, but there has been no news about the Fuxi Baojian Soul Realm scroll. I can't find the path of the star road, and I can't repair the ancient jade picture. There is no way."

Time is not for others, she has to be anxious.

"In this case, let me go to the Nine Thousand Demon Realm first." Hua Zhongjin said.

Mu Tianyin raised his head, "Nine Thousand Demon Realms?"

Hua Zhongjin gave a light hum, looked down, faced the girl’s black eyes, and said slowly, “Even if you get the Star Road Map now, if you want to leave the ancient land, you must at least achieve the golden body of the saint. , Beyond the realm of heaven, to survive the heavy thunder, otherwise, in case of any accident, you simply cannot withstand the storm between the stars, it is very dangerous."

Mu Tianyin nodded thoughtfully, of course she knew this.

Hua Zhongjin said again, "Furthermore, there is an ancient star ship in the fantasy sea nebula, which sank in the fantasy sea during the time of the ancient saints, and it is still intact. If you enter the holy stage steadily, I will allow you to be a fairy star area."

Mu Tianyin's eyes slowly widened in surprise, "Ancient Star Ship?"

An ancient ship that can withstand the power of stars and drive on the path of stars? I am afraid it is equivalent to the existence of the Supreme God Soldier! Huanhai Xingyun actually still hides such a treasure, good fellow, I didn't disclose it to her before.

"Those who haven't entered the saint, don't even think about it." Hua Zhongjin poured cold water down.

After Mu Tianyin took a chill, he nodded like a green onion, "Good."

Is she so uneasy?

Hua Zhongjin and Bitong stared at Mu Tianyin faintly, and he was not at ease to tell the truth.

"Nine Thousand Demon Realms..." Mu Tianyin murmured.

The land in the east of the Tianhe River Ruohui, the area of ​​the demon tribe, and the demon tribe, is also a land of right and wrong. Her small body rushed over, accidentally, she would be eaten without bones.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Hua Chongjin chuckled in her ear.

However, what kind of spirit dare to say something to someone who smashed the fangs of an old bat?

Mu Tianyin let out a long sigh of relief, "When the master comes back, meet up with the Danzong elders, and then bid farewell to the seniors, we will return to the Nine Thousand Demon Territories. You have been outside for a long time. Yes, I'll go back soon."

Does she want to slow down and let Chongjin go through the dangerous period before leaving?

I heard it well, but when I heard Mu Tianyin had to go and say goodbye to Ji Wuyou, Hua Zhongjin's hands around her slender waist tightened unconsciously, and her handsome face immediately stinked. The clouds were overwhelming, but the uncomfortable emotions quickly disappeared and passed away in a flash.

Just say, he will let Tianyin come back after he leaves?

Hua Zhongjin's thin lips made a strange curve.

"By the way, how did you get here?" Mu Tianyin suddenly thought.

Tianhe Ruoshui is one of the five celestial lands of the ancient celestial lands. It is the same as the ancient clouds and ancient forests and immortals crossing. If you think about the last two she has seen, you can know that Ruoshuihe must be like a moat and it is difficult to cross.

Master’s Yin-Yang Stone was also fished in Ruoshui River, and it must be a treasure.

Hua Zhongjin laughed, "There is a way."

He looked at the girl in his arms, and said with a smile, "The Magic Sea Nebula has several wormhole basins left over from the ancient and desolate period. It connects the east and the west of the Tianhe River and can be opened by the gathering spirit stone. It is said to be the remains of the fairy emperor."

"The immortal emperor of the ancient times?" Mu Tianyin blinked.

She knew very little about the events of the prehistoric period, almost ignorant.

------Off-topic ------

It's still a good pot friend if you don't Cavan~

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