Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City, the 1167 chapter decided, floating astronomy
After the basic test and the strength ranking game, people who are not satisfied with their potential value can choose to retest the potential value. If they are not retested, they will be calculated according to the latest test result. Well, please ask for the token and follow the prompts. Enter the test palace and start testing!” said Gu Zen.


There are only three basic tests: attack power, speed, and endurance.

Attack test, the cultivator can use any magical law to achieve the strongest attack. In fact, this is a double assessment of absolute power and supernatural powers. It’s just that, just look at the ultimate attack power.

Speed ​​test, the test is also not a simple speed, combined with footwork, magical rules, etc. to show the fastest speed, as well as change direction, dodge ability and so on. In fact, it is the comprehensive ability of various speeds such as chasing, escaping, and dodging.

The endurance test is naturally a double test of fleshy body and soul endurance.

The three basic tests can basically reflect the cultivator’s combat power.

The potential value can represent the speed and possible height of the future entry of the cultivator.

In the battle ranking competition, after the first two, the basic assessment is the combat experience, skills and ability to explode on the spot.

The three results are combined to arrive at the final ranking.

“For more than seven years, my progress has been somewhat. At least the real potential value should be improved a lot… Do you want to re-test? I have exposed the basic test speed and endurance, it doesn’t matter. But the attack power… …Do you want to expose some?”

After the test began, a silver tower monument appeared on the platform of the square. After the people sacrificed their tokens and bloomed the tokens of aura, the names of all the people appeared on the tower, and the results of the most recent potential test. Chen Hao was tested once, and there was no doubt that it was among the people in the place. The one with the lowest potential value.

Usually, even the special recruits have the potential value to meet the basic line of the first-class college, but both Chen Hao and Si Xuan are a little bit worse, although not many, but this time it’s here. It seems a bit dazzling.

However, no one dares to be a fat man. After all, the fat man defeated the top 100 disciple Wan Yishui. The people present even did not see it, but I heard that this is the only one in this Great Principle Golden Immortal that defeated the lord. Even if it is not won by absolute strength, but it is won after all, this is an ironclad fact.

to be honest. That is, Chen Hao felt that his face had no light. At the beginning, he deliberately suppressed himself to take care of Si Xuan, and he got the top potential value of this second-rate college. Who knows that he will come to the first-class college unexpectedly?

Chen Hao looked at his name and hesitated to be more exposed. He has now received the top 100 discrimination, but there are still ten treatments…

However, the conditions are also a bit harsh, unless it is the first place to get the final score. This is difficult for Chen Hao. The people present were the masters who did not show the mountain and did not reveal the water but made Chen Hao feel the threat. In fact, just look at the potential value of the top few people today. It is clear, first. Not so good, unless Chen Hao is no longer hidden, completely exposed…

After coming here for more than seven years, Chen Hao has made progress through observation and self-understanding cultivation. At least in the rule of Heaven, the restrictions on Realm have disappeared. Have a deeper understanding. The potential value is definitely improved. Chen Hao believes that if it is completely exposed at this moment, the increase in potential value will definitely make someone at the scene look dumbfounded.

“Mom, you have to force it. You have to be low-key, you can’t force it, you can’t make it a fool, you don’t want it, you don’t want it, idiots? First-class colleges… I have a top college strength, and I have a top-level college in a first-class college. What?”

The fat man looked at the cultivation from the square to the test palace, and the spirits were active and emotionally entering the test palace.

“Try, 80% strength, you can get it, you can’t get it!” Chen Hao took a deep breath and made a decision.


“Fat brother, impossible… How can your potential value be out of line? Age, soul, fleshy body, mood, perception, will… fat brother, you are very bullish, the only drawback is that the absolute strength is weak. Point, how can even the basic line of the first-class college still be 11 points worse?”

He is really surprised. The fat man is fighting Wan Yishui. He is really good at seeing it. In addition to the flaws of absolute power, he is strong in every respect. He believes that the fat man is closed-eye test, the potential value can definitely reach the top line of the first-class college, even the top ranks of the first-class college.

“Low-key, understand? Potential value, fat brother, if I want, the standard line of the top college is to catch chicken, a piece of cake!”


“There is less blowing. However, fat, your potential value does not match. It is estimated that when you test, you just stepped into the world of Xiandi, and you still can’t adapt. Now I can feel it, this is more than seven years. Your aura has changed, and the promotion is absolutely not small. After the ranking battle, re-test it. After all, the top 100 treatment you get is a bit unreliable… I am afraid that it will enjoy a year’s time. May sweep out the door.” Yin Susu said with no mercy.

“When force is the most important thing, absolute power is fundamental! Fat man, is your absolute strength really bad?” Su Tao continued.

The bloody team and the five people, Chen Hao, 敖 甑氖 甑氖 湎啻Γ淙 湎啻Γ淙 湎啻Γ淙 湎啻Γ淙 淳 淳 窃 窃 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (豢季鹩鹩α思尤肓Su ┭ 樱 闶瞧 闶瞧 幸 幸 幸 幸 辉 辉 薄 薄 薄 薄 薄 薄 薄 薄 薄 薄 匀 匀 匀 匀 匀 匀 匀 匀

“This… Su brother, it’s hard to say…” The fat man scratched his head.

敖 懦 懦 坏 坏 坏 坏 坏 坏 坏

“Low-key! Fat brother, I believe you, you are absolutely hidden! When you fight with the water girl, the aura is so strong, how can the potential value be so low? Even the potential value is deliberately hidden, this is a low-key Ah… Believe it or not, anyway, I’m swearing and swearing!



“How could it be so high?”

At this moment, the crowd suddenly burst into exclamation, and all the eyes were gathered by the names and figures that appeared at the top of the tower.

(Khan… There is something tonight, my friend called dinner, it’s even more. It’s hard to take it off, and it’s hard to pick it up. It’s not right for everyone. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, fight for more. Wushan is really firewood…) (To be continued.)

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