Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The same person as the 1168 chapter, floating astronomy
Ling Feng, potential value 2311!

Chen Hao and Si Xuan’s initial potential values ​​are all 1000 points difference, 1000 points is the watershed of second-rate colleges and first-class colleges, which is the basic line of first-class colleges. 2000 points are the watershed of first-rate colleges and top colleges. And the potential value of this cultivator named Ling Feng has reached 2311 points!

Such high potential values ​​can be ranked above medium and even in top colleges. How can such a top genius come to Dahua College?

“Ling Feng, who is Ling Feng? Nothing is wrong…”

“It’s him! Like me, it was the first one to come here! It was very common when fighting in Taiwan, and I never opened my eyes after the war…”

“He is? I can’t see it at all…”

The crowd is talking about it. After the present cultivator releases the aura of his identity token, it will connect with the tower’s induction, showing his name and information about the potential value he already has. However, the cultivation person cannot use the name on the tower to match the number. Therefore, at the beginning, most people did not know who Ling Feng was, but they were quickly revealed. Eventually, everyone’s eyes were brought together, and they fell on their knees and their eyes blushed. Aura, but the eyes are still not in the open wind.

Including Chen Hao is no exception.

This is a very ordinary cultivation person, the body shape is slightly thin, the life aura is very young, but the aura of the soul and the fleshy body is very general, and there is no strong place to sense it, just like his appearance and body shape. Extremely.


Perhaps the first time I woke up in ten years, Ling Feng had a long sigh of relief. When the air came to an end, his slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and in an instant, like two rising suns, Enter the eyes of the people.

Oh, but it is soft!

In the face of everyone’s attention, Ling Feng is not surprised, just a faint smile appeared in his mouth, making his ordinary and ordinary face feel completely different.

In the face of awkward arguments, Ling Feng’s but soft eyes slowly glance at the crowd around him. A gentle wave of thoughts and waves swayed from his eyebrows.

“Weak, really weak, Elder Brother. I am the qualification of the top college. The old man has arranged for me to go to this rotten college. What happened in the future? Lonely snow, like snow…”

Lingfeng’s twilight movement, with a light smile, gives everyone the feeling of high-end, atmospheric, high-grade, low-key, luxurious, and connotation. But what everyone doesn’t know is that this guy is looking at the surrounding cultivation, both men and women, who are suffering from egg pain and depression.

“The difference in talent is worse. Even a beautiful woman who can enter Elder Brother’s eyes is not. What kind of world is it? Miserable… Fortunately, this is just the appraisers of this batch. There should be strong points in the college. If all these things are, Elder Brother is afraid of being depressed… Mother, I really don’t know why the old man wants me to come here… eh?”

Just as Ling Feng was like a king’s glance, when he saw that he had to finish the week, he never had the slightest pause and change of his eyes. He suddenly lit up and fell on a figure.

“Erasing… Is there anyone like Elder Brother?”

Ling Feng shocked the figure, and the powerful soul perception suddenly spurred.

“By the strong fat! It is no less than the Elder Brother!”




Ling Feng looked at his own eyes regardless of the surrounding, and his body shape suddenly rose to the same time in front of his target.

Fat man, naturally Chen Hao.

Under the naked and scrutinized eyes of Chen Feng, Chen Hao has a feeling of being seen through. The look of this kid is very sinister and far beyond his own Realm. This is the most intuitive feeling of Chen Hao.


When Chen Hao saw that the other party went directly to himself and explored himself unscrupulously, he was not willing to show weakness, and the light suddenly shone with a faint golden mang.

“**… isn’t it?”

But Chen Hao almost didn’t scream out, but Chen Hao, who showed his brilliance in the face of the weakest imposing manner, found that the look of Ling Feng was disguised!

“Erasing… Is there anyone like me?”

This time Chen Hao knows why Ling Feng directly reached his face, and Chen Hao almost said the same thing when he saw him in Lingfeng.

The two men look at each other, Chen Hao’s eyes are golden, and Lingfeng’s eyes are like the sun, and the closer they are, the more they circle each other.

This scene is even more surprising for the cultivation who is surprised that Ling Feng is directly in front of the fat man. What about the Nima horse? Is it the legendary sorrow?

The potential value of Lingfeng is the top level of the college, and it is definitely the upper middle. The absolute B is the cow of the top genius of the world. The potential value of the little fat man has not reached the basic line of the first-class college, although it has won over 100. Strong discipline Wan Yishui, let everyone conclude that the potential value of the little fat man is definitely more than that, but it is not a grade with Ling Feng…

How does Ling Feng care so much about this fat man?

“Elder Brother, my name is Ling Feng!”

“Fat Lord, my name is Li Yuan!”

“Elder Brother, I am an outsider!”

“Fat, I am the same!”

“Fat is very annoying…”

“You look like you too…”

“It seems that we have problems with our eyes. Elder Brother, I have underestimated your fat man… Li Yuan… I rely, you are not? 988 points?” Ling Feng’s eyes finally looked away from Chen Hao’s face. When the tower monument found the word “Li Yuan”, he jumped up and took Chen Hao.

Nima, it’s really amazing to load it into this situation. Is the potential value disguised as such, is it necessary?

Ling Feng and Chen Hao are the ones who cherish each other. It is because Ling Feng first discovered the secret of Chen Hao, and Chen Hao also showed his magical powers under his “provocation” and discovered the secret of Ling Feng.

The ultimate form of the big easy technique, and all have the magical powers in the eyes, but the color of the crystals of the two eyes are different, whether they are “eyes of fire”, it is not Chen Hao’s guess for the time being. At least one thing, that is the disguise that both of them can see through each other.

The ultimate form of the big easy practice, no one can not sense, unless it is beyond the strong king above Realm, it may be possible. For this reason, Chen Hao is not worried about anyone seeing himself. Similarly, this is also the reason why Chen Hao, after seeing Ling Feng, simply shocked his potential value at first, but did not find any abnormality. (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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