Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The 1175 chapter is the most unique, only more! Floating astronomy




In an instant.

Only in an instant, countless cultivation people exclaimed, and as the fat man continued to shoot quickly and screaming again and again. The basic attack power has been directly upgraded from the first hit 1840 to 2070!

2070, even without the final strongest hit, has reached the top college requirements!

“Fat… It’s too fierce, too shameless… Absolute strength is so strong, when fighting Wan Yishui, there’s no attack on it…”

“Is it a pity that is not good?”

“Wipe, fat brother can be shameless? The first shot is just a temptation, I wipe it… Is it the strongest state now?” 敖 敖 醯 醯 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓×巳Γ巳Γ谰捎谰捎谰捎谰捎簟5谝换鞴笾 鞴笾 嵘肆 嵘肆 嵘肆 嵘肆 俣喾 俣喾 俣喾 俣喾 俣喾 俣喾 俣喾 俣喾 骶 骶 骶 骶 骶 骶 骶 骶 骶 It is advisable to have a swollen hip and a long-term threat.

“Mother’s, it seems that the attack power is the first, I have to be a little difficult to keep it… I knew that I was completely exposed, rubbed. But… If the fat brother’s strongest attack power is not much, first I Still hopeful…”

敖钋恳 骺墒 骺墒 骺墒 龌 龌 セ鞯 セ鞯 セ鞯 セ鞯 灞 灞 灞 セ髁Γセ髁ψ钪 セ髁Γセ髁ψ钪 セ髁Γセ髁ψ钪 ㄊ瞧 ㄊ瞧 ㄊ瞧 盗 盗 盗 盗 盗 盗 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹 愕摹Pregnane


“Look at how strong his attack is!”

Ling Feng and the four Dahua direct subordinate genius are staring at the fat man’s violent shot. There is no way, among the people present, that is, they have the strength of competition first. Especially the four direct subordinate genius, their task is to kill any tester who can take the first. The entire tena college, the top ten of the top ten, basically does not fall into the hands of non-direct subordinate outsiders. Unless it is the case of extremely heaven defying, this rarely happens.

But this time…

The four direct subordinate genius, as well as Gu Zen, who is in charge of the test, are all faint concerns.

The goal they want to intercept is the strongest wind that was originally judged. But now, a thin monkey swells 钤炊 钤炊 钤炊 钤炊 钤炊 钤炊 黾淠嫣斓 黾淠嫣斓 涫 涫 涫 涫 涫 涫 涫 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救 救ㄏ氲 ㄏ氲 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那

“90, 91, 92…”

As the number of fat attacks increases, everyone gets nervous. Although I know that I have nothing to do with myself, it is an exciting thing to see such a strong person. Is it a thin monkey, a beautiful box, and a bridge? Just look at the fat man’s last blow!

“Nima, since it broke, then let’s take a little more, and come to you with a fierce!”

After the 92 attack, I once again experienced the eye-catching, screaming, shocked, trembling, and painful feelings of the people. The fat man was “chicken”, which seemed to be very cool, and the cool pores bloomed with passion. Emotional power can be revealed in the depths of the heart. There is no doubt that this is a wonderful thing for the cultivator, and it is also the state of mind that can maximize its potential.

So, under the excitement, the fat man couldn’t help it.

Fat man, killing God Chen Hao, there is no most coquettish, only more coquettish!



When the 92 hit was just completed, the people who were getting more and more excited and expecting suddenly gave a strange exclamation.

The fat man actually put away the fighter gun!

Engage in God?

Is to change the weapon, then it is the last blow, right? How do you close the fighter gun now?



Chen Hao screamed, did not give everyone too much doubt time, his feet suddenly stepped on, the fat body suddenly like a humanoid tank, bursting into the tester.

But the moment I burst into the sparkle, everyone was wide-eyed, the fat man turned into a butt against the tester.



“Ass is a god, a hip breaks the world!”


With the loud noise, the sound of the fat man’s bulls rang in the ears of everyone.

The light of the endless rune and the fat butt of the discover mystery aura hit the tester directly, and in a moment the stars were lit and climbed up at an alarming rate.

Although everyone hears the fat man and sees the fat man, there is an impulse to sneer, but looking at the number of crazy soaring, but everyone can not laugh.

“2000, 4000, 6000…”

Compared with the thin monkeys, the 魇 魇 懔 懔 呛 呛 呛 俣榷 俣榷 炝 炝 炝 炝 芏啵 芏啵 挥 挥 挥 挥 挥 挥 挥 挥 挥 挥 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允瓯淖钋抗瓯淖钋


The fat man has not yet reached the final blow. This is clearly the 93rd strike. The strongest blow, using the strongest magical law, produces the strongest attack power, basically it consumes all the energy, even if it is a little surplus, it is very limited. How can the fat man be displayed at this time? It’s hard to be because the 92 hits are too much in front of it. If you continue, you won’t be able to break out the strongest blow. Can you come in advance?

It seems that there is no other possibility than this. This means that the energy before the fat man is not well controlled…

The time of rest is not enough, and the result comes out.

Fat man ninth three hits, 12222!

Six times closer to your own basic attack, just a little bit more than six times!

Just after everyone thought that the fat man was hit, he would give up the remaining 7 hits. To be exact, when he was able to cope with seven attacks with a low attack power, the fat man who had already rebounded to the far side of the tester suddenly spoke again. A roar, his feet banged and banged, and it became a humanoid tank…

The huge fat buttocks once again burst into the light of the rune, whether it is energy fluctuations or the aura fluctuations of the found mystery, compared with the previous one, there is no sign of any weakening.

“European mother…”

“The trick is to send out!”

“Too… too… too strong…”

“The energy of this fat man is unfathomable, like the sea…”

At this time, it is the idiot who knows that the fat man is not without control of energy, but that the people are full of energy, ready to come to the trick, and it is not two tricks, it is eight strokes!

This kind of thing is not much in the world of Xiandi, but it is definitely there. However, it is the first time in Dahua College.





The fat ass is sent out again and again, the numbers on the tester are fixed once and for all, and the cultivation present is almost cramped again and again. In particular, more than 2,000 people who had seen the fat man and Wan Yishui in the first place were chilling. If such a strong ass is really pressed, isn’t the water sister pressed into slag? (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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