Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The 1176 chapter is self-identified, floating astronomy
“The last time! Give the fat man a high tide!”

The last time, among the eyes of the fat man, there was a madness and wretchedness. .


After seven consecutive times of more than 12,000 points, I finally reached the last time. At the place, there was no idea that the fat man could change. The tricks were quite rare. How could the last blow change? However, the last slamming sound that should have appeared, suddenly turned into a wandering for nine days.

The fat man who shook his neck and shouted suddenly was blown up like a balloon. The huge fat man’s life expanded three times. With the sound of his screaming, the fairy light blooms and the road rolls, and crashes into the tester. .



The whole assessment palace was shaken by the horrible power of the fat man, and the star nucleus burst into a bright light in an instant, eventually reaching 17835!


Some people were dumbfounded at the place, and they were wide open and stunned. There was no noise except the sound of cold air. Just as the fat man’s wretched words at the time of this move, everyone is high and the tide is short, and the mind has a short sluggishness and a few doubts.

“Nine bans… almost got to nine bans…”

For a long time, Gu Zen teacher was full of shocked voices and first appeared in the ears of everyone.


Immediately, the entire test palace was caught in a hustle and bustle.

“Fat brother, can you not be so fierce? The nine bans… The basic attack power is in the early 2000s. The strongest attack is actually more than 17,000! Eight times more… ** The power is too strong and too strong. … fat brother, you must pass me…”

敖丫宓 顺 顺 坏 坏 坏 坏 坏 坏 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 锞獯勰 屎薜囟

The 92 attack before the fat man is his basic attack power, averaging around 2070. Now, the strongest blow of the fat man ** magic power has reached 17235, only a thousand points can break through the number of nine ban!

This is definitely the existence of extremely heaven defying.

敖 敖 ┞ ┞ ┞ 鋈 鋈 Γ Γ 沧 沧 沧 . . . . . . 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧


After two minutes on the screen, the fat man’s final score was shown, but the result caused numerous buzz…

“Gu Zen teacher!”

At this time, the bloody team captain Su Tao suddenly volleyed, and shouted to the teacher Gu Zen, who was in charge of the main exam.

“The results of this calculation are unfair to our blood-staining team Li Yuan. Li Yuan did not participate in any basic tests of sect and did not understand the specific calculation method before coming to the test.”

“Yeah, Li Yuan 93 to 99 hits no need to cast a fart… The magical law, only the last hit is 8 times attack, but it has to be 3.5 times…” Yin Susu also said.

“It is a bit of a loss…”

“Yes, the fat man obviously does not understand the rules!”

Then there are a lot of people who know each other and don’t know the fat.



This is a result of nearly two thousand points…

Chen Hao was ruined by everyone’s words. I didn’t expect this to happen. Nima’s, before the test, Chen Hao heard it clearly. The original version only said that the strongest attack is the average attack five. When the time is doubled, the score is twice the average and there is no more. This is undoubtedly the highest, that is, the 2 multiple average.

So Chen Hao started to improve from the 93 attack, which is also a simple calculation, keeping his strongest attack more than five times the average.

But now it seems that this is obviously not the case…

“Sorry, this is my mistake. Before I started the test, I thought everyone understood it. I didn’t explain it in detail. I didn’t expect to have more than five times the amplitude increase. However, the test scores have been recorded, and there is no The reason for retesting. The little fat man thinks that he is unlucky…” Gu Zen admitted his mistakes, but let Chen Hao feel bad luck, but there is no slightest embarrassment, as if to say one of the most normal things, Not to mention any compensation.

Can Chen Hao drop?

Can only recognize bad luck.

Blame, I blame myself for knowing too few rules, and too much…

It is indeed a high tide for everyone, but I lost nearly two thousand points.


In fact, it is not impossible to retest, the record can be completely refreshed, but Gu Zen and the direct subordinate personnel responsible for testing are impossible to retest the fat. I think that the defects of the fat man have become their strengths. What else would be considered to be the strength and strength of the strength? If the four major subordinate genius are compared by the fat man, Gu Zen, who is responsible for collecting the information of the players and detecting the strength of the players, is hard to take responsibility for. Of course, there will be no big punishment.

After all, the direct subordinate genius appears to block the tester to take the first place, but the college wants to make the best use of resources. Really obtained by non-direct subordinate, it also proves that non-direct subordinate is indeed strong and worth having. If you can sign a long-term contract, it is even more a problem.


The test continues.

After dozens of people, Ling Feng finally appeared.

The potential value of the ** a mess of Ling Feng, the final attack score is also very strong, but because of the sputum swollen dumplings 橛裨谇 橛裨谇 19 19. 19. 挥 鹬谌 鹬谌 鹬谌 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ 旆ǎ龅 龅 セ髁 セ髁 翟谑 ** , , , , , , , , ,

Ling Feng made the effort to eat milk, and the final attack power score was 3984, which was still more than 100 points lower than 4142, which he expected.


Subsequently, there will be a master every few dozens of people, no doubt, now, the master of the emergence must be the direct subordinate genius!

The snow has hidden many youngsters, but when they were born, they wanted to make their debut. But they were not able to do so. They were also fattened by the fat Li Yuan and the thin monkeys. Stop the cedar and catch the 4000, which is equivalent to Lingfeng. More than 敖 酰 扰 扰 扰 罹嗷 罹嗷 罹嗷 罹嗷 罹嗷 罹嗷 愦蟆 愦蟆 愦蟆 愦蟆 愦蟆 愦蟆 愦蟆

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