Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1205: So-called genius

This is undoubtedly a "great gift" Jiang Tian brought to them, and what this "great gift" means to them is far more than just an advancement.

Seeing the sudden advancement of these people, everyone was boiling!

The violent noise resounded through the square and echoed in the sky for a long time. Everyone around Jiang Tian showed enthusiastic eyes. Some even burst into tears with excitement, almost an urge to worship!

"Junior Brother Jiang, I have written down this'great gift'!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, I believe you will be promoted to the Inner Sect in the near future, and we will see you in the Inner Sect in the near future!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, I am waiting for you at the inner door!"

Everyone laughed loudly, the laughter was arrogant and did not stop at all, but no one cared about it, because they were all in the mood to release the long-repressed emotions in their hearts.

As if a dazzling beam of light was shining down, the dust and fog that had originally fallen on the door of the heart receded, indicating the direction for them to move forward, and illuminating the long-lost way forward!

The reason why a genius is a genius is because he can see things that ordinary people can't see, and reach a realm that ordinary people can't reach!

And the significance of genius existence is not only to enhance the strength of a sect, but also not only to show personal strength.

As far as Azure Cloud Sect is concerned, a genius like Jiang Tian can infect everyone to work hard together, drive everyone to practice, break all kinds of obstacles, and create all kinds of miracles!

This is the influence of genius, and this is the meaning of genius to the sect!

However, not every genius can do this, after all, some people are not met, and if you miss it once, you will become a lifelong regret!

Feeling the enthusiasm and pride of everyone, Jiang Tian was deeply immersed in it, and his mood also boiled.

"Even if the qualifications are high or low, even if the future achievements are different, as long as you have enough courage and the mentality of a strong person, you will surely be able to achieve a state of no confusion and no regrets in the future!"

Jiang Tian shouted indulgedly, his voice resounding around again, echoing in the air for a long time, arousing everyone's cheers!

The hearty laughter spread throughout the square, causing countless disciples to look sideways. Some people felt speechless, and some even got goose bumps, shaking their heads and sneered and walked away.

Originally, someone was walking here, but they saw the scene of these low-cultivation outer disciples laughing so crazy after being eliminated, thinking that there was a problem with their heads, they subconsciously turned around.

What a pity, what a pity, these people have missed an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to be happy and foggy, a spiritual baptism that can be met!

Perhaps this is the chance!

"What's going on over there, what are those outside disciples doing?"

"It's amazing! The competition is over. What the **** are they doing if they don't leave the square?"

With the departure of many disciples, the high-ranking sects on the spectator stand also started to get up and exit, but after realizing the situation here, they frowned.

What are these outer disciples doing?

Even when watching the promotion during the day, no one shouted so surprised!

These people have basically been eliminated, but now they are yelling and screaming there, and they are still in a hot scene like the New Year. Which one are they going to do?

Several sect elders and peak masters shook their heads and smiled bitterly. They were extremely disappointed at these outer disciples who were not ashamed or even laughed crazy after being eliminated.

However, a few people looked calm, or their eyes were deep and silent.

Except for the sect Chu Tianhua, Tang Xiao of Tianxu Peak had a calm expression and couldn't see what he was thinking.

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, staring into the middle of the crowd, and under the shining of the huge pillar inlaid with spirit stones, a familiar figure was reflected, it was Jiang Tian wearing the pale blue robe of Tianxu Peak.

In addition to them, there are several other elders who remain calm. Among them is a stunning woman, the beautiful peak master who embroiders Yunfeng, Yun Xianghan.

At this moment, her leisurely gaze flicked over the figures, falling on Jiang Tian, ​​her eyebrows raised lightly, thoughtfully, there was an inexplicable light in her pupils.

"Leave them alone, these outer disciples don't know any shame at all. The low-level disciples of the sect are really not as good as one generation, which is disappointing!"

"The test is over, I'm leaving!"

"I'm leaving too!"

Several elders left mocking eyes, shook their heads and sneered and quickly left.

After a while, the others also dispersed, and the spectator stand was quickly emptied, leaving only a neatly arranged seat.

"Junior Brother Jiang!"

"Junior Brother Jiang?"

After a while, a group of female disciples of Embroidery Yunfeng ran over with a smile, and unceremoniously pushed everyone away and squeezed in front of Jiang Tian.

"Senior Sister Qi!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly and smiled lightly.

"Junior Brother Jiang, tomorrow is the third round, I wish you a smooth promotion!"

"I wish Junior Brother Jiang a smooth promotion!"

Qi Yurou and several female disciples bowed their hands to Jiang Tian, ​​and they were extremely enthusiastic, attracting the eyes of the male disciples.

"I also wish Senior Sister Qi and all the senior sisters who have been promoted to achieve better results!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Hey! We don't have much hope. Let's count where we go. It's a surprise to be able to pass the second round."

"Hehe, Junior Brother Jiang doesn't need to be comforted, and we don't care too much about this, just wait to see your performance!"

"I heard that you have won ten inner disciples in a row, and your performance is even stronger than Gao Hanyang. I think you will definitely shine tomorrow, maybe it will shock the elders!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, I am optimistic about you!"

Several female disciples continued to congratulate Jiang Tian, ​​without concealing their appreciation.

This scene caused many male disciples to be quite restless, all of them smiling and wanting to come up and start a conversation.

Jiang Tian swept left and right, a scene from the day suddenly flashed in his mind, thinking of the scene of being squeezed by several female disciples with their feet off the ground and swinging in the air, the corners of his eyes could not help but twitch.

"Ahem! It's not early, everyone should go back and prepare for tomorrow's test, let's say goodbye!"

"Hey! What's the urgency of Junior Brother Jiang, do I have any questions and want to ask you?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, don't leave. I want to invite you to our Xiuyunfeng as a guest. I wonder when you will be free?"

Several female disciples chatted like a bird, chasing Jiang Tianwen to ask questions, with undiminished enthusiasm.

Jiang Tian dared to stay wherever he saw it. In order to avoid the "encounter" during the day, he casually responded and had to speed up his pace and hurriedly fled the square.

The crowd burst into laughter behind them, and then dispersed.


All the way back to Tianxu Peak, Jiang Tian received congratulations and congratulations from many of his colleagues. They all showed envy, and even faintly revealed some kind of worship and awe.

However, Jiang Tian didn't put on any airs, and he greeted Tianxufeng's colleagues in the same way, calmly and calmly.

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