This makes everyone feel more cordial, and many disciples who are not familiar with him or even have never dealt with him can't help but regard him as a friend to make.

After returning to his residence, Jiang Tianning was silent, thinking about the martial arts tomorrow.

The rules of the third round have not yet been announced. As for how to play against it, it is still unknown, but he has nothing to worry about.

No matter what the rules of martial arts, the final result still depends on one's own strength, now thinking about these things is just asking for trouble.

After the whole day of martial arts, he has a very clear understanding of the strength of the inner disciple. At this moment, his heart is full of powerful fighting spirit!

Judging from the situation of the fight, the inner disciple is obviously not as strong as most of the outer disciples said that the cultivation base is shocking, but there are strong and weak.

Strong geniuses such as Pang Ning and Chu Yun are quite powerful, while weaker people like Baisong and Xiong Jianhui are not all daunting.

However, because dozens of arenas are competing at the same time, he has not witnessed the contest of the top talents in the inner door with his own eyes. It has to be regarded as a kind of regret.

Fortunately, this regret will soon dissipate, because tomorrow's meeting will begin, these top talents will all appear.

And as the opponent's strength increases, it is naturally impossible for them to hide their strength all the time, and they will definitely show real means.

By then, Jiang Tian will be able to take a good look at their abilities.

As for the existence of those who are at the bottom of the inner door, he is not interested at all and has no intention of observing, because those people are shallow and destined to be unable to pose a threat to him, and will not enter his sight now and in the future.

Jiang Tian pondered for a moment, shook his head and smiled to throw away the distracting thoughts, silently recalling the feelings of today's martial arts.

The moon was in the middle of the sky, the stars were a little bit, the entire Azure Cloud Sect was shrouded in the faint night, and the mist slowly drifting in the mountains and forests added a touch of mystery to this ancient sect.

The tall and towering Azure Cloud Nine Peaks are like nine towering beasts, crawling and sleeping under the night sky, quiet and abnormal, and the night passed without knowing it.


Early the next morning, as the sky just lit up, the square under Cangyun Peak was already full of people and it was very lively!

After the first two rounds of elimination, the number of people eligible to participate in the third round has been greatly reduced to just over 2,000.

These people came to the square early, but the disciples who had been eliminated did not slacken their efforts. They also got up early and rushed in one after another, pouring into the main peak square from the steps and passages in all directions!

However, today's situation is obviously different from yesterday.

Yesterday, in the first and second rounds, almost most of the tens of thousands of disciples gathered in the center of the square, and only a small number of people sat on the viewing platform to watch the battle, which made the huge square seem quite crowded.

Today, this situation has changed significantly.

Many of the eliminated disciples, especially those outside disciples, rushed to the viewing platform to choose a favorable position after they arrived in order to take the overall situation.

Although they don't want to miss any wonderful duel, after all these competitions have no personal interest to them, and they don't bother to join the crowd in front of the crowded arena, simply seizing the best position on the line of sight to enjoy the game.

Of course, many people with clear goals, like many inner disciples who were eliminated from the game, still choose to go to the square to watch the game up close.

After all, the two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although you can have a wide view on the viewing platform, you can see dozens of arenas, but you can't see the details of the match.

Watching battles at close range makes it easier to observe and learn from the strong, which is of great benefit to the accumulation of actual combat experience.

Of course, its shortcomings are also obvious, because you can only focus on one arena and cannot take care of the whole audience. If you want to watch other competitions, you have to go through the crowds in front of the arena to make a choice, and you may not be able to squeeze to the front row.

The pros and cons of both methods are obvious, but these disciples had their own plans for a long time, so they divided into two camps when they arrived in the square.

Those disciples with poor aptitude and low cultivation strength went directly to the viewing platform to grab a place, while some disciples who were eager to advance mostly chose to watch the battle at close range in front of the arena in order to take a closer look.

Jiang Tian also got up early in the morning, left Tianxu Peak and came to the main peak square with many other people.

Among these people are the disciples of Tianxu Peak who are not very familiar with each other, and there are many disciples of the peaks who once looked at him coldly, but now they all surround him with enthusiasm, and there is already a faint feeling between them. The posture of Zhongxing Pengyue.

"Junior Brother Jiang, I wish you all the way to the top!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, we are waiting to see your performance!"

"Haha, everyone praised, there are experts in the inner door, even if I want to get the ideal result, it is not easy."

In the face of everyone's encouragement, Jiang Tian smiled indifferently and said, his posture was rather modest.

However, everyone felt a calm and low-key domineering from his words. Obviously, the true thoughts in his heart were by no means as low-key as they said.

It's no wonder that with his qualifications and strength, he was able to win ten games in a row of battles yesterday, how could he play so badly today?

Everyone looked at each other with excitement, and their expectations for Jiang Tian couldn't help being higher.

"Junior Brother Jiang, come on!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, a few of our sisters got together last night and we all talked about your performance. We didn't want to sleep until midnight. You can't let us down!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, after this martial arts meeting is over, you must make time to come to our Embroidery Peak, or we go to Tianxu Peak to find you, let's have a good exchange and discussion!"

A group of female disciples of Embroidery Yunfeng smiled and walked forward, looking at Jiang Tian like an idiot. The scent of intoxicating scent exuded from their gestures, which caused the male disciples nearby to leaned forward again.

"I also wish all senior sisters all the way to advance and achieve good results!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, glanced at the crowd, bowed his hands in return.

"Hahaha, Junior Sister Huang, let's meet again!"

"Sister Yuan, I was very impressed with you when I saw you yesterday. I didn't expect to meet again so soon. It's really fate!"

"Haha, Senior Sister Qin, your tight-fitting martial arts robe is very eye-catching today. It's really beautiful for people to see through everything!"

A few male disciples eagerly approached and struck up a conversation eagerly, causing these female disciples to look sideways and look a little annoyed.

"Go go, let's talk to Junior Brother Jiang, what are you doing?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, let's... Huh! Where's Junior Brother Jiang?"

"over there!"

A group of female disciples still wanted to hold Jiang Tianwen to ask questions, but found that Jiang Tianmo was walking forward quietly and was about to get out of the crowd.

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