Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1217: Forget it?

Elder Mu's face sank, and his confidence suddenly strengthened. Thinking about this matter, Yun Xianghan couldn't make a big wave.

"Huh! This matter is over, there is nothing to say, this is not an excuse for you to protect Jiang Tian, ​​let the old man get out of the way!"

"Elder Mu is really forgetful!" Yun Xianghan slowly shook his head, his smile getting colder and colder, his eyes full of disdain.

"You..." Elder Mu's eyes twitched, and his face became more ugly after hearing the words.

"Enough! Don't mention it again. Today I will let Jiang Tian take a shot, and the old man will leave!"

Elder Mu thought for a moment with a sullen face, his attitude suddenly changed as he rolled his eyes, he wanted to end in a hurry.

"Wait a minute!" Yun Xianghan was reluctant, and stopped him coldly.

"You...what do you want to do?" Elder Mu's mouth twitched, his expression gloomy.

"If you haven't finished speaking, you can't leave!" Yun Xianghan said coldly.

"You..." The corner of Elder Mu's eyes jumped wildly, and his face was blue.

Sweeping around him subconsciously, he found that Elder Guan and Elder Cha had both stepped back and left him alone.

At this moment, the two were quietly expressing good wishes to Yun Xianghan with weird expressions, and unanimously pushed Elder Mu into the air.

"Unreasonable!" Elder Mu gritted his teeth and cursed, greatly annoyed.

The two of them just kept saying that they were going to teach Jiang Tian, ​​but at this moment, they all took the ladder and escaped, which is really very unnatural.

Perhaps because of the guilty conscience being seen by Elder Mu, the two looked at each other and shook their heads with a bitter smile to discourage Yun Xianghan.

"Ah! Peak Master Yun, I don't care what happened today, we are all sect elders, there is no need to hurt our peace."

"Well, I think it's ok! Although Jiang Tian is a bit rude, but young man, who can do everything right? A junior who has made some mistakes may not be forgiven because he is a first-time offender, so let me forget it. !"

Seeing that Yun Xianghan was indifferent, the two went forward and pulled the sleeves of Elder Mu again, winking at him.

"Elder Mu, what do you think?"

The corners of Elder Mu's eyes twitched, his face was ugly, but taking advantage of the efforts of the two to persuade him, he had to find a step down.

Otherwise, if the two companions hang him here again, the situation will be really embarrassing.

"Oh! Mu Mou is also a bit hot today, this matter... forget it, it's the first offender, let him go today, Lord Yun, a few elders, let's go to the viewing platform!"

Elder Mu said, he left without waiting for the other party to answer.

Everyone felt that this matter was over, Qi Yurou and the other outer disciples who cared about Jiang Tian felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

After all, Yun Xianghan didn't pay any price, he just settled the situation with a few words, and let Elder Mu retreat. The ending was unexpected.

Even Jiang Tian and Ling Xiao secretly admired them, and Yun Xianghan's methods were quite good to resolve the complex situation with just a few words!

But the next scene, let everyone stay for one!

"Just forget it? Huh, lightly speaking, did I agree?"

Yun Xianghan did not give way, but stopped him again, with no smile on his face, and the rest is cold.

There was a moment of silence around, and the corners of the three inner door elders twitched, shocked!

They have already made concessions, but Yun Xianghan is still not satisfied?

In the presence of so many people, they lost face, gritted their teeth and gave in. Isn't this enough?

What else does she want?

Elder Mu's face was even more ugly, his eyebrows were so cold that it almost froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched and he looked more than annoyed. Anyone could see that the anger in his heart had accumulated to a certain level, and it might explode at any time.

"The old man has promised not to blame for the past, what do you...what else do you want?" Elder Mu tried to suppress the anger in his heart, almost gritted his teeth and whispered.

Yun Xianghan didn't care about his attitude at all, and his expression was still extremely cold.

"You wanted to leave before you finished talking about the last time. How can there be such a cheap thing?"

"The last time..." Elder Mu's eyes fell cold, his face sank completely.

He only knew that Yun Xianghan was not easy to provoke, and all the elders of the sect were a little bit jealous, but he didn't expect to be so difficult to get involved.

Last year, she took out the things that were obviously closed, and she took it out again, and bit on them. Is it to protect an irrelevant Jiang Tian?

Do not!

This is of course unreasonable. Her real purpose is probably to avenge the grievances of last year!

Elder Mu took a deep breath, as if capturing the other's true intentions.

After a long time of trouble, this is Yun Xianghan's real goal!

After so long, what should be dealt with has already been dealt with, and everyone is all in peace. At this moment, Yun Xianghan shook his arms in front of everyone again, which really made him feel angry!

"Yun Xianghan, this matter has been dealt with a long time ago, what is your intention of holding on to it now? Huh, I think it is false for you to protect Jiang Tian, ​​is it true to take the opportunity to find fault? It is really difficult for women and villains to raise and also!"

Elder Mu had a sullen face and angrily scolded him coldly. He had lost his previous wimps, and he was about to tear his face when there was a big disagreement.

The disciples onlookers looked at each other and couldn't help whispering.

"That's it! I said that Peak Master Yun couldn't have added to Jiang Tianqing's eyes. It was for this reason that he had been fighting for a long time!"

"Hmph, he is an outer disciple, how can He De make Peak Master Yun admire, it is impossible to think about it!"

"Well, I find it strange that Master Yun Feng suddenly intervened in this matter, but now it seems reasonable."

"Huh! It's just that Jiang Tian is cheaper, let him escape a severe punishment!"

"Hehe, it's not that simple! Master Yunfeng doesn't want to stop it. If the trouble gets bigger, Jiang Tian's fault will naturally be concealed. If he stabbed to the top, he still cannot escape severe punishment!"

"Huh! The little outer disciple dared to be so rampant, he should be taught him a lesson!"

The inner disciple vented his indignation fiercely and continued to discuss.

Di Feng's mood was even more ups and downs. The short moments of effort, from the initial ecstasy to the later depression, disappointment and even resentment, to the renewed hope of the present, really made his mind restless, ups and downs, as if experiencing the great joy of life. Great compassion!

This feeling is unavoidably exciting!

Facing Elder Mu’s angry questioning, Yun Xianghan's expression was cold and his eyes remained calm.

"The so-called completion of the disposal is just that you are satisfied. For me, Yun Xianghan, this matter has never been recognized from the beginning to the end!"

"Unreasonable! I think you are deliberately finding fault!" Elder Mu's face sank, his anger rose, and the whole body surged, exuding a tyrannical aura.

Yun Xianghan didn't care, and even his eyes didn't fluctuate. He said coldly: "At that time, you concealed the law enforcement hall, the presbytery, and the lord, and dealt with the matter privately, forcing my Xiu Yunfeng disciple to endure humiliation and indulge greatly. That shameless fanatic, do you think I don’t know?"

"You...you nonsense!" Elder Mu's eyes twitched, as if someone stepped on his tail, his face became extremely ugly.

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