Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1218: overbearing

For him, this is not a glorious thing. He thought that the secret treatment was satisfactory, but he didn't expect Yun Xianghan to know the truth.

If it were other peak masters, perhaps it would be better to say something, whether it was for the overall situation of the sect or the harmony between the elders, he would definitely blink one eye and close one eye, and never mention it.

But who is Yun Xianghan?

She even dared to beat the elders of the Zongmen, once she got serious, things really didn't stop.

At this moment, Elder Mu's face looked ugly and ugly.

If it's an ordinary disciple, that's fine, but the disciple who caused the accident is a distant grandnephew of his family, and he can't avoid it.

If things spread, how would the sects look at him?

He doesn't care about the disciples' vision and evaluation, but if things get to the ears of the Presbyterian Church and even the Sovereign Lord, the situation will be different!

Even if there is no problem for the time being, it will definitely have a big impact in the future, and it may even threaten his promotion in the inner door. It is really not to be taken lightly.

"Nonsense? Huh!" Yun Xianghan sneered coldly: "Don't think I don't know, that villain is the grandnephew of your family, named Mu Bingfeng. If he was dealt with according to the rules, he should have been abolished and expelled. Zongmen! You just let him face the wall symbolically for a few days, and even the pill for compensation was taken from other disciples. Do you think you can hide these things from me?"

"Shut up!" Elder Mu's expression changed, and he shouted sternly.

"Slander, this is slander! Yun Xianghan, if you want to trouble the old man, just say it directly, don't make use of the question here to get involved with others!"

A frenzied shout accompanied a deep roar across the square. Elder Mu was obviously already angered, his aura rising, he was ready to move.

"Don't worry, it won't be too late when I finish talking!" Yun Xianghan smiled disdainfully.

"I didn't intend to go into this matter, but your grandnephew did not know how to repent, on the contrary, he intensified, and soon after avoiding punishment, he went to harass my disciple. A few months ago, he followed the disciple of Lilian into the southern mountains and attempted to force violence. If it weren’t for my disciple’s quick response and companion protection, I’m afraid he would have succeeded! It’s not hard to imagine that once something happened in the wilderness, he would use the means to kill people out of his mouth..."

"Shut up! This is simply your own words, unprovoked slander, Yun Xianghan, this matter today, the old man will never finish with you!"


As soon as the words fell, the breath of Elder Mu's whole body suddenly skyrocketed, and a forceful pressure quickly broke out of his body, and he could not help but oppress Yun Xianghan.

"Huh! Everyone in the sect says that the peak master of Embroidery Cloud Peak is not to be provoked, but the old man wants to see if you are really as strong as the rumors say, or if you don’t like an embroidered pillow. ?"

Amidst the roar of anger, a cloud of glaring yellow light swept away at Yun Xianghan with a violent aura. The speed was so fast that the onlookers couldn’t even make an exclamation. It was just the time when the pupils contracted, and the yellow light arrived. Yun Xianghan was about to swallow her in one fell swoop!

"Huh! What a courage!"

Yun Xianghan's pretty face sank, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

Without seeing how to shoot, the whole body just flashed a blue light, and then the yellow light rushing madly was dissipated.

"Hi..." The corners of Elder Mu's eyes twitched wildly, his face changed drastically.

But before he had time to react again, the blue light had already rolled madly and hit his chest heavily.


A dull loud noise followed, and Elder Mu gave a scream, and was instantly shocked to fly more than ten feet away!


"Too... terrible!"

"The strength of Peak Master Yun is so terrifying?"

An exclamation sounded from the square, and everyone's eyes twitched wildly, and they were shocked. Many inner disciples even sucked in cold air, and their hearts were shocked!

They always thought that the strength of the Inner Sect Elder and the few peak masters would not be too different, and Yun Xianghan would not be stronger even if he was stronger, but now they suddenly discovered that the strength of the two is not at the same level!

Shocked, shocked!

Many of the inner disciples looked at each other, each with an ugly face and awe!

"What a cruel method!" Although Ling Xiao had always been very irritable, seeing this scene, the corners of her eyes twitched and she was surprised.

How can I say that the elder of the inner sect, even if Yun Xianghan is a little angry, he won't make a heavy hand?

In front of the disciples of the whole school, she didn't leave a trace of face to the other party!

"Sure enough..." Jiang Tian muttered to himself, shaking his head and smiling bitterly, but he did not expect things to develop into this situation.

He wasn't too surprised by Yun Xianghan's methods. After all, he had personally witnessed how cruel the beauty peak master used to deal with Yi Nantian, and thwarted the life of a strong man at the peak of the Profound Moon realm.

What really surprised him was how cruel and decisive Yun Xianghan shot!

This is the most surprising place!

"It seems that the rumors are really true, and I finally saw it today!"

Jiang Tian let out a sulky breath, and pondered secretly, the last sect elder who was taught by Yun Xianghan might be worse than this, right?

This amazing scene also greatly exceeded Di Feng's expectations!

Seeing Elder Mu who was vomiting blood, his eyes twitched violently, and his heart was shocked!

"Just for a disciple who was molested, isn't this girl too cruel?"

Di Feng thought silently, couldn't help but sweat in a cold sweat, secretly glad that he didn't jump out in a hurry to accuse Jiang Tian, ​​otherwise the effort might have been taken care of by the other party.

This scene made the outer disciples enthusiastic, especially the female disciples of Xiu Yunfeng, who couldn't help but cheered, but considering that the other party was an inner elder, after all, they still didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Elder Mu fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the blood from his mouth dyed the yellow robe on his chest into a crimson, looking extremely tragic.

"Yun Xianghan! Are you **** going to die with the old man?"

"Huh! You are too overestimating yourself." Yun Xianghan smiled coldly, eyes full of mockery.

"You..." Elder Mu furiously attacked his heart, and under the agitation of his spiritual power, he vomited a mouthful of congestion again, his face already turned into pig liver.

Yun Xianghan was right. The strength of the two of them was indeed not at the same level. She didn't make any direct shots. She spit out blood and flew upside down only by coercion. Is this a comparison?

"I'm Mu Da act, I'm never ending with you!" Elder Mu fiercely wiped off the serum from the corner of his mouth, his sullen face screamed violently.

Yun Xianghan sneered coldly: "It's really endless!"

"Huh?" Elder Mu twitched his mouth when he heard this, feeling very uneasy.

At this moment, Yun Xianghan beckoned suddenly, and three female disciples walked out of the crowd.

But it seems that they hesitate a little, especially the blue-dressed woman in the middle is still bowing her head with a worried look.

"Don't be afraid, this is nothing to be ashamed of, it should be the lunatic who wants to behave badly!"

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