Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1228: Flame frenzy

As long as he wants to, he can shake the opponent out at any time, but he will not end the competition so easily. Because of his relationship with Di Feng, he can make the opponent suffer a bit before winning.

Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows lightly and smiled coldly: "Oh? Listen to what you mean, is there any shameful relationship between the two of you?"

"You...what did you say?" Shi Kun's neck twitched, his face turned green.

Jiang Tian waved his hand and sighed: "Wait! Even if you have a really shabby relationship with Di Feng, what do you have to do with me? It's simply inexplicable, sorry, I am not interested in these messy things at all!"

"Unreasonable! Your kid is crazy enough!" Shi Kun was very annoyed, his face turned red and green and his aura was restless.

"Competition is just a comparison. What's the use of talking about irrelevant things? Even if the two of you are closely related, is it the same as defeating him if I defeat you? Humph!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, with a disdainful expression on his face, completely dismissing Shi Kun's reaction.

This completely angered Shi Kun. Originally, because of Di Feng, he had quite a view of Jiang Tian, ​​but now he saw it as expected.

Such an arrogant outer disciple, he really encountered him for the first time, if he didn't teach him well, wouldn't it damage the majesty of the inner genius?

"Boy, since you are so arrogant, don't blame me for being polite..."


A violent roar suddenly interrupted Shi Kun's words, causing his eyes to shrink, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at the arena next to him.

Jiang Tian also moved his eyebrows and turned his head to look over.

In the arena not far away, Gao Han Yangzheng, the first person at the outer door, fought against Chang Qian, the master of the inner door. The scene was very intense!

To everyone's surprise, neither of the two sides had the obvious upper hand in this competition. The stalemate scene attracted many disciples who watched the competition shouted for their excitement, and even many sect elders in the audience were so excited!

Seeing the fierce battle between the two, Shi Kun couldn't help but feel dark!

Chang Qian's strength is much higher than him, but he hasn't shown any advantage against Gao Hanyang, which is really surprising!

If he were replaced by him, he would probably not have the slightest advantage in front of Gao Hanyang, and would even quickly fall into a disadvantage.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Shi Kun thought for a moment, and a glimmer of luck flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, his opponent was Jiang Tian instead of Gao Hanyang, otherwise, at this moment, he might have fallen into an embarrassing situation and faced an embarrassing situation of defeat.

Shi Kun retracted his gaze, and when he looked at Jiang Tianzhi again, his eyes became extremely cold, and his whole body was full of strong confidence.

He is naturally not sure if he is dealing with Gao Hanyang, but he is still confident in dealing with Jiang Tian!

"Boy, you can listen to me clearly. I and Di Feng are like brothers. If you offend him, you offend me Shi Kun. This time I will teach you on his behalf!"


As soon as the words fell, Shi Kun's red robe danced, and the aura of his body soared wildly, showing the powerful strength of the Profound Moon Realm!

"Middle of the Profound Moon Realm!" Jiang Tian's eyebrows moved slightly and he smiled coldly.

"Hahahaha! Are you scared? But it's too late!"


Shi Kun took a step out of his anger and shouted, and the breath of his body surged like a storm, turning into a flame-like red light and swept towards Jiang Tian.

"Flame Frenzy!"


Accompanied by a stern shout, Shi Kun's red flames soared, and his already astonishing aura became even more terrifying. As soon as Fang shot his hands, he completely aroused the mid-Profound Moon realm's strength, leaving no room at all!

"Hi! Shi Kun is too much, right?"

"It's unreasonable! He, a master of the Profound Moon Realm, actually used such a method against Jiang Angel of the Chongyang Realm. Doesn't it feel too despicable?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, be careful!"

The outer disciples in front of the ring twitched at the corners of their eyes, one by one was shocked, and they squeezed a cold sweat for Jiang Tian.

Only Qi Yurou reacted relatively calmly, but she also secretly pinched the corner of her clothes, with a little worry in her eyes.

"Flame frenzy? Huh!"

Faced with Shi Kun's tide of offensive, Jiang Tian smiled coldly, rather disdainfully.

Before taking the attack, he even turned his head to look at the situation where Gao Hanyang and Chang Qian were fighting on the side arena, nodded slightly, and a glimmer of approval flashed in his eyes, and the whole person appeared to be in good time.

"Boy! You are looking for death!" Seeing Jiang Tian's actions, Shi Kun was completely irritated, and the momentum of his action became heavier.

Jiang Tian calmly retracted his gaze, glanced at Shi Kun faintly, the purple light all over his body flashed slightly, and his steps moved toward the rolling red flames!


Accompanied by a dull roar, Jiang Tian's whole body disappeared in a flash, directly thrown into the red flame envelope, as if he was swallowed instantly!

"Hi! Things are not good!"

"Why is Junior Brother Jiang so reckless?"

"Shi Kun's strength is obviously much stronger than yesterday's inner disciples, Junior Brother Jiang is really too careless!"

The outer disciples in front of the ring exclaimed, and they were full of worries.

In the spectator stand, several Zongmen elders caught a glimpse of the scene from the corner of their eyes, and they couldn't help but be stunned!

"Huh? That outer disciple really has a bit of courage, and he dares to face the inner genius by taking risks!"

"Not to mention the strength, just with this courage, this son is enough to match Gao Hanyang!"

The two white-robed sect elders nodded faintly, their eyes were clear, but there was no regret in their words, and they obviously felt that Jiang Tian was not wise except for his courage.

"Huh! The two elders are too dear to him, so how can he compare with Gao Hanyang, the number one man in the outer door, with his strength? It's ridiculous!"

A sudden sneer sounded, but it came from Elder Meng next to him. While shaking his silver robe sleeves, he showed disdain and despised Jiang Tian.

"Oh? Elder Meng doesn't seem to be optimistic about this outer disciple!" A white robe elder frowned slightly.

"What a character Gao Hanyang, is it comparable to any junk goods?" Elder Meng shook his head and sneered, his face full of arrogance.

The two white-robed elders looked at each other silently. Obviously, they were surprised by how the elders had such a big prejudice against Jiang Tian, ​​but of course it was difficult to say some things.

"If Jiang Tian's strength were stronger, it would be even better!" One of them shook his head, obviously not optimistic about the result of this test.

"I can't see it! Since Jiang Tian can have this confidence, maybe he really has the opportunity to make our eyes shine?" Another person slowly shook his head, his eyes flashed.

Elder Meng sneered coldly, disdainfully, raised his finger to the two arenas where Gao Han Yang and Jiang Tian were.

"The old man is not talking big words. Even if Gao Hanyang wins and passes the pass, Jiang Tian may not be able to take advantage of it. Even if he can survive Gao Hanyang's end, it is a question!"

What he meant was obvious. Although the two games were played at the same time, Gao Hanyang's game started first, and Jiang Tian was likely to be vulnerable. He had already lost to Shi Kun before the end of Gao Hanyang's competition.

Between the words, the contempt for Jiang Tian is full!

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