"Is Elder Meng not so optimistic about Jiang Tian? The old man thinks this is too full!"

"Huh? Elder Meng thinks that Gao Hanyang really can defeat Chang Qian and pass the test smoothly?"

The two white-robed elders obviously didn't agree with Elder Meng's judgment, but quickly turned the topic to Gao Hanyang. After all, this was the focus of everyone's attention.

In contrast, even though Jiang Tian has good aptitude, his strength has not yet reached this level, and his influence is naturally not as good as Gao Hanyang, the "outer man".

"Does this need to be said?" Elder Meng shook his head and smiled. "Although Chang Qian is a master of the inner sect and his strength is not weak, he has almost exerted his full strength, and Gao Hanyang has been able to advance and retreat freely until now, calmly and calmly. It's impossible for you to not see it, right?"

The two white-robed elders looked at each other and couldn't help but shook their heads and smiled.

Elder Meng was right. Gao Hanyang's performance was indeed more calm than the opponent. He felt as if he was the genius in the Profound Moon Realm, and Chang Qian seemed to be a quasi-Profound Realm junior who was restrained and restrained everywhere.

With the passage of time, there is almost no suspense in Gao Hanyang's game, and winning is only a matter of time.

On the contrary, on Jiang Tian's side, from the time he cast the flames to the present, although only two or three breaths have passed, the situation is still not clear. It seems that the situation is really bad.

Elder Meng glanced coldly, and couldn't help laughing proudly.

"Hahaha, how are you two, the situation in front of you is not beyond the old man's expectations..."


He was interrupted by a dull roar before he finished speaking!

Elder Meng looked at Gao Hanyang almost subconsciously, with a trace of excitement on his face, thinking that Gao Hanyang had finally won.

After the line of sight was settled, I couldn't help being taken aback!

The contest between Gao Hanyang and Chang Qian is still going on in a stalemate, with no winners or losers. What is going on with this roar?

There was a flash of lightning in his mind, and the corners of Elder Meng's eyes shrank sharply. He once again cast his gaze on the ring where Jiang Tian was. As a result, he looked closely and his face suddenly became stiff!

At the same time, the two white-robed elders also stared at the ring closely, and they all showed strange lights, greatly surprised!


"How could this be?"

The two looked at each other, and both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

But when they subconsciously turned their heads to look at Elder Meng, they saw that the other person's face was stiff and his eyes were gloomy!

At this moment, the spirit power of Jiang Tian's arena was gradually dissipating, and the roar began to slowly fall.

"This... is over?" Elder Meng's mouth twitched, annoyed.

On the ring, Jiang Tian was shining with a faint purple light, standing steadily at the center where the flames swept just now.

And his opponent, Shi Kun, who was also full of confidence and expression just now, has fallen off the ring at this moment!

After a short silence, there was a small exclamation around the ring!

"Gosh! Junior Brother Jiang won!"

"Hahahaha! Let me just say, Junior Brother Jiang will definitely win!"

"This Shi Kun, who blows so loudly, didn't expect to lose with one move!"

"Who knows what happened just now, how did Junior Brother Jiang beat him?" Someone frowned and questioned his companion.

"I don't know! It took only a moment for Junior Brother Jiang to be shrouded in the red flames. I was worried that he would be crushed by Shi Kun, but Shi Kun was defeated in the end!"

"Senior Sister Qi, did you see the situation just now?"

Everyone shook their heads in doubt, and quickly looked at Qi Yurou. Based on her understanding of Jiang Tian, ​​she might be able to see some eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yurou smiled bitterly, and shook her head with self-deprecation like everyone else.

"Sorry! Junior Brother Jiang shot too fast, the red flames are too dazzling, I didn't see what was going on."

"It's so exaggerated!"

"Don't worry about it, Junior Brother Jiang has already passed the test anyway!" Someone comforted him with self-deprecating expressions, alleviating the depression in his heart.

That being said, if Jiang Tian's every match is not real, it will really make people feel depressed and annoyed.

Because in this way, it will not play the role of observation at all, and it will be impossible to get any insights from these encounters.

Qi Yurou shook her head and smiled: "Don't worry, the situation in this competition is a bit special. The main reason is that Shi Kun's shot is too strong. It is impossible to be like this in every game. You will definitely have the opportunity to see the wonderful performance of Jiangdi in the following competitions. of!"

"I hope so!"

Under Qi Yurou's comfort, everyone shook their heads and sighed slightly, and their depressed mood was slightly relieved.

On the other side of the ring, Di Feng and a few of his companions had gritted their teeth with hatred!

"Damn it!"


"How could Shi Kun fail inexplicably? What happened?"

Everyone looked at each other, all at a loss, looking at Shi Kun who was embarrassed, and then at Jiang Tian who was smiling but not smiling on the ring, the depression in his heart can be imagined.

"Shi Kun, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Shi Kun staggering with his hands on his chest and the red robe stained with blood on his chest, Di Feng frowned and looked angry.

"Brother Di, cough...I...I don't know what's going on. I only know that with a flash of purple light in front of me, I was shaken out of the ring by Juli."


"What are you kidding?"

"Shi Kun, you are a master in the middle of the Profound Moon Realm. You are a level better than the trash that you lost to Jiang Tian yesterday. How could you fail inexplicably?"

"Are you **** underestimating the enemy, or are you thinking of a woman who suddenly lost her mind?"

Annoyed, everyone scolded and ridiculed Shi Kun severely.

what the hell?

How could a dignified mid-level Profound Moon Realm expert lose to a junior of the Chongyang Realm so easily, even if his performance is abnormal again?


Even if Jiang Tianzhen's aptitude is amazing and powerful, he won't be exaggerated to the point where Shi Kun is like falling into the mist, right?

Unless it is a powerful person in the Profound Moon Realm or a powerful player in the Profound Sun Realm, it is impossible for Shi Kun to lose the battle in a daze with Shi Kun's strength, but how to explain the current situation?

Of course Shi Kun can't lie. Is Jiang Tian's strength really terrifying to this point?


Of course not!

Di Feng pondered for a moment, shook his head and snorted coldly, his expression gloomy!

"Shi Kun, just now I told you that I would use my best as soon as I shot it. I didn't expect you to be big and self-righteous. Now you don't even have the chance to regret it?"

Looking at Di Feng, who was full of anger, Shi Kun could hardly tell!

Why didn't he use all his strength? Where does he have reservations?

But the blow that was like a frenzy was not calmly cracked by Jiang Tian, ​​and he didn't even know how Jiang Tian cracked it. This was what made him most puzzled!

"Flame Frenzy" is a unique technique that fits his blood and talents. It is the bottom-of-the-box kung fu he was fortunate to practice after he was promoted to the inner sect and obtained the common sense of the elders. Once he came up, he used his full strength without any reserved thoughts!

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