Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1230: Yu Chunrou

"Brother Di, you blamed me..."

"Huh! What's wrong with you?" Di Feng's face sank and coldly interrupted him.

"If you are willing to listen to me, and you will cause bleeding abnormalities as soon as you go up, how can you be confused and defeated?"

"Bloodline...Vision?" Shi Kun's eyes twitched, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Wouldn't it be the same as desperately if you really did that?

Although he looked rather uncomfortable with Jiang Tian, ​​but the trivial sect of martial arts hadn't gotten the point of fighting life and death.

Therefore, in addition to the blood anomaly, he has already used the strongest means.

"Senior Brother Di is kidding, if I make the bleeding anomaly, that kid will die or be disabled, the elder of the sect will probably not sit idly by!"

Shi Kun shook his head and sighed, not to mention how angry he was.

Inexplicably defeated, Di Feng was also annoyed by him, and it was almost not human.

Unexpectedly, Di Feng smiled coldly and looked at him like an idiot: "Shi Kun, you are still so confident now. Do you really think that you can beat him to death if you have a bleeding phenomenon?"

"Huh?" Shi Kun was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Jiang Tian on the ring, his eyes grew gloomy.


Just now, he almost felt uncomfortable in front of Jiang Tian. He seemed to be completely dominated by the other party. Looking back now, even if the bleeding is anomalous, I am afraid it will not take much advantage!

Thinking of this, Shi Kun's eyes suddenly shrank, and his eyes instantly became cold!

"Hi! This kid...somewhat weird!"

Seeing Jiang Tian who was smiling but not smiling on the ring, Shi Kun finally realized that he was more than simply "understanding the enemy"!

"Huh! I only know regret now, it's too late!"

Di Feng yelled angrily and flicked his robe sleeve fiercely, leaving a stern look at him.

"Unreasonable! Even if the bleeding is anomalous, am I still not his opponent? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Shi Kun gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, staring at Jiang Tian with a gloomy gaze, secretly thinking that after the meeting, he must find a chance to "learn from each other" with him, and pick up the face he lost today!

At the same time, Elder Meng on the spectator stand raised his hand and pressed the corner of his twitching eye, his face became a little ugly!

"How can this be? The strength of that kid..." Elder Meng frowned and looked at Jiang Tian with a puzzled look.

Although he knew the opponent's strength was good, and had seen him lighting the Xuanyang stele with his own eyes, he didn't think this junior in the late stage of the Chongyang Realm really had much combat power.

However, this scene really surprised him, even a little surprised!

But because of the distraction just now, he didn't even see how Jiang Tian won. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little more upset!

Boom... Rumble!

On the other arena, Gao Hanyang and Chang Qian's competition was still in a stalemate, and there was no obvious distinction between high and low.

"Elder Meng... Well, there seems to be something wrong with your judgment?"

"Hehe, Gao Hanyang hasn't finished the fight yet, but Jiang Tian has already won. It seems that it's just a few words from his on stage to now?"

The two were so depressed by the elder Meng just now. Seeing Jiang Tian's victory, they couldn't help feeling relieved, and even sullen leisurely, looking at each other jokingly.

Elder Meng's face was stiff, his expression was slightly embarrassed, and his eyes were very gloomy. He said solemnly: "Two elders, can you see how Jiang Tian won?"

"It seems that Elder Meng didn't see what happened. Unfortunately, the old man didn't see it clearly either."

"Speaking of which, if you weren't for the elders to disturb our watching, how could we miss this interesting scene? Humph!"

The two shook their heads and sneered, and even blamed Elder Meng, taking the opportunity to vent their depression.

Elder Meng's face was blue, and the corners of his mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

After holding back for a moment, he said coldly: "He is lucky this time, and he won't have such good luck in the following competitions!"

"Hehe, it's too early to say, what if he does a miracle again?"

"Elder Meng still don't say too much, so as not to be embarrassed again later."

The two smiled and ignored him.

Elder Meng took a cold face, and his heart became even more fierce. He looked at Jiang Tian who was slowly walking down the ring, his eyes shrank and his eyes were extremely cold.

"Huh! The next round of competition is better than one round. I see how long you can last?"

Even though Jiang Tian has extraordinary aptitude, his realm is limited. As the test progresses, he will eventually encounter a strong enemy. Will he be able to laugh at that time?

Elder Meng muttered to himself, a sneer gradually swept over his mouth.

And Yun Xianghan, who was seated on the other side of the spectator stand, was surrounded by several other female elders wearing white martial arts.

Although these people looked slightly inferior to her, and slightly older than her, they were all plump and somewhat gorgeous, and at first glance they were elder-level figures who had been in high positions and respected.

In the Azure Cloud Sect, the only branch that can gather so many beautiful female elders at once is Xiuyunfeng!

At this moment, Yun Xianghan gazed at a certain ring with a wink, recalling the match that had just ended on this ring in his mind, and his leisurely eyes revealed a little thoughtful color.

Next to her, a plump-looking middle-aged female elder keenly noticed her reaction, and couldn't help but look sideways, and a cold smile mixed with disdain appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"What on earth is Junior Sister Yun thinking about, a competition participated by an outside disciple, won't it make you so ecstatic?"

The middle-aged female elder had a little bit of sarcasm in her eyes, and she asked knowingly, she didn't suppress her voice at all in front of everyone, and she drew a few strange eyes when she spoke.

Of course, these gazes just flashed on her plump body and charming face. After leaving a little bit of heat, she quickly turned to Yun Xianghan, but the heat within slightly receded, and she became solemn and respectful. stand up.

Obviously, although these sect elders aroused a little interest by the topic just now, they still remained sober and cautious enough, and they did not dare to have the slightest frivolity and arrogance in their attitude towards Yun Xianghan.

Although they are also strange, why Yun Xianghan, who has always been arrogant and indifferent, would be so interested in a competition participated by an outside disciple?

The middle-aged female elder seemed to be quite satisfied with everyone's reaction. The smile on the corner of her mouth was even more arrogant and disdainful. She looked at Yun Xianghan lightly and did not hide her pride.

"Senior Sister Yu is talking about this match between Jiang Tian and Shi Kun?" Yun Xianghan said coldly, without looking back, a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"Huh?" The middle-aged female elder Yu Chunrou jumped at the corner of her eyes, her face a little stiff.

She did not expect that Yun Xianghan would not shy away from this, even more directly than she said.

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