Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1238: Qinggang Jianquan

When Jiang Tian's palm touched the giant fist that was several times larger than his body, his thumb, ring finger and little finger suddenly retracted, leaving only his middle **** to be pointed out, using the swallowing finger technique.

After the dazzling purple light flashed, the cyan giant fist had collapsed, leaving a cloud of dazzling cyan light bursting indiscriminately.


The aura dissipated, and the roar gradually fell.

Jiang Tian quickly retracted his palm, his fingers were intact as before, and even the sleeves of the pale blue robe were not damaged.

"This is impossible!" Gao Hanyang took a deep breath, his eyes full of shock.

Just now this offensive, he asked himself that he had never performed it in front of others, and it was even impossible for the opponent to predict it in advance.

But Jiang Tian, ​​he turned out to be... as if he had foreseen it a long time ago, not only calmly resolved, but also retired!

how can that be?

The corners of Gao Hanyang's eyes twitched, and there was a roar in his mind. He was unbelievable when he looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and he even forgot to take a shot and stood there blankly.

This scene caused many elders and inner disciples to change their faces, thinking that Jiang Tian would take the opportunity to attack.

But soon they dispelled their doubts, because Jiang Tian did not take advantage of the situation, but smiled leisurely and calmly spoke.

"Can control the spiritual power so exquisitely, the entire outer door...No, even in the inner door, few people can do it, Senior Brother Gao is indeed the main peak genius and the first person in the outer door!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, but his expression was very calm, with a faint smile on his face, his expression was as if some master of Taoism was pointing to the younger generation!

This scene was really weird and shocked everyone, but Gao Hanyang was not furious, nor did he have any special reactions.

Because he knows deeply, what skill is needed to crack the attack just now!

It not only requires amazing spiritual strength, but also a clear and wise mind and lightning-like speed of reaction. Several factors are indispensable, and a little carelessness will make it self-defeating and be hit hard.

In his mind, almost no one can crack this punch except those elders with amazing cultivation bases in the inner door!

"How is it possible? Could it be that you...know this technique!" Gao Hanyang muttered to himself, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"What?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows and shook his head with a smile.

"Qinggang Jianquan!" Gao Hanyang said in a deep voice.

"It turns out that this exercise is called'Qinggang Jianquan'. It's not bad, I learned it!" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, his eyes flashing, thoughtful.

"You..." Gao Hanyang hesitated to speak, and it was obvious from the opponent's reaction that Jiang Tian didn't know the details of this technique.

This made him even more shocked, and a trace of inexplicable anxiety and fear appeared in his heart!

This trick was originally intended to deal with the top geniuses in the inner sect, but he had to use it in advance when he saw Jiang Tian's amazing spiritual power, but he didn't expect it to be broken as soon as he shot it.

"Although Senior Brother Gao controls the spiritual power extremely well, there is still something missing after all, so he didn't use the power of this exercise to its extreme!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled and said lightly.

"What did you say?" Gao Hanyang's eyes shrank when he heard this, and he was surprised again.

"In the realm of Senior Brother Gao, I should understand what I mean."

Jiang Tian stared at each other and said with a smile.

Gao Hanyang twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. After a while, he nodded suddenly, his eyes became quite complicated.

Although the power of this exercise is unquestionable, it has not been tested in actual combat since it was practiced. He himself knew that it was not perfect, but he could not think of any problems.

At this time, being raised by Jiang Tian, ​​I can't help but feel enlightened!

The disciples under the ring were stunned by the time they talked!

"what the hell?"

"What are these two people doing?"

"Don't you want to try, why did they stop and talk?"

The crowd was noisy, and many disciples frowned and criticized.

"I understand!" There was a sudden exclaim from the crowd, and a tall red-robed disciple touched his head as if he had realized something.

"What?" Everyone looked at him one after another.

The red-robed disciple's eyes were clear, and he focused his head and said: "They must be talking about the Tao!"

"What? On Tao!"

"What are you kidding?"

The crowd shook their heads and scolded them with disdain.

The red robe disciple shook his head again and again, and said proudly: "As far as I know, some martial artists with extraordinary talents and aptitudes will often return to the basics after reaching a certain level. They will abandon the contest of tricks and seek the essence of martial arts. Maybe it’s a contest at this level!"

Everyone really felt that there was some truth when they heard it, but after a short while, they shook their heads and laughed, and they refuted.

"Hehe, Senior Senior Brother's aptitude is indeed amazing, but he hasn't even reached the Profound Moon Realm. What do you say?"

"Even if you are talking about Taoism, you can't talk to Jiang Tian in Chongyang Realm, right?"

"Don't be funny! Those sect elders in the Xuanyang realm have never heard of reaching this level, so even two outer disciples can talk about the Dao?

This time, both the outer disciple and the inner disciple were deeply disdainful. They looked at the red-robed disciple with an idiotic look, shaking his head and sneered.

The Hongpao disciple looked embarrassed, frowned and thought, his expression changed, and he was still muttering words.

When everyone saw this appearance, they all ignored him and cast their eyes on the ring.

At this moment, the two people on the stage didn't even have the atmosphere of rattling swords, and they exchanged calmly!

"These two guys... are really speechless!" An elder shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the strongest contest in the outer door to become such a scene!"

This sentence came from Sovereign Chu Tianhua, and the spread of the voice surprised many elders!

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but nod deeply. From these words, it is not difficult to see that Jiang Tian's strength has been recognized by Chu Tianhua, and he is regarded as one of the most powerful disciples in the outer door, and the first person in the outer door Gao Hanyang is on the same level!

But even so, the two of them still have to be divided!

Can't you just keep talking endlessly there?

Everyone frowned, but Chu Tianhua didn't seem to be true. He looked at the two people on the stage with satisfaction, his eyes flickering and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Damn it! This kid can really contend against Gao Han Yang, how could his strength be so strong?" Elder Meng's eyes were sharp and his eyes were extremely cold.

Seeing that Jiang Tian was enough to crack Gao Hanyang's attack, his heart surged and his hatred skyrocketed.

On the other side, Yun Xianghan nodded slowly, the pretty eyes under Liu's eyebrows glowed with strange light, but there was always a trace of coldness lingering in the eyebrows.

All this was still under Yu Chunrou's observation. While watching Yun Xianghan's reaction, she made eye contact with several other female elders, and there was always some disdain in her eyes.

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