Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1239: Amazing scene

"Brother Gao might as well take another punch!" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely.

"Take another punch?" Gao Hanyang frowned slightly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, the whole body's spiritual power suddenly soared, and the same trick was used against Jiang Angel.


The violent roar blasted again, the cyan palm knife took shape in an instant, the five fingers suddenly flipped over, and then the grip suddenly struck out like lightning.

The exact same moves, this time even more powerful, but a bit less murderous and angry.

After punching out, Gao Hanyang frowned and waited to see what Jiang Tian had planned.

The next moment, his eyes shrank sharply, his face suddenly changed!

Jiang Tian shouted, and his right palm was cut out like lightning, and a purple palm print instantly transformed into shape!

Immediately afterwards, he unfolded without lag, his five fingers curled his spiritual power into a fist, and he greeted the blue giant fist like lightning!

"How is it possible?" Gao Hanyang couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes full of shock!

Jiang Tian unexpectedly resorted to exactly the same trick as him, and it was also a "Qing Gang Jianquan"!

Around the ring, everyone was even more dumbfounded, and the corners of their eyes jumped wildly, extremely shocked!

"This... isn't this Senior Brother Gao's exercise method?"

"How can Jiang Tian do it?"

"Hi! What's the origin of this outer disciple?"

"How can he use the same technique as Han Yang?"

Both the outer disciples and the inner disciples were shocked!

Seeing the two people in the ring using the same method at the same time, they all felt incredible.

The moves of the shot may be imitated, but the spiritual power control and the bursting power can not be completely consistent, but the scene before him can hardly pick out any flaws.

Jiang Tian reflected Gao Hanyang's shot almost like a mirror. The two of them used the same technique, and even the fluctuations of spiritual power that swept from the flip of the giant palm were extremely similar!

"Good boy!" Chu Tianhua's eyes flashed, and he could not help but let out a low cry!

"This...what's the situation?"

"Fengfeng Master Tang, have you taught him "Qinggang Sword Boxing"?"

Several elders in the spectator stand had different expressions. Some were surprised, and some asked Tang Xiao with a cold face.

As the peak master of the Tianxu Peak, it is not surprising to get this set of exercises, but there are often agreements between the high-level sects that once certain special exercises are occupied, other peaks cannot practice in principle.

Although there are not too many exercises with such restrictions, unfortunately, "Qing Gang Jianquan" is in it.

Tang Xiao didn't blink his eyes when he heard the words, and said lightly: "It's absolutely nothing."

No one doubts his words, because everyone knows that he has a low temperament, hardly participates in any disputes over the interests of the sect, and will not lie about such things.

But why did Jiang Tian get this kind of exercise?

Had he only watched Gao Hanyang's performance once and learned it?

Even if he can imitate its shape, it is impossible to calculate and understand the exercises in a flash, right?

Everyone was puzzled and couldn't figure out the reason.

Suddenly someone spoke, but it was Yun Xianghan who embroidered Yunfeng!

"Huh! Guessing one by one, what's so great? After all, isn't this a move to turn a palm into a fist, as long as the spiritual power is sufficiently controlled, it is not impossible to imitate!"

When the words dispersed, everyone frowned and thought, and it made sense to think about it.

At least with their strength, it is not difficult to do this.

But Jiang Tian is after all just a disciple of Chongyang Foreign Sect, this kind of thing happened to him, but it was a little shocking!

You can imitate Gao Hanyang's offensive with just a gesture. Has Jiang Tian's spiritual control really reached this point?


In Gao Hanyang's shocked gaze, the two shadows of the blue and purple fists collided with each other, the dazzling light burst out suddenly, and the violent spiritual power scattered wildly.

This time, Jiang Tian still had the upper hand, and the purple spiritual power showed amazing strength. The cyan giant fist almost collapsed at the touch of a touch, and it broke apart in an instant.

But this time, Gao Hanyang didn't react much angry or annoyed. Instead, he focused on observing the explosion of spiritual power, and carefully recalled the situation of Jiang Tian's previous shots, his eyes were strange and thoughtful!

"Didn't you look carefully? Then do it again!"

Jiang Tian didn't wait for the reaction to the conversation, he gave a long shout, and suddenly shot.


The purple light skyrocketed, and the huge palm flicked out into a fist.

Gao Hanyang's mind was shocked, but not to be outdone, his figure shook back two steps, and his spiritual power took a sudden blow!


The violent roar sounded in an instant, and this time, the two attacks unexpectedly reached a level of level, and no one had the obvious upper hand!


The dull roar hadn't dissipated, Gao Hanyang already showed excited eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded.

"I understand! I understand!"

"Senior Brother Gao really has an understanding!" Jiang Tian laughed, shaking his figure from another direction and shot Gao Hanyang.

Gao Hanyang laughed loudly, swaying to meet him, still using the same trick, but this time it was a three-shot streak.


The three palm prints instantly turned into three giant fists, scrambling to slam forward towards Jiang Tian.

At the same time, Jiang Tianchu blasted three purple fists to confront him.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three explosions slammed out instantly, and the two attacks were evenly divided!

Do not!

To be precise, it should be that Gao Hanyang's shot power has increased in some way. Compared with the first time he used it, his power has increased significantly!

"Hahahaha! I understand. I used to be too obsessed with form and didn't understand the essence of this exercise. Now I can abandon its form and get to the root!"

Gao Hanyang laughed loudly but no longer continued to take action. Instead, he fluttered back to the center of the ring and looked at Jiang Tian quietly.

"I have benefited a lot from seeing such a technique!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly and smiled leisurely.

Gao Hanyang let out a sullen breath and smiled: "If Junior Brother Jiang is interested in "Qinggang Sword Boxing", I can come up with the method to let you understand!"

As the words spread, everyone around the ring was shocked!

Although the exercise technique is not a shocking secret, it can be regarded as the secret of the warrior. Gao Hanyang does not hide his selfishness. It is really surprising that Gao Hanyang bluntly makes the other party understand!

But after another thought, it didn't matter. After all, Jiang Tian had already controlled the same methods, so what kind of losses could he cause even if he looked at the exercises again?

However, to everyone's expectations, Jiang Tian did not accept the other's kindness.

"No need! Although this set of exercises is extraordinary, it does not mean much to me. It is enough to be able to learn in person. However, this set of exercises should still have room for improvement. If the follow-up exercises are thoroughly studied, it will be powerful. You can get to the next level!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled and rejected the other party's proposal.

Gao Hanyang nodded slowly, but his face became serious.

Jiang Tian was really right. He has only completed this exercise initially, and he has not yet practiced in the follow-up part.

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