Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1269: Are they still human?

On the nearby arenas, Brother Huang, Xuan Peng, Chu Yun and even the low-key Pang Ning were shocked by this scene.

Their eyes flickered and they murmured to themselves. At this moment, they stopped fighting together, staring at the confrontation between Jiang Tian and Ke Jiu, and their minds were shocked!

Not to mention Jiang Tian, ​​a martial artist in the Chongyang realm, even those geniuses in the late Xuanyue realm would not dare to be so arrogant and bold, dare to use the palm of their flesh to hold on to this terrible attack.

At this moment, their eyes became extremely solemn, their expressions became solemn, and they did not dare to have any thoughts of despising Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Tian's body is so strong, how much chance can Ke Jiu have?" Senior Brother Huang's eyes shrank slightly, his face was hesitant, but his eyes were slightly dim.

"Opportunity? Hmph, don't you understand now, Ke Jiu is not Jiang Tian's opponent at all!" Xuan Peng's eyes were clear and he took a deep breath.

Although he had never looked down upon Jiang Tian, ​​it was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that he had actually underestimated Jiang Tian's strength!

"There is no more suspense in this competition!" Pang Ning said in a deep voice, then withdrew his gaze.

"Yes, it would be a waste of time to watch it any more!"

Chu Yun snorted and ignored the other side, and immediately began to climb up with her gaze.

Her opponent felt the change and couldn't help feeling horrified, and quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts and shot again, but in a blink of an eye, she was shaken out of the ring by a powerful force.

After Chu Yun won, she slightly arched her hand towards the elder of the Zongmen, quickly swept down, and landed in front of Jiang Tian's ring to watch the battle.

Undoubtedly, judging by the strength that Jiang Tian showed, even if she ran into it, there was no chance of winning.

This had to make her re-examine Jiang Tian, ​​this cultivation realm is only the outer disciple of the late Chongyang realm, and the strength can no longer be judged by common sense!

Boom, boom, boom!

Several roars sounded one after another, but the few people who had just stopped began to make full shots again.

On the first ring, even though Ke Jiu was shocked by Jiang Tian's performance, he did not fall into much panic.

He forcibly suppressed the shock of his heart, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and it turned out to be a bit hideous!

"Huh! Jiang Tian, ​​this is what you asked for. If you dare to pick up my'Dragon Whip' with your fleshy palm, it would be cheap to scrap your arm!"


Ke Jiu had a word in his mouth, and the whole blue dragon whip suddenly surged in spiritual power, as if the rough surface condensed by the various blue dragons seemed to come to life in an instant, the blue spiritual power flowed rapidly, and began to surge wildly. , The cyan whip body, which was originally only the thickness of the bucket, instantly doubled!

At the same time, the power that broke out was even more amazing!

The sturdy whip body shook violently, and a powerful wave suddenly swept up from the place where Ke Jiu held his hand, and found the roar of firecrackers rushing towards Jiang Tianji along the way.

But it's not over yet, Ke Jiu shouted again, and the aura all over his body swelled loudly, and the void above was distorted, instantly transforming into a dazzling blue Xuanyue!


With another dull loud noise, the blue Xuanyue cast an amazing martial arts will, and instantly blessed the blue dragon whip, causing the strength of the spiritual power that erupted from the whip to skyrocket again!

"Hiss! How is it possible?" Feeling the astonishing spiritual power that suddenly broke out on the first ring, the corner of Xuan Peng's eyes shrank suddenly, suddenly a little uneasy.

"God! Isn't it... this is Ke Jiu's real killer move?"

"No wonder he is so calm!"

"It seems that Jiang Tian wants to win this competition, it's really not that easy!"

There was also an exclamation around the ring. They suddenly discovered that Ke Jiu was not as weak as they thought. Although Jiang Tian took the initiative on the surface, his counterattack was extremely fierce, and it could even be said that there was a hidden murderous intention!

The fluctuation of the Azure Dragon's whip became more and more intense, wave after wave rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​the offensive seemed to be continuous!

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes skyrocketed!

"There are even such methods, but this still cannot reverse your defeat!"

Jiang Tian shouted angrily, blood and spiritual power surged wildly, and instantly gathered on his right arm.

The fingers stretched sharply, as if he could not bear the pressure of the blue whip, and had to relax his palm.

But the next moment, a purple light burst out on the palm he just opened, and his five fingers seemed to turn into five sharp purple long swords, twisting down again at lightning speed!


A terrible roar resounded through the void, and the five purple lights with astonishing sword intent closed in an instant, and once again firmly grasped the blue dragon whip, which was capable of breaking free from the shackles and almost rising into the air!

But at the same time, violent fluctuations in the whip also followed, one after another as if it were endless!

It's like a living cyan dragon swinging its body, exploding with terrifying power!

Jiang Tian clenched his right palm tightly, and as soon as the five purple sword intents were closed, he received a strong impact, and instantly made a loud metal bursting noise!

Boom boom boom boom!

But just when everyone thought that he could no longer control this violent blue dragon anyway, the scene in front of them once again shocked everyone!

No matter how the long cyan dragon broke free and beating, how fierce the offensive was, it was still unable to break free from the imprisonment of the five purple sword lights.

Although Jiang Tian's arm was swung unstoppable, he did not show any signs of failure. On the contrary, under the continuous breaking free of the blue dragon, he was scarred by the sword intent in a blink of an eye.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Accompanied by a piercing noise, the long cyan dragon escaped from the crack to escape its spiritual power, and the coercion of a moment was greatly reduced, obviously not as good as before!

"Damn it! Unreasonable!"

Ke Jiu's eyes jumped wildly, and his heart was shocked, and he cursed.

To be on the safe side, he not only used the "Dragon Whip", he even blessed the blood anomaly without hesitation, and Jiang Tian still firmly controlled the situation with just one palm, which really made him unacceptable!

Although "Dragon Whip" is not a heaven-level magic weapon, it is also formed by his bloodline and spiritual power, and coupled with the blood anomaly blessing in the late Xuanyue realm, its power is different even than ordinary heaven-level magic weapons. Not far away!

It can be said that with this kind of reliance, he asked himself that even if he encountered a few top geniuses in the inner sect, he would eventually win without defeat!

But he never expected that Jiang Tian, ​​a disciple of the outer sect in the late stage of the Sunshine Stage, would be so powerful in his body!

"Damn it! Is this kid still a human?" Ke Jiu gritted his teeth and cursed, his mind raging wildly.

In the dense forests of the southern mountains, he once used this method to deal with a fifth-level monster that had just advanced and was known for its physical tyranny, only to use a whip to blast it to the flesh and burst into death on the spot.

Such a terrifying power is naturally not comparable to ordinary Profound Moon Realm disciples, even top geniuses such as Senior Brother Huang and Xuan Peng would never dare to use their palms.

But why can Jiang Tian do it?

Unless... his body is strong enough to guard against the sky, unless he is not a human, but... a terrifying monster beast!

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