Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1270: Kendo attainments

Of course he would not know that the reason Jiang Tian's physical body was so terrible was because he had the body of Tyrannosaurus.

But if this is the case, it is still not enough to fight against the "Dragon Whip". In addition to the factors of the Tyrannosaurus body, Jiang Tian has also gained amazing physical strength in the process of practicing the mysterious **** of "Swallowing Sky Finger". The temper!

Since this technique is too overbearing, it relies on the instantaneous release of terrible spiritual power from the flesh to attack, which requires his arms and even palms to be able to withstand the instant burst of powerful spiritual power.

Is the body tempered under such harsh conditions ordinary?

Under the dual effects of Heaven Swallowing Finger and Tyrannical Body, Jiang Tian had an extremely powerful dependence.

As long as the opponent is not using the terrifying and particularly sharp heaven-level magic weapon, he can use his body to harden it, without worrying about the slightest damage!

"Ke Jiu, if you have no other means, just accept this failure obediently!"

Jiang Tian yelled coldly, and the right palm of the cyan long dragon tightened suddenly, and the five purple sword lights suddenly brightened, releasing an amazing sword intent pressure!


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the long whip of the Azure Dragon burst open from head to tail, and the continuous wave of whip body suddenly stopped and rolled out instantly.

The majestic and powerful force swept Ke Jiu involuntarily, and the strong backlash caused his body to vomit blood back several steps, almost falling out of the ring.

"how about it?"

Jiang Tian took a step forward, and the breath of his whole body suddenly swayed, dispelling the broken spiritual power fluctuations in the void, showing a tyrannical aura!

Ke Jiu on the opposite side covered his chest with his hands, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and his face turned pale.

The high-level elders on the spectator stand shrank their eyes, looked at each other, their complexions slightly changed!

"The martial artist in the late stage of the Chongyang Realm, the physical body is so powerful, it is incredible!"

"His physical body is indeed very powerful, but what's even more amazing is that he actually combines the coercion of the sword intent with the spiritual power of the bloodline, which is perfect!"

"That's right! If only the body is strong, he can block Ke Jiu's attack at best, not enough to crush the'Dragon Whip'!"

"This child has a strong physical body and amazing aptitude. Once he advances to the Profound Moon Realm, his strength will be amazing!"

"Hehe, I am afraid that his current strength is no longer under that of many elders!" A white-robed elder shook his head and smiled bitterly, his face full of helplessness.

"What a hero! After this battle, our Azure Cloud Sect's number one master candidate for the next ten years can be said to be ready!"

"No! His kendo attainments do not seem to be an ordinary number. Even if an ordinary genius can reach the point of reaching the peak, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve such a perfect state!"

Someone suddenly frowned and asked questions.

Everyone's eyes brightened upon hearing this, and they suddenly realized this problem.

"Could it be that... his kendo attainments have reached the level of'extraordinary and holy'?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone couldn't help but sucked in cold air, their faces were full of shock!

"Extraordinary and holy", this is a level that even the Xuanyang realm martial artist who specializes in swordsmanship can't reach!

You must know that it is quite difficult for the martial artist's kendo or sword skills to enter the realm of "climbing the peak", and after reaching this level, it will fall into a long period of stagnation.

Afterwards, wanting to go further and reach the level of "transcendence and sanctification" is almost just an illusion.

Jiang Tian only had his cultivation in the late stage of the Chongyang Realm. Can his kendo attainments really reach this almost "legendary" realm?


It is absolutely impossible!

This is the subconscious thought of everyone!

Not to mention Jiang Tian's level of cultivation, even the Sword Cultivator of the Chongyang Realm might not be able to step into that level smoothly. If this is the case, it would be too horrible!

However, Jiang Tian's kendo attainments are obviously higher than the realm of "reaching the peak", but it does not seem to reach the level of "transcendence and sanctification". What is the situation?

Chu Tianhua frowned slightly, contemplated for a moment, and said leisurely: "Master Yunfeng should have the most say on this question!"

As soon as his words fell, all the elders' eyes turned to Yun Xiangxiang, falling on her beautiful white face.

Yun Xianghan pondered for a while, and said leisurely: "His kendo attainments did not reach the level of'transcendence and sanctification', but..."


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help frowning.

The level of martial arts practice is "extraordinary and holy" after "reaching the peak". There is no transition level in the middle. This is already common sense in martial arts, but listening to Yun Xianghan's words, does Jiang Tian's practice have another Weird?

Yun Xianghan paused, as if he was contemplating something, his eyes suddenly brightened after a while!

"Some warriors with unusual talents can often have insights that ordinary people can't match. This may be the case with Jiang Tian's kendo attainments."


"I know! This situation is called'Sword Intent Sublimation.' Although it is not a normal level, it is a special state that ordinary people can hardly reach. Has Jiang Tian really reached that level?"

"Impossible? How old is he, and only in the later stage of the Chongyang Realm, how can he reach a level that is rare in this world?"

The corners of everyone's eyes twitched and they were shocked, but they didn't believe that Jiang Tianzhen could reach this state.

Yun Xianghan also seemed uncertain, staring at Jiang Tian for a while, sighing leisurely and not saying more, but the pretty eyes under the curved willow brows became deeper and brighter.

Ling Xiao, who was sitting behind Tang Xiao, was very excited when he heard that. In fact, even he couldn't understand Jiang Tian's kendo attainments. At this time, hearing Peak Master Yun said this, he was really excited.

Tianxu Peak Peak Master Tang Xiao still looks light and light, but his left finger taps on the armrest of the dark red seat, silently staring at the ring where Jiang Tian is, his eyes are deep, not knowing what he is thinking. .

"This Jiang Tian... is incredible!" On the fifth ring, Xuan Peng took a deep breath, his eyes flickering.

"How can his strength be so strong?" Senior Brother Huang on the third ring had a gloomy expression with a slightly jealous expression.

"His kendo attainments are so high!" On the sixth ring, Chu Yun looked incredible.

She suddenly discovered that Jiang Tian was not only physically strong, but also had amazing kendo attainments.

She had this kind of feeling only when she faced Yun Xianghan, but that was after all a powerhouse in the Xuanyang realm, and it didn't feel as strong to her as it is now!

However, Jiang Tian's kendo attainments were different from Yun Xianghan's, as if they were two different ways, giving her two distinct feelings.

"This person... is not easy!" Pang Ning's eyes, buried deep in his messy long hair, shone slightly, and then he lowered his head again.

Above the ring, Jiang Tian stood still for a moment, his expression calm, with a calm aura.

"Do you still refuse to admit defeat?" He looked at Ke Jiu on the opposite side and said lightly.

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