Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1271: Overweight

"Give up? Humph!" Ke Jiu's face flushed, and a raging fire burst into his heart.

It is a great humiliation for a disciple from outside the Chongyang sect to want him to admit defeat!

"I want Lao Tzu to admit defeat and dream!"

Ke Jiu suddenly yelled, raising his right hand and pointing to the center of his eyebrows. The aura all over his body suddenly soared. The cyan Xuanyue floating in the void instantly turned into a dazzling blue light into his body.


A dull roar followed, and Ke Jiu suddenly exuded a majestic aura, and he could not help but enshroud the entire ring and Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't think that your strong physical body and advanced swordsmanship are great. Today I want you to understand the terrible aspects of the late Profound Moon Realm!"


As soon as the words fell, Ke Jiu's aura skyrocketed again, and the whole body leaped into a blue cyan light, and the whole person seemed to turn into a blue flame, burning crazy!

"What is he doing?"

"Unreasonable! This Ke Jiu is too irrational!"

"Humph! If you lose, you will lose. He even burns his blood. It's stupid!"

"It's not uncommon to have such courage to hit Jiang Tian hard by such means!"

Several sect elders in the spectator stand screamed, dissatisfied with Ke Jiu's crazy behavior.

However, Chu Tianhua didn't stop it. After all, Ke Jiu hadn't fallen out of the ring, so the competition was not over.

As long as he does not violate the rules, he can launch a counterattack against Jiang Tian in any way.

"Huh, overwhelming!"

The icy words sounded leisurely, but Yun Xianghan sneered coldly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and his gaze swept back at Ke Jiu before returning to Jiang Tian.

Several inner door elders did not agree with her judgment, frowned and sighed.

"Master Yunfeng, don't underestimate Ke Jiu's strength!"

"Yes, unless Jiang Tian also burns his blood, it will be difficult to block his full blow!"

"Don't forget, how he said he is also a master of the late Profound Moon Realm. No matter how good he is, Jiang Tian is only a junior in the late Chongyang Realm!"

Everyone looked worried, and their voices were extremely deep.

A powerful person in the late Profound Moon Realm would not hesitate to burn his blood. This kind of crazy will is definitely not something that a warrior in the late Chongyang Realm can bear.

However, Yun Xianghan was not at all moved by their words, still his expression was calm and his eyes were long.

At this moment, the other arena all stopped fighting.

Everyone was staring at Ring One, frowning and waiting to see the final result.

They knew very well that Ke Jiu would not hesitate to burn his blood at the cost of a full blow, and Jiang Tian would definitely not be able to get a bargain!


Ke Jiu's expression was determined, and there was a sense of madness between his eyebrows. With the continuous dance of his arms, the cyan spiritual power flashed in front of him and quickly condensed, forming an astonishing cyan dragon, as if he was going to do it again. Shi!

But obviously, this attack at the expense of burning blood is far more powerful than the previous "Dragon Whip"!

"Burning blood? Humph!" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes, his gaze suddenly became sharp, "You think too simple!"

Accompanied by a cold snort, Jiang Tian suddenly raised his right arm and pointed out slowly again.

His movements seem to be slow, but they seem to contain astonishing power. As soon as his fingers began to move, the void in front of him shook violently, and a terrible roar broke out!

At the same time, dozens of purple halos suddenly brightened, reaching directly in front of Ke Jiu from his fingertips!

In the next moment, all the auras quickly rolled back, condensing into an astonishing purple giant finger, and they couldn't help but point on the crazy dancing cyan dragon.


A thunderous roar suddenly exploded, and Ke Jiu's offensive collapsed before he could take off, turning into countless messy storms.

"No..." Ke Jiu was completely desperate, gritted his teeth and roared, his expression almost frantic!

But his voice was instantly engulfed by the roar of purple fingers!

After smashing the cyan dragon, Tian Tianzhi took advantage of the situation without stopping, and hit Ke Jiu's chest in one fell swoop.

"not good!"


"How can he do this?"

Several inner door elders on the spectator stand darkened and yelled at them.


Amid the dull roar, Ke Jiu fainted with a scream, his breath quickly dropped, and the blood he vomited was instantly dissipated by spiritual power, and he fell off the ring heavily.

"Sovereign Lord, this Jiang Tian is really hateful!"

"Even if his aptitude is amazing and his strength is strong, he shouldn't make this heavy hand!"

"Such a bad guy who doesn't know the severity must be severely punished!"

Several Inner Sect elders gritted their teeth and petitioned the lord.

Chu Tianhua frowned slightly and said nothing.

Yun Xianghan sneered coldly: "Several elders in the inner sect in vain! Didn't you tell that Jiang Tian has kept his hands?"

"Feng Yun, what is the relationship between Jiang Tian and you? Why do you keep protecting him?"

"Unreasonable! An outer disciple of Tianxu Peak, how can He De let you be so protective?"

"Should not this kind of unscrupulous villain be severely punished?"

Everyone was violent and did not give in.

Yun Xianghan said with disdain: "If he didn't keep his hands, why is Ke Jiu dead now?"


"That's right!" Sect Master Chu Tianhua nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Jiang Tian is indeed well-measured, otherwise if he does his best, Ke Jiu will definitely die!"

"Sect Master!" The faces of several Inner Sect elders were stiff, and they gritted their teeth and drank coldly, obviously dissatisfied.

How can Ke Jiu say he is also the best in this age group and one of the few top geniuses.

Now that I have been hit hard by this, I am afraid that I will not be able to recover within a few months.

For the disciples who are preparing for the Canglan National Martial Arts Conference, a few months are enough to influence their martial arts!

It is conceivable that even if Ke Jiu can regain his strength, he will definitely not be able to catch up with the Canglan Country Martial Arts Conference next year.

Because for a few months, others have been working hard to cultivate and improve his strength, but he can only recover from his injury, and his cultivation level cannot catch up anyway.

This also means that he will completely miss the Canglan Country Martial Arts Conference!

The elders of the inner door who had expected him to take this opportunity to spread their wings and soar, undoubtedly lost hope.

What made them feel even more embarrassed was that this kind of hope was ruined in the hands of an outer disciple in the Chongyang realm. This is simply a naked face slap!

This thought flashed in their minds, and they couldn't help but subconsciously looked towards Tianxu Peak Peak Master Tang Xiao.

The other party still had that calm look, but now it seemed to be extremely hateful, even extremely sinister!

Although Tang Xiao didn't have any complacency, in their opinion, he was definitely gloating and laughing secretly!

"Several elders calm down! The arena is all based on strength. If Jiang Tian's strength is worse, it should be him who is unconscious now."

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