Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1285: Subtle atmosphere

"Junior Brother Jiang won the award! I didn't expect that the physical body of Junior Brother would be so capable, ha ha ha!" Duan Mu Yunqi shook his head and laughed, his expressionless expression on his face, but his eyes grew deeper.

"If I lose here, will you be disappointed, brother?" Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, meaning something.

"Hahaha, what Senior Brother Jiang said won my heart! If you fall out of the ring so painlessly, Senior Brother I will indeed be very, very disappointed!"

Duanmu Yunqi's eyes flashed with sorrow, and the whole body aura suddenly rose.

"Hi! What's the matter?"

"How did Duanmu Yunqi's breath become different?"

The faces of a few people under the ring were startled, and suddenly they noticed that the atmosphere was a little strange.

They just fought each other, and they didn't feel like this at the time!

"What the **** is Duanmu Yunqi doing?" Chu Yun had just finished the competition before Jiang Tian, ​​thinking that she knew Duanmu Yunqi's strength level.

But after sensing the other's astonishing aura, he suddenly discovered that Duanmu Yunqi's shot seemed to become heavier!

Mu Yunyun and Xuan Peng looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

"Junior Brother Xuan, have you noticed something wrong?"

"Hehe, why should the pastor ask knowingly?" Xuan Peng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but there was some obvious worry in his eyes.

"The momentum of Duanmu Yunqi's shot is obviously very unusual. There is no need to say more about you and I understand it. I am afraid it will be difficult for Junior Brother Jiang to end this contest."

They were so close, and they had just felt the strength of Duanmu Yunqi, and they were naturally aware of this subtle change for the first time.

The other disciples who watched the battle could not see any difference. Under the glaring light, they only knew that Jiang Tian had been shaken back. Where did they know the details?

They didn't fight Duanmu Yunqi personally, and were even less aware of this subtle aura change.

"But we don't have to worry too much. Duanmu Yunqi certainly doesn't dare to mess around under the eyes of the senior Zongmen, but Junior Brother Jiang will inevitably have to suffer."

Xuan Peng shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

"How can I mess up? Jiang Tian has only one chance left, it's nothing more than being shaken out of the ring!" Chu Yun shook her head and sneered, her face speechless.

Xuan Peng and Mu Yunyun smiled bitterly and sighed helplessly.

Duanmu Yunqi didn't clearly suppress Jiang Tian, ​​and even the elder Zongmen couldn't say anything. What if they were disciples who could see it?

On the arena, Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered. Facing the threat of Duanmu Yun's strange words, he didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, his eyes were firm and his body revealed strong confidence!

"In this case, I must not let Brother Duanmu disappointed. I must show my real strength and learn from my brother!" Jiang Tian's eyes were deep, and his words were full of meaning.

"Hahahaha! Even though Junior Brother Jiang takes the shot, it is a pity that you have only one chance left. If you don't use all your strength this time, I can only say sorry!"

Duanmu Yunqi smiled coldly, a hideous flash in his eyes.


The powerful martial arts will spread out, and instantly enveloped the entire arena.

The invisible force pressed down, making Jiang Tian tight, as if imprisoned!

But this time, Jiang Tian didn't have any special reaction. He just smiled coldly and pushed away the huge force in a row, and the purple light flowed around his body and immediately recovered.

"Isn't there any bleeding abnormalities? Junior Brother Jiang, you are too big!"

Duanmu Yunqi's face darkened slightly, his brows revealed a few majestic and domineering looks, and his eyes became cold and cold.

As soon as the right hand was raised, a muffled sound followed, and the palm of his hand was gently turned, and a dazzling fire light instantly dazzled it.

"Junior Brother Jiang, why are you still stunned?"

"Hurry up and do it?"

Below the ring, Xuan Peng and Mu Yunyun's expressions changed, and they exclaimed in exclamation.

In the previous few matches, they were weak and strong, and they had the opportunity to survive the two moves first.

Jiang Tian's cultivation was a bit lower in the original, and if he was so big, he would not only be unable to hold this second move, but he might even be seriously injured!

"Unreasonable! This Jiang Tian is too self-righteous!" Chu Yun shook her head coldly, frowning tightly.

If Duanmu Yunqi is allowed to act first, where is Jiang Tian still possible to resist?

Not to mention resisting the opponent's powerful offensive, even the chance to shoot may be gone!

"Junior Brother Jiang, what are you doing?"

Qi Yurou under the ring couldn't help but was stunned.

Although she did not understand the subtle atmosphere on the ring, as a warrior, she could still see that Jiang Tian had fallen into a great passivity.

If he doesn't make a move, he will be hit hard. What is he hesitating at this moment?

However, Jiang Tian turned a deaf ear to his ears, even as if he hadn't heard their reminders at all, still calm and unmoved!

"Junior Brother Jiang, since you are like this, then I'm not welcome!"

Duanmu Yunqi let out a cold snort, and suddenly patted his right palm, which had already been ready.


The violent roar sounded through the void, and the red aura suddenly soared out, and instantly rose from a small palm print to several meters, and when it flew in front of Jiang Tian, ​​it had already soared to more than ten meters in size!

The rumbling roar spread arbitrarily, shaking the surrounding void and trembling, and the powerful pressure enveloped half of the ring, as if Jiang Tian had been firmly pressed to the ground, waiting for the palm of the hand to attack.


"not good!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

There were exclaims around the ring, not only the faces of Mu Yunyun, Xuan Peng, Qi Yurou and others changed drastically, but even Pang Ning, who had always been low-key and tolerant, and Lou Qingyan, who had a deep atmosphere, were shocked!

Seeing that the huge scarlet palm was about to blast down, severely injuring Jiang Tian, ​​everyone's hearts suddenly sank to the bottom.

Duanmu Yunqi laughed wildly!

This time I can't blame him at all, he doesn't even need to use any secret means to make Ke be honest and severely hit Jiang Tian, ​​and teach him a lesson he will never forget!

However, the next moment, Jiang Tian, ​​who was about to be slammed with his bare palms, suddenly raised his head, his eyes skyrocketed!


A violent loud noise suddenly came out, Jiang Tian raised his right arm suddenly, and the purple light like a spiritual python instantly gathered on his arm, and his right hand was about to come out with a pointed finger.

At the same time, the void in front shook violently, dozens of eye-piercing rings suddenly flashed, and condensed into a huge purple finger shadow at an incredible speed!

The coercion that it exudes even caused the huge red palm that was coming to a standstill for an instant!


In the next instant, accompanied by a terrible loud noise, the purple giant finger that had just been condensed pierced the void fiercely, hitting the palm of the scarlet giant palm with one finger!


"how is this possible?"

"The same trick, why..."


There were exclaims around the ring, and the voices of Mu Yunyun and Xuan Peng were instantly drowned out by the burst of spiritual power.

The purple giant finger went wild and violently pierced the red palm prints. At the same time, the power remained undiminished, piercing the void and hit Duanmu Yunqi fiercely.

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