Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1286: Depressed Lou Qingyan


An angry outcry resounded around the ring, and Duanmu Yunqi, as a powerhouse of the Mystic Moon Realm, had a natural cultivation base.

The corners of his eyes shrank suddenly, suppressing the shock in his heart, and shot out with rage.

Another flaming palmprint rushed out as the right palm quickly flipped.

With a loud bang, this palm print collided with the swiftly coming purple finger shadow, and both burst open, creating a crazy wave of spiritual power around the ring!


As if a terrifying monster beast was roaring and releasing its billowing demon power, ripples of purple and red spiritual power rolled madly in all directions, shocking countless disciples!

"Hi! What a strong strength!"

"Yes! The aptitude of this kid is really amazing to be able to practice that set of fingerings to this level!"

"No wonder he is so calm! After a long period of trouble, he kept hiding without revealing it!"

Several sect elders in the spectator stand couldn't restrain the shock of their hearts, and whispered.

Thinking about Jiang Tian's only cultivation in the late stage of Chongyang Realm, their surprise was even more intense.

The current situation undoubtedly showed that Jiang Tian had passed the test all the way before, defeating a dozen inner disciples, and had not used his true strength at all!

"Not bad! Not bad! Jiang Tian is worthy of being the first person in the outer sect to be able to have such a fighting power in the late stage of Chongyang Stage!"

"But even so, he may not be Duanmu Yunqi's opponent!"

"This is natural! One is the powerhouse of the Profound Moon Realm, and the other is the junior of the Chongyang Realm. The difference between the two is more than a big realm. It is almost a miracle to reach this level!"

Next to Chu Tianhua, the elders of the Presbyterian Church smiled and nodded.

Jiang Tian's performance did surprise them, but it would be premature to say that he defeated Duanmu Yunqi.


On the ring, Duan Mu Yunqi couldn't wait to shake off the remaining spiritual power, staring at Jiang Tian, ​​his face became extremely deep.

"Good boy, it turns out that you have never tried your best!"

"Now, will Brother Duanmu still be disappointed?" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely and said coldly.

"Huh! It's so better, so I don't dare to use my strength, Jiang Tian, ​​since you are so strong, I believe that I will not have any objections to the elder Zongmen!"

Duanmu Yunqi turned his head to look at the supervisory elder as he spoke. The latter subconsciously glanced in the direction of the viewing stand. After seeing the complete reaction of the sovereign Chu Tianhua and the elders of the elders, he quickly retracted his gaze and nodded slowly. .

"Duanmu Yunqi, you can fight Jiang Tian with all your strength, but remember that you want to test his strength, not really divide it with him, understand?"

"Elder don't worry! With my strong strength, how can I compete with him? I just want to see where his limits are!" Duan Mu Yunqi nodded and looked at Jiang Tian coldly.

"Jiang Tian, ​​it was my carelessness just now that let you survive the two tricks, now, I will never let you survive the third trick!"


Amid the dull loud noise, Duanmu Yunqi's momentum changed, and the powerful martial arts will once again swept the entire arena.

"Hi! What a terrible pressure!"

"This...is Duanmu Yunqi's true strength, right?"

"Not necessarily! He didn't even arouse the blood anomaly, and he is far from reaching the peak state!" Mu Yunyun shook his head and sighed, his eyes deep.

The corners of the eyes of Xuan Peng and others twitched, with a look of jealousy.

If Duanmu Yunqi had just performed this kind of performance, they probably wouldn't be able to survive with one more move. Where would there be two or three moves?

And when they suddenly realized that Jiang Tian had already survived two tricks, they couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes shrank, and they were shocked!

"Jiang Tian's strength..."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

"Yes! Even if he doesn't want to admit it, his strength is no longer inferior to us, even..."

Everyone looked at each other, taking a cold breath, but in the end they wanted to talk, but in the end they still didn't have enough courage to say that sentence.

"It's only been five breaths, and it's too early to tell!" Lou Qingyan slowly shook his head, but his face was extremely solemn.

"But..." His voice suddenly lowered and turned into a mumbling.

Although he is reluctant to believe this result, the fact is here that Jiang Tian will be level with him soon. The only suspense is whether he can last for eleven breaths like him.

In addition to this suspense, there was another suspense that made him very concerned.

Compared with the previous contests, Duanmu Yunqi's shot speed has been significantly accelerated. Jiang Tian may not be able to hold on to eleven breaths, but he may survive three moves.

If he has not fallen out of the ring after the three moves, then Duanmu Yunqi is bound to resort to the fourth move.

In this way, the situation becomes very delicate.

If you can really force Duanmu Yunqi to use the fourth trick, even if the total time does not exceed eleven breaths, Jiang Tian's strength has already surpassed Lou Qingyan!

"No, maybe not!" Lou Qingyan muttered to herself in a very low voice, subconsciously not letting others hear it.

However, he was a little bit murmured in his heart. Judging from the performance of Jiang Tian's second move, his strength was obviously not exhausted.

What made him even more fearful was that Jiang Tian hadn't caused bleeding abnormalities from the beginning until now!

"Hiss! How is this possible?" Lou Qingyan's deep eyebrows flickered, and she felt extremely puzzled.

Duanmu Yunqi didn't use the blood anomaly, it was because he was powerful and didn't need to do this at all.

Jiang Tian didn't use the blood anomaly, but why?

Does this outer disciple really think that he can win the first place in this special contest without using the blood anomaly?

"No! It's impossible!"

Lou Qingyan took a deep breath, and shook his head again, but his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Even though he had no grudges with Jiang Tian, ​​he didn't want the other party to win the first place and **** the reward he was about to get.

"Duanmu Yunqi, you must not let me down!" Lou Qingyan took a deep breath, silently cheering for Duanmu Yunqi.

Thinking about this person's tyrannical strength, he felt that Jiang Tian could not create any miracles anyway.


There was a loud noise above the ring, and Duanmu Yunqi changed his defense and counterattack and prepared to take the initiative.

The first few Profound Moon Realm geniuses only managed three moves at most, and Jiang Tian in the Chongyang Realm wanted to perform better?

Of course not!

That kind of situation is really going to happen, not only to crush other people, but also to humiliate him Duan Mu Yunqi!

"I, Duanmu Yunqi, will never allow this to happen!" Duanmu Yunqi gritted his teeth and drank, his eyebrows flashing with energy.

Especially Jiang Tian has not used the blood anomaly, making him even more annoyed.

As soon as the others came on stage, they had no reservations, and their strengths were fully utilized, but Jiang Tian looked calm and calm, as if he could really fight him hard, it was arrogant to the extreme!

"Jiang Tian, ​​it is a miracle that you can hold on till now, let me go down now!"

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