Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1314: Secret hall

"Hi! We're all late, if we can say hello to him just a moment in the morning!"

"Stop talking! It's all my fault, I shouldn't be lingering behind, because I wasted time and dragged everyone down!"

"Oh! I shouldn't be so procrastinated. I knew that Junior Brother Jiang Tian would come to the square. I would rather come half an hour earlier and wait for him!"

"Yes, Junior Brother Jiang is now an inner disciple, and we will see him in the future, should we call him Senior Brother?"

"This... is there any question about this?"

"With his qualifications and strength, even if we call him a senior brother, will we still suffer?"

Everyone looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly, with emotions for a while.

Many people felt greatly annoyed and regretted the passing of Jiang Tian this time.

Once upon a time, many of them looked at Jiang Tian with cold eyebrows, and even ridiculed them whenever they heard the name Jiang Tian, ​​but now, that situation is gone forever!

Today, they can't wait to deal more with Jiang Tian, ​​even if they just say a word, they will be proud and excited for a long time.

And this huge change naturally originated from the just-concluded sect martial arts meeting. To be precise, it was Jiang Tian's amazing performance in the martial arts meeting, and the respect and favor of the sovereign Chu Tianhua for him!

Naturally, Jiang Tian didn't know the reaction of these people, because at this moment he had already arrived on the main peak where the Secret Magic Hall was located!

This hall is located on the mountainside of the main peak and built against the mountain. The majestic and majestic pattern is very magnificent. A piece of verdant cloud pines rises above the surrounding area, making this hall that is several tens of feet tall even more majestic!

The Secret Hall is tightly controlled, and there are not too many people who are qualified to come here. Among this limited number of people, quite a few are elders of the sect, and the rest are some geniuses of the inner sect.

As for the outer disciples, there are none, because they are simply not qualified to come to such a place.

"Jiang Tian?"

"Are you here to receive the reward?"

Several sect elders walked across, and before Jiang Tian had a reaction, they all lit up and greeted them on the initiative.

After this sect meeting, Jiang Tian has become a figure in the sect, these elders are completely unassuming, and their faces are full of enthusiasm!

Jiang Tian didn't neglect, he solemnly bowed to them, and insisted on the courtesy of his disciples, which made them quite satisfied, and his eyes were full of admiration.

After entering the first floor of the hall, Jiang Tian found that there were basically strange faces here.

In addition to the deacon disciples in the Secret Fa Temple, there are also some inner disciples who choose the techniques here.

All of these people have a deep breath, and they are obviously inner geniuses with extraordinary cultivation bases.

Although he didn't know these people, the other party knew him most of them. The inner disciples were startled slightly, and then stared at him with surprises and surprises, as if they were old friends who had known him for a long time. In general, the eager atmosphere made Jiang Tian a little flattered!

"This... isn't this Junior Brother Jiang Tian?"

"Huh? It really is Junior Brother Jiang! Go, go and say hello!"

"I'm in Xiahu, I will ask Junior Brother Jiang to take care of me in the future!"

"In Xia Jiangjun, I am very happy to meet Junior Brother Jiang here!"

"My name is Hao Qiang! This time, Junior Brother Wu Jiang performed amazingly at the Zongmen Meeting. If we don't dislike it, how about going to the Shanxia Winery for a few drinks?

"Senior Brother Hao, don't forget me!"

"Take me, take me!"

Everyone surrounded Jiang Tian involuntarily, but no one claimed to be an inner genius, all of them were respectful and full of admiration.

Although they are all geniuses in the inner door, in front of Jiang Tian, ​​they dare not have any arrogance at all.

Looking at these enthusiastic inner disciples, Jiang Tian smiled and said, "Brothers are serious! Jiang Tian has a shallow cultivation, and he doesn't understand a lot of situations when he first arrives in the inner door. In the future, he will inevitably ask you more for advice, and he can't rely on your care. of!"

Everyone shook their heads and laughed, and waved their hands again and again.

"Junior Brother Jiang is polite! If you still claim to be'shallow cultivation base' based on your strength, wouldn't we be ashamed to meet people?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, you are too modest!"

"Hahahaha! It's not as good as seeing once. Although I witnessed the amazing performance of Junior Brother Jiang in the square yesterday, it was a different feeling to actually see me!"

"Yes, Junior Brother Jiang is not at all as arrogant as others, far more easy-going and kind than I thought!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, don't be too humble! I'm afraid we will have to ask you more in the future, but then again, if you really have any problems, you may wish to talk to us for discussion. We must know everything!"

"Then thank you brothers!" Jiang Tian smiled and nodded, "Go down to the secret hall to receive the exercises, so I won't bother you brothers!"

"Haha, Brother Jiang, please!"

Jiang Tian smiled and arched his hands, left these same doors, and walked towards the counter of the Secret Hall.

Behind the counter, a white-robed middle-aged deacon elder was about to look at the account book in his hand when he suddenly saw this guy wearing the costume of an outer disciple appearing in the Secret Hall, his brow frowned.

When I was about to question in a cold voice, I suddenly remembered the Zongmen commendation order I received yesterday, my eyes shrank, and my heart was surprised!

"He is Jiang Tian? He is so young, right?"

The white-robed deacon elder was surprised, and he looked up and down at the oncoming outer disciple, and the name on the award order flashed in his mind.

"Disciple Jiang Tian, ​​I've seen the elders!" Jiang Tian bowed his hand and handed over his identity token.

At this time, the elder Baipao Deacon finally affirmed his guess that this young disciple of the outer sect is indeed Jiang Tian, ​​who has performed miracles and won the first place in the martial arts of the sect!

"Are you Jiang Tian?"

Although there were no doubts, the deacon elder murmured subconsciously, checking the identity token as he spoke, and was surprised again after confirming that it was correct.

When he received the commendation order yesterday, he thought it was a prank by Chuanling's disciple or a sect elder!

How could a disciple outside the Chongyang Sect in Chongyang show up in the Zongmen Huiwu and create such a shocking miracle?

Dare to make jokes about the awards, these people are just fooling around, it's really shameful!

But before he could raise any questions, the disciple passed away without leaving any explanation or explanation.

Said that made him depressed all night, and until he woke up this morning, he still couldn't believe it was true.

But just now I heard that many inner disciples were talking about Huiwu, especially when it came to Jiang Tian's performance, all of them looked shocked, which made him very curious.

Only at this time, he really confirmed that the award order was correct, no one was joking with him, the young disciple in front of him was indeed the genius of the martial arts leader of the sect!

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