Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1315: limited?

"It's a disciple!" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and although he was not without defamation in his heart, he still solemnly nodded in response.

"It's really in the late stage of Chongyang Stage... incredible!" The deacon elder rubbed the identity token with his hands, and looked up and down Jiang Tian with strange eyes.

That expression, as if he wanted to see through the secrets of the other party, made Jiang Tian feel uncomfortable.

"Ah! Elders have any questions?" Jiang Tian coughed lightly, and glanced at the identity token held in the opponent's hand.

"Um...oh! Ahem, no... ahem, no problem!"

The deacon elder smiled awkwardly, and quickly returned the token to Jiang Tian, ​​and quickly recovered.

However, he was still silently slandering in his heart, how good is this young disciple's qualifications, he could crush a vote of inner genius, even defeated the tyrannical Duanmu Yunqi, and got the title of Huiwu Chief?

"Yeah! Jiang Tian, ​​according to the qualifications granted by the award order, you can choose one of the techniques in the Secret Hall!"

Thoughts rolled in his mind, the deacon elder cleared his throat and nodded slowly.

Jiang Tian glanced back at the dense exercise frame, and at the same time looked at the stairs leading to the second floor, and withdrew his gaze for a while.

"Dare to ask the elder, what is the difference between the upper and lower floors of the Secret Hall?"

"Oh! Well... it's very simple!" The deacon elder obviously had no distracting thoughts in his heart, and he had been silently looking at Jiang Tian, ​​his heart surged.

Hearing this question, he pressed his thoughts and nodded to explain.

"The first floor is mainly knives, spears, swords, halberds, and other artefacts, which are mainly heavenly, and there are also some fragments of undetermined grades; the second floor is a physical body-based practice that requires a strong body. With spiritual support, it is generally difficult to cultivate without sufficient qualifications, but it is not a big problem to think of your strength."

The deacon elder nodded slowly, then let out a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

"Sword technique, physical technique..." Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, contemplation.

Although knives, spears, swords, halberds, etc. have their own strengths and weaknesses, he really loves swordsmanship, but he does not lack this kind of skills, whether it is "Stars Three Types" or "Sword of Flames" The power is not weak, and there is no idea of ​​replacement for the time being.

Unless there is a set of exercises that is particularly powerful or has special benefits, he will consider it.

As for the physical exercises, he is slightly interested.

After all, he was in the body of Tyrannosaurus, and his physical body was tyrannical and could not lose some magic weapons. If he had the right technique, he would definitely be able to exert this strength.

"Huh! Where's the third floor?" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, a little confused.

There are three floors in the Secret Hall, which is no secret at all, but why the deacon elder only introduced him to the first two floors, but never mentioned the third floor?

"The third level?" The deacon elder frowned slightly, hesitating a little.

"Could there be any restrictions?" Jiang Tian frowned and asked.

The commendation order says that you can choose one of the exercises, and there are no restrictions attached. How come you get to the elders of the Secret Law Hall, and have this weirdness again?

However, he seemed to have misunderstood what the other party meant. The deacon elder shook his head and smiled, and immediately explained.

"No, no! There are no restrictions on the third level, but many exercises are dubious. Those without doubts are also extremely difficult to practice. Almost no inner disciple will choose those exercises."

"So it's like this!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

Seeing his reaction, the deacon elder couldn't help but his eyes jumped. It seemed that he still didn't want to give up!

"Young man, I know that you have extraordinary qualifications and strong strength, but I advise you not to waste time. Even many sect elders can't understand those exercises, and occasionally some people just try it out. It’s just a little reference to the idea. Generally speaking, it is not recommended for you to practice forcibly. After all, there are some exercises, which are often harmful and unhelpful. You should understand this!"

The elder deacon solemnly advised.

He didn't want this genius of martial arts leader to choose a weird technique under the encouragement of curiosity, and then the news of madness came out within a few days!

Then, the senior Zongmen might blame him for not fulfilling his duties, causing him trouble!

"Oh? It's so amazing!" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, instead of having any fear, his face was full of excitement!

"Huh?" The elder deacon's face became stiff, and his heart was bad!

He knew that he might have done something bad with good intentions, but this only aroused Jiang Tian's curiosity.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head, feeling very depressed!

Originally, he avoided talking, just because he didn't want Jiang Tian to have any curiosity, but he didn't expect this kid to take the initiative to ask, and he became even more energetic after hearing his warning!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I advise you to consider it carefully, and don't be out of curiosity..."

"Thank you elder, I have my own measures!"

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, turned around, walked away from the counter in the annoyed eyes of the deacon elder, and quickly took a tour in front of the exercise frame on the first floor.

However, he soon discovered that although these techniques are not low in rank, there are not many surprises.

Occasionally, there are some exquisite swordsmanship, but they are also far from the "Star Three Forms". These techniques may be able to replace the "Sword of Flames and Thunder", but the difference in efficacy is not significant, so it will inevitably appear to be a bit wasteful.

After a quick tour, Jiang Tian resolutely gave up and went straight to the second floor.

"There are so many physical exercises?"

In the second floor of the Secret Hall, he finally had an eye-opening feeling!

Generally speaking, there are not many exercises that focus on the flesh, but he never expected that so many rare existences were collected on the second floor of the Secret Magic Hall!

Although the number of these exercises is not as large as the one-level swordsmanship, they are also dazzling and overwhelming.

Jiang Tian became excited and immediately started browsing.

These exercises include fists, palms, legs, fingers, and even some special exercises that use all parts of the body as attack weapons, which really makes him feel refreshed!

"The Azure Cloud Sect really has an extraordinary foundation. These weird techniques can't even be imagined before. Dreaming is impossible!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, sighing in his heart.

Although he does not intend to practice many exercises, he has to say that many of the things in it still give a lot of inspiration, which can be adopted and used.

However, after quickly browsing most of the exercises, he did not find a real satisfactory exercise.

Depressed, he walked towards the deepest exercise frame on the second floor.

If there is nothing satisfactory here, he will decisively rush to the third floor without hesitation.

Behind a martial art stand, he met two red robe inner disciples with strong aura and strong stature!

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