Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1316: Are you right?

The other party also noticed this young disciple who had appeared suddenly, but just glanced at him at random and then withdrew his gaze, looking completely indifferent.

But after a short while, he suddenly raised his head, his face became extremely cold!

"Huh? Why is it an outer disciple!" The tall red-robed disciple frowned, his expression puzzled.

"Huh? Really an outside disciple! Who are you and what are you doing here?" The short red-robed disciple's face sank and he scolded coldly.

Jiang Tian gave them a cold look, frowned, shook his head and sneered without paying attention, and continued to choose exercises.

"Outrageous, this kid is crazy!"

"Boy, is the Secret Magic Hall where you came from? Who let you in?"

The two shuffled the exercise books in their hands, threw them on the shelf, and asked Jiang Tian a few steps forward.

Jiang Tianben didn't want to pay attention to them, but at this time he had to respond, because if he didn't respond, the other party's tone would spray on his face!

"Of course I came to the Secret Hall to receive the exercises, or else to watch the excitement?"

"You...what did you say?"

"What's your attitude? Answer my question quickly, who let you in? He is so bold!"

The two questioned harshly, their faces becoming more severe.

An outer disciple dared to come to the Secret Hall, don't you know the rules of the sect?

But they are also very strange. There is no shortage of deacon elders and disciples in the Secret Method Hall. How could such a big living person come in?

"Huh! The outer disciple was actually put in, what did the people in the Secret Magic Hall do?" The tall red-robed disciple frowned.

"Does this kid have any special relationship with the elders or deacon disciples?"

The short disciple frowned, concentrating on thinking.

There are usually very few people in the Secret Dharma Hall, and it is a quiet place. If this outer disciple really has any relationship with the elder or deacon disciple, it is not impossible to be put in.

The two looked at each other and frowned.

If this is the case, they really may not be able to provoke this person!

"Hey! What is your name, you...what is your relationship with the elders of the Secret Hall?"

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Tian sneered, shaking his head, speechless.

"Then...Which deacon disciple are you related to?" The two looked at each other, and their hearts were slightly relaxed.

If it has nothing to do with the elder, it can only be the relative or close friend of the deacon’s disciple, otherwise it is impossible to get in here.

But even so, they are not good at offending each other, they still have to give some face to the deacon disciples.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian still shook his head and sneered, and denied their guess without hesitation.

The two looked at each other for a moment, could not help but sneered loudly, no more scruples!

"Huh? You are neither a relative of the elder, nor an acquaintance of the deacon's disciple, how dare you be so rampant?"

"Huh! Kid, it's a felony to enter the Secret Hall of Secrets, please report your name quickly!"

The two pointed at Jiang Tian and shouted loudly, with a proud look of grasping his handle.

Jiang Tian was irritated by the two people's quarrel, put down the exercises, frowned and glanced at them and said: "Are you two having a lot of idle time? Don't bother me here!"


"Ouch! This kid is so brave, is it reasonable to sneak into the Secret Hall?"

The two were extremely grinning, their faces full of indignation, wishing to hold Jiang Tian to the elder of the sect to ask for merit.

"Boy, you don't even dare to say your name, then get out quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being impolite!"

"I'll count three times. If you don't know each other after the three times, please follow us to see the elder and let him go!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, staring at them coldly: "Two idiots!"

"Presumptuous!" The tall red-robed disciple's face sank, greatly annoyed.

The short disciple grabbed him, smiled coldly, blinked and started counting: "One, two...three!"

Jiang Tian was completely speechless, put down the classics in his hand, turned to look at the two people, with a sneer, and stood proudly.

"Good boy! You are so bold!"

"In that case, come with us!"

The two of them couldn't help but swayed left and right, with a big hand, the spiritual power surged and they wanted to take it towards Jiang Tian.

"Huh!" Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and the purple light flashed slightly around his body, directly shaking the two of them away.

Bang bang!

In the two muffled noises, the two men's complexion changed and their arms seemed to hit an iron wall, and they bounced back with a sharp shock. There was a tingling pain in their palms, followed by an irresistible numbness.

"Hiss! Damn it!" The short red-robed disciple squeezed his palm and frowned.

"The kid really has two tricks. No wonder you dare to break into the Secret Hall, but this is not a place where you can go wild. Get me down!"

The tall disciple flashed in anger, pressure pained, and his body aura quickly soared and slapped Jiang Tian.


The dull roar suddenly sounded, but it was Jiang Weather who shook his breath, shaking the tall disciple.

"It's the opposite! It's the opposite! It's totally unreasonable that the little outer disciple dares to be so rampant!"

"Huh! Could it be that we have been closed for several months and the sect has changed?"

The two sternly scolded, furious.

"Boy, if you dare to provoke Inner Sect brother so unscrupulously, you will pay the price!"

"I don't believe that I can't take you down as an outer junior!"

After a short period of hesitation, the two of them soared in anger, and each took a step forward to severely suppress Jiang Tian.

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly rang!


The angry voice swayed from the second floor of the Secret Method Hall, and several powerful inner disciples strode forward.



The two red-robed disciples looked sullenly toward the stairs, but after seeing the incoming person, the corners of their mouths twitched, and their complexions instantly changed!

"It's... it's them!"

"Huh? How come these top genius brothers come to the Secret Magic Hall at the same time?" The two looked at each other, and couldn't help being surprised.

Although the Secret Hall is not a place where anyone comes to say, but the top geniuses of these inner doors have come six at a time, which is still very strange.

Jiang Tian looked back at the six people who came by, and couldn't help but smile leisurely, his expression slightly strange.

These six are not others, they are Lou Qingyan, Mu Yunyun, Xuan Peng, Chu Yun, Pang Ning and Huang Yu.

They hurried to the front, ignoring the two red robe disciples, but bowed their hands together to greet Jiang Tian.

"Junior Brother Jiang came so early?" Mu Yunyun smiled and nodded.

"Junior Brother Jiang, it seems that you have encountered some trouble!"

Xuan Peng smiled strangely and looked mysterious.

The others looked at the two Hongpao disciples with deep expressions, with weird smiles, and they stopped talking.

This weird atmosphere made the two red robe disciples feel weird!

These six people are all first-class geniuses in the inner sect. How can they all know this outer sect junior, and even talk and laugh with him?

What's happening here?

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