Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1317: Angry Huang Yu

"What's the matter with you two?" Xuan Peng raised his eyebrows lightly, looking at the two red robe disciples and said.

"I... we caught this outer disciple who broke into the Secret Hall of Secrets, and are preparing to take him to see the elder!" The short disciple frowned and said truthfully.

"Brothers came at the right time. This person trespassed into the Secret Hall without permission. He dared to confront us. Please senior disciples to be fair!" The tall disciple was angry with a face.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Xuan Peng looked back at Jiang Tian and blinked quietly with a very strange expression.

"Huh! Zong Hai, He Tong, you two are so brave!" With a cold snort, Huang Yu stepped out and came directly to the two Hongpao disciples, scolding coldly.

Xuan Peng shook his head and let out a sulky breath, feeling very bored.

Helplessly spread his hands towards Jiang Tian, ​​shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

He wanted to take the opportunity to play tricks on the two red-robed disciples, but he didn't expect Huang Yu to be so simple and rude that he would directly scold them.

In this way, he has no chance to dig a hole, and can only let Huang Yu get ahead.

"Huang...Brother Huang, why are you saying this?"

The corners of the eyes of the two red-robed disciples jumped wildly, feeling greatly disturbed.

They knew Huang Yu's temper, and it was always very hot, but at this time shouldn't he go to catch Jiang Tian and ask the crime? Why did he scold them both?

"Why are you saying this? Huh, do you know what you did wrong?" Huang Yu frowned and scolded him mercilessly.

"We... what did we make wrong?"

"No, it was this kid who made the mistake. He broke into the Secret Hall of Secrets and was caught upright by us, and was about to take him to see the elders!"

"Shut up!" Huang Yu's face sank, his aura swept away and the two of them were stunned.

"Brother Huang! You..." The two of them changed their expressions, completely blinded.

Faced with this situation, their minds were a little overwhelmed for a while.

Where is Huang Yu doing this?

"Huh! Why are you **** blind? Do you know who he is?" Huang Yu scolded each other like a gun, his eyes bursting with cold light.

"Wh... what?" The short disciple looked at Jiang Tian in surprise.

"He... who is he? Isn't he just an outside disciple? What's wrong..."


Huang Yu shouted angrily, slapped the tall disciple's face with a slap, and directly slapped a dark red slap print!

"Brother Huang!" The tall disciple slapped one by one for no reason, and immediately became angry, but he was afraid of Huang Yu's strength but did not dare to do it, just gritted his teeth and glared at him.

"Humph! I really blinded your dog!" Huang Yu scolded sharply, his face full of anger.

"Lao Tzu tells you that his name is Jiang Tian! He is the leading genius of the martial arts of the sect. This time he came to the secret law hall and received the exercises by the command of the sect master! Do you have any questions?"

"Wh...what? What did you say?"

"Brother Huang... are you kidding me?"


Two slaps sounded again, and Huang Yu furiously slammed the two to the ground.

"Did you not understand what I said?" Huang Yu screamed, his voice shook the second floor hall humming.

The two Hongpao disciples covered their faces, shook their painful heads, and looked at Jiang Tian with amazement!

"He... is he the name of the martial artist of this sect?"

"How is it possible? How is this possible!"

They couldn't believe that this was true at all, a junior from the outer sect, and only had a cultivation base in the late stage of the Chongyang Realm, how could it be possible to get the title of the martial leader of the Zongmen Hui?

Are these inner geniuses placed in front of you?

If this kind of words are spoken from others, they will naturally be unbelieving one thousand and ten thousand!

But the person who spoke was not someone else, but Huang Yu, a long-standing genius in the inner sect, which directly eliminated their doubts.

Looking at the other people, whether it is Mu Yunyun and Xuan Peng, who have a tyrannical cultivation base, Chu Yun, who has always been proud, and the two unfamiliar Lou Qingyan and Pang Ning, they all have a calm and even face. Weird smile, there is no doubt at all, obviously he has acquiesced to Huang Yu's words!

"Hi! How... maybe?"

"This... this is too exaggerated, too amazing, too incredible!"

The two of them took a cold breath, and their hearts were shocked!

Jiang Tian, ​​the outer disciple of the late stage of the Chongyang Realm, actually won the first name of the Zongmen Huiwu!

The two looked at each other with immense regret in their hearts.

If you knew Jiang Tian's identity and knew he had such a feat, you wouldn't dare to provoke them if you dare to use them!

It's better now. Not only did he offend this promising new genius, but Huang Yu was also taken aback, not to mention too much anger in his heart.

"Huh! Zong Hai, He Tong, you two have become so prestigious after months of not seeing you two. Fortunately, we have known each other a long time ago. Otherwise, maybe I will be beaten out of the Secret Hall by you!"

Xuan Peng smiled strangely and took the opportunity to tease.

"Hehe, these two guys are really stupid! Since Junior Brother Jiang can go up to the second floor of the Secret Method Hall, it was naturally approved by the elders, so don't your minds turn so much?"

Mu Yun's face was sullen and coldly scolded.

Huang Yu said angrily: "What are you two **** stunned, why don't you kowtow to Junior Brother Jiang to apologize?"

"This..." Upon hearing this, the tall disciple looked upset and seemed hesitant.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you apologize and want to fight?" The short disciple next to him didn't dare to delay any more, quietly pulling his arm and winking.

The tall disciple's face collapsed, and he shook his head and sighed. He was about to kowtow to Jiang Tian with the short disciple.

"No need! Brother Huang, since the misunderstanding is resolved, there is no need to embarrass them anymore. All disciples of the inner sect will inevitably have to deal with them in the future. There is no need to be so serious."

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, waved his hand and said.

Hearing this, Zong Hai and He Tong immediately felt relieved, and they wanted to get up.

"No!" Huang Yu shouted in a deep anger, kicking them back again.

"Junior Brother Jiang, they offend you because they have no eyes, so you can't just let it go!"

"..." Seeing that the other party was reluctant, Jiang Tian couldn't help smiling helplessly.

If you let someone who doesn't know it, you think that the offended person is not Jiang Tian, ​​but Huang Yu!

"You two, don't you kowtow?" Huang Yu yelled sharply, and the cold light in his eyes flickered, scaring the two red-robed disciples to kneel and kowtow, constantly apologizing for their crimes, and groaning in their hearts.

"Zong Hai has eyes but no beads and is offensive, and I ask Master Jiang to forgive me a lot!"

"Ah...I just came out today after a few months of retreat. I haven't heard the news of the Sect Huiwu. I offended Junior Brother Jiang by not being aware of it. Please forgive me!"

The two knelt down, shaking their heads.

"It's alright, Brother Huang, forget it, just treat me as a face, don't worry about them!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled and patted Huang Yu on the shoulder.

He knew that there was actually a reason why the other party was so eager to stand for him.

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