Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1335: Need for Baodan

With no one on the left or right, Elder Meng was not polite, stretched out his hand to pull the other's wide sleeves, and directly pulled her into the secret room.

Yu Chunrou looked annoyed, and although she scolded her mouth softly, she didn't really refuse the other party's pull.


After the two entered the secret room, Elder Meng immediately closed Shimen.

"Elder Meng, can you tell me what kind of pill now?" Yu Chunrou said angrily in the dark secret room.

Elder Meng made a move with his right hand and grabbed a simple pill box: "Of course! Elder Yu, please see!"


The pill box was opened by him, and Yu Chunrou looked intently, and saw a dark red pill in the box, exuding an extremely strong smell of medicine, which made people feel refreshed.

But in an instant, she noticed something wrong. After the fragrance of the medicine entered her nose, her bloodline was agitated, and the spiritual energy all over her body accelerated. In a short period of time, her body was already a little hot!

"Hi! What kind of pill is this? You..." Yu Chunrou's face was slightly startled, and she stared at her with big eyes.

Elder Meng shook his head and smiled, nothing unusual, but his smile became a little wretched.

"Hehehe! Elder Yu may have heard of it. This pill is called Lingyun Pill. It is an extremely rare top-grade treasure pill. For warriors of yours and me, it has a powerful nourishing effect. In a short period of time, the bloodline spiritual power will increase by more than 30%!"

"What? It turned out to be a nearly lost Lingyun Pill!" Yu Chunrou was shocked when she heard this, but her expression became a little complicated.

She had heard the name of Lingyun Pill, and had seen it in some ancient books.

This kind of pill is overbearing, but it is said to be extremely difficult to refine. Even if it is successfully refined, the cost is extremely high, and ordinary alchemists will not easily try it.

However, once it is refined, the value of this pill is quite high, and it will immediately become a popular item on the market!

"Huh! Is this only one?" Yu Chunrou suppressed the shock in her heart, looked carefully at the pill box, and found that there was only such a pill in it.

"It's a coincidence to get one of this kind of medicine. Where can Mengmou dare to expect too much?" Elder Meng nodded slowly, looking at Yu Chunrou and said with a smile.

"Huh! Then what do you tell me to come here for? Aren't you just drinking tea and chatting?" Yu Chunrou's face was dark, rather annoyed.

There is only one pill. Doesn't it mean that the Meng elders don't use it, but give it to her?

No matter how you look at it, this possibility is unlikely!

Although the other party seemed to have other thoughts, it seemed a bit exaggerated to exchange such an elixir, which was simply unreasonable.

The more Yu Chunrou thought about it, the more annoyed she became, and she couldn't help glaring at each other, her face gradually sinking.

Elder Meng looked calm and calm, and was not surprised by her reaction.

"Hey, Elder Yu only knows one thing but not the other!"

"What do you mean?" Yu Chunrou frowned.

"The effects of Lingyun Pill are overbearing, but the medicinal properties are too special. Some swords go lopsided. It will inevitably be a bit difficult for a person to refining alone, and will pay a certain price!" Elder Meng nodded slowly, thoughtfully Said.

"So what? Just because of these, you will give me this pill?" Yu Chunrou sneered coldly, a little disdain flashed in her eyes.

"of course not!"

"Isn't that right?" Yu Chunrou flicked her long sleeves before leaving the secret room with anger.

Is the surname Meng looking for her in a hurry, just to show off this pill and to get a dip in her advantage?

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Even though Yu Chunrou is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she still has a little bottom line, so she naturally wouldn't do stupid things like giving away for nothing.

Elder Meng grabbed her and almost staggered.

Yu Chunrou waved her hand in anger and wanted to break free, but she didn't want her palm to be held tightly by the opponent!

"You...what do you want to do?" Yu Chunrou's face sank, a few cold lights flashed between her eyebrows, and her body suddenly became fierce.

Elder Meng smiled, although he didn't let go of the opponent's palm, he didn't make any more movements.

"Elder Yu don't want to be nervous, our cultivation bases are similar. Even if the old man wants to trick you, it's not that easy. What are you worried about?"

The corners of Yu Chunrou's mouth twitched, knowing that this was the truth, and gradually let go of her guard, but her face was still very ugly.

She was really annoyed by her surname Meng.

This is simply not a way of hospitality, on the contrary, it has been leading her by the nose, which is really annoying!

"Let's talk, what are your plans?" Yu Chunrou took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Hey, listen to me!" Elder Meng nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

"Elder Yu obviously doesn't know much about Lingyun Pill. Although this pill is domineering, it is also very powerful. It is difficult to suppress it by refining alone. However, according to some secret records, there are some special methods that can perfectly avoid this. This kind of backlash can even increase the efficacy of this pill a lot!"

"What? This happened!" Yu Chunrou was taken aback when she heard the words, her eyes flashed, frowning and thinking.

"Yes! If you are lucky, you can even increase the effectiveness of this pill by about 10%!" Elder Meng nodded and said without hesitation.

"What is the method?" Yu Chunrou's eyes lit up, surprised.

The effect of Lingyun Pill is already quite powerful, if it can be improved by 10%, it is a bit exaggerated!

"This method is... hehe!" Elder Meng paused, took a deep breath, and said with a weird smile: "Find a martial artist with a similar cultivation level, and double cultivation!"

"Double... double repair?" Yu Chunrou flashed a different color in her eyes, and finally understood the other party's plan.

Although she was not a fuel-efficient lamp, she was still agitated when she heard what the other party said, and a blush suddenly appeared on her rather beautiful face.

"This... ahem!"

"Haha! Elder Yu is also sensible. I don't have to say anything about the rest, right?" Elder Meng held a winning posture, but one hand was still grasping the opponent's palm and never let go.

Seeing that Yu Chunrou seemed to be a little bit coy, he said in a deep voice: "The use of the technique of double cultivation to refine this pill is not as powerful as one person taking it, but with the increase of about 10%, on average, you and I can each improve by two. This kind of psychic power was obtained by accident when I was out in the early years. It was a coincidence and a coincidence, perhaps this is the so-called providence! Elder Yu, such a beautiful thing... hehe, Why don't you do it?"

"Don't talk nonsense! What is it, why not do it?" Upon hearing this, Yu Chunrou gave Elder Meng an angry look, but her mind fluttered, she was already greatly moved.

It only takes a small price to get a spiritual increase of 20% or even higher. For a warrior of their level, there is indeed no small temptation.

Yu Chunrou thought silently, and subconsciously glanced at Elder Meng, with a faint look of disgust in her eyes.


At this moment, the already dim light in the secret room suddenly went out completely!

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