Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1336: Reactions from all sides

"What...what are you going to do?" Yu Chunrou let out a soft cry, her voice trembling slightly.

"Hahahaha! Elder Yu is a sensible person. Since he has agreed to the old man, it shouldn't be too late. Let's not waste time. Let's start refining Lingyun Pill as soon as possible!"

"Who...who promised you? Hmm..." Yu Chunrou let out an annoyed scolding, but her voice suddenly weakened.

The secret room fell into a moment of silence after a very messy sound, but it didn't take long before there was a roar of spiritual power, accompanied by the low roar of Elder Meng and the sound of Yu Chunrou's exclaim!

"Sigh! The medicinal power of Lingyun Pill is so strong?"

"How about it, Meng did not disappoint Elder Yu? Hahahaha!"

"Wait! What do you think about Jiang Tian? I think you have a deep conflict with him, I'm afraid..."

"Huh! Don't you think it's too disappointing to mention what that Luo did at this moment?" Elder Meng's voice fell cold, greatly annoyed.

Yu Chunrou smiled coldly: "Hmph! He has entered the cold cave retreat, and his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. Maybe he is no worse than you and me now!"

"Huh! Do you think Meng is a fool? It is precisely because of such considerations that I rushed to find you to refine the Lingyun Pill!"

"Gluck! Is that right?"

"Huh! Don't be wordy, don't be distracted now!"

Elder Meng yelled, and severely interrupted Yu Chunrou's words. After a rumbling roar, there was another presumptuous smile in the secret room.


In recent days, all kinds of news about the Azure Cloud Sect's Huiwu have spread quickly in the surrounding martial arts circles.

Although Chu Tianhua had warned the entire clan to prohibit the disclosure of any information about the martial arts of the sect, this edict is actually more like a declaration of attitude, and has no practical significance.

There are many elders in the Azure Cloud Sect, and there are more than tens of thousands of disciples. In addition, some expatriate disciples who have been stationed and moved around all the year round, how frequent news exchanges can be said, such as the sect Huiwu, etc. May block the news?

After hearing these news, many big and small forces were very surprised, and their reactions were also different.

It is hard for them to believe that a junior in the late stage of Chongyang Realm can actually get the first name of Azure Cloud Sect Huiwu!

This situation does it mean that the Azure Cloud Sect is becoming more and more declining, or that the junior of the Climbing Sun realm is really against the sky, or the luck is added, and many good players have gone against the trend to win the championship?

Suddenly, speculations arose from the surrounding martial arts forces, and even some exaggerated talks.

Some people say that this is a genius disciple secretly cultivated by a certain powerful elder of the sect, in order to make a blockbuster in this martial arts meeting!

Some people say that this is a genius seedling cultivated secretly by the Azure Cloud Zong, and the goal is to point to the Canglan Nation Martial Arts Conference in 2017.

Some people even said that this is a smoke bomb carefully concocted by the senior officials of the Azure Cloud Sect to hide the true strength of the Sect.

But many people feel that things are not as mysterious as the outside world.

The fundamental reason for this situation is that the Azure Cloud Sect's overall level is declining, the reserve talents are out of gear, and the disciples are not as good as the generations, and this is the ridiculous "feat" of the outer disciples sweeping the whole area!

In fact, the Azure Cloud Sect has been in a weak position among the three sects of the Canglan Kingdom for several hundred years.

Today, this decline seems to be more obvious!

Especially after the news of this meeting of martial arts spread, many martial arts forces that were originally hostile felt that the Azure Cloud Sect was accelerating its decline, and it was getting worse.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will be driven down from the throne of the three major sects by a few strong forces behind them, and even replaced!

Of course, the vast majority of martial arts forces treat this matter with the intention of watching fun or watching jokes, but a few forces are completely different.

They didn't pay much attention to Azure Cloud Sect's Huiwu at first, but once the news spread, their nerves suddenly became tense.

These forces are the Xun family, the Ba family, and the Tao family, the three famous martial arts families around Cangjing!


In the discussion hall of the Tao family, the Xun family head and several family elders gathered here to discuss family affairs.

As soon as the news of the Azure Cloud Sect's meeting of martial arts came, the atmosphere in the hall changed, and it became much dull and depressed.

"Patriarch, it seems that Jiang Tian is really not easy. In order to prevent any unexpected changes, do the two elders sent by us first let them return to the family and make a decision after the discussion?" A white-haired elder pondered. For a moment, frowned and said, a little worry flashed in his eyes.

The Tao Family Patriarch, the white-robed, black-haired old man sitting above shouted angrily, and a furious murderous intent spread all over his body!

"Unreasonable! A little Azure Cloud Sect disciple scared you like this?"

The rage of anger reverberated in the hall, causing all the elders to frown, their faces became very ugly, and the atmosphere in the hall could not help but become more dull and suppressed.

Seeing that the Patriarch's reaction was so strong, everyone looked at each other and was silent.

There is no doubt that at this time, if anyone says something that is unacceptable, he will definitely be angry or even scolded.

"Huh! We sent all the powerful experts in the late Profound Moon Realm, and there are more than one. Are we afraid that a small Chongyang Realm disciple will fail?"

The Patriarch of the Xun family scolded angrily with a manic expression on his face.

Everyone frowned, not daring to say anything to refute.

"Why don't you talk? Don't you have a lot of ideas on weekdays?" The black-haired old man scolded angrily, scanning the crowd coldly.

Several elders grumbled in their hearts, and after looking at each other for a while, they squeezed out a few awkward smiles.

"Ah, Patriarch calms down! It's all the old man confused, thinking that no matter how powerful he is, no matter how powerful he is, he can't escape under the hands of two Profound Moon Realm powerhouses?" The white-haired elder smiled awkwardly. He suppressed the doubts in his heart and said against his will.

"Yes! The great elder is indeed too worried, but after all, as the elder of the family, you should think more about your brothers. It is not incomprehensible that you want to come to the Patriarch, as long as there are too many things recently and the sadness is excessive!" The clever person took the opportunity to resolve the embarrassing atmosphere and attracted the admiring eyes of the white-haired elder.

When the other elders saw that the atmosphere had changed, they immediately became unwilling to show weakness.

"Ah! In my opinion, the Azure Cloud Sect disciples are really inferior to one generation. If nothing else, just say Jiang Tian can get the title of martial leader. Although he must have taken advantage of a lot of loopholes to win, but from this One thing can also be seen, the overall strength of Azure Cloud Sect is really farther and farther away from Tianluo and Jinyuan Sect!"

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